Chapter 110 Childish

In fact, if you don’t want Lianwu Qingyi to rub their experience, there is no way out, just kick her out of the team, but in this way, although Lianwu Qingyi is no longer in the team, but her account is still hanging there, refresh it She can still fight the monsters, but the experience is hers alone, and now everyone can pull only three or four monsters.

It's just that I don't want to give up these strange experiences and feel that my advantage is being taken advantage of by others.

Really, Lianwu Qingyi hasn't been angry about the game for a long time, even after being killed inexplicably that day, after scolding and venting her anger, it was fine, but this time her mood was really affected, even the ribs It doesn't taste that good after frying.

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: What are you doing?
[Secret] You said to Changkong Xue: Sulk.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: /Khan, what's wrong?
This question touched Lianwu Qingyi's heart, Balabala told her what happened in the morning all over again, um, people feel much more comfortable when they say it, these pork ribs are really delicious!
[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: Depressed me to death, why are these people like this, I used to level up with others, and she wanted to eat, and I specially asked her to hang next to me, and reserved monsters for her when pulling monsters , all the monsters were pulled to her side.

【Secret】Chang Kongxue said to you: Well, everyone is as generous as you.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: /Shy, that’s not what I said, I was just depressed and it didn’t take long, just over ten minutes. Everyone started chatting and chatting well, but it turned out to be such a person , irritability.

【Secret】Chang Kongxue said to you: The same rice feeds all kinds of people. If you know what they are like, it will be fine if you don’t form a group with them in the future.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Well, I have never encountered such a thing with the group of friends. I was so mad just now that I lost my appetite to eat.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: Hehe, let's not be angry now, eat more when the anger subsides.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: I'm gnawing bones now, the ribs fried today are delicious, do you want to eat them?I will express it to you along the network cable.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: Okay, I will try it too.You are still gnawing on the bones now, are you not losing weight?
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: That fried pork ribs was originally eaten for fun, and besides, 158, 92 catties is not very fat, right?
When chatting with Changkongxue before, she would mention the great cause of weight loss in a few sentences, and Changkongxue's ears were almost callused. Now that she is past lunch time, she never forgets to gnaw her bones during the chat, so naturally she wants to make fun of her. Fan.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: dizzy, you are only 92 pounds and you are still shouting to lose weight every day, do you want a gust of wind to blow you away?

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: No, I lost 93 catties a while ago, and I just lost it.

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: ...

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: It's so annoying. I used to really want to gain weight. My classmate said every day that her calves were thicker than my thighs. I was tired of hearing it. No matter how much I ate, I couldn't gain weight. Now I can't.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: ...then how much weight do you want to lose?
[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: I was only in my 80s before, so I should at least reduce it to [-] catties.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: ... I finally know how you got your gallstones.

[Secret] You said to Changkong Xue:?

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: You never eat breakfast, right?Just save it.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: No way, people still buy steamed buns sometimes.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Well, eat it once in a while, but don't eat it usually.

[Secret] You said to Changkong Xue: Isn't that not hungry?

Thinking about it carefully, it’s really like this. Since I’ve been working, I’ve lived in a unit, and it’s close to the office, and I don’t exercise. I don’t feel very hungry all day long, and I only eat a little bit every time. Stones, how can you grow stones if you eat too little? It should be because you eat too much, which is strange.

[Secret] Chang Kongxue said to you: Since your gang doesn't want to mess with it, it should be disbanded early. After joining a gang and practicing with the gang members, you won't encounter such angry things.

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: I don't, it's 100 million, I just wait for it to disperse by itself, and it feels like a loss to go to disperse by myself.

【Secret】Chang Kongxue said to you: No, you're going to leave anyway in the end, isn't it the same thing sooner or later?

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: No, it's because of the system that you disperse by yourself. It's because of you that you ran to disperse by yourself. I can't bear to watch it disperse.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: ... what are you doing now?
[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: chatting with you and gnawing bones.

Lianwu Qingyi has a bone in her mouth, and her hands are still busy typing, so busy, Changkongxue still asks such nonsense, alas, is he confused by anger?
[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: ... I told you your number, where you are, and what you are doing.

[Secret] You said to Chang Kongxue: Oh, I left the group just now because I was cooking, and now I am practicing alone.

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: When is it?

[Secret] You said to Changkong Xue: An Si.

【Secret】Chang Kongxue said to you: Is there no group for so long?

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: I didn't call that, didn't you come just now, I didn't have time to ask if there was a group when I was talking to you.

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: I will start a group, let's go to the dream space.

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: Oh, then when I come back, why do you want to enter the dream space?

[Full] Changkongxue: Free forest at the capital post station, the speed of the group is required.

[Secret] Changkongxue said to you: See how the effect is after you unblock the meridians, and get some stones by the way.

[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: Oh, it must be faster than before. I didn't know how to fight one by one before, but now I know that I can form a group.

After the team was formed, the sky covered Lin with snow, and Lianwu Qingyi followed him to the long-lost fantasy space.

Last time she made it to one round, this time it started from the second round, and only after entering did she realize that every round is the same, the order of the ten floors is the same, and the monster scenery is all the same, but the monsters are much more difficult to fight Even so, she easily passed the second group. After all, she has a higher level now. The weapon and equipment points plus the pulse that has been opened, the attack is not one or two points high, it has to be doubled!
But even so, Lianwu Qingyi and Changkongxue only broke through three groups each before stopping.Because the monsters at the back are harder to fight, and the more time it takes, after three groups, it's almost time for dinner.At this time, Changkongxue's dream space broke through five groups, and Lianwu Qingyi made it through four groups.

(End of this chapter)

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