Chapter 87
After receiving the special task, Murphy returned to his residence in Hailan District.

After knocking on the door of Yulin's house, it seemed that Yulin hadn't come back, so Mo Fei opened the door and went home.

By the time Yulin came back, Murphy had already practiced the basics for two laps.

After hearing the knock on the door, Murphy followed Yulin to her house with wine in hand.

"Sister Yulin, what mission are you going to do today? I've been back a long time ago. I saw you had a rest before you came back." Murphy put the wine on the table and said to Yulin.

"It's a small task, and it was delayed by other things." Yulin said with a sigh.

"Are you all right, sister Yulin? Are you tired? I'll make it today, and you can try my handicrafts too." The few times we ate together at Yulin's house, Mo Fei always helped, and then cleaned up the dishes after eating. Yulin is the chef.

Probably because she was really tired, Yulin nodded without refusing: "Then I'll cut the vegetables for you and take a shower, and I'll leave the cooking."

"No problem, Miss Yulin." Murphy patted his chest, and then started to work.

Yulin cut some difficult-to-cut vegetables and put them on a plate, then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Mo Fei was also quick. Yulin was clearing the table after taking a shower, and Mo Fei quickly cooked the dishes.

When the food was put on the table, Yulin had already opened a beer and drank there alone, but the food on the table did not move a single chopstick.

"Sister Yulin, don't drink on an empty stomach, come and eat." Mo Fei pushed the rice bowl in front of Yulin.

"Feifei, I met him again today, when I was handing in the task." Yulin put down the wine in her hand and said to Murphy.

Mo Fei slightly recalled what Yulin had said to him before, and asked, "Sister Yulin, is that the man you said was in your team and taught you how to start the car with the wiring?"

"Yes, he is a mechanical genius, but his identity seems to be a mystery. He always has a lot of special things to do, but he used to treat me so tenderly..." Yulin's eyes were a little blurred, as if through the Void saw the image of the man.

"Sister Yulin..." Murphy didn't know how to persuade Yulin. Murphy still couldn't figure out how that man treated Yulin.

"Feifei, didn't you ask me last time why I paid so much for that knife? That knife belongs to him, and he used it before." Yulin didn't stop because of Murphy's exit, and continued to face the air Then, he picked up the wine and poured it into his mouth.

Mo Fei was a little anxious, snatched the wine, and grabbed Yulin's shoulders with both hands: "Sister Yulin, wake up, since he is so kind to you, why does he hide from you, why doesn't he even look at you? Don't deceive yourself OK?"

After being shaken by Mo Fei like this, Yulin seemed to recover, and looked at Mo Fei.

After being silent for a long time, Yulin finally cried out with a "wow": "Feifei, he said he didn't like me, he was just my former teammate, he said that it should be friendly to the team, but he didn't expect to make me misunderstand Yes, he said that later..."

Yulin was so choked up that she couldn't speak anymore, her shoulders kept shaking.

Mo Fei reached out and patted Yulin: "Sister Yulin, cry hard and forget about him, at least he didn't let you live with illusions, but told you clearly, sister Yulin, you should end this lovesickness generously. "

Comforting Yulin, Mo Fei couldn't help but think of Gu Huaiyuan who he met when he came back yesterday.No matter how sad Yulin was, at least that man didn't drag Yulin down because of Yulin's beauty, making Yulin immersed in ambiguity, but that scumbag Gu Huaiyuan, thinking of Gu Huaiyuan's behavior back then, made Murphy feel sick.

Where did I have my eyes on him before?Mo Fei shook his head, and took Yulin's handbag from the side.

"Sister Yulin, come and wipe away your tears and let's have dinner, don't think about these unpleasant things. How about the end of the world? How about no men? We still live well."

Yulin nodded: "It feels much better to tell you." She took the bag that Mo Fei handed over, took out her handkerchief from it, and took out the sky-high priced golden knife.

"Feifei, this knife is for you."

Yulin stuffed the knife into Murphy's hand at once.

"No, I can't take this. Let's not say that this is your souvenir, but the price of this knife is too outrageous." Murphy returned the knife to Yulin.

"What's wrong, last time you even gave me that blue third-level ink crystal, that's far more than the price of this knife, and if I didn't add his value to this knife, how could it be possible?" It’s so expensive, just treat it as an ordinary weapon I gave you.”

"No..." Mo Fei was about to refuse again, when Yulin put on a straight face.

"Feifei, you should just help Sister Yulin forget about that man, this knife is so expensive, I am not willing to throw it away, but you should also know the saying of seeing things and thinking about others, so you should do a good deed for me .”

Seeing that Yulin had said this, Mo Fei no longer refused, and stuffed the golden knife into the left boot, because the right boot had already stuffed a short dagger.

"Now we can eat, it's all my fault, the food is a little cold." Yulin looked at Murphy apologetically.

"This temperature is just right for eating. Besides, we still have wine, but sister Yulin, you can't drink any more." Mo Fei smiled, and then the two of them ate in big mouthfuls.

