Chapter 107
[Transaction] Lianwu Qingyi: How can I blame the teacher for the student's disappointment?I'm guilty, I'm sorry, I really shouldn't, I think back then, he should also have a headache because of this student who couldn't educate well!

"I'm guilty, I regret" is the classic line of Wang Baochang in the Sichuan dialect movie "Catch the Strong". Lianwu Qingyi often uses this to joke with her friends when she usually plays with her friends. Well, there is a kind of mantra feeling of "do not repent". , although it is said now that others don't know the irony in it, but it is enough for me to use it comfortably.

But today's world is also very weird, Eleventh Lang doesn't accept things anymore, and there is no one who calls the group Free Forest. In the interval between Lianwu Qingyi's talking, no one browses the world, so Lianwu Qingyi also swipes the screen I feel more at ease.

After all, if you delay other people's work, your own position will not be very stable, and if you can't stand on your own feet, how can you maintain your momentum to accuse others righteously?
In the middle, there were still people who had been bullied by the League of Legends scolding together, but they were really bluntly swearing, with greetings, not advisable, ah, not advisable, Lianwu Qingyi chose to skip.

To avoid being accidentally led into a ditch in such a situation of common hatred and hatred, that would be a big joke. It also takes a little concentration to keep your words from going astray!
[Full] Lianwu Qingyi: This is the first time I have met someone who did something wrong without apologizing and scolding others?Why, it's amazing to be able to kill with high martial arts?Kill it, kill it, I'll just sit here, it's not that I haven't been killed before, so rare?

[Transaction] Lianwu Qingyi: There is no passion in the game if you don’t fight. We don’t care who fights. The problem is that you didn’t provoke you or provoke you, and you were harmed by you. You don’t ask too much. Just need to say sorry, which is too much ?
There is an old saying: "If you are justified, don't forgive others", it is actually not a compliment, but at this time, all the old and new hatreds are added together. Since you are justified, why don't you take this opportunity to do it for yourself? What about venting?Is it possible to speak unjustly when it is reasonable, and wait until it is unreasonable to make trouble without reason?

Xingyue went back to run away money when she couldn't persuade Lian Wu Qingyi just now. In the big Qingzhou City, Lian Wu Qingyi sat there and organized her own language to discuss arguments. At this time, I saw two people coming out of Antu City Personally, Lianwu Qingyi didn't pay attention either, she didn't expect them to get closer and closer, and they were actually coming towards her.

Walking closer, Lianwu Qingyi took a look, and it turned out that it was Xiao Xiaomuyu and another one named Linghu Wobuchong, who were also from the League of Legends.

[Screen] Linghu, I will not rush: Lianwu Qingyi, Mu Yu killed you once, you have been in the world for so long, is it enough, everyone just let it go, okay?We will heal your injury.

[Screen] Lotus Dance Qingyi: Is it because I want to make trouble?You ask him himself, I only asked for an apology at the beginning, did I go to the world from the beginning?You ask him what he did?
[Secret] Xiao Xiao Muyu said to you: MB smelly--mother--mother, you wait for the labor and management, and you will serve if the labor and management kill you.

[Screen] Linghu, I don't rush: Lianwu Qingyi, Mu Yu's temper is indeed not very good, but this is just a small matter, which fight does not accidentally hurt a few?It’s okay for everyone to talk about it, but you see that you are wasting your own time like this, aren’t you?

[Screen] Lianwu Qingyi: Hehe, if I have the ability to send the words you just secreted to me to the people in your gang, I'm sorry, I'm afraid of everything, but I'm not afraid of threats.

Lianwu Qingyi was really laughed out of anger, originally thought that since someone came forward to mediate, Xiao Xiaomuyu apologized and it would be fine, but she didn't expect that they were not unified internally, if this is the case, then there is nothing to say that's it.

[Full] Lianwu Qingyi: People say that the Pacific police are lenient. I didn’t expect that I saw a more lenient policeman today. If you kill me, I’ll serve it. What a big tone. Come and kill me. See if I can get out.

[Full] Charming: Husband Lian, who wants to kill you?
[Transaction] Lianwu Qingyi: Who else, besides the one who just killed someone without apologizing and scolding others, thinks he is a god and can manipulate others at will?But sorry, you still can't control me.

Jiao Meier is also a talent, thanks to the tacit understanding they used to work together to overwhelm others with words, she didn't say anything, just inserted a question or two at a critical moment, which made it easier for Lianwu Qingyi to play.

And Xiao Xiao Muyu and Linghu who were next to him stood there and hadn't left yet. Linghu was still trying to persuade Lianwu Qingyi to let it go, and as for Xiao Xiaomuyu, Lianwu Qingyi believed that if it wasn't for the separation Screen, he probably wanted to run over and strangle her to death with his own hands.

But even through the screen, in the game now he can't wait to cut Lianwu Qingyi again and again!But it's a pity, the game is set, you can't PK in the city, hahaha, suffocate him to death!
No matter what Linghu I didn't say, Lianwu Qingyi didn't want to talk about it anymore, and he wasn't the person involved, so what's the point of saying more, I didn't look at the one next to me who wanted to kill someone.

[Full] Lianwu Qingyi: You said that after playing the game for so long, I don't think I'm an unreasonable person, and I have a good temper, but I just can't figure it out. Want to be scolded?
[Transaction] Lianwu Qingyi: Ordinarily, it’s not a big deal, but I don’t care about it. It’s my business. Everyone knows that you should apologize if you do something wrong. You don’t belong to any family in the world. If you want to be a monster, read a novel Is it too much?

The final result was that Linghu and I didn't rush to swipe the screen for a long time, but Lianwu Qingyi ignored it and swipe the screen for a long time in the world. He had lunch at noon, hung up offline, and went to eat.

The whole morning's screen was refreshed, and Lian Wu Qingyi's anger disappeared. It's not too good to make others feel depressed and aggrieved. In fact, everything in the world is like this. If you care about you, you lose.

Threatening people to seize other people's weaknesses, Xiao Xiao Muyu threatened Lianwu Qingyi by not being able to upgrade, the problem is that she is not a person who is only crazy about experience, there are many ways to play the game, but she chose the one that she cares least about. Threat, what effect?

And as for Lianwu Qingyi's screen display in the world, she didn't expect to use great principles to make others repent and turn back when they lost their way.To put it bluntly, she didn't expect Xiao Xiao Muyu to care about how others scolded him at all. You must know that there are a lot of scolding him in the world, and others scold him in all kinds of ugly ways. It's still the same thing!
Therefore, Lianwu Qingyi is not "swearing", she is "reasoning", if I don't scold you, I will tell you the whole thing for everyone to see, and then I will tell you - "reasoning" !
Being scolded, maybe it can be used as a bragging capital, being "reasoned" by others, it is not a pleasant experience, the reason is untenable, and if you are constantly "educated", you will not believe that you are in front of others And this face!

Hey, if you can't win a fight, and the one who loses himself with dirty words, it's best to "present the facts and reason", stand on the standpoint of justice and save your face, whoops, why do you feel so good?

There are three types of people who should not be messed with when walking in the rivers and lakes, the elderly, children and monks!There is also a category of people who cannot be messed with when playing games, and that is - chatterbox!
(End of this chapter)

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