Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 95 Concussion

Chapter 95 Concussion

In any case, he had passed the long chain bridge that looked dangerous and stood at the entrance of the cave. Murphy took a deep breath to calm himself down.

He patted the rust residue on his hands from touching the rusty chains to cross the bridge, and then he clenched the plain gun in his hand and walked into the cave.

Entering the cave, although the entrance here is unobstructed, part of the cave here is also buried, and the tools and refining furnaces on the ground and around it all show what it was used for in the past.

Judging from the surrounding equipment and space, this location should be the real mine.

The part where Murphy started digging should be just the only way to enter the mine, but because of the previous mine disaster, some workers fled with gold, so some scattered outside.

But thanks to this, Murphy was able to find out, otherwise, who would spend energy digging holes.

Murphy looked around, and soon found several large boxes covered in dust in a room that looked like an office.

The locks of the boxes were smashed open with a plain gun. These boxes had been placed for an unknown how long, and the rotten locks of the boxes were smashed down all at once.

Opening the box, there were numbered and various shapes of gold inside. Looking at the gold, Mo Fei's eyes almost turned into coins.

This should be the place where the gold is initially extracted, so the gold that is not yet fully finished is just scattered here.

However, no matter what it is, it is gold, and it is one of the things that my mecha needs most.

Mo Fei didn't care so much, he put all the gold he saw into the storage talisman.

Walking out from the inside, Mo Fei saw that the door leading to another place seemed to be buried by the soil before, so he replaced the plain spear with a shovel, and Mo Fei dug towards the soil outside the door.

Unexpectedly, the soil here is relatively hard, and Murphy was tired after digging a few times.

"Sure enough, I can't do without enough rest!" Mo Fei said to himself and retreated back into the house. It was after 2 o'clock in the morning when he was just woken up by the wind, and it was not yet 4 o'clock in the morning.Murphy put together the table in the room and leaned on it to rest.

I don't know what time it will be. It's very quiet here. Although the place to sleep is a bit poor, some rest is better than no rest.

After getting up and rinsing his mouth a little, Mo Fei ate something, and took another shot with the shovel.

Even using the abandoned excavation tools here, it took a lot of effort for Mo Fei to carve out a passage in the soil at the door.

However, due to the nature of the soil, Murphy did not open the passage very wide, so this low passage Murphy could only crawl out from here. Fortunately, the outside was not completely blocked, and it was easy to climb out of this section. up.

After going out of this door, there is a place with tracks outside, and there are many cars full of ore parked on the road.

"These are all gold mines!" Murphy looked at the carts of black soil. There were slightly larger golden particles in the middle, and there were also very small golden particles mixed in it.

Looking around, Mo Fei saw that there was a tool in front of him that could sieve particles.

Although it couldn't be used completely correctly, Mo Fei still let Mo Fei use this to sift out a lot of gold nuggets.

"If it can be used here all the time, it is probably enough for me to upgrade the mech to the full level. Unfortunately, how long will I spend my life alone?" There is still no excavation, but one's own ability is limited after all.

But this job is really tiring. Murphy has only picked it for a short time, and his eyes, neck, and arms are all sore.

After standing up and moving around, Murphy decided to look inside again to see if there were any other finished products, because it was too much effort for her to pick them one by one.

Do it when you think about it, Mo Fei stood up, replaced the shovel with a plain gun, and walked further inside.

Passing through the labyrinth-like mine tunnel, Murphy found that there were also a lot of thick bones here, which should be workers who had not escaped before, but because of the long time, even the flesh has been eliminated, leaving only the bones Still lying in the cave.

Going around in the holes, big and small, really allowed Mo Fei to find a lot of places to store semi-finished gold nuggets.

Day by day, Murphy has been here for three days.The harvest these days is extremely rich, and the place is very quiet. Mo Fei collects gold during the day, and trains and rests in some mining offices at night.

However, I don't know if it's because the air here is not very good, so although Murphy is working hard to practice Qi every day, the basic breath in his body grows very slowly.

After a few days of exploration, there was only one area that Mo Fei hadn't been to, so he planned to transfer this area today and prepare to go out, leaving the mine, because there was indeed a lot of gold collected these days.

Early in the morning, Mo Fei ate two steamed buns and a box of canned food, and patted his belly. Then Mo Fei got up and searched for everything that could be used in the office.

