The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 4 Young Adolescence·A bright future ahead of studies

Chapter 4 Young Adolescence·A bright future ahead of studies (1)
Father's love is a city
Father's love has different meanings to everyone, but the existence of father's love will give people a sense of security, as if no matter what strange road you take, there will always be someone looking at you with a smile and guarding you when you turn back.

Little Yang Jiang is a filial child.After breakfast every day, she would make a bowl of strong Gaiwan tea for her father.Amid the lingering aroma of tea, Yang Yinhang was quite pleased with his daughter's well-behaved.When he wants to eat fruit or dried fruit, Yang Jiang will help his father peel or peel the dried fruit sensibly.

When they settled in Suzhou, 16-year-old Yang Jiang started middle school at Suzhou Zhenhua Girls' School.

It was a turbulent era with frequent wars, the Northern Expedition was in full swing, and student movements often occurred.Usually, student movements are mainly held in the form of marches, demonstrations, sit-ins, or mass meetings.Once, the student union asked students from various schools to take to the streets to conduct propaganda, that is, to take a bench and stand on it to give a speech to passers-by, calling for people to start a revolution.Yang Jiang was elected.

Although the 16-year-old Yang Jiang is still very petite, she no longer has the charm of a girl.She didn't want to participate in this event, because at that time in Suzhou, it often happened that frivolous people bullied girls.

For the students who are elected, the school stipulates that if the family disagrees, they can not participate in any meetings, parades, representative activities, etc.Therefore, this is a good shield, and some students who do not want to participate use this as a reason to refuse.

After returning home, Yang Jiang talked about the matter with her father, and asked her father if she could tell the school that "the family does not approve", so that she can avoid doing publicity.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yinhang flatly refused his daughter's request.He told his daughter sternly: "If you don't want to, then don't go. You don't need to borrow Dad to stop you."
Yang Jiang was still very worried: "No way, the minority must obey the majority."
Yang Yinhang continued to say seriously: "Obey what should be obeyed; you can say it if you have reason. It's up to you whether you go or not."
Then, he told his daughter another experience.Zhang Xun broke into Beijing when he was the director of the Higher Judgment Office of Jiangsu Province.Gentlemen from Jiangsu jointly published a newspaper to express their support and welcome to Zhang Xun.One of his subordinates arbitrarily included his name in it, thinking that since his name had been published in the newspaper, Yang Yinhang would have nothing to do even if he didn't want to.However, Yang Yinhang, who has always insisted on his own opinion, said that "a famous tool cannot be a fake person", and immediately published a large-character notice in the newspaper, stating that he did not welcome it.

Some people criticize Yang Yinhang as "unworldly", but this does not change his character.He is always very insistent on his views and rarely changes anything because of others.After telling his own story, he said to his daughter: "Do you know a word Lincoln said? Daretosayno! Dare you?"
"Dare!" Little Yang Jiang said with a bitter face.

In fact, what her father taught her was the courage to face difficulties.Using home as a shield is just a form of evasion.To truly face this problem, it must be addressed head-on.No matter what the problem is, only by facing it can it be solved well.Blindly avoiding it will only make the problem worse.

The next day, when Yang Jiang arrived at the school, she insisted: "I don't agree, I won't go." These words seem simple, but they have to be said in the face of so many classmates and teachers, and they are full of hope against them. It takes a lot of courage to look at the eyes.

In the end, Yang Jiang did not go to participate in the speech promotion.Her reason was first attacked as "unreasonable", and within a few days it became "very reasonable".Because it was true that female students were molested by some unruly soldiers when they took to the streets to give speeches.

The young Yang Jiang has no interest in politics, and this is also a major feature of her in her long life.

After this incident, Yang Jiang understood the difference between facing and escaping.Only by facing the problem can it be possible to solve the problem, while avoiding the problem will only make the problem worse.Her father's teachings left a deep impression on her heart.A simple "Daretosayno" guides her life course.

Many times it is harder to say no than to accept.If you don't know how to refuse, there will often be unnecessary detours on the road of life.Only by daring to refuse can we grasp the broad road of life.

At that time, the high school Chinese language teacher taught poetry in class, and asked students to imitate poetry after class.At that time, Yang Jiang's textbook exercises were selected and published in the school magazine. "Zhaiju Shuhuai": "Everyone in the world is for profit, and disturbance is like chasing a deer. Ande travels here, and you are free from vulgarity." The teacher commented—"The fairy boy is so quiet."
Yang Yinhang always respects his daughter's point of view in educating his daughter. He never forces his daughter to learn his own ideas. Even if his daughter's homework is not done well, he will not blame her.In many cases, he is more used to letting his daughter grow up naturally, rather than rigidly preaching or harshly educating.

When she was in high school, Yang Jiang couldn't tell the difference between flat and low voices. Her father said, it doesn't matter, she will understand when the time comes.Sure enough, one day, Yang Jiang could distinguish the four tones.In the evening, my father walked across the corridor and knocked on the window to test her pronunciation of some words.If the daughter answered correctly, he would smile happily; if she answered incorrectly, he would also smile happily.

It was his father's special teaching that allowed Yang Jiang to cultivate a wide range of interests and hobbies since he was a child, and he also had a deep cultivation in knowledge.She has shown a strong interest in literature since she was a child. When Yang Yinhang found that her daughter was interested in a certain book, she would put the book on her desk.But if Yang Jiang doesn't read it for a long time, the book will be taken back.This is equivalent to a kind of condemnation. Even if his father didn't say anything, Yang Jiang would be very sad.That kind of silent condemnation made her feel more uncomfortable than a beating.

