Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 90 The Tragedy Outside the Valley

Chapter 90 The Tragedy Outside the Valley
Waking up early in the morning, Mo Fei was gently pushed awake by Yulin.

"Morning, Sister Yulin." Opening her eyes slightly, Mo Fei greeted Yulin who woke her up.

"It's getting late, I've finished breakfast, get up quickly! We still have a lot of things to do today, and we'll try to get back to the base before evening." Yulin smiled and patted Murphy, and then got out of the tent.

Murphy raised his arm.

She dug the soil in the middle of the night last night. Although her physique has been extraordinary after Qi training, she still felt a little sore in her shoulders.

After getting up and getting dressed, Murphy got out of the tent for some activities, and then let off all the air in the tent and put it away.

After breakfast, Mo Fei and Yulin recited yesterday's results, and then walked to the last small area of ​​the small valley.

Turning around here, they didn't find any special plants. The two took a few more samples of the same plants, and then walked towards the direction of the valley.

"Sister Yulin, I don't know how much merit and meat the samples we collected can be exchanged for." Murphy and Yulin were talking as they walked back.

"I reckon that the merit value will definitely not be low. I'm not sure about the meat. After all, there is only a special area around the base that has been enclosed as a breeding farm, and people with supernatural abilities are often sent to check it. Once there are mutations or zombies All of them have to be processed, so it costs a lot of money, and it must be for the people in the Star Soul Circle and Star Heart Circle first, and it will be very difficult to get a part of this mission as a reward, so I won’t give a lot.”

Mo Fei nodded after listening to Yulin's words, but it's better to have something than nothing, even if it's less, at least you can cook something!Although they often buy fresh chicken and fish from the market and cook them back, pork, beef, mutton and other mammalian meats are hardly touched.

The two of them didn't bother with this problem, because when they came here yesterday, the surroundings had been checked very carefully, so the two of them hardly stopped along the way, and occasionally drank some water, just put their backpacks on the rocks or bushes and took a few sips before continuing. Walk.

In this way, the two of them walked for most of the day yesterday, and it was over soon.

"Sister Yulin, the front is where we came down yesterday. I'll go up first in a while. You tie the backpack and pull me up, and then you go up again." Mo Fei looked at the steep slope that came down yesterday, and divided the work with Yulin.

"Let me go up first, this backpack is also quite heavy."

"It's okay, sister Yulin, let alone you have to drive in a while, I'll be fine."

The two scrambled to go first, and finally, at Murphy's insistence, Yulin also considered that she would have to drive for a while before she could position and drive automatically, so she compromised.

Murphy dug out the climbing rope from the soil.

After getting down before, Murphy covered the rope with soil, so he found the stone that had been marked before, removed the stone that was pressing the rope, and shook off the soil on the rope.

"Sister Yulin, I'll go up first." Mo Fei tugged at the rope, which was still strong, and then turned to Yulin and shouted.

"Well, be careful."

Mo Fei took the rope and quickly climbed up. Because of the slope, the speed of climbing was still very fast.

"Sister Yulin, tie up the backpack and I'll drag it up."

After Mo Fei came up, he threw one end of the rope down, and then shouted at Yulin.

Yulin nodded, and tied the straps and ropes of the backpack.

"All right."

Hearing Yulin's prompt, Mo Fei dragged the backpack up.

Both backpacks were dragged up, and Mo Fei threw the rope down again: "Sister Yulin, be careful when climbing up, the soil is a little slippery." While throwing it down, Mo Fei reminded Yulin.

Yulin caught the thrown rope, gestured to Mo Fei that there was no problem, and then stepped on the slope with one foot.

However, Yulin did not have Murphy's good physique. With the strength of her hands alone, the soil under her feet really felt too loose.But Yulin is not in a hurry, she has her own advantages.Using the ice ability, Yulin actually made a little ice edge on the soil. With the help of the ice edge, Yulin climbed up to a high place like ice flowers growing under her feet.

Immediately reaching the edge, Murphy stretched out his hand and pulled Yulin up.

"Sister Yulin, your powers are so beautiful, those who don't know think it's a fairy coming down to earth." Mo Fei could see it most clearly from above. The beautiful ice flowers and Yu Lin's own beauty made Mo Fei amazed.

"It's just your sweet talk, okay, hurry to our car, we're going back." Yulin said as she picked up her backpack and carried it on her back.

Murphy put away the rope, picked up his backpack, and the two walked together to the place where their car was parked before.

Before he got close to the car, suddenly, Mo Fei felt that something seemed to be stepping on the thick fallen leaves in front of him and making a "rustling" sound.

After gesturing to Yulin for silence, Mo Fei tiptoed and moved forward a little bit.

Soon, the two approached the place where the sound was made. Murphy and Yulin hid behind a tree and looked out, only to see that there were quite a few zombies wandering outside, and a few of them were wandering around the door of the car they parked. Their cars were also covered in blood.

