Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 88 The Rich Small Valley

Chapter 88 The Rich Small Valley
Murphy felt the light gradually disappear, as if he and the whole car were swallowed into the stomach of a monster.

Yulin has already turned on the headlights, because there are cars in the front and rear, so the headlights are only on the low beam.

The cave seemed very wide, and the walls on both sides could not be seen even when the lights were turned on, which made Murphy feel very uneasy.

Probably feeling that Murphy was a little nervous, Yulin smiled and said, "Feifei, this is the first time I've seen you so restless."

When Yulin smiled, Mo Fei patted her head in embarrassment: "Actually, I'm a little afraid of the dark, especially in strange places."

"It doesn't matter, there used to be lights in the cave here, but now there is no one to supply electricity, but there are so many people, why are you afraid."

Fortunately, although this period of darkness seemed to be much longer than ordinary caves, it did not last long.

Not long after, the front of the car has seen light.

"We're going out of the tunnel right away. You close your eyes for a while, so you don't get used to the sudden light." After Yulin finished speaking, she also closed her eyes.

Feeling the car exiting the tunnel, Murphy slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Murphy was unconsciously attracted by the scenery in front of him.

This place is like a paradise. Below the road they are walking on is a winding and downward mountain road. From a distance, there are hills that are not too high but are layered.

Although winter is almost over now, the freezing weather does not make people feel a hint of spring.

But here you can already see the fresh green.

"Isn't it? I just said that the scenery here is good, and it won't be terrible."

When Murphy was sighing at the scenery in front of him, Yulin smiled and said to Murphy.

"I used to play here before the end of the world, but it was spring when I went out for an outing. The air here is much better than that of the city. Although the sky here was not so clear at the time, it was not so depressing and breathless. I didn't expect the sky to be blue. After that, the scenery here is still so good." Looking at the scenery in front of her, Yulin couldn't help recalling the past.

Murphy nodded and pushed down the window at the same time.

A fresh smell drifted into the car window. Although there was still some cold wind mixed in, it did not affect Murphy's mood.

Just as the entire convoy was driving towards the center of the mountain in an orderly manner, there was a sudden "boom" from the rear, followed by a burst of dust.

Almost all the people in the convoy heard the loud noise, and the cars stopped one after another.

Mo Fei also looked back, and saw that after a cloud of dust floated behind him, a section of the road was completely blocked by boulders rolling down from the mountain.

"The road is blocked."

"Is it a landslide?"

"It's not like that. When I walked by just now, it was obviously fine over there."

Many people have already got out of the car, discussing one after another.

"It seems that it can't be opened for a while. The front ones get up first, and when they finish the task, they push this thing down together." The team behind checked and found that no one was injured, so they shouted at the front car.

The car started up again and drove towards a deeper place.

Soon, after exiting this winding mountain road, the road became wider, and besides the main road, there were many forks.

The convoy dispersed at once, and each team set off in their chosen direction to search for the soil and plants for this mission.

"Feifei, there's a small road over there that I think is very suitable for the two of us. Their brigade is going to the big branch road, so let's go this way!" Yulin poked Murphy with her finger, and pointed to a road that stretched into the forest ahead. Said a path that is not too obvious.

Mo Fei glanced around. Most of the larger teams walked towards the center of the valley, and some of them went around. This forest is indeed only suitable for a few people to move.

Because this mission is a collection type, and the rewards are based on the number and type of collection, so the number of people from each team is not small, and only Murphy and Yulin are counted to act alone.

"Okay, let's go over there." Murphy nodded.

When Yulin heard Murphy's response, she pulled the control lever in her hand, and the car drove towards the small road.

It was very quiet in the woods, only the sound of wheels pressing down on the fallen leaves and branches on the road.

"I have walked this road before. According to the local guide at the time, there are almost no wild animals here because of human development, so even if there are, there should not be a large number of them. We can go with confidence." Yu As Lin spoke, she was actually explaining to Murphy why she chose this path.

"Fortunately, Sister Yulin, you have been here, otherwise I really wouldn't dare to walk this quiet path."

The two drove in all the way, found a slightly empty place and parked the car. There were plants all around, and the soil was covered with a thick layer of dead leaves. The soil below the leaves is obviously very fertile.

"Sister Yulin, take this." Mo Fei pretended to rummage through the bag, but actually found two small shovels for planting flowers from the storage amulet.

Yulin took the shovel and gave Mo Fei a thumbs-up with a smile: "Yes, Feifei, the tool belt is quite complete."

The two took the shovels and began to dig the soil, and put the soil into the task distribution container.

