Chapter 103
The system swiped a large area of ​​the screen, Lianwu Qingyi is really exciting on TV!However, she obviously still has Ren and Du's two meridians, and she hasn't even eaten a bronze figure, so why is it called all meridians?

Doubts are doubts, I still have to thank my friends for their congratulations one by one. Number and a few people, including Xingyue classmate!
[Screen] Scourge of God: Xingyue, you are such an old man, and you still come here to gain experience!
Uh, Lianwu Qingyi is ashamed, no matter how high her level is, she is a person who eats a few villains, as long as she sees someone shouting, she will definitely go to gain experience!Changkongxue's stick hit not only Xingyue, but also her who was lying innocently with the gun!

[Screen] Xingyue: Hee hee, we call it, no matter how high the mountains are or how far the rivers are, all experience cannot be let go!Lian, congratulations!Look, you have all the meridians, cow.

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: I haven't eaten any of Ren Du's two meridians yet, and I don't know why it says that my meridians are all connected.In the future, it must be strange for others to see me still eating villains.

[Screen] Scourge of God: Ren Du's second pulse is quite special, the system defaults to such a reminder when the other pulses plus Qi pulse are connected.

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: Oh, so that's the case, I thought there was a system error.

[Screen] Xingyue: Lian, what are you going to do, upgrade?

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: I don't know, I was playing Baolai just now.

[Screen] God's Wrath: Go upgrade with Xingyue, see the effect of Tongmai, now Ansan's monsters can't send you back no matter what!

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: /Khan, um, okay, what about you?

[Screen] God's Wrath: I'll change the painting and then look at the stall, then I'll leave.

[Screen] Xingyue: Ah, Lian, you are so clingy, I have to explain everything to you.

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: I'm sorry, does this have anything to do with being clingy? Do you think everyone is as nasty as you?

[Screen] God's Wrath: Hehe, I'm leaving, if you want to upgrade, go quickly.

[Screen] Xingyue: Originally, you don't feel gross, but you are gross, and you call me gross, who is it, um Xue88.

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: I don't know what to do with you, let's go, I went to buy medicine, why don't we form a team by ourselves.

[Screen] Xingyue: Let me ask Ansan first if he has a team. If there is no place, we can form a team.

Lianwu Qingyi and Xingyue didn't form their own team after all, they went directly to a team if they had a position, it was really different after Lianwu Qingyi had been playing the treasure for so long. It was still added by her, so the points she added to Min now are only a little more than when she just upgraded, but now she fights monsters, and the damage is much higher. Hitting her hurts less than one or two points.

It’s not surprising if you think about it carefully, not to mention the defensive agility of Chong’s acupoints, each meridian will have additional attributes after it is opened, one will grow and the other will disappear. In the past, monsters pressed Lianwu Qingyi to hit, She couldn't bear it, so she had to go back to find a doctor, and now that Lianwu Qingyi's kung fu is high, she will naturally not be afraid of the kitchen knife, so An San's blame has no choice but to cry secretly.

[Team] The old monk uses Rejoice: Lianwu, the world saw you have opened your veins just now, congratulations.

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: Thank you.

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: The lotus dance is not bad, you ran ahead before we even got through the veins, but your level is only over 180, how can you pass all of them, you didn't get the second pulse of Ren Du?

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Well, the system automatically said that I got through the strange pulse first, and I was also very surprised. .

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: Hehe, what’s the point of this, but I heard some people say that it’s better to pass through Ren Du’s second meridian first, and then rush through the outer Qi meridian. It's not easy to change.

[Team] Xingyue: So which one should I rush first? I haven't rushed yet. After you have done your research, I can follow suit.

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: I’m not very clear about which one is better. I just heard others say that it’s just that you must follow the order to attack Ren and Du. Not a single pulse has been replaced yet.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I think they are all about the same. In those novels, you have to get through the second line of Ren and Du to become a master. I feel that this second line of Ren and Du is the feeling of putting all your strength at the end.

[Team] The old monk uses Rejoice: I think this is everyone's opinion, but it is really difficult to change the villain of Ren Du's second vein, so it seems that it is not bad to go first to the extraordinarily meridian.

[Team] Xingyue: Then what should I do? I'm so worried, it's better not to know.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Anyway, I think it's about the same, what do you eat, why are you so entangled, anyway, you always have to finish it all in the end.

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: Hehe, Lianwu, you are very generous.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: /Shy, actually I don’t understand anything, haha.

[Team] Changfeng last night: For games, you have to try all kinds of different things before you know it. Until the end, who dares to say that they are completely correct.

So a person is a world. Changfeng was such a person last night. When everyone else was practicing internal defense, he practiced internal defense uniquely. He was the only one who practiced anti-personnel, many people had a trumpet for anti-personnel, even Lianwu Qingyi had one.

He is famous because he is not only a large person who is good at defending against people, but also loves to discuss with people which one is better.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: But today is very strange, there are still positions at this time, I thought the two of us would have to start a new team.

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: Well, you guys are lucky, the team was already full, but two people who were killed couldn't keep practicing and left the team, so I just added you two.

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: Why?

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: Just now there are two iron-blooded and passionate people who have practiced well. The League of Legends came to clear them up, but they were so clear that they couldn't practice at all, so they quit.

[Team] Xingyue: So overbearing?

When Changfeng continued talking last night, it would trigger another academic discussion on whether it is better to be defensive or sensitive. Lianwu Qingyi hurriedly changed the topic, but it was indeed very strange, the position of An San An Si is quite pretty Yes, it turned out that the two of them actually got a seat just by shouting. This is not normal.

After hearing what Hua Jian prodigal son said, well, it turns out that their position is only temporary, but it seems that the two gangs are fighting more and more fiercely.

[Team] Huajian Prodigal Son: What is this? It used to be called domineering. They came to threaten to form other people's teams, saying that if they didn't kick others out of the team, they would clear the whole team.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Isn't it funny, the game is not developed by his family, he has to agree to how other people want to play it?
[Team] The old man used Rejoice: That is, there are not many good players in the League of Legends, who grab positions and kill people randomly, who do you think you are.It's uncomfortable to watch, and one day the Buddha figured it out, so he would add iron and blood pride.

[Team] Xingyue: Hey, Monk, you are so angry, don't eat fast and chant Buddha, you will run away if there is any fight.

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: 9494, Monk, you have to be calm.

Just kidding, Lianwu Qingyi didn't expect that when he saw the monk using Rejoice the next day, he would actually be called Iron Blood and Pride.

That's fine, what's more, when Lian Wu Qingyi was leveling with him in the same team, the League of Legends came to clear people again, and both Lian Wu Qingyi and Xingyue were killed back to the city !
what is this?A fire at the gate of the city will affect the fish in the pond?

At this time, Lianwu Qingyi was just a "fish in the pond" who was affected by the disaster, and she never thought that she would become a "fairy" in the future!
I don’t know if it’s a problem with my browser. I couldn’t enter the author’s zone from yesterday to today. I really can’t uninstall it and reinstall it today. After I uploaded the chapter on Xiuxian, there was another problem with this one. I couldn’t click on the drop-down box, so I had to reinstall it. Fortunately, it finally came in and posted it.

(End of this chapter)

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