Murphy and Yulin looked at each other in horror, because they didn't know what happened last night. There was nothing here before, so how could there be so many zombies suddenly.

Although I don't know why there are so many zombies around the car, but the car still needs to be taken, otherwise it would be difficult to return to the base with two people walking alone.

Mo Fei nodded to Yulin. The two of them had fought together a few times, and they had also discussed in the chat before, if they were the only two of them fighting, would it be possible to cooperate with each other?

Yulin and Murphy separated behind the two trees. Immediately, Yulin gathered ice flowers in her hands and threw them at the nearest zombie.

The zombie was hit by the ice flower but it didn't die. It mechanically swayed towards this direction.

Just when the zombie stepped forward and suddenly found Murphy, Murphy, who was hiding behind the tree, raised his tasseled gun and stabbed the zombie at the vital point.

The two cooperated in this way to wipe out all the zombies that were closer to them, but the zombies behind were more concentrated, and there were no trees that could hide the two of them, so going forward was a risk.

Mo Fei picked up the ink crystals on the heads of the fallen zombies with the tassel spear, but unfortunately most of them were missing, so he could only get a part of the merit points.

Because the attack method was different going forward, Murphy quickly dodged behind the tree where Yulin was hiding to discuss the next move.

"Sister Yulin, these zombies seem to have just been formed, most of them don't have black crystals, and judging from the integrity of the clothes on these zombies, I suspect that these zombies may be the team members who came together yesterday." Murphy lowered his voice. The voice said in Yulin's ear.

Yulin also nodded: "I also felt that there was a problem just now. I don't know what happened outside, but without a car, it is very difficult for us to escape."

"Sister Yulin, we can only rush. There are many zombies on the right. I will run to the right first, and you will be responsible for the remaining ones on the left. Then you rush over and drive, and I will chase you." After taking a rough look, Murphy said to Yulin.

"Okay, but you have to be careful." At present, there is no better way, and Yulin didn't say much, just holding Mo Fei's arm tightly.

Mo Fei nodded, put the plain gun on his back, and then quickly rushed towards the zombies gathered on the right side of the forest.

Yulin saw that Murphy rushed out, and some zombies on the left also followed Murphy to the right, Yulin didn't waste much time, and quickly ran to the left, with ice flowers in her hands, these ordinary C who had just turned into zombies Zombies, for her who is a supernatural user, a few are not a problem.

After ending the lives of those ugly zombies, Yulin hurriedly opened the car door.

After starting the car, he drove in the direction where Murphy was running.

At this time, Murphy ran all the way forward, but found that there were more zombies ahead.

He decisively drew out the plain gun, turned around and swept away a large number of zombies.

Taking advantage of the slow movement of these ordinary C zombies, Murphy used the plain gun to open a way for himself, and then rushed back.

C The zombie action machine slowly turned around when Murphy had already rushed out for a certain distance and continued to sway towards the loop, but some zombies behind him who hadn't reacted blocked the way of these returning zombies.

After running for a while, Murphy looked back and found that most of the zombies were still in place, and there were only a few zombies behind them.

With a slight smile, Murphy pierced the head of a zombie that was rushing towards him with his prime spear.The zombie was stabbed at the vital point, and immediately fell to the ground and died.

Just as Murphy's plain gun was aiming at the next zombie, the sound of the car approaching from far and near and Yulin's shout interrupted Murphy's actions.

"Feifei, get in the car."

Mo Fei looked up, and Yulin was shouting at him with the open car door.

With a puncture, Murphy's tasseled gun stopped the zombies blocking his way, and then strode over.

Quickly jumping into the car, Yulin asked Mo Fei to close the door, and then made a sharp turn. The car seemed to turn around 360 degrees and rushed out towards the entrance of the forest.

"Hey sister Yulin, the car drives so handsome." After sitting firmly, Mo Fei gave Yulin a thumbs up.

"Sit still, we don't know what's going on outside."

The car rushed out of the woods, and when the wheels of the car got on the road, Murphy and Yulin were surprised to see what happened outside.

There are corpses of zombies lying all around, and some new zombies are still swaying on the road, and many stalled vehicles can be seen in the distance.

"Sister Yulin, it's not good. There must be something unusual here." Murphy looked around nervously, but it was quiet and there was no sign of an explosion.

Yulin couldn't help becoming nervous, holding the steering wheel, and her beautiful eyes were constantly searching around.

"Sister Yulin, unlock the door and keep driving your car forward. I'll keep an eye on the surroundings." Mo Fei had drawn the Suying gun in front of him, and the tip of the gun had stuck out of the car window.

After Yulin took a deep breath, she looked forward.

 It's the end of the month again, although there are not many friends who read books, I still hope for more support!
(End of this chapter)

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