Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 85 The Tired Woman

Chapter 85 The Tired Woman
When Mo Fei woke up, he found that he was in Lei Sen's residence. He hurriedly got up and tidied his clothes.

Looking around, Lei Sen was not there, and he was the only one in the huge room.

"Captain Lei, are you there?" Murphy shouted towards the inner suite.

Murphy remembered that there was a small apartment inside, and Lei Sen had gone into it to get something before.

However, after shouting for a long time, no one responded, so Murphy was sure that he was the only one.

Looking at the sky outside the window, fortunately it's not too late.

Just when Murphy was about to return to the sofa from the window, the door was pushed open, and Lei Sen walked in with his expression still on his face.

"Captain Lei, I'm sorry, I fell asleep just now, so what do you want to ask me?" Seeing Lei Sen coming in, Murphy hurriedly asked, and she was planning to go back early.

Originally, he thought about it well, and after he came in, he asked Murphy if he had any problems with that person before, and then asked if he had discovered the special mech, but after being robbed by Murphy, Lei Sen was silent for a while.

Lei Sen didn't speak, but Murphy became nervous instead.

Could it be that he found something wrong with him, or did he investigate something?
Lei Sen was silent for a while, then asked, "You don't seem to have accepted any missions recently, did you pay attention to what I said last time?"

"Captain Lei, the mecha is so big, it shouldn't be easy to hide it! But I really haven't found the special mecha you described, and even the ordinary mecha I've seen up close is only your silver wings. "Murphy replied quickly in one breath.

"Forget it, you go back!" Lei Sen waved his hand at Murphy, indicating that Murphy could leave.

Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, then reached for his plain gun and backpack.

"That's right." Seeing that Murphy was about to leave, Lei Sen somehow stopped Murphy again.

Murphy paused, then turned around: "Captain Lei, is there anything else?"

"If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, you can directly contact the 001 base patrol. Don't do anything in the base, you will be punished." Lei Sen didn't look at Murphy, just said.

"I see, thank you very much for your rescue today." After finishing speaking, Murphy walked towards the gate.

"If you find anything, let me know in time." After Mo Fei stepped out of the door with one foot, Lei Sen's cold words came from behind him.

"Okay." Murphy responded and left the room.

When the door was closed, besides Mo Fei, Lei Sen in the room also seemed to breathe a sigh of relief for some reason.

Murphy went downstairs quickly, and drove his car out of the star circle.

"Fifth, just sent a message over there, saying that Murphy has left Lei Sen's residence." When Murphy left, Man Chengbin also reported to Xiao Minyu in Xiao Minyu's residence.

"Well, I see." Xiao Minyu closed his eyes and didn't move.

"not going?"

"I'm not going." Xiao Minyu still didn't move, but opened those eyes that charmed all living beings.He missed the opportunity today, and there is no way to make up for it at this time.

Thinking of the previous scenes, Xiao Minyu rubbed his eyebrows: "In the past few days, you remember to arrange tasks for that Gu Huaiyuan every day. I'll go to have a rest, so don't call me for dinner."

Xiao Minyu got up and left after confessing.

Murphy finally returned to the ordinary small house in the Hailan District of the Star People's Circle where he lived. Although it was ordinary, compared with the luxurious Star Heart Circle just now, Murphy felt that it was more at ease here.

I tidied up a little and was about to cook when I suddenly heard some noise outside.

Mo Fei hurried to the door and opened the door of his own room. Just as he saw Yulin, a beautiful neighbor next to him, was about to close the door.

"Sister Yulin!" Mo Fei shouted happily when he saw Yulin again.

"Feifei, you're finally back. When did you come back?" Yulin who heard the voice hurriedly reopened the door that was about to close, looked at Mo Fei with a smile on her face, but she couldn't resist the tired look on Yulin's face.

"I just came back for a while. When I came back, I knocked on your door and no one opened it, so I paid special attention to the movement outside the door, and ran out as soon as I heard me."

"I just came back from a mission. Do you need anything urgently? If not, I'll help you tidy it up tomorrow. Since you just came back today, let's go. I made a lot of money from this mission. My sister invites you to dinner." Yulin Smiling and reaching out to Murphy.

But Mo Fei could see that Yulin looked very tired, and hurriedly waved her hand: "No, sister Yulin, you should take a good rest when you come back, and have dinner together at noon tomorrow, I will do it, this time I will bring it back A lot of delicious food."

Yulin understood Murphy's kindness, and smiled: "Okay then, you just got back and rest early, and see you at noon tomorrow." After speaking, Yulin turned around and closed the door gently.

Murphy returned to his room, cooked some food, took some food from his storage amulet to eat by himself, and chose some food to pack in bags for Yulin tomorrow.

After eating enough, Mo Fei walked around a bit and then sat down to practice Qi. After this upgrade, he was able to draw a storage talisman, which made Mo Fei more aware of the importance of talismans.

