Chapter 89
Yulin looked around, and then pointed to a deeper place: "I checked on the way here before, and there is no particularly suitable place, why don't you go a little further in now, if you still don't find it, we can go back here to take a ride." tent."

"Okay! Sister Yulin is more familiar with you here, so I'll just listen to your arrangements." Murphy responded.At this time, her thoughts were all on the special plants here, and Murphy, who was not picky about this kind of thing, didn't have any objections. What's more, Yulin was indeed more familiar with her here.

The two continued to walk in, and they could already vaguely see the edge of the small valley.

"Let's go back. We've already reached the mountain wall, and we haven't found any particularly suitable places along the way." Yulin stopped with her hips on her hips, and spoke to Mo Fei after she got her breath.

Murphy jumped onto a big rock next to him, looked around for the final confirmation.

"Sister Yulin, there seems to be a hole over there, but it's blocked by plants, so I can't see it very clearly." Mo Fei stopped suddenly, and after observing carefully in one direction for a while, he pointed at Yulin and pointed at the front. A location on the rocky walls of the valley.

"Really? It would be best if there is a cave." Yulin stepped on the rock, held Mo Fei's arm with one hand, and stood on the big rock with her strength.

Following the location Mophy pointed out, the two of them saw a relatively good cave that seemed to be covered up.If it weren't for the good weather and high visibility, I might not have noticed it.

"This location is good, let's go there." Yulin said as she jumped down and walked forward first.

Murphy also hurriedly picked up his backpack from the rock and chased forward.

It was so easy to find out because they were not far away, so the two of them came to the cave without walking for a long time.

"It seems very deep here!" Yulin shone a light with a light tube.

This seemed to be a very large cave, and Mo Fei and Yulin were not sure if it would lead to other places, but the outermost cave was really suitable for two people to camp.The entrance to this cave is small, but the inside is very spacious.

"Sister Yulin, let's make the entrance of the cave smaller with stones. After we finish eating, we just need to leave a place where the air can circulate. It will be more concealed." Mo Fei said after measuring the entrance of the cave, which is not too big.

"The two of us want to go together, so let's cook! Eat and rest early, and tomorrow morning we will collect some plant samples and go back the same way."

Taking out food from the backpack, the two of them filled their stomachs and then started to set up the tent.

Mo Fei naturally brought the one-button inflatable tent, which was quite wide inside, so Mo Fei didn't ask Yulin to set up her old-fashioned tent again.

While waiting for the tent to inflate slowly, Yulin had already heated up the ice-thawed water, and the two of them took turns washing in a slightly inner place.

"Rest early, we will return to the base early tomorrow." Yulin got into the tent to rest after washing.

"Sister Yulin, good night." Murphy said, and then prepared to extinguish the fire that boiled the water.

Just when Murphy was about to stamp out the last cluster of flames, he suddenly heard the sound of wind in the dark cave.

Is this cave really connected?Curious, Mo Fei picked up his plain gun from the side, and took the light tube to touch the depths of the darkness little by little.

Along the edge, Murphy probed in a little bit. The road inside became rougher and rougher. In Murphy's view, the walls inside did not look like they were formed by the heat, but actually more like rough man-made excavations. .

If it was excavated manually, then what is it used for here?

Murphy continued to walk in with doubts. Murphy found that the road was getting lower and lower, like going underground, but he could still feel the breeze, indicating that there was another place to communicate with the outside world. .

The road here is not straight. Although there is only one winding and long road, it gives Mo Fei the illusion that he is walking in a maze.

Go straight along this road, the further you go, the closer the wind will feel.

Just when Murphy seemed to be about to reach the wind, he suddenly found a big hole under his feet.

Mo Fei stopped carefully, and took a look inside with the light tube in his hand, and there were some familiar tools scattered randomly inside.

However, those tools are not complete. Judging from the rusty spots on them and the degree of corrosion, these tools should have been idle for too long.

It's obvious here, it's the same as the deserted underground mine that Murphy discovered before.

Holding the edge of the pit with a plain tassel gun, Murphy climbed down the same rusty ladder placed vertically on that side, but most of his strength was still used on the plain tassel gun, and Murphy did not intend to rely on it The old stuff goes down.

The tools below were thrown in a mess, and looking inside, most of the passages inside were buried by soil, but it was obvious that the existing passages were buried first.

I took a photo on the wall with a light tube. There are very obvious traces of artificial excavation here, but the fallen soil is more like an accident.

