Chapter 101 Big Pine
[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: Lian, Dasong has also come to play.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: Oh, why did you remember it at this time, it's so late.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: He was busy when I called him before, but now that he is too busy, does boredom come?

【Secret】You said to Jiao Meier: Well, how old is he?
[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: I'm over 30, I've been in the shrine and never went back, so it's probably about the same level.

[Secret] You say to Jiao Meier: Well, what's his name now? I'm in the Central Plains, so I'll go and have a look.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: His name is Dasong, I don’t know how long he will play, there are no newcomers now.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: It's okay, doing tasks and so on, it's still a good way to pass the time, and besides, it's the first time you play this kind of game, you will be very interested, I could play a sword with relish back then.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: ...

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: Hehe, when you didn't come, I was busy leveling up every month, and I was just hanging around by myself, even if I was doing a task to fight monsters, I was very happy, and I was excited when I saw things dropped, haha.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: Are you used to it now? Seeing that sometimes you don't practice class, you go to chat with others every day.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: That's right, don't talk too much, you always know more than before.Let alone, I went to see Dasong, did you tell him my name?

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: I told you, what's the matter.

[Secret] You say to Jiao Meier: Er, you can't fool anyone.It's okay, let's find someone first.

Da Song met in the game before, treated Lianwu Qingyi like a little sister, and sometimes enlightened him. He was also the one who learned how to make videos and asked Lianwu Qingyi to order songs for her.

Lianwu Qingyi added the ID "Dasong" as a friend, which was not bad, and passed immediately without hanging up.

【Secret】You said to Dasong: What are you doing, Dasong?

[Secret] Da Song said to you: run away money, I am 35.

[Secret] You said to Dasong: Are you running in the bamboo sea?What sect did you choose?
[Secret] Da Song said to you: Well, I am now a disciple of the Tang Sect, a master of hidden weapons, haha.

【Secret】You said to Dasong: Well, I'm coming to see you.You run your way, I come to you.

[Secret] Da Song said to you: Well, good.

Lianwu Qingyi came out from Baodi, ran to wait outside Tangmen, and saw a Tangmen newcomer running by, Lianwu Qingyi didn't make a sound, quietly followed him, to see when he would find out, Still didn't pay attention at all and couldn't find it all the time.

By the way, I also checked Dasong's equipment. Sure enough, Dasong's equipment was all gone, just like the previous Lianwu Qingyi. There is no way, all the game equipment they played before were all good-looking, except for wings and mounts A little useful, except for acceleration, other equipment is all decoration, with no practical value at all, which also leads to them not caring at all, and they don't understand the importance of equipment at all.

And Jiao Meier plays Emei, her sect is full of female disciples, and she doesn't have equipment suitable for Dasong.

But Lianwu Qingyi is different, although Lianwu Qingyi is a Demon Cult, but she has a trumpet from the Tang Sect!
What's more, her daily treasure hunting is not for nothing. In addition to calligraphy and painting, Songshan also discarded sharp and sturdy weapons of various sects. The sharpness is more important for attack, and the stronger is more defensive. However, they are all refined to the ninth level of weapons of the same level The attack is not much different. What's more, refined weapons need level support. If you don't reach that level, if you upgrade your weapon, you won't be able to take it if it exceeds the level. However, sharpness and sturdiness are different. The use level is the first level of weapons of the same level The needs are the same, so when it is time to change weapons, the first choice is sharp or solid weapons, which is equivalent to holding a level [-] attack weapon at level one.

Since everyone has reached a higher level, there is no market for these low-level weapons. Everyone throws them away. However, Lianwu Qingyi has a characteristic, or it is a sequela of the previous game, that is, he likes to collect broken things, and all kinds of garbage can be collected. I don't want to throw it away, and I often clear it to the trumpet to throw it away, as well as the team book, but now they are all suitable for Dasong.

Lianwu Qingyi was watching, but she was still thinking about it, wondering if Dasong had seen the system prompt: "A beautiful woman is looking at you not far away with seductive-squinting eyes!"?

[Secret] Da Song said to you: What are you doing behind you sneakily?

[Secret] You said to Dasong: Hehe, did you see it?awesome!I never paid attention to my surroundings before.

[Secret] Da Song said to you: That is, you think everyone is you.

[Secret] You said to Dasong: hee hee.

[Secret] Da Song said to you: You are quite high-level now.

[Secret] You said to Da Song: Well, I came in early, I came in as soon as the server was opened, and I haven't played much in the middle, otherwise the level is higher, and Jiao Meier is almost chasing me now!

[Secret] Dasong said to you: You are just playful, and you don't do your business well.

[Secret] You said to Da Song: Hehe, what about games?You are upgrading now, what money are you running for, the level is low, and you don’t have much money to run once, it’s a waste of time.

This is true. After learning the big move to play treasure in Songshan, Lianwu Qingyi discovered that it is a waste of time to run away with a trumpet. If you level up early, you will spend a lot of money, and like her now, playing casually in Songshan is a lot of money Money, not to mention dropping things, the money after selling will be even more.

[Secret] Dasong said to you: Anyway, I'm fine, I'm running and playing, and I will use the money to buy medicine for you.

[Secret] You said to Dasong: How much is it? Now I buy hundreds of thousands of medicines once. If you run away for money, you will lose your legs. You should upgrade first. The higher the level, the more money you can make. I will take one shot now. Baoguang lost hundreds of thousands of money.

[Secret] Da Song said to you: Really?
[Secret] You said to Da Song: Well, I’ll give you some money first, don’t run away, I’m on the trumpet, and the trumpet has equipment and weapons suitable for you, as well as team books and so on. Just right, my alias is also Tangmen.

Lianwu Qingyi boarded the Qinglian, ran to Tangmen, and traded equipment, weapons, team books and chains to Dasong, and added Dasong's friends, only to realize that she made a mistake, why did she expose her trumpet so quickly? ?

At least she has to put on a vest first to tune-play-tune-play Dasong. Now there is no opera singing, and now she has no time or energy to practice a trumpet.

But if you think about it again, almost everyone knows that this trumpet is her trumpet, and the name is also obvious at first glance. Even if you want to deceive people, it is easy to be exposed by others, so it is better not to bother!
Classmate Dasong appeared quite late, but it was very important. He was a strong participant in the later stage of the lotus dance and Qingyi vest, and he added bricks and tiles to the confusion.

I'm not in a good mood today. I write slowly. I usually write about a thousand words in an hour. With the addition of Kawen, I wrote an article for three hours and was attacked: "Who will read these articles when you write them?" what."

However, isn't writing an essay just fulfilling one's own dream?Watching those thoughts in my heart become words, it is a joy to be liked by someone, even if there is only one!
What's more, at least not one person is willing to read my article, it's just a little sad, after all, family's approval is the greatest joy, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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