Chapter 94

Mo Fei stopped in the mecha, calmed down and adjusted his breathing.

I just did sprints continuously, and now I feel a little tired, so I unconsciously mix the breath in the body, which is probably a subconscious action of long-term Qi training.

After his breathing stabilized, Mo Fei noticed that the giant zombie beast not far from him had broken free from its predicament.

But at the same time, Murphy also noticed that the giant zombie beast seemed to be slightly different from before.

An ominous feeling rose from the bottom of his heart, and Murphy didn't know what would happen next.

Originally, I thought it would be easier to wipe out the giant little zombie beast, but what is going on with such a weird situation now?

Unknowingly, Murphy took two steps back, but he didn't expect that the giant zombie beast, which was still still, was reminded and rushed towards this side.

Just now, Mo Fei stopped the giant zombie beast before it walked in front of the mech player, but now, Murphy felt that he would never be able to stop such a sprint.

The whole body kept jumping back, relying on flexibility and speed, Murphy quickly retreated to a relatively backward position.

The members of the mecha team also dodged to the side one after another, but their agility was definitely not as strong as that of Murphy's mecha, which was directly controlled by the body, so they could only watch the giant zombies rushing in front of them, and the two mechas were knocked to the ground. A battered operator's cabin appeared to be damaged.

Lei Sen saw this scene with his own eyes, and the entire body swooped down from the sky, hugging the giant zombie beast tightly, and with the help of the dive, even the zombie beast and the mecha rolled to the ground together.

Mo Fei controlled the mecha to rush forward in big strides. The hand of the mecha tightly held the handle of the axe, and the moment the zombie beast and Leisen's silver wings stopped rolling, they slammed at the giant zombie beast's head.

The giant zombie roared and broke free, but Mo Fei didn't grab the ax all of a sudden, and the ax got stuck in the head of the giant zombie.

Silver Wing, who was originally at the bottom, couldn't stand up for a while, but his arms could move freely. Seeing this, he quickly pulled the protruding handle of the axe.

Taking advantage of the angle of the ax handle, Silver Wing stood up, and at the same time the ax loosened a little.

Mo Fei stepped forward and chased after him. The mech's hand grabbed the handle of the ax and pushed back hard. The ax returned to Murphy's hand.

"Attention everyone, aim at the wound and attack immediately." Lei Sen was sure that the ax had inflicted scars on the giant zombie's head, and before he could stand still, he issued an order to the other members of the Mecha Squadron.

The members of the mecha team have also seen the damage that the strange mecha caused to the giant zombie beast, and at this moment they have switched weapons and attacked the giant zombie beast with dense scars on its head.

Seeing that the giant zombie beast was about to be killed, Murphy had already quietly moved towards the edge of the battlefield.

Taking advantage of the moment when the giant zombie beast crashed to the ground, Mo Fei quickly turned a corner and ran towards the distance.

"I'm exhausted. After a day and a night, I finally solved it." Everyone in the mech team was exhausted, and two of them were seriously injured. One of them was still in a semi-comatose state, and two other members The mecha suit of the team member was severely damaged, and the mechas of other team members were also more or less damaged.

"Thanks to that special mecha, it's so powerful, I finally know why our Thunder team keeps staring at that mecha, if it can enter our team, it will be even more powerful, and it's different from our Thunder team. There is no communication, but they cooperate very tacitly." Xiao Guo, the youngest member of the mecha team, couldn't help admiring.

"Send Xiao Li and Xiao Qiu back first, and then send vehicles to drag their mecha suits back." Lei Sen quickly ordered.

"It's Team Thunder." After receiving the order, the members of the Mecha Team first went to the two seriously injured mechas to lift the wounded out, while several others began to take body samples from the giant zombie beast.

Lei Sen took a breath, but when he looked up again, he found that the special mecha that helped them just now had disappeared from his sight again.

"You guys take care of it here, I'll go find that special mech." Lei Sen said to one of the members of the mecha team, and then spread out the flying wings of the silver wings to inspect the special mecha just now. A's whereabouts.

However, when the silver wings spread out, it was discovered that there seemed to be some problems with the flying wings of the silver wings because of the giant zombie beast that swooped down from the sky.

There was no other way, Lei Sen had no choice but to rush back to the star base with the members of the Mech Team.

Murphy had already taken off his mech and hid in a very hidden place.

Seeing that Lei Sen's Silver Wing followed the other mechs out of the tunnel, Murphy felt relieved.

Running back into the woods, Murphy summoned the mech to wipe out all the zombies in the woods, and then collected merit points and Mo Jing before sliding down the slope that Yulin and Yulin had walked on before.

The road here is not too short, so after going down the valley, Mo Fei summoned the mecha again and started running in big strides in the valley.

