Chapter 93
There are still many zombies in this forest. After rushing out with Yulin yesterday, those zombies lost their target and wandered in the forest again.

At this time, Murphy's car stopped, and some zombies that were closer to him swung towards Murphy, the big target.

Murphy picked up the C zombie who came over with a plain gun, and then thought of the situation of the mech team just now.

Do you want to help them?
For me, Lei Sen is a very troublesome existence, but if I don't help, once the mecha team loses, I'm afraid I will have to face the two giant zombies alone again, and the star base is so close. will also be implicated.

After thinking about it, Murphy finally decided to help.

After taking two deep breaths, Murphy ran to an open space close to the edge of the forest, and then with a thought, his whole body appeared in the body of the mecha.

Since the mecha was upgraded last time and new weapons were absorbed, Murphy hadn't actually fought yet.

After looking at the size of the giant zombie, Murphy decided to use a sword, because the impact of that beast would definitely not be weaker than that of C3. Although the strength of an ax would be stronger, it would inevitably cause severe damage to the mecha. .

After choosing the weapon, Murphy waved it towards the void to feel the strength of the mech when it was in use, and then ran towards the battle position.

Lei Sen was already in a hard fight at this time. Among the members of the mecha team, one of the mechas was already in a state of being scrapped, but not only did the giant zombie beast not fall down, it even attracted another giant zombie that was slightly smaller. Zombie beast.

The pincer attack of the two ferocious beasts caused the mecha team to struggle all night. They thought that the entire mecha team would be dispatched smoothly, but they didn't expect not only to fail to handle it well, but also to suffer a lot of losses.

"Team Lei, Xiao Li's No. 7677 mecha can no longer hold on, what should we do?" Suddenly, a call for help appeared in Lei Sen's communicator.

It's not clear to Lei Sen that Xiao Li's mecha was hit by two giant zombie beasts because of a negligence before. Now not only the mecha, but even the person is in a semi-comatose state. Although they have rested aside, no team members can escape Make time to view.

Even though Lei Sen was always calm, it was absolutely inevitable that his heart would fluctuate in such a situation, and there were also some mistakes in the operation of his hands.

No, I can't be messed up, otherwise what will the members of the mecha team do.

"Team Lei, that big zombie beast is rushing over again." Suddenly, another sound interrupted Lei Sen's thoughts, Lei Sen hurriedly concentrated, and several laser beams instantly shot at the giant zombie beast from the muzzle of his arm. past.

However, this kind of attack is not very effective against giant zombies, and if you want to penetrate, you can only attack the same position continuously, but this giant zombie is extremely flexible despite its huge size.

Lei Sen only stopped the pace of the giant zombie beast a little bit, but after a few painless attacks, the giant zombie beast rushed over again.

Lei Sen controlled the Silver Wing to jump up, his whole body vacated, and finally avoided the giant zombie beast's blow, but the giant zombie beast didn't hesitate, and rushed directly towards the other team members behind Lei Sen.

"Be careful!" Lei Sen quickly reminded after realizing the intention of the giant zombie beast, but the mechas of other members of the mecha team had no ability to fly, and they were about to hit the front mecha.

Just when Lei Sen was anxious but helpless, and the mecha that was about to be hit was panicking, a mecha with black and red stripes but faintly glowing with golden light rushed over extremely fast.

The fuselage was obviously black, but it was inexplicably glowing with golden light, rushing towards it like a ray of brilliant sunlight, and a huge knife rested between the giant zombie beast and the mech that was about to hit.

"It's that special mech!" Lei Sen couldn't help blurting out, but he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Team Lei, is this the special mecha you mentioned last time?" The other team members felt that the mecha was full of curiosity when they rushed over.

"Yes." Lei Sen replied concisely, and then landed from the sky: "Don't be idle, everyone, attack quickly."

After all, Lei Sen was an experienced mecha captain, so he didn't miss a chance, and while Mo Fei restrained the big giant zombie beast, he quickly ordered his team members to attack collectively.

The reason why they were in a hard fight was that none of the mechas could withstand the impact of the giant zombie beast, so they could only walk around and fight. But now this special mecha created this opportunity for them, so naturally they couldn't let it go.

The raindrop-like dense attack accurately hit the giant zombie beast.

Murphy also had to admire the accuracy of the mecha team.

Mo Fei fought hard against the attack of the giant zombie beast, grabbed the sharp claws of the giant zombie beast with a knife, and pressed the back of the knife against the giant zombie beast's bloody mouth.

After the mecha was upgraded again this time, Mo Fei clearly felt that the mecha's ability to resist attacks had increased a lot, but if she was dealing with this giant zombie beast by herself, she probably could only guarantee that she could escape.

