Chapter 24 Rain in the Heart·The Lost Family (2)
The result of this examination was also very bad. Cancer cells were also found on the bladder neck. After the operation, renal failure occurred again. Immediately after the rescue, hemodialysis was started to maintain life.

His body was getting weaker and weaker, and he couldn't even speak slowly, but when Yang Jiang told him, he could understand what he said, which proved that his mind was clear, and he responded with his eyes.

Yang Jiang stayed with him all the time and rarely went home, but she was worried that Qian Zhongshu's body would not be able to withstand it, so she boiled chicken soup at home to replenish his body.Qian Zhongshu can no longer eat normally, so he can only mix chicken soup with the nutrient solution.In order to ensure Qian Zhongshu's nutrition, she always made all kinds of fruit puree and meat puree to improve Qian Zhongshu's "food" because he could only ingest it through nasal feeding. Yang Jiang handled the food very carefully. Even the thorns of the fish have to be removed one by one with a needle, and the tendons of the chicken have to be picked out, and then mashed into fine mud, but she can "make do with it" herself!

Yang Jiang has persisted in this way for the past four years, and Ah Yuan is also very busy with work, she is reluctant to let her daughter run back and forth.Ah Yuan came twice a week to chat with his father about work and school affairs, which Qian Zhongshu loved to hear.At this time, Qian Zhongshu didn't have the strength to chat like usual, but it could be seen from his eyes that he was happiest when his daughter came.

A Yuan always left one hour earlier than Yang Jiang, Qian Zhongshu kept the time in mind, if he left a few minutes earlier, Qian Zhongshu would get angry and say, "It's not time yet." After waiting for a few minutes, he So he let Ah Yuan go, he calculated the time in his mind, and it was accurate without looking at the watch, Ah Yuan called him "father" and "spirit boy"!"

But not long after, her daughter also fell ill and was admitted to the hospital, which dealt another blow to Yang Jiang.

My daughter's illness is related to the fatigue of work.A Yuan inherited her mother's indifference to fame and wealth, and only cares about work.A Yuan’s work is excellent, and he is also very dedicated to learning. He has successively served as a professor of the English Department of Beijing Normal University, the person in charge of the Sino-British cooperation project, the editorial board member of the British "Language and Literature", the National Steering Committee of Foreign Language Majors in Colleges and Universities, and Beijing Normal University. Various members of the academic committee and degree committee.

He started teaching English in [-], was sent by the government to study English and linguistics at Lancaster University in England in [-], and returned to China in [-].Promoted to professor in [-].In [-], he was hired by Beijing Normal University as a doctoral supervisor of English Language and Literature in the Department of Foreign Languages. Along the way, A Yuan has always been the pride of Yang Jiang and Qian Zhongshu.

She has always loved her job very much. She prepares lessons very late every day and leaves very early the next day.The school was understaffed at the time, so she had a lot of classes, because she lived far away from the school and needed a long car ride.She has been working under such high pressure for a long time, and her body is getting more and more unbearable.

During that time, Ah Yuan began to feel unwell. First, he coughed profusely. At first, he thought it was just a cold, and then his back hurt.Her family advised her to go to the hospital. To save time, she only went to the school medical office. The diagnosis might be bronchitis, and she prescribed some medicine to treat it.

Ah Yuan's back pain became more and more serious. Later, she even struggled to bend down, and couldn't squat down to pick up things on the ground. However, she never went to the hospital, which delayed her illness.She didn't tell her mother about these things. At that time, Yang Jiang was taking care of Qian Zhongshu, and she felt sorry for her mother.

She told her mother that the backache was because of "squeezing the bus and flashing the waist".Even though the illness tortured her so much, she never missed work, and even went to Chengdu to participate in the meeting of the National College Foreign Language Textbook Editing and Review Committee that year.One morning after returning home, Ah Yuan suffered a back attack and couldn't even get out of bed, so she decided to go to the hospital. After going to the hospital for an examination, she was diagnosed with bone tuberculosis, and lesions had already occurred in three vertebrae.Immediately afterwards, it was discovered that there were also some problems with the lungs, and the hospitalization procedures were immediately completed.

The results of the expert consultation surprised her. At this time, she was already in the advanced stage of lung cancer, with water in her lungs, cancer cells had spread, and her condition was very serious.After being admitted to the hospital, his condition was not under control, and Ah Yuan became weaker and weaker day by day.

After Ah Yuan was hospitalized, apart from regular injections and medicines every day, she still read and worked while lying on the hospital bed.But the pain in her body made her have to rest after reading for a while, and she was sore after writing a few words.

As for her mother, she has been hiding it all the time, reporting good news but not bad news. The two of them talk on the phone every day. They call this method "finger-tapping". Because there is no way to be as intimate as holding hands after meeting, so they can only reach " Pull finger "level.