Father's love is a city, which builds the warmth in Yang Jiang's heart, and enables her to get a good education since she was a child. She not only learned knowledge, but also understood the principles of life.In the long journey of life, these precious spiritual wealth will benefit her all her life.

"Look" Mr. Zhang Taiyan talk about the anecdote
Everyone will have one or two unforgettable events in middle school, which may be a great honor, but it may also be a story that makes people laugh and cry.

When Yang Jiang was in high school, he once appeared in a newspaper.But this time it was not because of any honor she had won, but because of a dumbfounding thing.That incident left a deep impression on her. In [-], she deliberately wrote an article about this incident and published it. This is ""Looking at" Mr. Zhang Taiyan's Talking Stories"" that was published in many magazines.

Yang Jiang recalled: "About [-], during the summer vacation when I was in the first and second grades of high school, Mr. Wang Peizheng, the dean of our school, set up a "Pingdan Society" (I don't know if he sponsored it), and every day Celebrities are invited to give lectures every week."
Yang Jiang also participated in the activities of the society.But when I think about it many years later, I can't remember who said what. I only remember "Mr. Zhang Taiyan's story, which is still fresh in my memory."

Mr. Wang Peizheng told Yang Jiang to take notes in advance.The naive Yang Jiang thought that taking notes was just taking notes, but thinking that taking notes was a natural thing to do when listening to lectures by university scholars, she agreed without hesitation.

The location of the lecture is in the auditorium of the Suzhou Youth Congress.Yang Jiang's eldest sister was also going to attend the lecture, so the two sisters made an appointment to go together.But before leaving, Yang Jiang's sister changed clothes and shoes again, which delayed some time, so Yang Jiang had to wait patiently.By the time they hurried to the auditorium, the lectures had already started.The entire auditorium was packed with people, not only had there been no empty seats, but even the places next to the walls and the gaps between the seats were filled with small stools, filled with black people.

Seeing such a scene, Yang Jiang had no choice but to squeeze in.Just when she spotted a place with less people and was about to squeeze in, the venue staff who had been waiting for a long time hurriedly called her over and let her go on stage—it turned out that the recorder's seat was on the stage.

Yang Jiang looked at the layout of the stage: Mr. Zhang Taiyan was talking about his anecdote, there were three seats on his left, and three people had already started to record, and there were two seats on his right, a lady Already sat on the inner seat.The seat by the stage was vacant, obviously, that was her seat.

Yang Jiang didn't expect to be on stage to make records. Seeing such a scene, she couldn't help but feel a little timid, especially because she felt very embarrassed for being late.But having already agreed to the dean, she could only bite the bullet and walk onto the stage.

That day she was wearing a light lake-colored gauze shirt on her upper body, white linen trousers on her lower body, white shoes and white socks on her feet, and a thick and short braid.People were surprised when they saw this late recorder, and Mr. Zhang Taiyan was no exception.He glanced at the female student, and then resumed his lecture.But this is just a small episode.After Yang Jiang was seated, it was as if this little episode hadn't happened.

On the small table prepared for her, inkstones, brushes and a stack of raw paper have already been placed.On the recording seats on the left side of the podium is Mr. Wang Peizheng, one is Yang Jiang’s Chinese teacher Mr. Ma, and the other is Mr. Jin Songcen, the teacher of the two teachers. Each has a small table.Sitting at the table next to Yang Jiang is a relative of Mr. Jin Songcen, a female teacher with both talent and beauty.

On the stage, Mr. Zhang Taiyan talked about his anecdote passionately. Several teachers with deep qualifications took notes seriously. The audience in the audience also listened attentively.

In such a serious and tense environment, Yang Jiang sitting on the stage felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.Facing the pen and paper on the table, Yang Jiang yelled in her heart, because at that time she couldn't write well with a brush. In her words, it was "extraordinarily clumsy", so that her teacher said that she could write with a brush. It's like holding a broom.Seeing the teachers next to them, they were all scribbling, which made Yang Jiang cry secretly.Not to mention that her pen-holding posture is not standardized, even if it is standardized, she can't write as freely and freely as those teachers!But no matter what, since you are already sitting here, you have to do what you have to do.She sharpened the ink, picked up the pen and dipped it, ready to record.

However, at this time, she was shocked to find that she couldn't understand a word of Mr. Zhang Taiyan's words!She didn't know who and what Mr. Zhang Taiyan was talking about, and she didn't know where it started.最重要的是,章太炎先生那一口杭州官话在杨绛听来简直像是天书,即使她忽然听到了某句家乡话,也是听不懂的,因为内容太深奥了。

Many years later, Yang Jiang couldn't help saying with emotion: "Everyone can understand the anecdotes! In the Chinese class, the teacher tells the allusions in the text. If I can listen well, it is enough for me to learn. If I don't listen well in class, I will come later." Listen to Mr. Zhang Taiyan talk about anecdotes! It's really a typical "celebrity worship", it should be said that it is the snobbery of ignorant students."
In fact, no matter what age, this "celebrity worship" always exists in people's lives.Just like some people who don't like sports but pursue sports stars, it is this "celebrity worship" psychology that is at work.

Yang Jiang's seat is the most conspicuous. Several of her teachers are at the back, but her seat is in front of the podium.So her every move was clearly seen by the people below the podium.As a recorder, she must pick up a pen and record carefully.She listened attentively, but still could not understand a word.

Yang Jiang, who was sitting on the stage, was very anxious. She was really envious of the beautiful teacher sitting inside. She even thought how great it would be if she could sit in that seat near the inside!And there were people outside who blocked the countless sharp sword-like gazes cast from below the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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