Chapter 86
Murphy drove all the way in the direction of the wasteland.

The zombies outside were almost cleaned up, so the car drove forward smoothly.

Since there are specifications for obtaining the parts of the zombies, they must be complete and must be from different zombies, so it is still a bit difficult to get them together.

Although there were many zombies wandering around along the way, because of the time limit, Murphy didn't stop the car, but passed through these zombies and continued on.

Finally came to the land reclamation site. The area in front of this place has been cleared up, but there are still many zombies in the depths, and because of the mountain barrier, there are not many zombies coming every time. It is very suitable for Murphy to do it alone. Task.

After easily finishing off the ordinary C zombies in front of him, Mo Fei collected the smoky crystals and merit points, put on disposable gloves, and selected complete zombies to cut.

Some complete parts of the zombie have been cut and put into a well-sealed task bag as specified. Since the time limit is still long, Murphy is not in a hurry, and the most difficult thing is to get a complete head of a C zombie .

This requires tricks and many necessary conditions, for example, this C zombie is alone, and the head of this C zombie must be intact. The position of the neck is cut off, and then the head of the zombie, which may still be alive, is obtained.

These can only be done slowly. Even though Murphy is now very proficient at killing zombies, even compared to the number of kills by some teams, this matter is still relatively difficult and dangerous.

Probably this is one of the reasons why this task is simple but the reward is relatively high!
"Pfft." Another zombie fell to the ground. Because of the angle, this zombie still couldn't find a chance to cut off its head at once, so it could only be stabbed to death.

Just as Murphy gradually moved away from the car and walked deeper, a group of zombies appeared from behind a hill, and one of them was a C2 zombie.

When Murphy noticed the problem behind him, the C2 zombie was already very close to Murphy.

If Murphy were to face five C1 zombies at the same time, the current Murphy would be able to withstand it, but facing the oversized C2 zombies, Murphy was still a little helpless.

At this time, there is no possibility of rushing back into the car to escape, not to mention that I am far away from the car, and there are many C zombies and C1 zombies around the car.

There was no other way, Murphy could only bite the bullet and raised the Suying gun, and first stabbed at the C1 zombie who was already close to him.

Murphy's Qi training time is not short, so whether it is speed or strength, Murphy's stab is obviously much stronger than before.

The Suying spear accurately pierced the C1 zombie's forehead.

However, the C2 zombies also followed, attacking Murphy fiercely. Although Murphy was sealed with a defensive talisman, he did not dare to face the giant C2 zombies. Live back again and again.

If you don't summon the mecha, you will definitely lose the battle. Remind the huge C2 zombie, Murphy thought about summoning his own mecha, but the C2 zombie didn't give her this chance at all, and rushed towards Murphy waving two huge arms .

Not daring to hesitate, Mo Fei hurriedly dodged to the side, narrowly dodging the blow from the C2 zombie, but was surrounded by the approaching ordinary C zombie.

But Murphy suddenly heard the sound of a car, and now it was really calling or not calling.Just when Murphy was in a dilemma, a purple light belt flew behind him.

The purple light band accurately hit the head of a zombie next to Murphy. With a "cracking" sound, Murphy smelled a scorching smell.

But now is not the time to be disgusted, Mo Fei took the opportunity to quickly swing the Suying spear, and distanced the surrounding zombies from his body.

"Hoo!" The purple light band drew over again, and at the same time, a mass of burning flames and a few cold ice knives pierced into the heads of the surrounding zombies one after another.

With support, Murphy had time to look up at the person coming.

Unexpectedly, what I got was two beautiful women waving frequently: "Murphy, we meet again!"

One of the beautiful women was not idle while waving, and the purple light band in her hand waved again.

Mo Fei curled his lips, he really didn't meet each other anywhere in life, he smiled at the two beautiful women, and swung the Suying gun in his hand again.

"I'll carry the front, help me clean up the zombies around C." A thin man held a big iron bar that was completely incompatible with himself, and pushed the zombie forward vigorously.

And another of the beautiful women who waved with Murphy before had already quickly ran towards the C2 zombies.

This team is none other than the famous "Spark Squad" that Cang Ji once tried to persuade Murphy to join.

Only now did Murphy understand how their team's rare ability Qu Yingluo got the title of "Electric Queen".

Qu Yingluo's electric ability is not that kind of electric ball, but a long purple whip that is connected in series. When it is swung, it has a bit of momentum, just like a queen whipping a slave.

The C2 zombies are C2 zombies after all, even though Team Spark has outstanding abilities, they are still struggling.