"Today is the last area. It's best to find me a few more boxes of gold, and I'll be able to return with a full load." Thinking of the results of the past few days, Murphy's eyes unconsciously smiled into crescent moons.

Picking up his shovel, Mo Fei hummed and walked towards the last mining area.

According to the usual position, Murphy first came to the east of the mining area.

Because judging from the situation of searching the surroundings in the past few days, the location with the highest probability of semi-finished gold nuggets here is the east area of ​​each mining area.

Murphy carried the shovel in a disfigured manner, and walked straight to the east area.

After walking to the last mining area, Murphy smelled an unpleasant smell.

"It stinks! What is this?" Murphy hurriedly covered his nose, muttering with frowns.

After taking a few steps back, Murphy thought about it, and there seemed to be several pairs of masks in his storage talisman, which he took out after returning home last time.

He turned the mask out and put it on himself, then carefully looked inside.

The light above his head followed Murphy all the way forward, and soon, Murphy came to a place where gold should be stored normally.

Don't look at it, when Murphy saw the things in this area, his scalp couldn't help but tingle.

In front of my eyes is no longer the expected glittering gold, but piles of bugs and mice.

Moreover, judging from the appearance, these mice are no longer ordinary mice, they should be zombified zombie mice. Although those bugs seem to be insects, they are not zombies, but they are definitely not ordinary bugs that can coexist peacefully with zombie mice .

Looking at the situation here, it should be a storage room for emergency food in the mining area, so it naturally attracted all kinds of bugs and mice. Although the food was eaten up, it became a nest for mice.

After the end of the world, many of these rats became zombified, and the non-zombified rats were eaten clean, but because the corpses were discarded here, they became more and more stinky.

Mo Fei tiptoed back, she didn't want to be discovered by those things at this time, otherwise the end would be predictable.

Looking back while observing his eyes, Murphy didn't even dare to turn around, for fear that he would touch something and attract the attention of those things.

With such a careful retreat so far, Mo Fei felt that it should be considered safe, but he tripped over something next to his leg, and his body tilted, and he fell to the wall next to him.

In order to prevent the Suying gun from making a sound when it hit the wall, Mo Fei held the Suying gun in his arms and leaned against it with his back.

But I didn't expect that the wall was actually movable, and the back obviously felt a turn, and then the feet were empty, and the whole person rolled down.

The slope was very steep, and Murphy had no way to stop, so he had to hug the Suying gun and tightly tuck his head between his bent legs to reduce the impact of the ground on his head.

Finally stopped, Murphy felt dizzy and dizzy, and his head ached.

Could it be a concussion?While thinking about it, Murphy also thought of his own Qi training. Taking a long, deep breath, Murphy sat up with his body propped up by the plain spear.

It was dark in front of his eyes, and Murphy quickly adjusted his breathing, letting the breath move in his body bit by bit according to his usual way of practicing Qi.

I don't know how long it took, but finally he felt better, and Mo Fei opened his eyes.

It was pitch black, and it seemed that the overhead lamp had been broken.

Mo Fei took out another light tube from the storage talisman, but this light tube can only be held, and that kind of headlight can only be found later when he goes out.

Turning on the light source, Mo Fei looked around. There was nothing here, but the ground was wet. It seemed that there should be water nearby.

Judging from common sense, you should be able to go out where there is water, so Mo Fei searched around, and finally found some low water droplets on the side close to the mountain.

Murphy walked along the wet wall here, keeping an eye on his surroundings from time to time.

Going forward along the underground stone wall and passing a very narrow road, Mo Fei finally found water.This river is not deep, and the water is very clear and transparent, flowing down a little bit from a distance.

Murphy climbed up here, and after going around a few turns, he finally found a little light.

"Great, it's the entrance of the cave." Murphy was very sensitive to light in such a dark cave. Although he was still far away, he could already see the approximate location and shape of the cave entrance.

After tidying up his body a little, Mo Fei rubbed his hands and quickly climbed up the stone.

This is an irregular cave entrance, the closer you get, you can feel the gentle breeze blowing from outside the cave entrance, and the breeze is mixed with the pleasant fragrance of green grass.

Smelling this fresh smell, Mo Fei subconsciously twitched her nose. She was really fed up with the damp and rotten smell in the past few days. Suddenly, the fresh air made Mo Fei want to inhale it all into her body and wipe the rotten air away. The air is displaced out of the body.

While breathing greedily, Mo Fei suddenly felt strange, and then shouted out in surprise: "Huh? How could this happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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