Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 80 A Surprising New Talisman

Chapter 80 A Surprising New Talisman

Mo Fei had noticed one thing before, the drawing of meta-talisman must be uniform and coherent, once there is a pause in the middle or the speed is different, the drawn meta-symbol will either not appear at all, or it will be useless.

Therefore, in order to save breath, Mo Fei always draws after practicing proficiency, because every time she draws a talisman, she needs to recover for a week at the current level in her body, and it took even longer for the second level of the foundation before, almost taking nearly about a month.

After drawing out the Yuan Talisman smoothly, Mo Fei felt the Yuan Talisman gently fall into his hand.

Murphy injected some of his Qi into it, so that Murphy could fully feel the attributes of the talisman.

To Murphy's surprise, it was actually a storage talisman.

But besides the surprise, Mo Fei also had a little regret. This storage talisman can only be stored for one month, that is to say, once it expires, all the contents inside will fall out.

It was only then that Mo Fei understood that when the talisman introduced this talisman, it was suggested to draw it after breaking through the basics. Probably, the storage talisman after breaking through the basics and then drawing it would not be invalid, but that is still very long, and it takes five years to practice The base layer can only be broken through after the layer.

However, Murphy still thinks this storage talisman is very useful, and he doesn't have to worry about losing many things in the future.

Regardless of the time limit, Murphy sealed the storage talisman on his arm, and then the storage talisman disappeared in his hand.

"Try the effect first." Murphy was a little excited, this is something in legends!

Although the talisman in front of him was the most precious thing, Mo Fei didn't dare to try it randomly. He first found a small bottle and held it in his hand, then tried to put it away, but the bottle didn't move at all.

"Huh? The usage is wrong?" Mo Fei thought for a while, grabbed the bottle and stuffed it into the place where the storage talisman was sealed on his arm, and the bottle disappeared into Murphy's arm out of thin air.

"Ha! I don't know if it's that simple to take it out." Thinking about it, Mo Fei reached out to his arm, and his hand penetrated into his arm strangely, and then he touched the bottle just now.

Pull the bottle out and the bottle is intact.

"I don't know if I put it in and it will fall out by itself." Mo Fei stuffed the bottle in again while talking to himself.

He shook his arm vigorously and bumped it again, but the bottle didn't come out.

Mo Fei reached into the arm that had sealed the storage talisman again, and pulled out a bottle from it.

"Success!" Murphy exclaimed in surprise.

After trying several times, Murphy concluded that this storage talisman has a lot of space, but it is very convenient that what you want will appear in the first one you touch.

And the things put in will not be affected no matter how they are moved outside.

With this, Mo Fei felt more at ease, and put his talisman, identity card, key and other things into it.

"By the way, the food in the back of the car." Murphy hurriedly ran out of the garage again, stuffing the food and water inside.

In the past few days, Gao Qing moved back a lot of food, ranging from rice noodles to snacks, so his car had long been unable to fit in it. Mo Fei originally wanted to give up some, so it seemed that he could still pack some more.

Early the next morning, Murphy used a unique method to light up the high-rise villa diagonally opposite from the window.

Gao Qing saw Murphy's signal and ran towards Murphy's villa.

"Murphy, is something wrong?" Gao Qing shouted when he came over.

"Haha, Uncle Gao, I cleaned out a lot of debris from the back of my car, and I can put things again." Murphy said, leading Gao Qing to the garage.

"Well, it can indeed hold a lot of things. Well, I'll bring the car over, and you can pour some into your car. I'll go out later and bring back some more things." Because I'm leaving, I always bring more Some things are better.

"Okay Uncle Gao, we may leave tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, take as much as you can, there is nothing we can do if we can't take it away."

Gao Qing nodded to Murphy, and then ran out again.

After driving the car over, Mo Fei conveniently put away some canned meat while moving things from the car to his car.

Rice and noodles are relatively common, so they will not be passive when entering and leaving the base, but canned meat is hard to say. Then Mo Fei thought of what happened when he first went to Cang base, so he specially collected some things that were hard to get outside. up.

At noon, Gao Qing brought another cart of things over. Mo Fei cooked the food and ate it with Gao Qing. Then in the afternoon, while tidying up, Mo Fei put it into the storage talisman. Unexpectedly, she actually collected a lot.

Coupled with the things stuffed in Gao Qing's car and Mo Fei's own car, this trip was a rewarding one.

"Uncle Gao, is there more of that stuff?" During dinner, Murphy asked Gao Qing.

"It's nothing. I brought back almost everything I could eat, and I also took a lot of daily necessities."

"Then have a good rest tonight, we will leave early tomorrow morning."

