Chapter 23 Rain in the Heart·The Lost Family (1)
Medal of Don Quixote
Yang Jiang's translation career started very early, dating back to when she was still studying at Tsinghua University, when she established a relationship with Qian Zhongshu.Once Ye Gongchao invited her to his home for dinner, and after the meal, he took out an English publication and asked Yang Jiang to translate one of the political essays "Is Communism Inevitable?" ", saying that "New Moon" will publish this translation.

Yang Jiang knew in her heart that it might be that Mr. Ye wanted to test the level of her, Qian Zhongshu's fiancée.She agreed to come down and finish this "examination" well.But she had never been exposed to the subject of translation before. Although she studied politics before, she was not very interested.She briefly read the article, which was difficult to understand, but it was an "examination" and she had to submit a satisfactory answer sheet.When she bit the bullet and submitted the manuscript to Ye Gongchao, Mr. Ye praised her translation as "very good", and not long after, "New Moon" actually published her translation.

"Don Quixote" is listed as one of the "Foreign Literary Masterpieces Series". The leader of the editorial committee, Mr. Lin Mohan, has seen Yang Jiang's translation of "Gill Blass" before, so he decided to let her translate " "Don Quixote", before which version was not stipulated as the target of translation, Yang Jiang compared it in many ways, and felt that each had its own merits.

"Don Quixote" has a pivotal position in the western literary world, and it can be called a classic together with "Hamlet" and "Faust".

In order to translate "Don Quixote" more accurately, Yang Jiang began to learn Spanish by herself in [-]. Because she had previous experience in learning multiple languages, it was relatively easy for her to learn by herself.She started translating in [-], and by [-], she had completed three-quarters of the book. Because of the "Cultural Revolution", there was a long pause in the middle, and it was only in [-] that she completed all the translation work.

In the end, Yang Jiang decided to translate the original Spanish version, which was closest to the author's original intention, and chose the most authoritative version compiled by Marin, academician of the Spanish Royal Academy.

Because of their obsession with learning languages, the two of them still have their own learning methods. They invented a game while soaking their feet.Qian Zhongshu uses Italian, and Yang Jiang uses Spanish. One person speaks a word, and the other needs to speak the corresponding word in their own language. The two of them had a great time.

During the period of "breaking the four olds", people often broke into the house and ransacked the house.Whatever is found related to the "revolution" will be destroyed, because Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu are intellectuals, and most of their problems come from articles, so the most important evidence is all kinds of written paper.

At that time, Yang Jiang destroyed almost all the writings at home for safety, including the letters with his family and the written materials of creation and study that had been kept for a long time.She was reluctant to destroy the half-translated "Don Quixote", which was the crystallization of her two years of tireless efforts and condensed her countless efforts.

She thought of a lot of ways to wrap the manuscript tightly with thick kraft paper, then "tie it up" with a rope, and hide it carefully. If these manuscripts are found, the contents inside will be identified as "black manuscripts."

The thick manuscript was very heavy. Yang Jiang folded her hands on her chest and squeezed onto the bus.She intends to go to the office and hand it over to someone reliable for safekeeping.The group secretary in the office had treated her kindly before, and hoped that he could help him with this, but the group secretary acted ambiguously. This thing was like a time bomb, and he didn't dare to take it in.

Later, the translation of "Don Quixote" was handed over to Xiao C. Before that, he was just a correspondent. After "reforms", he has a very high status now, but his team believes that "Don Quixote" is a "black manuscript". The inside, just took it away, Yang Jiang stood there, stunned.

Later, Yang Jiang went through many "education", and the organization asked Yang Jiang to get rid of the "black thoughts" in his head.Yang Jiang wanted to apply to the organization, whether he could temporarily return the previously confiscated manuscripts, so that he could correct his wrong thoughts in comparison with his previous "black manuscripts".The organization's reply was: there are too many "black manuscripts", and I couldn't find them all at once.

Later, Yang Jiang was assigned to clean the women's toilet, and she searched for traces of her manuscript every day while "working", hoping to find it.She used the excuse of cleaning the glass or cleaning the window sill to enter the room and search for it for a long time.

Until one time, a remote storage room needed to be cleaned. When she was cleaning the pile of waste paper, she actually saw her manuscripts that were tied up at that time. She was so excited that she seemed to have found a lost relative and hugged her tightly in her arms.