Because, after Mo Fei found out that he had carried the giant zombie beast, he had no extra energy to attack.

Now because of the people from the mecha team next to him, as long as he resisted with all his strength, he could give those players a chance to attack, and the precise attack made Murphy feel confident that he would not hurt himself.

However, after fighting for 5 minutes, this giant zombie beast has not been dealt with yet, while the smaller giant zombie beast has already broken through to the front and is about to hit it.

Mo Fei didn't think he could hold two zombie beasts at once, so he quickly pulled out the knife that was holding the giant zombie beasts, and stepped back lightly.

In this way, it suddenly became a situation of confrontation with each other.

Before Mo Fei landed, he was looking at the two giant zombie beasts in front of him.

No wonder the mech battle team has not returned after fighting all night. It turns out that there are two giant zombie beasts here. Judging from the feeling of holding the giant zombie beast just now, this giant zombie beast is definitely no less than a C3 zombie. Could it be a second-level zombie? Zombie beast?
It seems that we can't start with this big one.

While Murphy was thinking about it, he strode away for a while, and the giant zombie probably knew that Murphy could compete with him, so when he saw that Murphy was alone, he chased in Murphy's direction .

"Don't stop, keep attacking." Seeing this, Lei Sen quickly contacted other team members.

When he reached a certain position, Murphy made a sharp turn, lightly passed over the body of the giant zombie beast, and then rushed towards the smaller zombie beast.

Lei Sen immediately understood the meaning here. The giant zombie beast had a huge body, and Murphy just led it to a relatively narrow entrance. In this way, the giant zombie beast could only retreat or get into it. Turn around in a spacious place.

Probably because he knew that this giant zombie beast was not easy to deal with, so he planned to deal with the smaller one first.

Knowing the intention of the special mecha, Lei Sen quickly directed the members of the mecha team, some of them attacked the giant zombie beast that could not move flexibly for the time being, and the other followed Lei Sen to help the special mecha deal with the slightly smaller giant zombie beast.

Mo Fei quickly replaced the knife with a meteor hammer. As he rushed over, the meteor hammer rounded and smashed down on the head of the giant little zombie beast.

The hammer head was already full of thorns, and with the inertia driven by the chain, the meteor hammer smashed into the head of the giant little zombie beast. With the flexibility of his mech, Murphy retreated quickly and pulled the hammer head return.

At this time, the head of the giant little zombie beast was smashed into a hole, and although it was not fatal, something had been vaguely revealed.

"Attack fast, speed." Seeing this, Lei Sen quickly changed his weapon to a large-caliber one, and then aimed at the head wound of the giant little zombie.

Several mechas showed their power at the same time, and the giant little zombie fell to the ground with a burst of wailing.

The huge zombie beast that was still stuck at the entrance suddenly crazily hit the sides of the mountain wall that hindered its movement, and the whole valley trembled like a mountain shaking.

"The big zombie beast is rioting, everyone stay away from it." Lei Sen sensed this before checking the situation of the giant small zombie beast, and quickly ordered the team members who were attacking the giant giant zombie beast to retreat.

"No, Xiao Li is still on the side of the mountain, and will be hit by falling rocks." One of the team members rushed up just after retreating.

At this time, the huge zombie beast had already shaken the mountain wall to some cracks, and a huge boulder was about to fall.

"Let me retreat." Lei Sen gave an order, and the mecha team members dared not go forward with tears in their eyes. Lei Sen spread the wings of the silver wings and slid towards the side of the mountain.

He immediately picked up the mecha, which was obviously a circle smaller than the Silver Wing, but it still took a lot of effort to drag it out.

"Boom." There was a loud noise, and the stone on the mountain wall still fell down.

"No, Team Thunder, Xiao Li..." The members of the mecha team saw that the silver wings that were holding Xiao Li's mecha and were unable to fly were covered, and then there was a burst of dust flying up with the bang.

Murphy dragged the already damaged mecha out of the dusty position and appeared in front of the rest of the mecha team.

"Xiao Li, it's Xiao Li's mech, he's fine." Someone shouted excitedly.

Immediately, other team members also began to look for the shadow of their captain Lei Sen.

In the dust, the silver-white luster of the silver wings rose slowly from the dust and flew into the air.

Just now, at the moment when the huge boulder fell, that strange mech got out from nowhere and snatched the heavy burden from its hands.

Silver Wing was able to easily escape from the narrow gap where the boulder fell.


Lei Sen looked down from the sky, and saw that the giant zombie beast had broken free from its restraints, and turned its huge body to face the members of the mecha team and the special mecha.

And Lei Sen obviously noticed that the size of the giant zombie beast seemed to grow again.

(End of this chapter)

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