After eating, Yulin helped Mo Fei clean up the table and said, "Feifei, when I came back to hand in the task today, I saw many people receiving special tasks, but I think that kind of task can only be accepted by chance." Yes, but I am interested in another task, I think it is a bit difficult to do it alone, do you want us to go together tomorrow?"

When Mo Fei went to return the mission today, he only accepted special missions, and didn’t accept other missions if he didn’t find any suitable ones. Hearing Yulin’s words, he couldn’t help but nodded: “That’s a good relationship, then we’ll go pick it up early tomorrow and go straight out.”

After the two finished packing and agreed on a time, Murphy went home.

"Huh? Uncle Gao didn't seem to come to me." Mo Fei didn't remember Gao Qing until she lay down, but she only gave Gao Qing his address and didn't have a way to contact Gao Qing. Thinking of going out tomorrow morning, she closed her eyes and fell asleep up.

The next morning, Murphy had just changed his clothes when the door rang.Mo Fei hurriedly opened the door, and Yulin came in with a large bowl of steaming rice cereal.

"Hurry up and eat. Let's pick up the mission after eating. The mission reward is good. It was newly released yesterday. And there is a quota limit. Let's get it early so that we don't get caught up." Yulin put down the bowl and urged.

Mo Fei finished eating the rice cereal in a hurry, and the two of them went out to the task reception area.

The two came early, and there were only staff on duty at the task reception desk.The on-duty personnel are only responsible for receiving the returned tasks, not for issuing tasks, unless there are special urgent tasks that will be issued on behalf of them.

Murphy and Yulin waited for a while before receiving the task.

It turned out that this was a mission to explore a mountainous area. That mountainous area seemed to be very special, and the surrounding environment could not be detected.

But this mountain area is very close to the star base. If it can be developed, the planting area of ​​the star base may be expanded, especially with natural barriers. As long as some more protective walls are built, it will definitely be a very suitable area for large-scale experimental planting.

"Let's go, Feifei, we'll still drive my car." After accepting the task, Yulin dragged Mo Fei all the way to her car.

After the two walked out of the outermost gate of the star base, they set their positions and drove towards the mission location.

Murphy leaned on the back of the seat and looked out. There were quite a lot of people along the way.Judging from the direction, they should all be doing this new mission.

The rewards of this mission are indeed rich, in addition to merit points, vegetables are also rewarded, and there are actually two blue second-level ink crystals and two catties of meat.

You know, you may be able to earn other things if you work hard, but this meat is really hard to eat, so this task is really rewarding.

However, Mo Fei felt that this task was not as simple as imagined. Just going deep into the center of the valley to collect soil and plant specimens was so much reward?There must be danger, but I don't know the coefficient of this danger.

"Feifei, what are you thinking? By the way, did I forget to ask you to bring a tent? I'm afraid we won't be able to make it back tonight." Yulin saw that there were so many people around in one direction, and it was not their turn to clean up the zombies on the road. So I set automatic driving and leaned on the back of the seat myself.

"Sister Yulin, I don't think this mission is easy." Murphy said what was on his mind.

"I also know this, otherwise it would be impossible for the reward to be so high, but I think that if the reward is so good this time, there will definitely be many people who will do it, especially because there is a time limit, so there must be a lot of people who will do this task today and tomorrow , we can just finish it by the way." Yulin also told Murphy her thoughts.

"Oh, so that's the case, it's because of your thoughtfulness, Sister Yulin."

"After a lot of experience, you will understand these characteristics. Otherwise, you would think how I, an ordinary ice-type supernatural being, can survive until now." Yulin didn't think so, and said handsomely, shaking her hair.

The two talked and laughed, but the road didn't feel boring.

"Feifei, there is a car parked in front of it. It is probably the intersection into the mountain area. I heard that the entrance is not too wide and only two cars can walk side by side. The narrow place can only pass one by one." Yulin pointed out. Pointing to the front said.

"Well, but we have to be careful when entering the mountainous area. After all, there will be nothing to say in the mountainous area."

After Murphy finished speaking, his eyes fell on the car waiting to enter.

Looking back, they saw that there were many cars behind their car, which were considered to be in the middle and rear.

After finally reaching the entrance of the mountain, Mo Fei felt that it was a bit strange.

It's not that I haven't driven to the mountains before, but the entrance of the mountain is just a road, but there may be one or two sides of the mountain, but the entrance here is a dark cave.

The whole cave was pitch-black, like a monster with its mouth open.

"Sister Yulin, I always feel uneasy. Are we really going in?" Murphy said, looking at Yulin.

"It's okay. I have walked this road before. Although the cave is a bit long, the scenery is very beautiful after passing this section. Don't worry, let's go!"

While Yulin comforted Murphy, she pulled the control lever, and the car started following the car in front, heading towards the dark cave entrance.

 Xiaoxiao's birthday is today, I wish myself a happy birthday, and I wish everyone the same happiness! ~(≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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