Chapter 92
As the giant zombie beast got closer and closer, everyone's hearts were instantly frightened to the extreme.

While scrambling to escape, the giant zombie beast had already turned the corner and walked towards this side step by step.

Murphy looked at the giant zombie beast in shock. This zombie beast seemed to be a carnivorous zombie beast, because the mutation was so severe that it was impossible to accurately determine what kind of animal it was.

However, although herbivorous animals will eat live animals and humans after zombification, judging from the sharp fangs and claws, they must be carnivorous animals.

The panic made it harder for the people who wanted to escape more to get through the narrow gap.

"Sister Yulin, run, get out of here." Murphy shouted loudly towards the opposite side of the stone.

Because Yulin had to use ice to pave the ground, she was left on the other side of the boulder.

"Feifei, what's the situation over there." Yulin was anxiously on the other side of the stone. She only saw the power mutant who was smashed to death in an instant. After that, Mo Fei asked about her safety, but what's going on now?Why did you suddenly let yourself run first?

Yulin didn't know what happened, but from the mixed voices and loud roars on the other side, Yulin could roughly guess the degree of danger on the other side.

"Let's go!" Mo Fei saw the giant zombie getting closer, and shouted towards the opposite side of the boulder.

Just when everyone felt that they were bound to die, a loud rumbling noise fell from the sky.

"It's Silver Wing." Many people recognized that the huge mecha that descended from the sky was the flying mecha of the Mecha Squad - Silver Wing.

Silver Wing folded its silver-white wings, and then held the giant zombie beast rushing step by step with its arms.

And in the tunnel behind Mo Fei and the others, a row of members of the mecha team also slid in and moved the stone away smoothly.

"Sister Yulin, get in the car, let's get out of here." Murphy hurriedly greeted Yulin who was still in a daze on the opposite side of the boulder.

Hearing Murphy's shout, the others also came back to their senses, and quickly ran towards their respective cars.

After getting into the car, Yulin had a questioning face, and Mo Fei hurriedly stopped him: "Sister Yulin, let's talk about it on the way, get out of here first."

"Okay!" Yulin started the car and drove towards the cave.

After another long, dark tunnel, it finally reappeared on the road.

Looking back at the cave, everyone has a feeling of surviving after a catastrophe.

Not daring to delay, the car drove quickly after setting the base route.

After setting the car to drive automatically, Yulin was relieved.

"Feifei, what happened just now? I'm stunned." Yulin regretted that she hadn't been able to help here just now. If it wasn't for the people from the mecha team who rushed to rush, I'm afraid she would never see her again. No more friends like Murphy.

Murphy took out a bottle of water from the back of the car and poured it down, and then he opened his mouth to tell what happened across the street.

"It's really a loss to Mecha Team this time." The two couldn't help feeling together.

And why did the mecha team come to support?
In the scuffle last night, one of the teams rushed here, and some of the team members were pushing the boulder. This is why the boulder had already left the mountain some distance away when Murphy and the others arrived.

Then, the giant zombie beast that had been lying in wait for a long time and suddenly appeared broke the situation, almost annihilating those team members.

But there was a speed mutator in that team, because his attack power was not strong, so he was originally helping push the boulder in a relatively outside place, and he quickly fled here after the incident happened.

Relying on the advantage of the speed mutant, the speed mutant ran for most of the night, and finally returned to the base with severe physical exhaustion, and fell directly in front of the gate.

After being woken up by the guard, the speed mutant hurriedly explained the situation here.

Since I heard that there were giant zombie beasts, and it was so close to the base, the base quickly dispatched a mecha team.

And the flying mecha Silver Wing of the mecha team arrived at a critical moment.

Mo Fei didn't know about these things, but they felt very lucky to be able to escape from death anyway.

Hurriedly returning to the star base, the other teams failed all their missions due to giant zombies, but only Murphy and Yulin brought back plant and soil samples, so they got a very generous reward.

Mo Fei and Yulin, who received the reward, saw the soaring merit points and two big pieces of meat and drove home quickly, preparing to have a good rest at night.

"Feifei, come to my place for dinner tonight. My sister will make braised pork for you." Although Yulin was not fond of meat before the apocalypse, she couldn't resist eating it all the time. Now she held the meat wrapped in a bag and invited Mo Fei with a smile.

"Okay Sister Yulin, then I won't be polite. I'll take a shower and change before I come. I'll bring wine." Murphy also replied with a smile.