She couldn't leave the manuscript here anymore, she was very worried, worried that she wouldn't be able to find it after we separated.She decided to put it in the women's bathroom first, and then wait for an opportunity to take it out.The person in charge of watching her was an older veteran cadre. She was about to go out when the old cadre turned around, but another person saw her.

The man asked her loudly: "Yang Jikang, what are you doing?"
At this time, the old cadre turned around and saw Yang Jiang standing behind him, not knowing what happened.

Yang Jiang said: "This is my manuscript!" The old cadre saw what she was holding, and suddenly understood what Yang Jiang was going to do, and said calmly: "It's your manuscript, but you can't take it away now. In the future, you can't take it away." When the time comes, I will return it to you."
Yang Jiang hugged the manuscript even tighter. Although he was reluctant to part with it, he could only hand it over. The veteran cadre promised Yang Jiang that he could put the manuscript here temporarily.Yang Jiang searched for several places, worried that they were not good enough, and finally chose the top of the cabinet, and left lonely.

After another period of time, the wave of thought remolding gradually receded, and everything became calm.The manuscript that Yang Jiang couldn't let go of was still wandering outside. She tried to retrieve it, but failed until she met the secretary of the previous group, who had become the leader of the study group.One day, while studying at night, Yang Jiang wrote him a note, asking to retrieve her manuscript.

The next day, he really found the manuscript and handed it to Yang Jiang.Yang Jiang was so excited that she didn't know how to express it, she just hugged it tightly, thinking that it had finally returned home.

Later, Yang Jiang went through the "cooling off period" of the cadre school. Looking at the manuscripts she had translated before, she was not satisfied, so she decided to improve the level of translation again.

In [-], "Don Quixote" was published in People's Literature Publishing House.Its appearance has filled a gap in the translation of Spanish literature in our country.The Chinese version of "Don Quixote" was also highly affirmed by the Spanish side.It has been included in the "Foreign Literary Classics Series", "World Library", "Famous Translations", "Must-Read Extracurricular Literary Classics for Middle School Students", etc., with a total print run of more than [-] volumes.

When "Don Quixote" was finalized, Qian Zhongshu's proofreading of the manuscript of "Guan Zhui Bian" had just finished. Qian Zhongshu suggested that he exchange titles with Yang Jiang.Yang Jiang said with a smile: "My handwriting is so bad, aren't you afraid of losing money?" Qian Zhongshu replied: "Leave a souvenir, it's fun." It is enviable.

In May, the advance team of the Spanish visit to China came to China, just catching up with the grand occasion of buying "Don Quixote" in front of the Beijing bookstore, which made the advance team very impressed.In June of this year, the King and Queen of Spain visited China. Yang Jiang was invited to a state banquet because of her contribution to the cultural exchanges between China and Spain. Deng Xiaoping asked her: "When was Don Quixote translated?" "It's hard to say, Yang Jiang simply replied: "It was published this year." In October 75, the King of Spain personally presented the award to the [-]-year-old Yang Jiang.Yang Jiang won the "Wisdom King Alfonso X Cross".

Yang Jiang recalled that when she was translating this book, she made a detailed translation plan. After all, it was a huge project. Then, according to the spirit of the original text, reorganize it according to Chinese habits.” This undoubtedly takes a lot of time and energy, and it also tests the translator’s ability to use the two languages ​​and the depth of understanding.

In order to ensure the quality of the translation, she only translates about 72 words a day, and every word is pearls!For a sentence, she will have several translation methods. After careful comparison, she chooses the one she thinks is the most suitable. If she is not satisfied, she will re-check the translation. elegant". The 20-word manuscript took [-] years to complete.

The translation she understands is not just replacing foreign words with Chinese characters, but expressing the same story or event in the same exquisite Chinese language and literature.She said that she is "one servant and two masters", serving the "master" of the original text and the "master" of the readers of the translation at the same time, striving to satisfy both parties.

Yang Jiang not only translated "Don Quixote", but also published a series of papers around the whole book, explaining the artistic value and existential significance of the whole work.

Because of this work, Yang Jiang was also elected as a director of the Chinese Society of Translators.

