Chapter 109 Depressing Rules

The snail crawls slowly, and the experience experience rises slowly.

The snails ate several crops of grapes, and Lianwu Qingyi finally climbed to the fourth floor of Antu. God, she was so angry at killing Japanese pirates. Those who can bear the loneliness of upgrading, everyone is a real hero what!

It was a Saturday, and Lianwu Qingyi finally decided to treat herself well. She got up early and went to the vegetable market to buy ribs and equip them to make deep-fried ribs for fun. game.

I was lucky, just after I started the game, I saw someone in the world calling An Si for a position, and when I entered the group, I saw an acquaintance - Changfeng last night, but he was the only one who was more familiar, and the others were all They have never practiced level together before, this is really unprecedented, but considering the time she wasted in the snow mountain, it is not surprising that there are so many people I don't know.

Not being too familiar, it doesn't prevent her from chatting with her acquaintances, ⊙﹏⊙‖∣, chatterbox is such a fortress, telling her not to speak will really kill her, suffocate her!
The time of chatting and fighting monsters always passed very quickly. When Lianwu Qingyi saw the time inadvertently, it was almost noon. Too bad, the rice hadn't been cooked yet, and the ribs hadn't been marinated yet.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I'm going to make dinner, hang up the number next to it first.

[Team] Changfeng last night: What delicious food did Lianwu do, please eat together.

[Team] Favorite young woman: Oh, Lian Wu cooks for herself, she must be a young woman.Young woman is good, I like it best.

The most beloved young woman not only has a lewd name, but also has unbearable lewd words. Lianwu Qingyi never answered his words when she was joking with everyone in the morning, and it is the same now, pretend she didn't see it.

Run the number to the side, and there is a monster following behind. Just in time, Lianwu Qingyi's big move can be used all the time. When the monster dies, new monsters should also be refreshed, so that you can keep fighting Zoom in, more or less have some experience.

After the number is hung up, Lianwu Qingyi went to cook rice with peace of mind, washed the rice, put it on the rice cooker, and put two eggplants on the steamer grid, so that when the rice is good, the eggplants are also good, and it's just right to eat .

Because the seasoning is very important to make fried pork ribs, Lianwu Qingyi scraped off the skin of the old ginger with a chopstick, finely chopped it into minced ginger, then patted the garlic with a knife, took out the garlic cloves and chopped it into minced ginger, because She doesn't like green onions, so that's the only thing she spends time on.

Wash the pork ribs and put them in a small pot. Put salt, chicken essence, pepper noodles, ginger, garlic, five-spice powder, and cooking wine in the pot and mix well. Finally, add some soy sauce to enhance the color. You can’t put too much of this, it will stick to the pan Well, cover it with a lid, and marinate it when the rice is cooked, just put it in the pan and fry it, it will make your mouth water when you think about it.

Looking at the ginger and garlic left behind, Lianwu Qingyi also dipped the eggplant in water without any hassle. Well, the preparations are all done, and it's time to go to level up for another half an hour.

Thinking that there will be delicious food later, after the ribs are fried, you can eat and play slowly all afternoon, Lianwu Qingyi walked back to the computer in a good mood, and greeted everyone warmly:

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: I'm back!I’m making fried pork ribs today, who wants to eat them, I’ll pack them and send them to him along the wire.

But Lianwu Qingyi didn't expect that her good mood would soon end.

[Team] Changfeng last night: Lianwu, do you know what you did wrong?

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi:?

She was obviously not there just now, so she did something wrong and she had to bring it up seriously?
[Team] Changfeng last night: How can you still use your big move when you hang up the phone?
[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I ran to the side, so I can practice martial arts by the way.

[Team] Last night Changfeng: You shouldn't use big moves when you're not around. It affects others, and the blame is all on you.

Lianwu Qingyi didn't speak, and pulled the chat history to it.From the time she left to her return, there was a delay of about 10 minutes, but the chat history was wonderful.

[Team] My favorite young woman: Why didn't Lian Wu talk anymore? If you don't deny it, you must be a young woman. Why are you ashamed? Are you pretending to be pure?

[Team] Xiaoyu Youyou: You're not here, didn't she say to cook.

[Team] Favorite young woman: It’s hard to say, maybe she is secretly watching us talk, women are like this, they want to listen and pretend to be innocent.

[Team] Xiao Yu patters: Haha, there is a possibility.

[Team] Favorite young women: Yellow-haired girls are boring, but young women are the most exciting, like ripe peaches, it tastes good.

[Team] Fengli Lily: It's so annoying, you guys have already started fighting every time you come back, why is it like this.

[Team] Xiaoyu Xilili: We didn't fight first, the account that brought Lianwu has been playing all the time, do we want us to watch her fight?
[Team] Changfeng last night: Please bear with me, she should be back soon, please pull the monsters here, she will automatically stop if there are no monsters there.

[Team] Xiaoyu Youyou: It's not good at all, the monster is on her side when it comes out, MD, don't worry about it, labor and capital will also fight.

[Team] Favorite young woman: How about I leave the team and kill her back.

[Team] Last night Changfeng: Give her another 5 minutes, if the 5 minutes still doesn't come, I will kill her directly.

[Team] Fengli Lily: She stands here and doesn't fight because she wants to share our experience.

Then after a bunch of world transactions, it was the sentence that Lianwu Qingyi sent back.Lianwu Qingyi wondered if she should be thankful that she came back in time?Otherwise, what she saw would be herself with the sign back in the city.

In the game, everyone’s fixed mode of leveling is to pull monsters first, because the monsters are scattered, especially in Antu, they choose a corner of a large room for leveling, and there will always be three monsters spawned here. For this map, It's not bad to have three monsters, so they all use this place as their base. Everyone pulls monsters from other places, and then waits for everyone to fight.

And because Lianwu Qingyi hangs in the corner, it's strange that she brushed it out as she thought, and was hit by her big move, but for others, it's just that she still needs to work hard to go far away to pull it. , she just stood there and enjoyed it, especially those who pulled it back from the front. She felt that she pulled it by herself, and added that it was refreshed in this place. If someone strikes first, then follow suit. After all, the more you fight, the more experience you will gain. In this way, those who come back later will not do it.

In fact, it was just taking advantage of more than ten minutes, and they were all in the same team. Lian Wu Qingyi really didn't expect to meet a group of masters who would not take any losses.

It was really boring, Lianwu Qingyi's good mood disappeared all of a sudden, she didn't speak anymore, and practiced together for more than ten minutes, she left the group on the excuse that the meal was ready, and ran to a small room with two monsters , opened the big move and went to get food with peace of mind.

Why is it exciting to play with like-minded friends in the game?This is the reason, how good it is with friends, how depressed it is to practice with the best, or how to say: no brothers, no world?I didn’t go to bed until after four o’clock in the morning yesterday. I had a headache in the morning, and I fell asleep when I was sleepy in the afternoon. I’m not more sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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