Finally, they came to the entrance of the cave on the edge of the valley, but it was a pity that it was relatively low, and the mechs would definitely not be able to get in.

Mo Fei put away the mecha, and took his plain gun to the cave.

In order to facilitate his work, Murphy deliberately found a working light that could be fixed on his head.

Although he had checked here before, Murphy still walked more carefully.

After all, there was no movement when they came here to do the mission, and suddenly such a huge zombie beast appeared, so even though Murphy had been here once, he still checked the surroundings very carefully, not letting any noise go.

But nothing was found here, and Murphy quickly came to the edge of the pit.

When he got to the edge of the pit, Murphy suddenly remembered that he forgot to find a ladder.But now that everyone is here, there is no way to find a way without a ladder.

Fortunately, it wasn't too high. Murphy looked around, and finally decided to go down with a plain gun and a rope.

The power rope used for climbing was tied to the downhill position by Murphy, so at this moment, only ordinary ropes can be used.

Tie one end of the rope to the body of the Suying gun, and throw the other end down.

Mo Fei tugged a little, and it felt solid before sliding down the edge.

Going down to the bottom of the pit, Mo Fei pulled the rope, and one end of the Suying gun tilted, and then Mo Fei reached out and pulled the Suying gun down.

Carrying the plain gun, he continued to walk forward, and came to the blocked passage that Murphy found last time.

It's still the same here as when Mo Fei left. Mo Fei clapped his hands, put away the Suying gun, and then took the shovel in his hand.

"Gold, gold, shiny gold, repair it, give me a beautiful mecha..." Mo Fei hummed out of tune, digging the buried passage with the shovel in his hand.

A few hours passed, and a large section of the buried passage was dug out, and Murphy dug out various things from it.

Besides the gold nuggets, there are leather shoes, plastic basins, and many human bones...

After picking out the gold nuggets and putting them into the space, Murphy ignored the sundries and continued digging forward.

After digging for an unknown amount of time, Mo Fei felt a little tired, and raised his hand to check the time on his watch, only to realize that it was almost evening.

"No wonder I'm tired, I'm starving to death, I should eat something." Mo Fei patted the soil on his hands, took out a cloth from the storage talisman, wiped his hands with a little water, and then took out Steamed buns and braised pork that Yulin stewed yesterday.

"It's delicious, it's delicious." Murphy couldn't stop praising while eating.

After eating a steamed bun in a few mouthfuls, Mo Fei drank some water before continuing to dig forward.

After digging for a long time, Murphy looked at the time and found that it was already very late, and he felt safe in this passage, so he didn't go out at all, and just dozed off here leaning against the earth wall.

When he slept until midnight, Murphy felt a bit cold when a gust of wind blew through.

Subconsciously tugged at the clothes, but suddenly woke up.

No!How can there be wind here?
Murphy, who opened his eyes, felt the source of the wind, then picked up the shovel and quickly smashed it hard towards the earth wall facing him.

All of a sudden, the shovel landed on the earth wall and made a hollow "pop", and a big hole appeared in the entire earth wall.

"Ha! It's finally pierced." Murphy shouted excitedly.

As the hole in the earthen wall gradually expanded, Mo Fei felt that the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

After the earth wall was completely pierced, Murphy turned on the headlights to the brightest and leaned out.

Outside the earth wall, there is actually a canyon-like place.

There are steep stone walls on both sides, and there is a long and wide chasm in the middle.And on both sides of this gap are the hole where Murphy is and the hole on the other side, and there is a chain bridge between the two holes.

Murphy got out of the hole and walked carefully to the front of the Chain Bridge.

First stretch out one foot and step on the edge of the bridge, the whole chain bridge trembled uncontrollably and made a "creak, creak" sound, and the whole sound echoed on both sides of the stone wall, which was very unpleasant.

"It seems that the bridge can still be used." Murphy stomped heavily a few times. Apart from the louder sound, the bridge itself still looked very strong.

Murphy slowly put his hands on the chains of the Chain Bridge. The rust on them had already made the chains a little sticky.

Holding on to the chain, he slowly stepped onto the Chain Bridge. The entire Chain Bridge tilted to this side due to Murphy's weight.

Moving a little bit towards the opposite hole, Murphy gradually walked to the middle of the Chain Bridge.

At this time, the wind was blowing gently, and the Chain Bridge was swinging high in the air with the wind. It sounded beautiful, but Murphy, who was standing on the Chain Bridge, was nervous and sweaty.

Seeing that there was still half the distance, Murphy switched hands to support him, and took another step forward...

The cave on the opposite side was in front of him, and Mo Fei flipped out the Suying gun a little nervously.

The hole here has not been sealed, but the dark hole is in such an underground place, and it definitely does not feel warm.

Turning the headlights straight, Murphy finally stood at the entrance of the cave with a plain gun in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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