Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 91 The Survivors

Chapter 91 The Survivors
Zai Yulin and Murphy carefully drove along the road.

On the other side, which is the original main target of this mission, in the big mountain depression, there are still a few surviving teams and scattered people.

After a night of hard work last night, those who survived today are hiding in relatively hidden places.

"It's finally quiet, but should we rush out?" A man raised his head from the weedy place, his eyes were bloodshot.

"It seems that those ghosts have calmed down a little during the day. If we disperse, some people may be able to escape." On the other side, a man with a deep voice rubbed his arm that had been fighting all night and replied.

"Woooo, I really don't want to die." On the other side of the grass nest, a disheveled girl sobbed softly.

"Stop howling, you're dead anyway, stay if you don't want to go, and follow behind if you're willing to try." The man with a deep voice picked up his weapon from the side, then bowed his waist and walked from the grass next to him. Covered place to run out of the valley.

I found someone running, and some people hiding in different places behind me were watching the situation, while others ran after me.

The man with a deep voice reached the mouth of the valley first, and then jumped into a car.

A man and a woman followed closely behind and got into the car.After the car started, it drove away.

The other people hiding behind realized that someone had really escaped, and they mustered up the courage to run out, but only a dozen or so people walked in front, and a roar came from behind, and a huge zombie beast jumped in from outside and blocked the way of the people behind.

Amidst howls, the zombie beast ended the lives of these people.

Seeing that they were about to drive near the entrance of the tunnel, Murphy and Yulin suddenly heard the roar echoing in the big valley behind them, and their hearts trembled.

"Sister Yulin, drive!" Mo Fei hurriedly urged.

Because I don't know what will happen on the road, I have been operating manually. At this time, I heard Murphy's urging and quickly increased the horsepower.

The car speeded up instantly and drove towards the position ahead.

However, before driving far, just after turning the corner, Yulin braked suddenly and stopped the car.

Murphy rushed to the front due to inertia, and fortunately he had just reminded Yulin to speed up and closed the car door, otherwise he would have been thrown out.

I saw a huge stone in front of me blocking the way. Although a large piece of the stone had been pushed out, it was still not passable for cars.

In front of the boulder, cars and zombies crowded the narrow passage.

"Feifei, there are so many zombies, and there are stones blocking the way, we can't escape." Yulin looked in front of her with some despair.

"Don't worry, Sister Yulin, let's think about a way." Mo Fei looked around, trying to find some tricky positions.

But those zombies didn't allow the two of them to think too much, and they were already swaying towards the two of them with their damaged and smelly bodies.

Murphy and Yulin had no choice but to reverse the car.

"Wait, sister Yulin, listen." Mo Fei suddenly held his breath, listened for a while, and then said.

Yulin followed Murphy to calm down, and sure enough, she heard the sound of driving approaching.Since there is a car, there must be someone, at least so far, I have never heard of zombies driving.

At this time, the dozen or so people who rushed out of the valley first also quickly approached the tunnel entrance.

When they escaped just now, they heard the roar of the giant zombie beast behind them, and they didn't dare to hesitate for a moment, and accelerated forward.

Because the people who followed in the valley attracted the attention of the zombie beasts, they were able to escape here.

Just as he was thinking that he was about to exit the tunnel, he found a car in front of him was retreating, and in front of him was a group of zombies, vehicles and boulders blocking the way.

"Can you drive?" the man with a low voice asked the man in the co-pilot.

"Yes, yes." The man nodded hastily.

"Well, you'll be in charge of driving later." After the man finished speaking, he slowed down the car, and then switched places with the man in the co-driver after pressing a constant speed automatic gear.

Seeing several cars rushing behind him, Murphy quickly leaned out of the window and waved to the people behind.

When the cars missed each other, the man with a low voice quickly asked, "What's going on ahead?"

Murphy didn't drag his feet, and briefly explained the previous general situation.

The man nodded: "We encountered a giant zombie beast and just escaped, but I guess the zombie beast will follow after eating the people in the valley, so our time is limited, so our task is to push some people to push the boulder, and some people It's okay for people to kill zombies!"

"No problem, but the task of pushing the boulder is best to be helped by someone with more strength. Besides, my sister is an ice-type power user. She can be responsible for laying ice in front of the boulder in a while, so it may be easier to push it down." Murphy He quickly opened his mouth and took the lead in arranging Yulin in a relatively safe position.

