Chapter 112 Talents

After a lively practice all morning, and then come back after lunch, the seat is gone, but this kind of thing is commonplace.

Now the level-up experience is a terrifying number. Without doubles, you can't practice at all, and after the level is higher, the requirements for weapons and equipment are also higher. At this time, everyone is very poor.

Therefore, it is generally practiced when there is a double and a place, and if there is no place, then earn money, buy a bronze figure and a stone to brush attributes, it is all piled up with money, Lianwu Qingyi and Ren Du's two veins have not been opened Woolen cloth!

So in the afternoon, Lianwu Qingyi chose the [-]th-level treasure land, Shenhezhuang, to brush money. At this time, it is very easy to fight the monsters of Shenhe. The most important thing is that she swayed in all three places, so there is still room here up.

After Zhang Kongxue came up, he also joined the money-swiping team. Two people fought, and the speed was much faster. The Tangmen young man in white was hardworking in killing monsters, and the witch in purple was not idle, chatting happily.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: Lian, you are so high that you are not married yet, find someone to take care of you.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: I'm sorry, what is Yue talking to you again, you two have been very free recently, right?

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: No, if you are a sister, you should care about you.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: Forget it, you, it’s okay for Yue to say this, you are still single, and you still have time to worry about others, do you want me to go to the world to ask for a marriage for you?

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: Haha, I can't find it, you are different, you see how good the sky is to you, you two are dragging on like this every day, we are anxious for you, Or let us help you pick it out.

[Secret] You say to Jiao Meier: Don't, we are friends, well, he has already said that he will not get married in the game, so don't let your own temper join in the fun, and embarrass others.

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: Lian, what are you doing.

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: Don't pretend, okay, do you think I don't know that you and my sweet wife are conspiring together? If you kill me, I won't believe that you two are not discussing secretly now.

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: Hehe, we have good intentions, and we also want someone to take care of you in a legitimate way. You said that you two have lovers and concubines, and you need someone to pierce the window paper.

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: I'm sorry, we are friends. If you mess up with me, you won't die of embarrassment in the future.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: Lian, I don't care about you anymore, I'm off to do the laundry.

[Secret] You said to Jiao Meier: You can rest when Xingyue comes to take over, right? I've convinced you two.

[Secret] Jiao Meier said to you: What are you talking about, I really want to do the laundry, well, it’s piled up a lot, so I won’t tell you anymore, I’m hanging up.

【Secret】You say to Jiao Meier: Oh, then you can go.

It doesn't matter whether it's real laundry or fake laundry, anyway, Jiaomeier's name is silent, Lianwu Qingyi will talk to Xingyue all the time, it's easy to deal with just one, anyway, Lianwu Qingyi is still He made fun of Xingyue.

[Team] Kongxue: What are you doing, why are you not talking?

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I just chatted with my lovely wife Heyue, and I told her to stop joking around when there are many people.

[Team] Chang Kongxue: Hehe, you two have a very good relationship.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Well, we have been playing together for more than a year. We play together every day. We all get along very well, and we are very good at teasing people.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: Well, then you should make it clear to them that if you keep on like this, others will misunderstand you, and no one will dare to pursue you.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: What are you talking about, I'm afraid of embarrassing you, okay, you don't get married in the game, they always say that, if you talk too much, you will be embarrassed, I'm not afraid, I'm shameless Very thick all right.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: Hehe, let me be honest, you see that no one dares to chase you anymore, it must be a misunderstanding.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Hmm, you are just afraid that I will pester you, right? Also, you are tired of dragging such a big burden like me.

[Team] Captain Kongxue: All right, all right, I can't afford to offend you, and I'm talking nonsense again.I don't mean that, I just want not to delay you, in case you want to get married and have people around you.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I don't need a house for my practice, so what kind of marriage do I have? If it is really enabled, I might have an idea. The problem is that the game is not enabled. It's pretty good now.

Talking to Changkongxue here, Xingyue over there was also probably hit very hard, for a while she didn't know how to tell her to suppress her arrogance, so she died down for a while.

Women are like this. They are talking about business at the beginning, but they don't know where the topic is going wrong. Later, it will become a fight, and they forget why they fought in the first place.

But is that really the case?
[GM] [System]: Welcome Wudang disciple [Lianwu Aikongxue] to enter Jianghu!
Honghong's system message was posted on the chat channel, Lianwu Qingyi was about to faint now, who is so talented, came up with such a trick, using the system to serve himself?

Is it Jiaomeier or Xingyue?

【Secret】You said to Jiao Meier: Are you there?are you kidding?

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: I'm dizzy, what are you doing, Yue?

There was no response from Jiao Meier, is she really doing laundry or is she pretending to be dead?

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: I'm running for money, so what's wrong?
[GM] [System]: Welcome Wudang disciple [Kongxue Ailian Dance] to enter the rivers and lakes!
Xingyue pretended to be very innocent, this is not over yet, another trumpet has entered the rivers and lakes, even if no one paid attention to it just now, it will attract a little attention now.

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: What did you say, you made this trumpet.

[GM] [System]: Welcome Wudang disciple [Kongxue Marries Lotus Dance] to enter Jianghu!
[Secret] Xingyue said to you: What trumpet?Ah, you said this, it's not me, it must be your sweet wife.

[GM] [System]: Welcome Wudang disciple [Lianwu marrying Kongxue] into the arena!
Xingyue looked confused, didn't understand what Lianwu Qingyi was talking about, and then yelled, as if she had just discovered the name of the new trumpet, and she was quite active in helping Lianwu Qingyi find the real culprit, providing suspects.

But Lianwu Qingyi didn't believe her at all, just now I was talking to you all the time, she didn't speak, and the trumpet came in, saying that the trumpet had nothing to do with her, is this possible?And with Xingyue's attention to the world, would he be belatedly discover that the chat channel is wrong?

At this time, two trumpets entered the rivers and lakes again, and the system really swiped the screen now. Well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to be famous now. Even if no one noticed it at the beginning, no one will not notice it now.

There are many risks in the rivers and lakes, and you need to be cautious when entering. Trumpets, you are rushing into the rivers and lakes like this, okay?

I can't feel overwhelmed by the fact that I forgot to pass on the manuscript I wrote on my phone and brought it back.

Riding in a car is really a kind of torture. People with motion sickness can’t afford to be hurt, and people who get a cold when they open the window are even worse~~~~~~~~ I took medicine yesterday and went to bed early, no update I'm sorry for the friends who ran away in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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