Chapter 111 Mischief

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: Come?Want to upgrade?
[Secret] You said to Changkongxue: Well, why are you so early today, yes.

[Secret] Changkong Xue said to you: Come to Ansi.There is a long corridor in the middle.

Lianwu Qingyi only started the game in the morning, and Changkongxue let Ansi go to upgrade. The long corridor is the best place to upgrade Ansi, because it has two passages, and it can pull monsters from both sides. It can be pulled here. The blame is the most.

The blood volume of monsters is fixed, and the time to eliminate one or a group of monsters is also fixed. Then, the number of monsters per unit time determines the amount of experience. Here, it has always been a place for leveling, and it is difficult to grab the position.

When Lianwu Qingyi arrived and joined the team, did she realize that the team is full of acquaintances!
[Team] Xingyue: Lian, you are here. I knew you were coming just now when Xue kept this position.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Well, good morning everyone, everyone is so early today!

[Team] Xinghai: Lian Wu hasn't been troubled by heroes recently, so please tell me if you need help.

In addition to Xinghai Xingyue, there are three others who used to be Lianwu Qingyi who helped Fengyuyan return to the pavilion, and the other one has never practiced with him before, but Lianwu Qingyi often saw him running money in the bamboo sea when he was in the 30th level. I am very impressed, there is no way, who told someone to have a very awesome name-Nalan Rongruo!
[Secret] Heartbroken Wuhen said to you: The hero of the lotus dance is still troublesome for you?
[Secret] You said to Heartbroken Wuhen: No, I still thought that if I came to clear me, I would continue to reason with them. Anyway, I am alone, so there is nothing to be afraid of, but they probably I also feel that it is meaningless to come.

[Secret] Heartbroken Wuhen said to you: How will your current gang be, is it fun to be the gang leader?

[Secret] You said to Heartbroken Wuhen: I am only one person in this gang. You were not there when I left that day. I asked Tianzun to tell you. It was originally my friend who wanted to build it, but later asked me to run errands.

In fact, Lianwu Qingyi was a little embarrassed when she saw the people in the former gang. To her, it was not because of another gang that she abandoned the current gang and left. She just had a clear conscience. The problem is that she A gang leader who used to play games didn't care about anything. After Lianwu Qingyi and the others changed gangs, they said some very outrageous things, which made her cry at the time, so the matter of gang switching had to be treated with caution and explained clearly. just work.

[Secret] Heartbroken Wuhen said to you: Well, then it’s good for you friends to play together, last time the hero let you know, did they support you?

[Secret] You said to Heartbroken Wuhen: Hehe, I already said that I helped someone. They dislike the name I gave. I'm waiting for this gang to be dismissed by the system.

[Secret] Heartbroken Wuhen said to you: If the gang is gone, you should come back. There are many people in the gang, and they all miss you.

[Secret] You said to Heartbroken Wuhen: No, I’m still in trouble on my head now, who knows if the hero will have a convulsion one day, and when the time comes, the gang will be hurt, I’m ready to help If you do it, just hang around alone, and no gang will be added.

[Secret] Heartbroken, Wuhen said to you: It's okay, we help those who dislike the League of Legends in the first place, there is no entanglement, everyone is united, and multiple people have multiple strengths.

[Secret] You said to the heartbroken Wuhen: Oh, then wait until the time is gone, okay?
Heartbroken, Wuhen didn't keep persuading her, just handed over the words, there is no barrier between everyone chatting together, Lianwu Qingyi likes this kind of thing, what she likes most is to let nature take its course, and she dislikes being forced by others Whatever she does, whether it's forceful or soft.

Although the location of the long corridor is good, it is a pity that it is really difficult to blame.

Lianwu Qingyi first pulled the upper path, but unfortunately, except for a small living room monster in the middle of the upper path, two or three monsters are easier to pull, and the other monsters are in compartments one by one. Pull it out, others with good skills can pull three, but Lianwu Qingyi can't.

Take one from the first room, and when you go around to the second room, the first monster she pulls will drop. If you are lucky, if you brush one on the way, she can pull two more monsters. Well, if you are unlucky, there will be a lone monster following behind her, no matter how pitiful it looks.

Others didn't say anything, so she felt embarrassed, this, it's really embarrassing, she can't even pull a monster, it's so cruel!
So she changed in the middle, and she switched to the monster on the road below. The road below is no longer a compartment, but a room like a dance hall surrounded by pillars like plum blossom piles, and the monsters are scattered in the room. Between the pillars, pulling monsters here, the most important thing is to pull the monsters' hatred firmly, and then lead them around the pillars.

In fact, this is also a skill-testing job. The monster will always squat between the pillars three times and two times.

Lianwu Qingyi followed Changkongxue to lead two circles of monsters, at first it was two, and gradually it was better to bring three monsters at a time, more people and fewer monsters, everyone can focus on finding monsters, it's like a competition .

Is there too much blame?Or increased proficiency?Anyway, there was a round of Lianwu Qingyi's character explosion, and she actually pulled five monsters!I can't believe it myself!

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Wow, I actually pulled five monsters, I admire myself, did I really pull this?
[Team] Long Sky Snow: / Star Eyes / Star Eyes / Star Eyes

Asking for praise, asking for praise, there will be an immediate response. Lianwu Qingyi looked at the little scholar with big star-blinking eyes. Although she was a little embarrassed, she was really happy in her heart!

[Team] Xingyue: Hehe, Xueyou...

[Team] Chang Kongxue:?
[Team] Xingyue: Lian, look at Xue's expression, she only pulled a few monsters and that's it, you two are so disgusting.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I'm sorry, then you find an emoticon, the system emoticon is like this, what's the matter with being disgusting, you put the word disgusting on everything, and you are so tired of crying !

[Team] Nalan Rongruo: Hehe, it's so lively to see you girls bickering, fighting monsters is not boring anymore.

[Team] Xingyue: Originally, Lian, don't quibble, why are we pulling so many to blame Xue, you two, stop pretending.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: We didn't pretend, you were thinking too much.

[Team] Xingyue: Xue, when will you marry Lianwu from our family?

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I'm dizzy, Yue, you are so gossip.Do you want to learn how prefect Qiao messed up the mandarin ducks?
[Secret] You said to Xingyue: Don't joke too much, he doesn't get married in the game, you will turn your face like this again.

So, Xingyue finally stopped joking about matching the two of them, as if girls love to be matchmakers in games and always want to match people around them.

Lianwu Qingyi thought about explaining to Xingyue that the situation was special, and she probably wouldn't say it again in the future, but she underestimated women's strong pursuit of gossip, and she didn't expect that pranks could be done like that!

Every woman has a powerful soul of gossip, a pair of eyes that are good at discovering gossip, and they are even more gifted for promoting the process of gossip!

In addition, I’m going to stay in that place without internet for three days tomorrow, and I won’t be able to update it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I will try my best to catch up and try to update a chapter when I come back the day after tomorrow.Let's see it the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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