When mother knew the details of Ah Yuan's condition, it was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.Ah Yuan refused to let her mother come to visit, she knew that if her mother saw her emaciated appearance, she would be even more sad.At that time, Ah Yuan had lost all her black hair due to chemotherapy. She said with a smile, "I'm a nun now."
She inherited her mother's optimism and strength, always chatting and laughing with the students who came to visit, and rarely talked about her own illness.Yang Jiang didn't dare to tell Qian Zhongshu about these things, but said that A Yuan was hospitalized because of bone tuberculosis, but it could be cured, and she would be discharged in about a year.Qian Zhongshu heard this and said: "Bad things have turned into good things, and the burden on the school can be relieved from now on. There are also reasons to shirk and quit."
On March [-], [-], she left this world before her father.A few days before this, she seemed to feel that her body was about to fail, and she asked to see her mother.Seeing my beloved child change his appearance due to the torment of the illness, but talking to himself with a forced face and a smile, that feeling should be heart-piercing pain.

At the last moment, A Yuan called Yang Jiang and said, "Mother, you used to have a daughter, but now she is useless." The day before her death, Yang Jiang held A Yuan's hand and said to her, "Sleep with peace of mind." , Dad and I wish you a good sleep." Ah Yuan smiled, smiling like a flower, and also like a child, with her mother, no matter how old she is, she is a happy child.

When Qian Yuan was cremated, Yang Jiang didn't go. She needed to go to the hospital to take care of Qian Zhongshu, and she couldn't bear to face such a parting scene. She sent her daughter silently in her heart, wishing her to go slowly.Beside Qian Yuan's portrait full of smiles, there is an exquisite flower basket with a few numbers on it: Yuan Yuan's beloved daughter rest in peace!Mom and Dad are sorry.Everyone passing by couldn't help crying.For Qian Yuan, and for the parents who love Qian Yuan the most.

Qian Yuan once said before his death that there is no need to keep the ashes.But after Qian Yuan left, the teachers and students of the Foreign Language Department of Beijing Normal University were reluctant to part with her, and they begged Mr. Yang Jiang to keep some of Qian Yuan's ashes.They later buried their ashes under a cedar tree on campus.When Qian Yuan left for almost a hundred days, Yang Jiang went to the cedar tree and sat quietly. She used Dongpo's eulogy: "From now on, the old mother's heart is broken. Under the bright moon, there is an evergreen tree." Later, someone Seeing her, she left there silently.

Forever "husband first, wife second"
After her daughter left, Yang Jiang quickly became stronger, because another hospital had a husband who also needed her very much. When an elderly man in his 80s needed someone to take care of him, she had been taking care of her relatives and had to endure such ordeal.She hoped that Qian Zhongshu could get through this hell and get better. She encouraged Qian Zhongshu every day to be strong.

There is another big problem that Yang Jiang needs to face alone, that is, how to tell Qian Zhongshu who has been hospitalized about Ah Yuan's departure.Fearing that Qian Zhongshu would not be able to withstand such a big blow, she decided to hide the matter first, pretending that Ah Yuan was fine, and continued to act as a messenger every day, reading articles written by Ah Yuan to Qian Zhongshu.

About four months later, Qian Zhongshu's condition was relatively stable, and Yang Jiang decided to tell him the truth over and over again, and he couldn't keep hiding it.It took her a week to slowly infiltrate this matter to him, and finally told him the truth, he nodded, maybe he already had a premonition in his heart, but he didn't say it out!

You know, Qian Zhongshu and A Yuan are the most "buddies". There is an unspeakable love between father and daughter. The way they act like a baby with Yang Jiang is to "bully" her. For example, when Yang Jiang went abroad, they were the only ones When the father and daughter are at home, they don't clean the room, and don't even make the bed. They wait until the day when Yang Jiang comes back, and then make emergency arrangements. After Yang Jiang returns home, A Yuan will whisper to his father : "The kennel is really comfortable."
Time does not stop because of love.Qian Zhongshu has become an 88-year-old man.On his birthday, it was snowing.Li Tieying, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, went to the hospital to congratulate Qian Zhongshu on his birthday, and Yang Jiang expressed his gratitude on behalf of her husband.

In the next period of time, his condition was relatively stable, and Yang Jiang was slightly relieved, but this period of time was not long.At the beginning of December [-], Qian Zhongshu's condition relapsed and he started to have a persistent fever.The hospital received instructions from the central government, tried its best to find a way, and organized experts to study and deal with it, but it still failed to control his condition.

Yang Jiang knew in her heart that this was a bad omen.The last words he left were "live well", and he passed away shortly afterwards to accompany his daughter.

At the last moment, he seemed to have no more pain. Yang Jiang stood by his bed, whispering something in his ear in his native dialect until he stopped breathing for the last time. Yang Jiang left a light kiss on his forehead, Kissed Sang Tian for the rest of my life!
On December [-], [-], Qian Zhongshu, a famous Chinese writer and writer, left. He also had another important identity, that is, the husband of Mr. Yang Jiang.Before his "departure", Qian Zhongshu gave Yang Jiang his funeral instructions: "Only two or three relatives and friends will send the body away, no mourning ceremony will be held, flowers and wreaths will be offered, and ashes will not be kept." He kept a low profile all his life He decided to announce the end of his life in the simplest way.

(End of this chapter)

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