Fortunately, their team's speed mutator Li Lin, another beautiful woman in the team, is fast enough to attract the attention of giant zombies, and has the power mutator Wang Dali to stop the surrounding C zombies and C1 zombies. He is also helping to clean up the surrounding zombies, which allows the team's supernatural beings to attack the C2 zombies with confidence.

Because of the size, strong defense and speed of the C2 zombies, many attacks cannot hit the same position. In the end, there are three long-range attack-type superpowers: Sun Qiaofeng, the leader of the fire department, and Qu Yingluo, the queen of lightning. Attacked the same deadly point with the silent ice-type man Zhang Lekun, and only then did the C2 zombies get rid of them.

When the huge body of the C2 zombie crashed to the ground, Li Lin, the speed mutant who could no longer run, completely ignored the image of the beauty, and sat down on the ground at once. In the end, it was the power mutant Wang Dali who carried the speed beauty back.

"Murphy, we are so destined to meet again, congratulations on surviving the catastrophe. How is it? You must join our team this time, right?" Qu Yingluo had long heard that Murphy disappeared during the Cang Base mission. Yes, and later the entire Lightspeed team left Cang base because of some things, and it was a long time regretful that Murphy died because of such an inexplicable death.

"When I heard that you died, I was still sad for a long time. It's great that you escaped, but I heard that the people in the Lightspeed team left because of things, and it seems that they didn't come to the star base. Now you have no excuse. Let's go!" Qu Yingluo spoke quickly, and said to herself.

Murphy smiled, and then asked, "You guys came out to do the mission?"

"No, we came out for a picnic. I saw this C2 from a long distance, and you were the only one we saw, so we came here to hunt monsters! I didn't expect it to be you."

"Actually, I just accepted a small task, and unfortunately I met this C2. Fortunately, you found it, otherwise I might not be able to escape today." Murphy pointed to the giant C2 zombie on the ground and said.

"This C2 belongs to us. You have been killing those little zombies here for so long. If it weren't for C2, you wouldn't be in such a mess. We don't want the meritorious service. Can you give us the black crystal of the C1 zombie?" Qu Yingluo looked. Asked after touching the corpses of zombies on the ground.

Murphy didn't speak, and made a gesture of invitation with a smile, then turned out the hunting recorder in his hand, and stabbed at the zombie little by little.

"I just like such a straightforward girl, who is not pretentious at all." Qu Yingluo hurried over and began to rummage through the corpse of C1 zombies to dig out Mo Jing.

Because there were a lot of zombie corpses, it took Murphy and the Spark team a long time to collect them.

"Haha, I'm so lucky. I didn't expect to earn so much black crystals from the picnic. The most important thing is the purple black crystals with C2 zombies." Qu Yingluo seemed very satisfied with this.

After Mo Fei finished collecting, he nodded to the members of Team Spark: "Thank you for your help this time, then I will go back and hand in the task. My task this time is time-limited."

"Murphy, think about it again. I think we cooperated very well just now. Our team has one less melee attacker. If you think about it, come to the Xingxin Circle and Galaxy District to find us." Qu Yingluo still did not give up. Shouted to Murphy.

"Okay, if I want to join the team, I will definitely think of you first." Mo Fei waved at Qu Yingluo. She didn't hate the people in this team, but she was still not suitable for group activities at the moment.

"You said it, see you next time!"

"Well, have a nice picnic."

Sun Qiaofeng, the captain of Team Spark, never spoke, but when they were parting, he looked back at Murphy before leaving.Murphy didn't know what the look meant, but Murphy didn't feel any malice, so he left it alone.

After seeing Team Spark off, Murphy shook off the filthy things on his body before getting in the car and driving back to the base.

Back at the task reception area at the base, Murphy handed in the task, received his reward and was about to leave.

But I found that many people gathered in front of the mission prompt board. Looking up, a special mission reminder appeared on the special mission board.

Murphy knew that the rewards for special missions were high, so he stopped to read the mission introduction carefully.

After seeing the task prompt, Murphy felt that the task was too simple to say the least, but it was also very difficult to say that it was difficult.

However, there is no time limit for this task, only a quantity limit, so after thinking about it, Murphy decided to accept this task, and there would be no penalty if he could not finish it anyway.

It is estimated that there are still many people who think this way, so the special task receiving window at this time is already full of people.

Murphy walked over in a hurry, and only some people saw it now, and there will definitely be people who heard about the special mission and came to claim it.

Because Murphy stood in time, it was Murphy's turn after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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