The most virtuous wife, the most talented woman: the biography of Yang Jiang

Chapter 5 Young Adolescence·A bright future ahead of studies

Chapter 5 Young Adolescence·A bright future ahead of studies (2)
Yang Jiang picked up the pen and put it down again, holding each minute in tension and anxiety.She kept struggling in her heart: "What should I do? Pretend to write scribbles, how to explain when handing in the paper? Besides, the scribbles have to be written very quickly to look like it. Pretend to be Zhang Tianshi and draw talismans, and I have never drawn talismans. Drawing circles and vertical lines again and again will inevitably be seen through by the audience." After thinking over and over again, Yang Jiang finally thought of a solution that was not a solution—put down the pen and listen carefully, without memorizing anything.

Many years later, Yang Jiang remembered this incident, and after reading all the vicissitudes of the world, she realized that in fact, asking her to make records back then was probably just for companionship.It is enough for a few teachers to take notes, plus one student, this is mainly a formality.But Yang Jiang in middle school was naive and simple, and these truths were not realized until many years later.

However, even if Yang Jiang listened so carefully, she still couldn't understand a word.She could only ponder in her heart: "Who and what are you talking about?" Since she couldn't understand, she had no choice but to play the role of vision.She looked at Mr. Zhang Taiyan hard, wishing to see every word he said in her eyes, as if she could remember his anecdote in this way.

Yang Jiang's seat is the closest to Mr. Zhang Taiyan. Although she can't understand, she seems to be very careful.In the entire auditorium, only she can see clearly.

Yang Jiang noticed that Mr. Zhang Taiyan was "small in stature, wearing a half-worn taupe-colored silk gown, with a long and narrow face. His face was pale, he wore a pair of old-fashioned glasses, and there was something stuffed in his left nostril."Mr. Zhang Taiyan must have been very surprised when he noticed that the female student who was taking notes did not memorize a word, but stared at him vigorously.He glanced at Yang Jiang frequently, maybe to see if she was writing, but every time, he met Yang Jiang's innocent eyes that day.

Yang Jiang observed very carefully.She noticed that Mr. had little scrolls stuffed in his nose.This reminded her of what she had heard before about Mr. Zhang Taiyan suffering from "brain leak". She thought to herself, is it because of "brain leak"?Can the brain leak?impossible?Maybe it was a nosebleed.But there was no ink on the scroll, because she always used cotton soaked in ink when she had a nosebleed, because the ink had the effect of stopping bleeding.So Yang Jiang developed a rich imagination: "Maybe what he bleeds is pus? Maybe it's just snot..."
Yang Jiang's meticulous observation made Mr. Zhang Taiyan feel very uncomfortable.He turned to look at her frequently, but the innocent girl was still staring.The audience in the audience must have noticed that the late girl was sitting high on the recording booth without remembering a word. Yang Jiang speculated on the psychology of the audience, thinking that they must think she was a strange thing.So Yang Jiang only looked at Mr. Zhang Taiyan, but the people in the audience didn't dare to look at it.

The anecdote of Mr. Zhang Taiyan was discussed for an hour, but to Yang Jiang, it seemed as long as a century.She endured every minute and every second, and finally looked forward to the end.During the whole process, Yang Jiang sat like that without recording a word.In the end, the staff came to take away her blank paper and told her not to leave. There was still a reception, so Yang Jiang had to stay first.But when she was at a loss in the crowd, no one asked her, and she didn't know what to do, and she didn't even know whether she was the host or the guest, so she took advantage of the hosts' busy serving tea to entertain the guests. Time to sneak away.

The next day, Yang Jiang's foolishness on the recording booth was published in the newspapers.The news said that Mr. Zhang Taiyan was talking about anecdotes, and a girl came up to take notes, but she didn't remember a word.

After the summer vacation started, everyone knew about Yang Jiang's incident, and they all took it as a joke.Her teacher, Mr. Ma, pointed at her and said, "Yang Jikang, you are so stupid! Can't you pretend to write?" But Yang Jiang really doesn't know how to pretend to write, no matter when she was a girl or when she was an adult She always maintains a humble and sincere heart, no matter what she does, she will never cheat.Many years later, she wrote humorously in her prose: "I went to listen to the lecture, but I didn't expect that I was sitting high on the podium, watching Mr. Zhang Taiyan talk about anecdotes."
This story is immersed in the historical years, whether it is regarded as an unforgettable past event, or just as a joke, in the young Yang Jiang, we can see a concept of life-truth.Whether it is in those yellowish stories or in today's fast-moving times, this is commendable.

