Chapter 81

After Mo Fei got up with the plain gun, he tiptoed to the door and put his ear on the door.

There was obviously noise outside, and Murphy boldly opened the door a crack.

Looking outside, I saw the bright moonlight outside, and the light shone through the window into the living room, so it was not dark at all.

In the living room, a man's figure was looking left and right, pacing back and forth from time to time.

Murphy could tell that the figure was Gao Qing.

What is he doing in the middle of the night?Murphy was suspicious and kept quiet, watching Gao Qing's next move carefully.

After watching for a while, Mo Fei suddenly realized that this Gao Qing was actually standing guard, looking at the window by himself, changing directions from time to time.

Mo Fei naturally knew Gao Qing's special skills. He was absolutely safe even if he fell into the pile of zombies, so he must be on duty for him.

For this man who was older than his father, Murphy was a little moved.It's really rare to be able to do these things when they are just neighbors.

At this moment, Gao Qing's foot suddenly kicked the foot of the tea table and made a noise, he stopped quickly to stabilize himself, but it was not difficult to see a trace of pain on his face.

Mo Fei opened the door, pretending not to know, and shouted outside: "Is it Uncle Gao, why are you still awake so late?"

"Ah, Murphy, did I disturb you?" When Gao Qing saw Murphy came out, he was annoyed that he accidentally kicked the table leg just now.

"Uncle Gao, you don't want to go to the star base, do you? It's fine, don't worry."

"Yeah, go to sleep, I'll be asleep soon." Gao Qing didn't deny it, and motioned Mo Fei to rest.

"Uncle Gao, we have to walk for a few days to reach the star base. If you don't take a good rest, it will be bad if there is an emergency. You should go to sleep. We have checked the surroundings and everything will be fine."

Only then did Gao Qing nod his head, rubbed his slightly cold hands and returned to the room.

When dawn dawned, Mo Fei opened the window. It was early spring, and snowflakes started falling outside.

It didn't even fall last night, but the snow-white area is so beautiful!

The roofs, treetops and ground are all white.The sun shines on the snow-white area, and the white snow is a little dazzling.

"No wonder it felt so cold last night. It turned out to be snowing." Murphy muttered involuntarily, and the words came out of his mouth, turning into a wisp of white smoke that drifted away.

Murphy closed the window and put on his coat.

But no one expected that what this white and holy snow brought would be an aggravated disaster.

Pushing the door open, Mo Fei heard the rustling sound at the door, looked up and saw that Gao Qing was sweeping the snow off the car with a broom.

"Good morning, Uncle Gao." Looking at Gao Qing's back, Mo Fei couldn't help thinking of his childhood.

Because of the abnormal weather, it rarely snows, and the beautiful snow scene seems to be seen only in the paintings and written descriptions left by the ancients.

And every snowfall seems to bring some big or small snow disasters, but this does not prevent Murphy from liking it.It was the same at that time. After the snow fell, my father did not ask the servants to help, but cleaned the snow at the door himself. Murphy would also help with a small shovel.

So when he saw Gao Qing's figure, Murphy suddenly had a kind feeling.

"Murphy got up, and cleaned the snow around the car, and the car will be easier to drive in a while."

"I'll help." Murphy opened his eyes and took a broom from the side.

"Then you come, I'll cook breakfast." Gao Qing smiled, he felt that since he came out of the villa area with Mo Fei, his smile was more than before the end of the world.

"Okay, make sure you finish the task before the rice is cooked." Murphy's hearty smile also infected Gao Qing, he put down the broom in his hand, and then walked inside.

The two of them set out on the road again after breakfast, and set the route to the star base.

After another section of the road, there were several cars parked in random places on the road, and a group of people surrounded by a group of zombies in front.

Murphy didn't intend to intervene, because judging from the appearance of these people, it should be inevitable, and going now would be tantamount to stealing their merit points.

After the team finished killing the zombies, they also found the two cars behind them. Seeing that no one got off from the two cars, they knew that they were not going to grab merit points, so they didn't say anything, put away the merit points and Mo Jing, Push away the zombie corpses on the road, then drive forward.

I don't know if they are also going to the star base. In short, they are going in the same direction as Murphy and the others. Murphy didn't speed up to catch up. It would be better if someone opened the way.

After walking for a while, this place is close to the urban area, so there are more zombies, several times more than before.The car in front stopped again. There are too many zombies here, but this is the only way to go to the star base from here, and the other one needs to go around for three days.

The hacking continued again, but this time there were too many zombies, and they couldn't handle it.

Mo Fei got out of the car with his plain gun, and motioned Gao Qing to stay in the car, and take care of his car by the way.

The Suying Spear didn't have any tricks, and stabbed straight at a zombie in front, hitting the center of the zombie's eyebrows.