"Phaedo" is another work translated by Yang Jiang. The author of this article is Plato. It is a philosophical work. It talks about the dialogue between Socrates and his disciples on whether the soul is immortal when he was killed. Drink poison to die.The language of the original work is ancient Greek, which she didn't understand before. She chose this difficult "topic" to do, and she still insisted on translating each word of the original text without rigidity, paying more attention to the integrity and understandability of the article, so that People can read it to understand the original author's intention.Translating this work also allowed Yang Jiang to undergo a baptism of thought and soul.

After the publication of this work, it was liked by many readers and praised as "the most touching philosophical translation so far".

Taiwanese actress Brigitte Lin once said frankly at her new book launch conference that she very much hopes to become a writer like Yang Jiang, "I was shocked by her translation of "Phaedo", and I bought a lot for my friends."
After the publication of "Don Quixote", it attracted the attention of Spain. At that time, Yang Jiang was invited to visit Spain many times through the ambassador to China. He was invited three times, and Yang Jiang politely refused the first two times.For the third invitation, Yang Jiang couldn't bear to refuse again, and laughed at herself, "I can't let it go." Qian Zhongshu teased her: "The three ambassadors invited her!"
So in [-], Yang Jiang visited Spain with a delegation from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and gained a lot.She used various gaps to solve the problems she encountered when translating. Some words were inaccurate when she translated the article, and the dictionary at that time had a limited number of words, and some words were not included.

For example, when translating "Don Quixote", a name always appeared in Don Quixote's mouth──"Tuo Si Da Duo", which reads similar to "Do Si Da Duo".After many searches, she found out that this Dosdado is the transliteration of the bishop of Avila in Spain, and Tosdado is just a nickname, which means "burnt yellow face".During the visit, she was careful and found a cellophane wrapping bread on the dining table, with "Pantosotado" printed on it, and the bread inside was burnt yellow.

Later, when visiting the cathedral of the ancient city of Toledo, she consulted the local tour guide, only to know that Toledo is a gypsy mixed-race, so his face is burnt yellow, which is different from that of the local white people in Spain.He is also a well-known writer and the first Spanish writer to appear in our literature.

During this visit, Yang Jiang went to the Indian Archives in Seville to find relevant materials about Cervantes, and had an unexpected harvest.When the curator learned that this oriental woman was the translator of the Chinese text of "Don Quixote", he thanked her for her contribution and copied a copy of the application letter written by Cervantes, because it was the original manuscript. His signature is still clearly visible and is very precious.

Yang Jiang's eloquence is also very good, and she can always catch everyone's interest in a few words.At the 360th anniversary of the death of Cervantes, the organizer invited Yang Jiang to attend and hoped that she would speak.

All the participants were ambassadors from Latin American countries. The first speaker mainly introduced the biography of Cervantes. The atmosphere was very dull, and no one responded.When Yang Jiang spoke, a few words won applause from the audience.

She said: "We Chinese have an old saying: "One day in the sky, one year on earth. "That is to say, the days in the sky are happy, and the blink of an eye is one day, but the world is hard and the life is not so easy. We have 360 ​​five days or 360 six days in a year. It has been 360 six years since Cervantes left our world, but he Only 360 and six days have passed in the sky, exactly a whole year. Today can be regarded as the "first anniversary" of his death. It is the most appropriate day for us to commemorate him this year."
All the guests at the scene applauded and laughed at this wonderful speech. Originally, the Foreign Cultural and Cultural Affairs Committee thought that 360 years was not an integer and had no meaning. Yang Jiang explained it so cleverly and admired it very much.The Spanish ambassador was also attracted by this exquisite explanation. He just shook hands and bowed briefly when he entered the court, and kissed his hands when he left the court, and his wife hugged her warmly.

When visiting London, England, Yang Jiang spent most of her time reading, choosing books that could not be found in China, and wanted to read them all as soon as possible to avoid regrets.When I arrived in London, I saved everything I could, and only threw myself into the British Museum.When I returned to China, I brought the most periodicals and books with me, and I returned with a full load.

Both Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu are friendly ambassadors for cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Years of experience in studying abroad and later literary research and creative work have made them deeply aware that mastering a foreign language is a very important thing.She often encourages young people: "Knowing one more foreign language is like having one more golden key. Each golden key can open a city gate. There are many beautiful and interesting things in the city, like a big paradise. If you don't know a foreign language , you will enjoy a lot less than others."
She used her personal experience to tell young people, hoping that everyone would avoid detours and not give up important things.The cordial "expertise" benefited the listeners a lot, and also made more people devote themselves to foreign language learning.

