love my fool bride

Chapter 27 Deception

Chapter 27 Deception
Chapter 32 Deception
Because they were far away, Chen Meixuan didn't quite understand what they said, but because their sides were facing her, she could clearly see the expressions on their faces.

She didn't go into what Li Yajing was thinking, she just watched in shock the expressions of remorse, remorse, and heartache appearing on Zhang Zisheng's face one by one.

My heart is getting colder.

Did he still have no way to accept himself in the end, or did he find out that he still loves Li Yajing.

She didn't dare to think about this fact that she had been avoiding all this time, and she didn't want to think about it, but everything in front of her really reminded her that she should give up.

Seeing him carefully supporting Li Yajing, the two walked out of the coffee shop talking and laughing, and the uncomfortable feeling like being strangled by someone leaned towards her again.

Closing her eyes, she forced herself to smile.

Maybe it's just a coincidence?
She tried to convince herself that she didn't want to cause misunderstanding between the two just because of what she saw, after all, the way they get along is very harmonious now.She doesn't want to ruin her current life.


The scene just now kept replaying in my mind, what if Zhang Zisheng really lied to her?
Her mind was full of random thoughts, and pictures hit her head one after another.


She stood up fidgeting, go home first, wait for him when you go home, and ask again when you go home.

Ok.That's it.

Not wanting to guess alone, she got up, quickly settled the bill, and walked out of the cafe pushing the stroller.

Why don't you come back?

From the countless times he looked at the clock when he got home, it was seven o'clock, and he usually arrives home at this time!But today...

Fingers mingled unconsciously, she stood up restlessly, pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Ring bell bell!"

The sound of the phone startled her, she hurried over and picked it up, "Hello, Zisheng?"

"Boss, I'm Agui. I want to go home for a few days. Something happened at home. Can you hear it? The signal here is not very good." There was an urgent cry from the microphone, and I heard it, but Confused.

"Well...Zi Sheng is not here, do you have anything to do with him?"

"Why, the boss is not here?" What should I do? I can't get through on the phone. By the way, "You are the boss's family, please help me tell him that something happened to my family and I must go back immediately. I will find the bar." Xiao Ding watched."

"Bar?" What kind of bar?

"Yes, Nieyuan Bar, well, I'm going to get in the car, please."


Until the sound of hanging up came from the other end of the phone, Chen Meixuan still hadn't recovered.

Nie Yuan, what a special name. If I remember correctly, the bar where I met Zhang Zisheng last time was called Nie Yuan. The reason why she remembered this name was because it was special.

Sitting down dejectedly, what else did she not know about him.

Just now, the name "Ah Gui" means that Zhang Zisheng is the owner of that bar. How can a doctor open a bar?She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't want to think about it anymore.

Hugging her legs, she curled up on the sofa, so tired!How long will this day last?How long can she last?
Don't know, really don't know.

Even though the two are very affectionate on the surface, but in reality?


There was a light metal sound, and as the door opened, a man approached, walked softly to the sofa, picked up the sleeping Chen Meixuan and walked to the bedroom.

"Hmm..." Chen Meixuan came to her senses suddenly, and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Are you back? What time is it?"

"It's ten o'clock, why are you sleeping on the sofa?"


Chen Meixuan didn't answer, and let Zhang Zisheng carry her to the bed and cover her with a quilt.

Opening her eyes, she stared blankly at the man in front of her.

"what happened?"

Shaking her head, she didn't speak.

"You!" Rubbing her hair, he said, "You are already a mother of a child, why don't you take good care of yourself, next time you are sleepy, go to bed and have a good rest, don't sleep on the sofa, you know ?”

"Yeah." She nodded obediently, but she was still at a loss.

"What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?" The big hand stroked her forehead.

Shaking her head, she said, "It's okay. Oh, a man named Agui called you today. He said he has something urgent to go home. Let me tell you."

"Oh!" Nodding lightly, he didn't explain anything about the hotel.

"Okay, you go take a bath first, I'll put the bath water in."

"No need, you go to sleep first, I can do it myself." Pressing Chen Meixuan who was about to get up back on the bed, he got up and went to the closet to take out the pajamas.

"Zisheng." Calling Zhang Zisheng who was about to enter the bathroom, she asked, "Have you been in the hospital this afternoon?"

After a pause, he said, "Yes." He didn't want to misunderstand her, so he concealed the fact.


(End of this chapter)

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