Gao Qing nodded, he lived alone before, but he really wanted to leave home, Gao Qing was really reluctant.

After dinner, Gao Qing said goodbye to Mo Fei and returned to his home.

The two agreed to set off at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, so that they could go to Nanshi, where Cang base was located, to rest at noon.

Murphy was still a little excited until she went to bed. This talisman brought her a much bigger surprise than the defensive talisman, although the defensive talisman did help her a lot.

"I don't know what surprises there will be in the future." Murphy muttered and fell into a dream.

When Mo Fei woke up the next morning, Gao Qing had already driven the car to her house.

After breakfast, the two of them got into the car separately.

"Murphy, I will use the car to help you block the zombies here, you rush out, and I will chase your car later." Gao Qing looked outside, although there were not many, but it was definitely not enough for two people to finish the fight. said the zombie.

Mo Fei nodded. These days, she also killed some zombies near her gate, and earned some merit points and Mo Jing. Murphy will also have this kind of hunting recorder and Mo Jing when she enters the base. Gao Qing spoke.

However, there are still a lot of zombies, and some zombies were brought back because of the noise of Gao Qing's car, so now he can only rush out with Gao Qing's special skills.

Gao Qing got into the car first, and the zombies wandered around without paying attention.

Afterwards, Gao Qing drove the zombie away, and Mo Fei started the car and rushed out quickly.

This time, she didn't forget to lock the door.Feeling that his home was getting farther and farther away from him, Murphy couldn't help but look back again.

Seeing Murphy's car driving out, Gao Qing followed up.

It wasn't until the two of them left the villa area and got on the road that they completely shook off the zombies.

Murphy switched the car to automatic mode, and then pressed the window: "Uncle Gao, has your car set a route? But take a short drive."

Gao Qing's car was a relatively large commercial car, and older men began to like the heaviness, so compared with his car, Murphy's car looked like a child's toy.

Gao Qing looked down at Murphy who called himself: "It's been set up long ago, you should be more careful on the road, I'm looking at your car!" Gao Qing has no children, has been busy with his career all his life, and has not yet married in his 40s After a few days of contact, I feel that Murphy is like a daughter, so he speaks more gently.

"It's okay, Uncle Gao, you can see that I can come back by myself."

After the two exchanged a few words, they walked along the road, and Murphy took out her books to read again.

She felt that she was more serious about studying now than when she was in school. Since the end of the world, Mo Fei felt that she had been absorbing knowledge like a sponge, and this knowledge evaporated in her body very quickly.

Murphy, who is about to return to the star base, is in a very good mood now. Not to mention meeting an uncle with special skills, there is still a lot of food in the back of his car, and there is also a lot of food in the storage amulet, which will not be used for a long time Worried about eating.

The car continued to drive, but gradually zombies appeared on the road, but there were not many zombies. The car's evasion system accurately bypassed these zombies. Murphy would not delay the trip for such a little merit.

The distance from the city in Nancheng was getting closer and closer, and the number of zombies gradually increased.

However, these zombies are very few compared to the many zombies in the city.

Neither Murphy nor Gao Qing stopped, and continued to drive forward while eating lunch in the car, but the swaying zombies behind Murphy's car always followed at a distance.

Another row of zombies appeared on the road ahead. Murphy looked at it and couldn't dodge it. After switching to manual driving, he slammed the car fiercely at the zombies in front.

With the sound of "bang", Mo Fei only felt his car shake violently, and after sliding for a while, the speed gradually slowed down.And the corpse of the zombie fell violently from the high place that was knocked up.

Gao Qing drove up quickly and shook his head at Mo Fei: "I didn't expect you to be quite violent, don't hit your little car in the future, and if it breaks up again, just leave it to Uncle Gao. "

"I see, Uncle Gao, it's fine." Murphy smiled back at Gao Qing, then switched to the automatic driving mode and leaned back on the car seat leisurely.

The road after that was fairly calm. Murphy and Gao Qing found a place to stay at around 4:[-] pm, because it would take a long time to drive forward before there would be a city. In order to avoid going forward at night, Mo Fei Just found a place.

Because Gao Qing would not be attacked by zombies, he took the initiative to go out to check, and after confirming that the surrounding area was safe, he stayed.

The two cleaned up two rooms in a house, cooked something casually in the evening to fill their stomachs, and Murphy went back to the room to rest.

While sleeping in a daze at night, Mo Fei suddenly heard a rustling sound.

Mo Fei, who was always vigilant, sat up, held the Suying gun beside the bed in his hand, and then tiptoed towards the door.

(End of this chapter)

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