Once upon a time there was a daughter named Yuan

Yang Jiang's novel creation has not stopped either. Before going abroad, she has published "Lulu, Don't Worry!" ", which keeps her interested in the creation of novels.

In 40, she began to sort out her own novel "Reflection Collection", aiming to publish her better works together. The works mainly describe the life stories of women in the [-]s, including "The Big Joke" "", ""Jade Man"", "Ghost", "Career", including the previous "Lulu, don't worry! , which was published the following year.

The works have always maintained Yang Jiang's witty and humorous narrative style, which has conquered many readers.Among them, "The Big Joke" is Qian Zhongshu's best novella in her opinion.The article looks exaggerated, but it is very humorous and ironic. It describes a world made up of women. The images of women are glamorous, but they have gathered into a "picture of ugliness".

The heroine of the story, Chen Qian, is a young and beautiful widow. When she went from Shanghai to Beijing to pick up her husband's relics, unexpectedly, the warm-hearted wives arranged a blind date for her, and a farce was staged like this.

Goddesses from all walks of life staged their own good shows, prying into privacy, hypocrisy and selfishness, and flattering each other... Everyone has their own calculations in their hearts, thinking about others and themselves, and finally find that they themselves are a farce. The world of women is Right and wrong, in the end Chen Qian got on the train back and ended the tragedy.

In this family, everyone's works will have two fixed readers. The readers of Yang Jiang's works are naturally Mr. A Yuan and Mr. Qian Zhongshu.Ah Yuan once talked with his father about the writing styles of the two of them. Ah Yuan said: "Mom's prose is like tea, adding water one after another, it is still fragrant. Father's prose is like coffee with whiskey, strong, exciting, and easy to drink. It's over."
Qian Zhongshu also agreed with A Yuan's opinion. He always felt that Yang Jiang's prose was better than his own, saying "Yang Jiang's prose is inherently good, and no one can learn it."He also joked that if he published his works when he was young together with Yang Jiang's, he would be making a fool of himself.Qian Zhongshu appreciates Yang Jiang's works from the heart, and he is also very proud of the praise of Yang Jiang from the outside world.

In the past few decades, Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu have reached their twilight years.Yang Jiang joked that they were already "mahogany furniture".It looks solid, but it is actually stuck with glue, and it is easy to fall apart when you touch it, and you can't move it.

When she was young, Yang Jiang's health was not very good, she didn't eat much, and she was always thin.After getting old, Qian Zhongshu was in poor health and often caught colds. Yang Jiang learned how to give injections from nurses, and she gave Qian Zhongshu the injections herself.In [-], Qian Zhongshu was admitted to the hospital. The result of the examination was bladder cancer. During the operation, the right kidney was found to be atrophied and necrotic, and it was also removed.

This is a major operation, especially for people of Qian Zhongshu's age. Yang Jiang is worried about Qian Zhongshu's body. Yang Jiang has been by the hospital bed for more than 50 days after Qian Zhongshu's operation.Seeing Yang Jiang's tired look, the doctors and nurses persuaded her to go home and rest, and ask someone else to take a look. Yang Jiang said with a smile on her tired face, "Wherever Zhong Shu is, that's my home."
Qian Zhongshu also felt sorry for his wife. Seeing her standing there day and night and getting haggard day by day, he asked her to find someone else.Yang Jiang refused to leave. She was worried about others taking care of Zhong Shu, so she was willing to come in person.When Qian Zhongshu mentioned this matter again, she would talk about other things and change the subject. Qian Zhongshu also knew that he couldn't hold her back, so he didn't mention it again.

When Qian Zhongshu was discharged from the hospital, Yang Jiang's thin body was already shaking, which made people feel distressed.

During that time, in order to make Qian Zhongshu recover faster and feel better, Ah Yuan came back to live for a while, and went back to see her mother-in-law on weekends.She always brings some teaching books, daily necessities for home use, and some new things outside, telling them and making them laugh. The family is always so happy together.

After being discharged from the hospital, Qian Zhongshu's health has been in poor health, and he went back and forth again and again. Soon he was admitted to the hospital again. This time he stayed for four years until the end of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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