After collecting some soil, Mo Fei and Yulin put the soil into the car, locked the car and walked further inside.

"Sister Yulin, there are many plants down there, we can get some samples of each species." After Mo Fei and Yu Lin walked for a while, Mo Fei pointed to a small valley below a ramp and said .

"It's a bit steep here, it's not easy for us to go down!" Yulin looked at the steep slope and was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. I have a power rope for rock climbing here. I'll find a place to fix it later. The safety factor will be much higher in this way." Murphy said as he took it out of his bag.These are some supply stores that I met on the road when I came back from home last time. Murphy collected some spares by the way.

"Feifei, your bag has turned into a magic pocket, why does it have everything!" Yulin looked at Murphy's not-so-bulky backpack in surprise.

"Hey, because you may encounter things like climbing over walls or climbing when doing tasks, so I prepared a little bit." Mo Fei explained to Yulin with a smile, without stopping in his hands, he had already tied the rope it is good.

After pulling hard, it felt quite strong, and Mo Fei took the lead in gripping the rope and sliding down the steep slope.

After falling to a relatively flat place, Murphy stopped, raised his head and shouted loudly, "Sister Yulin, come down quickly! Be careful yourself."

"Okay!" Yulin looked down, then pulled up the rope, and slid down along it.

Just as Murphy and Yulin went down to the small valley and walked in, the people who came in from the base were severely attacked on the main road leading outside.

Mo Fei brushed away the grass in front of him. There were so many types of plants around here, and the two of them soon filled up the big bag they brought.

"Feifei, the two of us will definitely get a lot of rewards for this mission." Yulin raised her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the back of her hand, with a bright smile on her beautiful face.

"Yes, Sister Yulin, thanks to you being here before, but we can only come here. There are too many people and the path in front is not easy at all." Murphy replied after cutting off another branch.

The two walked in all the way, because the species were not interspersed with each other, they were all piece by piece, so the two followed in and walked to the other side of the valley without knowing it.

"Feifei, what kind of plant do you see over there?"

Along the way, Yulin was surprised to find that Murphy was very familiar with plants, and he could even say a thing or two about many plants that he had never seen before.

"Huh? Huh? No way!" Murphy looked in the direction of Yulin's finger, and exclaimed in disbelief.

This made Yulin even more curious: "Feifei, what is that?"

Only then did Mo Fei turn his head excitedly, took Yulin's arm and replied, "Sister Yulin, that one looks like the long-extinct Cyphila spinulosa, although it grows quite tall, it is a fern plant. Plants were already endangered and protected plants in ancient times, and they have been extinct for a long time, I didn't expect... No, this must be collected, and I have to keep a copy for myself. "

Influenced by his father since he was a child, Murphy's love for plants is definitely no less than cold weapons, so seeing such a rare species, Murphy dragged his bag and ran forward.

"Feifei, slow down, wait for me!" Seeing Murphy running towards the front, Yulin hurriedly followed with her bag.

The two came to this tall Cymbidium spinosa one after the other.

Mo Fei first shoveled some soil with a shovel, then dug out some roots, and peeled off a little bit of bark, but the only way to collect branches and leaves was to climb trees.

"Sister Yulin, you wait below, I'll go up to pick the branches and leaves." Mo Fei said as he pulled out two more rubber straps, tightened his hands and feet on the trunk, and climbed up like a bug.

"Feifei, be careful." Yulin raised her head to look up, for fear that Mo Fei would accidentally fall down. You must know that the tree looks to be at least seven meters high.

Murphy climbed up carefully, but not slowly.

Seeing the vibrant branches and leaves in front of him, Murphy consolidated a section further up.

Place your body among the branches and leaves, and the sunlight penetrates through the gaps in the leaves that are not yet lush.

Mo Fei first picked a section and put it into the storage talisman, and then chopped off two branches and leaves.

Sitting obliquely on a thick fork, Mo Fei put away the cut branches and leaves, turned around and slid down towards the original place.

It was not so easy to get down, and it took Murphy a long time to get back under the tree.

"Sister Yulin, this time I think we can not only hand in the task, but also receive special rewards." Mo Fei shook the branches and leaves in his hand and said to Yulin.

"We've picked enough, but it's getting late now. We'd better find a place to rest. There's nothing left after walking here for a long time. I think it's relatively safe. Why don't we go find a cave!"

 The wind is very strong today, but Kesu is not cool either, and it is still so hot even after the beginning of autumn.Liqiu, tell me what prestige you still have in the 24 solar terms in the future, whether it should be cool or not, how can you be worthy of the big heat and the small heat?

(End of this chapter)

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