Chapter 108
It would be a lie to say that Lianwu Qingyi didn't care about being killed at all.But to say that she cared about this matter very much, that's even more impossible. Xiao Xiaomuyu killed her, and she also took Xiao Xiaomuyu's face in the morning.

But there was something to do in the afternoon, and by the time she played the game, it was already night.

After logging in to the game, she talked happily about "reasoning" in the morning, and at noon, she was still sitting in the city of Qingzhou with the sign on her head.As a result, after getting on the number, I found that the sign on the head was gone, and the number was meditating on a small stone platform in Tiezhang Peak.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Why is Min still not enough?I looked at it, how could that point be enough in Ansan, or is it stuck?
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: It was not a monster who beat her, but someone who killed her.

[Secret] Snow in the sky said to you: Who?what happened?

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: It's none of my business, it's a fight between the League of Legends and Iron Blood Pride, and I'm the fish in the pool that was affected.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Well, who killed it, and how did it hurt the one in Qingzhou City?Is no one in charge?Why don't you go to the small doctor?
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Xiao Xiao Muyu from the League of Legends died today unluckily, and was injured twice. At first I treated him, but the next time, that Xiao Xiao Muyu didn't apologize and even cursed.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: You pissed me off and wasted my double, so I just sat there and scolded him all morning.

【Secret】Changkongxue said to you: Then what?
Before Lianwu Qingyi could do anything, Changkongxue's secret message arrived, and he knew that he must be the one who got the number back, treated it, and hung up here again.

Lianwu Qingyi talked to Changkongxue while jumping to the big platform in the lower left corner. Fortunately, there was no one here, so she concentrated on "complaining" while playing treasure.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: That Xiao Xiao Mu Yu didn't apologize or say anything, and his words were terrible, I just kept talking about him there, he couldn't save face, just said that he would kill me until I got out of the server.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Hehe, what a face, does he have such a great ability?

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Well, that’s what I said, the big deal is that I won’t level up anymore, I just play treasure every day, anyway, I can also use my big move, so I will continue to play treasure like a few days ago, maybe I will really hit it baby.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: It's okay, if you want to upgrade, just continue to upgrade, I can go up every day after I have been busy for a few days.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Well, I'm not afraid of him coming to kill me. I don't like leveling up. The current monsters are hard to pull. It takes a long time to pull a few monsters, and the experience is not long at all. , looking tired.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: That's it, it doesn't work if you don't upgrade, at least you have to brush out a set of clothes, your Demon Cult's equipment is the most beautiful, and it's not easy to buy, so you can only brush it yourself. It's better to change it when you upgrade.

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: Oh, it’s like this, I get it!

When Lianwu Qingyi talked to Changkongxue, the three words "I know" were the most she said, so she gradually made fuss about punctuation marks. Generally, when she was educated a lot, she would be dejected "... ...", expressing an endless repetition of irresistible lamentation.Usually, it's just a flat ".", but when you want to strengthen your tone and resist a little, it's "!", but whether she is happy or unhappy, she can't escape the eyes of others.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Not only do you need to know, but you have to keep it in your heart. What's going on with your gang, there is no one, why don't you come to my gang.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: If you want to leave the gang, where will the gang administrator go?

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Since you don't accept people, why do you want to start a gang if you are serious.

Speaking of the gang that is being built now, it is the pain in Lianwu Qingyi's heart, 100 million, what a waste~~~~~~~~~~~~
[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: No, it was Xingyue who said to give me 100 million that day, telling me to build a gang, and get everyone into a gang.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: The money Xingyue gave you?

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: No, it’s my own money, I’m ashamed to take her money. Is there any money in my bag anyway? Besides, 100 million is not too much.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Hehe, why are you the only one in the gang?
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Well, it's the name problem. Xingyue said that I didn't choose my name well, and people would misunderstand that we are not serious. At first I asked her what name she wanted to be called, and she said I was It's good to get up, I'm so depressed.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: Haha, you are bored to death!
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Well, I thought I had a good name at first. All the women in the world are married. I was beaten to death by her. It is not serious. I really want to die to her.

"Death to whom" is also Lianwu Qingyi's favorite catchphrase, expressing a very, very strong emotion. Changkongxue, who often chats with her, naturally understands what it means, and it feels even more funny.This, the little girls are bickering...

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Then get all the trumpets in your gang, anyway, you like this name so much.The trumpet won't fall apart.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: No need, my charming wife said that day and I said it was fine, I am too lazy to do it, I am lazy in the first place, so I am impatient to do it. You have to be strong enough to fight.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: Oh, why did I feel such a deep feeling, it doesn't look like you anymore.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: It's because of today's incident, that Xiao Xiao Muyu told me that the whole gang should not practice leveling. If they really accepted people, it wouldn't be because I was the only one who hurt others.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Why do you care about what he said, Qingquan Gang, the tone is not small, if you really want to be clear, others are not vegetarians.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: No, anyway, I think this game is a fighting game, and it is better to have a stronger person as the gang leader, otherwise there is no way for others to bully the gang members Help someone out.

Being a gang member and being a gang leader are definitely two different concepts. This is what Lianwu Qingyi has gradually realized. To be a real good gang, the gang leader is not just a title to show off, he must also have a sense of responsibility and be willing to take responsibility , I have to be strong myself.

Lianwu Qingyi played the treasure all night, and went to Ansan to upgrade the next day, and that Xiao Xiaomuyu didn't come to Qingren, so this matter was so unresolved, but Lianwu Qingyi is really famous , The friends who practiced together before know that she likes to chat, okay, now everyone who knows her or not knows that she has a good tongue.

Lianwu Qingyi is very depressed: Actually, I am really a gentle, considerate and shy little girl, heaven!

Happy birthday, my motherland!
Happy holidays everyone, I wish those who go out to travel can have a smooth journey, and stay away from traffic jams.

(End of this chapter)

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