When the online game Xiaobai meets the great god

Chapter 102 Opening the Meridians

Chapter 102 Opening the Meridians

【Secret】Heavenly condemnation said to you: Come to Wanshitong in the capital, and I have opened my pulse today.

[Secret] You said to the Scourge: Well, okay, I'll be there right away.

【Secret】Heavenly Wrath said to you: Today, I flush all the remaining ones of your other pulses. You should inform your friends. I will bring all the trumpets here first.

【Secret】You said to the Scourge: Oh, good.

As soon as Lianwu Qingyi went online, she hung up on Tiezhangfeng to beat treasures, but Changkongxue opened a trumpet and told her to go to the capital to unblock her veins.

The game played by Lianwu Qingyi follows the pure martial arts style. From the twelve major meridians of the human body, four kinds of meridian of the small intestine of the hand Taiyang, Sanjiao meridian of the hand Shaoyang, spleen meridian of foot Taiyin, and lung meridian of foot Shaoyin are selected as the game characters. basic ability.This is the direction of adding points for each level up.Different points are added, and the focus of the character's ability is also different, which also distinguishes defensive and sensitive people, and according to the emphasis of adding points with too many hands and few hands, it can be distinguished from inside and outside.

In addition to these four normal meridians, the human body also has eight extraordinary meridians such as Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yinwei, Yangwei, Yinqiao, Yangqiao, and extra-meridian.The additional abilities of these meridians are realized by moving the energy and punching the acupoints.

The current situation of Lianwu Qingyi's nine meridians is: one of the acupoints on Ren Du's second meridian has not been opened, all the Yinqiao meridians have been opened, a few acupoints have been opened through the extra meridian, and the remaining Chong, Dai, and Yin meridians have been opened. Weimai, Yangweimai, and Yangqiaomai have opened most of the acupoints, and each meridian has only a few acupoints that add life recovery, physical strength recovery, internal force recovery, and the upper limit of life, physical strength, and internal force. up.

The copper figures of these types of acupoints are very cheap, but they don’t work because once they upgrade, they reserve the acupoints for attack, defense, agility, and murderous aura first. This is one of the reasons why everyone desperately upgrades. Don't talk about anything else, don't upgrade, even if you want to eat villains, they won't order for you.

Lianwu Qingyi first secreted her friends one by one, waited until the friends list was notified, then sent a message in the world to communicate in the capital, said the time and place, and went to Wanshitong herself.

There are a few trumpets selling materials at Wanshitong's place all the year round, but compared to other places, there are far fewer, but now the crowds are densely packed. Lianwu Qingyi saw a lot of familiar trumpets in the middle!
I won’t talk about my trumpet, I haven’t heard about the fact that I went to the acupoint and forgot my trumpet, and other things, many people have a high level and a long way to go, and their trumpet may not necessarily come back to gain experience , However, trumpets don't have this concern, run here, and then hang up offline, as long as they reach level [-], how many trumpets can hang here to share experience.

Before coming, Lianwu Qingyi specially cleared the bag, put all the medicines in the warehouse, and put the calligraphy, painting, chess scores and piano scores that she had typed up in the bag. God punished him for trading the bronze figure to her, and she put these messy things Things, when flushing the acupoints, they also cleared the warehouse by the way, so someone else must educate her again, but Chang Kongxue has a good temper!

[Secret] Tianzhuzhi said to you: Wait for you to eat the Qimai first, and wait for the Qimai villain to finish eating, and then order something else.

[Secret] You said to the Scourge: Oh, I know.

[Secret] Tianzhuzhi tells you: When eating, first use up other mental methods, and finally use Dantian.

[Secret] You said to the Scourge: Good.

It was not the first time to eat villains, but every time Changkongxue had to remind Lianwu Qingyi how to eat them and in what order to eat them. There was no way I didn't remind her that some small things would happen every time.

This game is actually quite interesting. Every player upgrades in the same way, and every school has a different appearance, different equipment, and different martial arts names. In fact, every school is almost the same, and the martial arts are all the same. As a result, some special martial arts can be learned by disciples of other factions as long as they have a letter of recommendation from the disciples of that faction. It is not divided into fighters, assassins, mages, doctors, etc. like other games, and you can enter the game to choose Characters pretty much fix your progression in the game.

This game is not, no matter which faction you choose as a disciple when you just entered the game, it will not affect your development in the game at all, it is no different from the other faction you choose, er, of course, there is a small difference, you choose Shaolin, You can't get married in the game! o(∩_∩)ohaha!

But why are there various growth results in the game?This is related to each person's choice. First of all, the addition of the four meridians of hand too, hand less, foot too, and foot less, which one to add, and how much to add, all have different effects.

Secondly, the choice of martial arts mentality in the game, not to mention the unique skills of each school, the effect of each martial arts is the same, but, in addition to these, there are internal skills and mental methods in the game , the most important thing is that there are more than 40 mental methods open in the game, but a character can only learn eight kinds at most!How to choose, will result in various types of effects.

This is also the case, the character shape of this game has been complained about in various ways, but the charm of many players is still there. Everyone has a different world in their eyes, and everyone has a different understanding of the growth of the character in their hearts, and they continue to work on it. Therefore, on the forum, a hundred flowers will bloom, and there should not be too many strategies!

And in the game, if you go up to level five, you will learn the basic heart method, which is added to attack with external skills, and the other necessary method is the Dantian Tuna Gong with internal skills to attack. Its attack power bonus is optional. The increase of the level of the method increases, generally what kind of mental method is selected, what is added in the game is the selected mental method, the lotus dance Qingyi often hangs on the dantian breathing power, and the Chong acupoint When she was eating, if she didn’t remind her, she would forget to change her mentality. When eating a villain, what she consumed was the layers of the mentality of Dantian Tuna Gong...

Chang Kongxue didn't pay attention at the beginning, because there were few mind skills in the early stage, and every time he ate a villain, there was almost nothing left for the proficiency of each mind skill.Later, as the villain Lianwu Qingyi ate more and more, when she was on her account one time, she found that she used whatever mentality she had in mind, and every time there was only a little proficiency left in her dantian , Our school also has a lot of proficiency in mental techniques, so that Chang Kongxue had to incarnate as a Tang monk, and every time Qingyi of the lotus dance used her skills to rush to the acupoints, she had to think about it.

After 5 minutes of Lianwu Qingyi's notification in the world, the people are almost here, and Lianwu Qingyi starts to eat villains one by one. At the beginning, she also checks the proficiency of the required mental skills and chooses the mental skills. Strive to use the most reasonable plan to allocate the mental proficiency required for punching points.

But at the end, how can I still think about this? Lianwu Qingyi always eats the villain who catches the strange pulse first. If this method is not enough, change to another one. Change it one by one, and you will need less mental method later. Yes, start from the front and start over again.

[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for opening the extra-meridian vein!

[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for getting through the pulse!

[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for opening her pulse!

[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for opening the Yin Wei Vein!
[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for opening up the Yangwei vein!
[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi for opening up the Yangqiao vein!
[GM] [System] Congratulations to Lianwu Qingyi's meridians!
With gallstones and lumbar muscle strain, I can stand, sit, or lie down. When the pain is severe, I really wish I could cut the gallbladder out. I haven’t changed it for a few days. I feel ashamed and say I feel that everything is an excuse, but if I don't say anything, I have no face and no explanation, so I jump up, cover my face, and run away with the lid on the pot.

(End of this chapter)

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