"Oh? Ice ability, that's great, then your sister and two power mutants from our team will push the boulder, and everyone else will get out of the car and clean up the zombies." The man immediately shouted to the people behind him: "Everyone! Protect these three people, otherwise none of us will be able to escape."

Regardless of whether the people behind him belonged to this man's team or not, everyone could see the situation, not to mention that the giant zombie beast would appear at some point, so no one had any objections.

"Okay, act." The man gave an order, and everyone put on a desperate posture.

Mo Fei wiped his hands on his clothes, then clutched the Suying gun tightly in front of Yulin.

The long-range attacking abilities and people using hot weapons began to attack the surrounding zombies, while Murphy, the man giving orders, and another man escorted the two power mutants and Yulin to move towards the boulder.

Murphy's tasseled spear can be used to attack and defend. Although there are many C zombies, the deadly efficiency of the gun is really amazing.

Originally, she just thought that Sister Murphy was eager to follow her, but she didn't expect that Murphy was really good, so she couldn't help but look at Murphy a few more times.

"Here, just this side. There should be a gap opened by the previous people. There are people who can stand in here just now. You stand here and push, let my sister go there to release the ice ability." Murphy said from the gap. Zhong first sneaked in to take a look, and there were only two or three scattered zombies on the other side, and then arranged for these people after cleaning up.

Seeing that Murphy's arrangement was reasonable, the man who was in charge didn't say anything, and focused on following the other man to attack the zombies that ran over.

After making arrangements for Yulin, Murphy came over to help with a Suying gun.

"Roar!" A deafening voice sounded from the valley again, which made everyone's hearts tense.

A few people were taken advantage of by the zombies because they were in a daze, and a few more people were reduced from the small number.

"Don't be in a daze, hurry up and try to eliminate them, we will definitely get out alive." The man who commanded before quickly woke up those who were already desperate.

"Kara, Kara..." At this time, after half a day of hard work, the huge boulder finally moved a little further, and the boulder was about to roll to the edge. Once the soil on the other side loosened, the The boulder can slide down smoothly, so that they can leave this ghost place.

This recognition also gave the people who were killing the zombies a glimmer of hope, coupled with the warning roar of the leading man at them, the whole team was refreshed, and they tried their best to eliminate the zombies in front of them one by one .

While racing against time, another accident happened.

I don't know if it was because the giant zombie beast was getting closer and closer, shaking the ground, and another boulder fell from the top of the mountain. This stone was just stuck between the boulder and the mountain.

However, although the boulder was stuck, there were still many small pieces of rubble that were not too small. One of the power mutants had no time to escape and was smashed into a pulp in an instant, with blood splashing all over the ground.

Another power-type mutant escaped because of his reaction, but he couldn't continue to push the huge stone.

"It's over, it's over for now." A man in the team stopped the attack in his hand, his eyes were full of despair.

And when he was relaxing, a zombie behind him decisively killed him.

The blood and minced flesh of the man who was torn apart flew away and splashed on the face of a nearby woman.

The woman wanted to exclaim, but was pulled away by the people behind.

A shining silver gun stabbed over from the side, and it was Murphy who confirmed that Yulin was fine.

"Don't be in a daze. There is always a way to get out. One by one, go through the gaps next to it. If you can escape, it will be a short distance." Looking at the situation, it was too late for Mo Fei to drive there, and her storage talisman is currently at such a high level. Low, there is no way to carry a car, so even if she exposes her abilities, she can't help.

Hearing what Mo Fei said, the people who were still fighting suddenly woke up and rushed to squeeze into the gap.

"Don't squeeze, pass one by one, otherwise it will be completely blocked and no one will be able to get out." The man who was in the lead said hastily when he saw that the crowd was in chaos.

"Yes, let the girls go over first, and the boys come over to resist the zombies." Murphy said while continuing to pick up the zombies with the tassel gun.

But at this time, no one listened to what Murphy and the leading man had said.

Murphy and the leading man looked at each other, and then they stood together.

"What should we do? Let alone cars, there will be too many people to get through this way." Murphy's tasseled gun stabbed out again, and at the same time reaped the life of a zombie.

"How about your sister's superpowers? Can you build an ice bridge?" The man asked after a little thought.

"No, my sister's ability is limited, otherwise I would have asked her to build an ice bridge and turn it over." Murphy quickly denied this conclusion.

Just as the two were discussing countermeasures while resisting the zombies, a loud roar that pierced the eardrums came over, and it was obvious that the giant zombie beast was close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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