It seems that it was still working here before it was abandoned, but it should have encountered an accident such as a landslide.

Because it is obvious that there are some traces of excavation later in the passage that was mostly buried, and there are a few human bones.

Mo Fei took a general look, and there should be an urgent incident, so the people below dropped their tools and climbed up, but some people were buried here, and the later excavation should be to rescue, but unfortunately The accident happened again.

Murphy shone in with a light tube, making a rough judgment based on the situation in front of him.

Suddenly, while Mo Fei's light tube was sweeping back and forth, a flash of light dazzled his eyes.

Murphy quickly pointed the light tube in that direction, carefully looking at the item just now.

Murphy was surprised to find that there was a little object exposed in the place where the dust was buried. As Murphy's light passed, the object reflected a bright yellow light, which was a bit dazzling.

Using the Suying gun to push aside the two human bones in front, Mo Fei gently poked them with the Suying gun.

As the Suying gun poked a hard object, Murphy stuck the Suying gun into the soil, and then used the Suying gun to pry the thing out.

A lump of metal was dug out, and Murphy picked it up with his hands, but he was pleasantly surprised.

It is gold, and it is gold that has been smelted.

This should be an abandoned gold mine, and it should be mined and smelted together, but I don't know when a large-scale mining disaster occurred here, so it was abandoned here.

However, after many years of changes, the four walls inside have been compressed very firmly, but because this location is very hidden, it has not been opened again.

So, maybe there is a lot of gold in it that has been smelted or even not mined?While Murphy was thinking about it, he was also happy.

Metals in this era are scarce items, and although gold loses its original value due to the emergence of meritorious value in the later period, it is extremely scarce for oneself.

Most of the gold I collected before has been consumed. Whether my mecha is upgraded, repaired or added weapons, I need a lot of smoky crystal energy and gold. Recently, Mo Fei has continuously upgraded mechas and added weapons. Just stretched.

But now, what I see in front of me is such a big gold mine. If I mine it, I won't have to worry about gold in the future. What's more, I can refine the storage talisman now, and the amount I can carry every time is also very high, which can let me The mechs don't have to worry about growing up.

While thinking about it, Mo Fei dug out some of the tools he had collected before from the storage talisman. Although they were not complete, they were better than prying them with a plain gun.

Use a shovel and an ax to clean out the outer edge. While cleaning, Mo Fei dug out a lot of gold mixed in the soil from the soil.

Randomly knocking off the soil a little bit, Mo Fei directly put the gold into the storage talisman.

However, after clearing the hole less than 2 meters away, when Mo Fei raised his wrist to wipe his sweat, he realized that it was already very late.

"No, I have something to do tomorrow, and I have to return to the base to hand in the mission, so I'll come back here later." Murphy put away his things, and walked towards the exit with his plain gun again.

Climbing up the ladder, unexpectedly, suddenly his feet were empty, and Murphy fell back again.

Standing up and rubbing his painful buttocks, Mo Fei looked up and murmured, "It seems that I will find a suitable ladder to bring with me next time."

Relying on the plain spear, Murphy finally crawled out of the pit, but his body was already covered in dust.

After dusting off the dirt, Murphy looked back at the pothole, pushed down the broken ladder, and then quickly ran towards the hole above.

When Murphy was about to reach the entrance of the cave, he took off his coat and shook it vigorously. Murphy hung the coat outside the tent, and then sneaked in lightly.

"Feifei? You went out?" Yulin, who was sleeping lightly in the field, felt the tent shake, and opened one eye involuntarily.

"It's okay, Sister Yulin, I'll go to make it easier for you, let's continue to sleep."

"Hmm..." Yulin turned over and soon fell asleep again.

Murphy had been doing physical work just now, so he fell asleep soon after lying down.

At this time, outside the peaceful valley, the teams that came with Murphy and Yulin before were continuing to fight.

There was already a relatively strong team fighting back to the entrance of the tunnel, but because of the boulder that fell before, that team had to be distracted. Some members were cleaning up the fallen rock, while others continued to fight.

"Hurry up, the stone is about to be moved away, and the front ones need to be supported more."

Amidst the noisy sound, a loud roar came down from the mountain.

A gigantic object rushed down nimbly along the place where the boulder rolled down before, and the people in the small team who had seen a glimmer of light fell into desperation again.

 Probably Liqiu felt ashamed, it was finally cooler today, wow haha, my accusation has taken effect
(End of this chapter)

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