love my fool bride

Chapter 26 Misunderstanding

Chapter 26 Misunderstanding
Chapter 31 Misunderstanding 3
Putting the shopping bag in the bag on the back of the stroller, Chen Meixuan pushed the stroller for a stroll on the road.

Fortunately, I remembered it, otherwise the baby would be useless tomorrow!

Originally planned to go to her husband's house this afternoon, but because Zhang Haoyu and his wife had something to do, they gave up. On the way home, she suddenly remembered that there were no diapers at home, so she went shopping in the supermarket.

Look at the time, it's only four o'clock, and Zisheng will not return home until 06:30, so she can go shopping again!

Sweeping away the unhappiness in the afternoon, she walked briskly and saw a coffee shop when she turned a corner. It seemed that she hadn't drank it since she was pregnant. She had never eaten anything harmful to the child for the sake of the child, but Now……

Looking at Yisheng who was happily playing finger games in the stroller, "Baby, Mommy wants to drink coffee, do you want to go in and have a look?"

As if understanding what she said, Yisheng giggled happily, as if agreeing with what her mother said.

"Well, then it's decided like this!" With a kiss on his face, she got up and pushed the stroller into the coffee shop, and sat down in a relatively remote place.

She chooses a remote place because she wants to savor quietly alone. She seldom chooses to sit by the window, although many people find it more comfortable there, but she prefers to sit by a table with potted plants rather than by the window.

Picking up Yisheng from the stroller, carefully pinching the little padded jacket, watching him protesting with a bit of a smile as he stretched out his little hands desperately, as if he didn't want Mommy to restrict his range of activities, his calves kicked and kicked .

"Zisheng, are you and Meixuan doing well!" A familiar voice came from next to her ear, she was a little confused, looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Li Yajing and Zhang Zisheng sitting together.

Zisheng? !
Why is he here?Isn't he in a meeting?

I remember what he said to her when he left at noon, "I still have a seminar at 03:30 in the afternoon, so I can't accompany you to Mom's, you have to be careful..."

A little surprised, she couldn't believe it and looked at the two people who were a few tables away from her.

"It's okay." A faint sentence could not reveal his feelings.

"Zisheng, I asked you out today because there is something I want to tell you. You know, Meixuan, I have always felt that I am sorry for her." Even though she never said these words, in her heart, she always I blame myself, after all, it was because of her marriage to Chen Zhixuan that these things happened now.

"Why?" Some doubts, the current him didn't connect the matter between him and Chen Meixuan with Li Yajing.

"Your day was my wedding day." She said, "You should know that when Zhixuan and I got married, his younger sister, Meixuan, didn't approve, but Zisheng and I didn't pay attention at that time. She insisted on finishing the wedding, and Meixuan probably went to the bar because of this, and was with you..."

"Oh!" It was a bit clear, he knew the reason for today's date, "Don't worry, Meixuan and I are fine now, she is a good girl and a good mother, I will treat her well. If you are worried If so, you can rest assured.”


no? ! "Then you asked me out today because of..." He asked a little puzzled.

"Zisheng, you didn't go on honeymoon when you got married, right?" She asked without answering.


"Actually, every woman is duplicity." Facing his puzzled eyes, she said with a bit of a smile, "Just like me, although I accepted Zhixuan's opinion at the beginning, and first got married without Meixuan's blessing. He got married, and he also put forward the condition that he would not go on a honeymoon trip, but in fact, women are very inconsistent animals. I, in fact, also want to go to play and celebrate with the one I love. After all, marriage is just once in a lifetime. It's time to keep some good memories for myself... Meixuan, I think, as a woman, she should also have this kind of thought, although she didn't say anything."

"Oh." With his head down, he picked up the coffee and took a sip. In fact, he really didn't expect what she said. It seems that he was negligent. Fortunately, there is still time, he will make it up to her.

"I asked you out this time because I actually wanted to tell you that if you have a chance, you can take Meixuan on your honeymoon. I think she will be very happy."

"Well, thank you, Xiao Jing, you reminded me, I will make good arrangements." After a pause, he asked, "What about you? Have you mentioned this to Zhixuan?"

"No, but..." He pursed his lips and smirked, "Zhixuan found out by himself. He said he wanted to take me on my honeymoon, but because I was pregnant, he didn't bring it up until someone told him about it a few days ago. The lavender in Hokkaido is blooming beautifully, and the air is very fresh, which is very good for pregnant women, so he wants to take me there to wait for delivery next week."

Looking at Li Yajing's unconcealable smile, he was very relieved, after all, she had really found her own happiness, and Chen Zhixuan was really kind to her.On the other hand, he really didn't do what a husband should do, and he should really reflect on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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