But if you want to draw more talismans, you need a little bit of foundation, so Mo Fei must seize every possible opportunity to practice Qi now.

After practicing Qi, Murphy took a shower and lay down on the bed that had been made: "It's comfortable, it's so comfortable to lie on." Murphy muttered to himself.

Now there are not many merit points left on Murphy. Although he has no worries about food recently, he still has to buy vegetables from time to time. The renewal of his rent this time and the initial vegetables after Gao Qing came out of the monitoring room the day after tomorrow Money must be left over.

It seems that tomorrow I have to get up early to take on a few small tasks to earn some meritorious service. No matter what time it is, this money is the most unavoidable thing to spend.

But now the most important task is to rest first, and there is no way to cope with changing tasks without good physical strength.

After yawning, Murphy quickly fell asleep. The sleep time passed quickly, and before he knew it, it was another morning.

The sun shone into the room, caressing Mo Fei's cheeks warmly. I don't know if it was because of the solid sleep that Mo Fei, who was lying on the bed, still had a smile on his mouth.

Sensing a ray of light, Mo Fei slowly opened his eyes and saw that the sky was already bright, so he got up.

After tidying up my things a bit, I headed out.

Because he and Yulin had made an appointment to have dinner together at noon, Mo Fei was going to take on a small task and go out in the afternoon and come back in the evening.

When we arrived at the task acceptance area, since there were not many people who came to pick up the task early in the morning, when Mo Fei was hovering in front of the window to choose the task, a staff member inside looked at Mo Fei with a smile: "Little girl, do you want to pick up the task?" What task?"

Murphy thought for a while and replied: "I want to take on a simpler task, and it would be nice if I could go back and forth in one afternoon."

"Choose from these tasks!" The staff quickly called out several tasks.

Murphy glanced at these tasks briefly, most of them were tasks such as killing zombies and collecting resources.One of the tasks requires some special parts of the zombies to be tested. Because of the need to maintain freshness, there is a time limit and must be sent back within the specified time.

Since many teams don't want to toss back and forth when setting out a mission, although this mission is simple, its reward is relatively higher than other missions.

Mo Fei pointed to the task and said to the staff: "Please, I will choose this task."

The female staff member nodded, and handed back Murphy's ID card after recording the task selected by Mo Fei: "Okay, your task has been recorded, try to come back and hand it in as soon as possible, because there is still a delivery Go to the experimental area."

Mo Fei nodded, then turned around and went to the vegetable section to buy some green leafy vegetables, and walked to his residence in the Hailan District with his things.

After returning, Murphy soaked the vegetables in water first, then checked the time and practiced for a while before getting up.

Just when he was about to take the vegetables out of the water, his door rang.

Mo Fei wiped the water off his hands and walked to the door: "Who is it?"

"Feifei." Yulin's clear voice sounded from the door.

"Sister Yulin!" Mo Fei answered and opened the door.

In the meantime, Yulin held a lot of vegetables in her hand and raised her arm towards Mo Fei.

"Sister Yulin, have you bought vegetables too? I bought some when I came back in the morning." Seeing that Yulin had bought a lot of vegetables, Murphy said hastily.

"Go, go to my side, my kitchen is bigger than yours." After Yulin finished speaking, she turned and walked straight to her house.

"The vegetables I bought have been soaked in water, so I'll bring them here." Mo Fei didn't say much, and walked from the kitchen to Yulin's house with her vegetable basin and the green leafy vegetables in the basin.

In the end, the food was ready, but there were still a lot of uncooked dishes left, so the two made an appointment to have dinner together.

Because each of them took on different tasks in the afternoon, the two of them chatted about the recent situation after eating, and then they were ready to go to the task.

"By the way, Feifei, do you have any wine?" Yulin asked suddenly when Mo Fei was about to go back.

"Well, this time I came back with a lot of wine, what's the matter?"

"Give me some tonight, and I'll tell you later." Yulin's eyes darkened for a moment, then she said.

Mo Fei nodded: "Understood, Sister Yulin, then be careful when you go on missions."

"You too."

Murphy returned home, packed some things to bring, and went downstairs to his car.

When driving the car to the outer city gate, Mo Fei saw Gu Huaiyuan's car parked at the door, so Mo Fei didn't drive forward until Gu Huaiyuan's car got out and waited for a while, then Mo Fei drove his own car. The car drove towards the gate.

After leaving the city gate, because there was no designated location for this mission, Mo Fei used the surrounding map to find the location where the wasteland was opened up last time and drove there.For one thing, Mo Fei knew that there was a C3 there once, and these days, C3 is not a place where stones can be seen everywhere, and the chances of reappearing after it has been out will be even smaller, and Mo Fei is very interested in the soil quality there last time.

At the same time that Murphy was heading towards the land reclamation location, another group of people were also heading in that direction.

(End of this chapter)

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