The people in that team looked at the girl who was neither tall nor strong in front of them in surprise, but the slashing in their hands didn't stop because of Murphy's appearance, but worked harder because of the help.

Zombies are not rare, so it will take a long time to eliminate them.The Suying spear in Murphy's hand kept stabbing out. Fortunately, she was already at the third level of the basic level, and she would not feel tired so easily. Therefore, as the protracted battle progressed, Murphy became the best fighter here. people.

Zombies became rarer and rarer, and someone shouted: You can collect merit points soon!The guy suddenly became enthusiastic again.

When he stabbed the last zombie to death, Mo Fei used his hunting recorder to collect merit points and black crystals.

Seeing that Murphy didn't accept him harshly, the people in that team didn't say much when they thought of Murphy's performance just now.

Murphy didn't charge too much, so he stood up and walked towards his car when he felt that it was almost done.

In that team, a good-looking man and a beautiful woman, who seemed to be lovers, walked towards Murphy.

"Hello, we are from the Huanfeng Hunting Team. Are you interested in joining our team? Oh, and your father can also join us." The man came over and asked with a smile.

"I already have a team, so I'm sorry." After speaking, Murphy smiled back at the couple.

"That's it, that's a pity, but are you going to the star base?" The man continued to ask without giving up.

Murphy nodded.

"Great, we are also going to the star base, so let's go together, and we can have a care."

Murphy looked at the people in the team. All the people fighting outside were men. There were a few girls who were supernatural beings helping outside. In the rest of the car, there were many girls and even eleven or twelve-year-old girls.

Seeing this, Murphy felt that this team seemed to be okay, and would not specifically ask the girls to come out to fight and protect the weaker groups in the car, so he agreed.

After that, the road went smoothly, and in the evening, we came to a suburb of the city.

I found a house facing the street here, and then the team, including Murphy and Gao Qing, all walked in.

After cleaning up, he started cooking. Mo Fei refused and said he had brought some, so he and Gao Qing ate something alone.

When he was sleeping at night, the man who was not bad came to Murphy's room specially to ask if there was anything Murphy needed, and they could provide it.Murphy shook his head and said that there was nothing to use, and the man left resentfully.

Just when he lay down and fell asleep in a daze, Mo Fei suddenly heard a woman's scream, and then there was a "dong dong dong" crash from the next door.

Mo Fei was already a light sleeper, so he thought something happened and hurriedly sat up, but after listening carefully, Mo Fei could hear the voice next door clearly.

It was obviously the voice of a man and a woman loving each other, and Mo Fei even vaguely heard the voice of a childish child.

"This time I was really wrong." Murphy frowned, but he couldn't go to other places so late, so he tried to lie down on the bed and covered his head with the quilt.

Waking up early in the morning, there was a knock on the door of Murphy's room. Murphy opened the door with a plain gun in his hand, only to find that it was Gao Qing.

"Uncle Gao." Murphy smiled at Gao Qing and called out in a low voice.

Gao Qing nodded, and motioned to Murphy to silence.

It's not that he didn't hear the voice last night, so he came to Mo Fei early in the morning, wanting to tell Mo Fei to leave early with him. After all, there are a lot of people in this team. If the women in the car were raised by them for entertainment, Gao Qing I think it is safer to take Murphy to the star base alone.

Even if there were a large number of zombies, he felt that he could drag the zombies away and let Murphy escape smoothly, so he couldn't let Murphy continue to go with these dangerous men.

Since the team mistook themselves for Murphy's father yesterday, and Murphy didn't explain, Gao Qing really felt that Murphy was his daughter.

"Murphy, put away your things, let's leave early." Gao Qing said to Murphy without further explanation.

Murphy didn't want to stay in the first place, if it wasn't for the inconvenience of leaving last night, he might have left long ago.Gao Qing's words were naturally similar to her thoughts, even if Gao Qing didn't come to find her in the morning, she would probably go to Gao Qing and tell her to leave first.

Without saying a word, Mo Fei put away his things, put on his coat again, and then walked downstairs with Gao Qing with his things.

"Dear Miss Mo, where are you father and daughter going this early in the morning?" Before Mo Fei and Gao Qing went downstairs, the not-so-good-looking man leaned on the stairs and asked Mo Fei.

Those people mistook Gao Qing for Mo Fei's father yesterday, and Mo Fei didn't explain much. The man only knew that Mo Fei's surname was Mo, so he called her Miss Mo.

"Naturally, we're going to the star base. We both think of something urgent so we won't disturb you." Gao Qing pulled Mo Fei to his side and said to the man.

"Old guy, no one asked you." The man suddenly changed his face, and rushed to Murphy in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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