Having just experienced life and death, Mo Fei and Yulin feel that they are still alive and living a life of wine and meat is a day in heaven.

"Okay, come here early!" The two went upstairs together, and then entered their own doors.

Mo Fei went into the room and tidied up the mess, and then lamented that he still had to hurry up and practice Qi, the storage talisman is really not enough now!

After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Mo Fei came to Yulin's house.

He also threw his piece of meat to Yulin, and then he helped wash and steam the rice, set the bowl with chopsticks, as if he was at home.

"Let's eat!" Yulin wore a floral apron, and even though she had just come out of the kitchen full of oily fumes, she was still charming.

Looking at the red and translucent meat, Mo Fei couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and then looked at Yulin: "Sister Yulin, you are really the best example of how to get out of the hall and into the kitchen, and this dish is even more beautiful, Tell me, whoever marries you must be a great blessing."

"You, your mouth is so sweet right now, hurry up and taste it!" Yulin patted Murphy's forehead and handed over the chopsticks.

"No, no, this must be eaten with rice. I'll serve it." Murphy stood up and took a bowl to fill two bowls of rice.

"Mm, um, this meat is too fragrant." Mo Fei took a bite of the braised pork, and the smell of meat in his mouth made Mo Fei want to swallow it with his tongue.

"Eat slowly, there are many more. We don't have a refrigerator, and this meat is not durable, so I stewed both of us." After Yulin finished speaking, she also picked up a piece and ate it.

The two ate and drank for almost two hours.

Mo Fei stood up with a slightly drunk red face, took a box of meat and patted Yulin: "Sister Yulin, I, I'm going back to sleep."

"Well, let's go, I'm sleepy too." Yulin also stood up, her fair neck was slightly red, and she waved at Mo Fei with a staggering pace.

"Yulin, sister, good night!" Mo Fei opened Yulin's door and walked to his home.

After returning home, Murphy fell asleep on the bed.

As soon as dawn dawned, Mo Fei opened his eyes and rubbed his head. He was still lying in his clothes. It seemed that he drank a little too much last night.

After washing, Murphy dressed and put some temporarily unused things in the storage talisman at home. She has a mission to go today. She needs the gold very much, not to mention that the giant zombie beast should have been cleaned up. It should be safe to go there by yourself.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei brought some food, and put the meat from Yulin yesterday and the steamed buns he steamed into the storage talisman.

I brought a lot of ready-to-eat food and water, and then I took the car keys and went downstairs.

After driving his own car, Murphy exited the gate of the star base and drove towards the valley again.

"What? Murphy is out of the base again? What the hell is she busy with all day long?" Xiao Minyu heard that Murphy came back from a mission yesterday and went out again early this morning. He was a little annoyed that he couldn't see her again .

"By the way, I heard that the mecha team didn't come back last night, so I don't know what's going on there." Man Cheng Bin, the man with eyes, reported Murphy's situation, and then added to Xiao Minyu.

"Oh? It seems that the valley is a bit tricky, but Mecha Team won't be so useless. Although that guy Lei Sen is very annoying, I don't think he can't handle it."

Xiao Minyu stood up and walked into the room. He didn't know why for Mo Fei. It was because she seemed to be the guy Lei Sen paid attention to, but after getting in touch with him, Xiao Minyu felt that Murphy was very optimistic and independent, but being independent made him Want to protect her.

"What am I going to do?" Xiao Minyu was very depressed, and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he slammed his fist heavily on the door frame.

Man Chengbin heard the heavy blow from inside the door, but he didn't intend to comfort Xiao Minyu. It was actually very exciting to see their commander being so depressed.

Murphy left the base and drove towards the valley unimpeded. Because they reported back to the base with those people yesterday, many people knew that something big happened in the valley, and many of the mission teams were all in the army. The matter of being overwhelmed, so no one is going in this direction today.

Driving the car all the way, Murphy was thinking about where he should put the car in his mind.

As he got closer to the dark tunnel, Mo Fei suddenly heard some voices, but he was already here, and it would be a pity to go back without getting something.

Driving the car closer to the cave, Mo Fei was surprised to find that although he was no longer in the same place but farther away, the giant zombie beast was not only still alive, but there was another zombie beast that was slightly smaller. , while the members of the Mech Team were damaged to varying degrees.

Even the beautiful outer shell of the silver wing has been scarred.

However, the boulder had already been cleared away, and there was nothing troublesome here except for the two giant zombie beasts. Murphy quietly drove along the edge, and drove the car directly into the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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