Chapter 113 Procrastination

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: Jiao Meier just went to wash clothes, how could it be her, it must be you, I told you not to be joking, you didn't listen and still made such a big noise, you fainted to death.

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: It's really not me, Lian, it must be Jiao Meier.

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: She is not around, okay, I have secreted her, she just told me about laundry.

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: Maybe she just said that, but she didn't go at all, or she went and sneaked back, you secret she pretended not to be there.

[Secret] You said to Xingyue: I will fall.

[Secret] Xingyue said to you: I really didn't do it, I was running for money, and I was still talking to you, how could I have time to open a trumpet.

Talking here while opening a trumpet, this is not a technical job, not to mention Xingyue has a criminal record, the problem is not recognized, and Lianwu Qingyi can't do anything about her.

If it's a different time and a different place, Lianwu Qingyi doesn't care about it, just wipes her face in her bag and pretends she's not there. The problem is that the snowy heels in the sky!she!exist!one!indivual!Team!inside!one!indivual!land!square!just!exist!hit!precious!what!

Lianwu Qingyi felt that her face was extremely hot all of a sudden, she didn't need to look in the mirror to know that her face must be red, killing someone, what should she do now, she seems to be able to see the other party behind the screen The face must be smiling, can this still be a happy game?

The atmosphere is embarrassing, how can we break this situation?

Lianwu Qingyi was dying of anxiety, and wanted to pretend that nothing had happened and continue playing treasure, but the system was still there, and it was not so easy to pretend to be blind.

If you want to talk about a topic casually in a calm manner, let's just bring it along, well, she is not the kind of talent with quick wits, and she has no ability to deal with it all of a sudden.

[Full] Chang Kongxue: It seems that everyone cares about us very much, thank you!
At the critical moment, he had to rely on Changkongxue to save the siege. He said this in the world and thanked him directly.

It takes courage to admit that you gossip in front of people in the server!
[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Yue must have done it. If you can't win, I will use another method to punish me.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: Hehe, it’s okay, the game is fun, you have to have someone to fight with you.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Thinking back to the days when we were silent about what others said together, I didn't expect that the power of internal strife would still be so lethal.I never thought of this method, and learned.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: Hehe, you finally have a day when you admit that you are not as good as others.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Hey, you can’t say that, it’s like what I’m usually saying, I’m very reasonable, okay, I’ll admit it right away if it doesn’t work, you say that As if I'm cocky.

[Team] Chang Kongxue: Ah, is there any?Why didn't I see it?

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: ...

[Team] Captain Kongxue: Did you say it all in your heart?Then there is no way, even though it is a game, we don't have the function of reading minds.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I am speechless, what the hell is it today, you are all here to bully me, you have to be careful, I am not easy to bully!
The topic was quickly taken away, and Lianwu Qingyi also cooperated in chattering, what is the embarrassment?It will be blown away by the strong wind before it appears!

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: You have to know, the mouth of the green bamboo snake, and the needle in the back of the hornet's tail, both are not poisonous, but the most poisonous to a woman's heart, hehe, you can be careful.

[Captain] Kongxue: That's that, the person you scolded all morning is still hanging in front of the car, how dare we disrespect you, female hero, female hero, please forgive me.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Well, I'm not scolding, I'm just talking about the matter, if the road is not fair, others will shovel it, if things are done wrong, don't try to stop others' mouths!
This is the advantage of playing the treasure trumpet team. There are only two living people in the team, and they are not afraid of being overheard when they speak!
[Team] Zhang Kongxue: It's almost time for your help, isn't it?
[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Well, it will probably be gone tomorrow.

[Team] Kongxue: Which gang will you join then?

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I don't know yet, but Wuhen told me to go back after my heart was broken. At first I thought I was afraid of hurting them, but he said it was okay.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: That’s for sure. There are a lot of renminbi players who are willing to spend money. Listen up.

[Team] Lotus Dance Qingyi: Renminbi player?
[Team] Kongxue: They just spend money to play games.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Oh, there is also a special name.Spending money to play games always feels like a waste, not worth it.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: That's you. For others who have money, it's a waste of time to let him spend money to get equipment.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: We used to help this kind of people a lot, why didn't I find out?
[Team Leader] Kongxue: That's because you didn't pay attention, you didn't realize that some people never ran out of money, but they were never short of money to spend.Also, I didn't see them buying copper figurines, they only sold copper figurines, and they bought them by themselves.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Oh, I heard Heartbroken Wuhen say that he made a mistake when he charged Yuanbao and turned into a hundred yuan gold coin. I still feel sorry for him. That gold coin doesn’t cost money. , just hang it up.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: Well, your wages are low, so there are not many people who spend money. They earn a lot outside, and use the time to run money to make money. You can exchange a lot of game coins, so other people spend money to buy a game. Happy.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: I still think it’s a waste, we’re all wasting our time, the one who told me to fight, I don’t know where to move my hands, I just click the mouse with one hand, I don’t even have shortcut keys will press.

[Team Leader] Kongxue: That's because you don't seek to make progress. Others play games just to experience the joy of being a master. They would rather be the head of a chicken than the queen.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Yes, the main reason is that I used to play a very peaceful and gentle game, how can I adapt to the bloody wind in the rivers and lakes all of a sudden.

In fact, Lianwu Qingyi didn't say a word, aren't games used to pass the time? It's easy to understand spending a little money, but it's a bit incomprehensible to spend a lot of money on games, but everyone has their own differences. People's way of playing, for rich people, spending money can buy happiness, and this is the greatest use of money!
[Team] Captain Kongxue: Then you promised to return to help without a trace after your heart was broken?
[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Not yet, I said we'll see when the time comes, after all, the gang hasn't disbanded yet, should I go back or what?
[Team Leader] Kongxue: See if you like it, you can go back, you are familiar with the members of the gang, and there are topics to chat with.It’s fine if you don’t go back, or you can join my current gang, but if you don’t know the people in the gang well, I’m afraid you’ll be bored.

[Team] Lianwu Qingyi: Oh, let's talk about it after we're done.

Procrastination is a disease that needs to be cured!

(End of this chapter)

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