Soochow University Opens the Window of Destiny

The Yang family has a girl who has just grown up, like a budding daisy, full of vitality, and the fragrance is far away before it blooms...

The time when she was studying in Zhenhua was very precious to Yang Jiang. A big family lived in Miaotang Lane, which was lively and lively, and the distance between people was very close. This kind of closeness was spiritual.My father also worked hard to build this home, and added many fruit trees in the garden. In summer, everyone gathered under the trees to enjoy the shade, and chatted about homework with the scent of fragrance.At that time, Yang Jiang was already considered a young adult, and she would often discuss things with her parents and put forward some opinions.Parents sometimes accept her suggestions and are willing to discuss deeper things with her.

Yang Jiang said: "In Temple Lane, parents, sisters and brothers are together, and life is very leisurely, quiet, rich and warm. The years in Temple Lane are the most memorable days in my life."
The mother's gentle and mellow personality, and the father's upright and majestic attitude towards life have all influenced Yang Jiang in a subtle way, allowing her to absorb more positive things in the process of growing up, which is also the cornerstone of her character.

Yang Jiang is the first child in her family to go to college, so all the elders in the family are very concerned about Yang Jiang's choice. Originally, Zhenhua Girls' High School had six years of homework, but it took her five years to complete all the courses, so she graduated early one year.In this year's situation, I could have done more things, but recalling later, Yang Jiang felt that it would be better not to graduate early.

What she missed was the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Literature of Tsinghua University. In the year she graduated early, although Tsinghua University began to recruit girls, she did not come to Shanghai to recruit girls. In the following year, Tsinghua University relaxed its enrollment. Several of her classmates were admitted to Tsinghua University, but Yang Jiang missed the school of her choice. She couldn't help but sigh, because there is no problem in getting admitted there with her grades.But maybe this is the arrangement of fate, no one knows what new challenges it arranges for itself at the next intersection.

At that time, Yang Jiang was admitted to two schools, one was Nanjing Jinling Women's College of Arts and Sciences, and the other was Soochow University in Suzhou.In the society at that time, equality between men and women was not a very common concept. Although going to a women's college was closed, the environment was relatively simple and safe.Everyone suggested that she go to Soochow, where male and female students take classes together, the atmosphere is more active, and she can meet more friends and broaden her horizons, so she finally chose Soochow, which is today's Suzhou University.

That autumn, Yang Jiang successfully entered the university.The new environment, new classmates, every scene gave Yang Jiang a fresh feeling.This beautiful college age opened the window of Yang Jiang's life's destiny, and her legend unfolded little by little in this golden age.

At that time, there were not many girls in the school, because the girls' dormitory hadn't been built yet, so the girls lived in a small western-style building, which was originally the residence of an American professor.According to the conditions at that time, the accommodation provided by the school was already very superior.

In the first year, Yang Jiang lived in a large room upstairs facing south, where four or five girls lived together.In the second semester of the second year, she and another girl were assigned to a small room.They were classmates in middle school, and Yang Jiang called her Sister Shu.The two girls live together quietly, very satisfied.

This small room was originally the bedroom of the servant in the American professor's house.The window faces east, and you can see lush flowers and trees outside the window, and ivy is crawling on the window screen.The room was small and dark, but very quiet.The door is at the back of the room, facing the half-way landing of the back stairs.The small room contained only a table, two stools, and two small beds placed parallel to each other.

The door of the room can't always be closed, and it needs to be lifted hard to close.However, this is much more convenient. The lower part of the door is stuck at hand, and the door will be opened by pushing or pulling. The door is opened or closed silently, so that no one will be disturbed.In the keyhole was a very old brass key.But because the door is not easy to close, it is very troublesome to lock it. You need to lift the door and close it tightly before you can turn the key.So they seldom lock the door, and even when they sleep at night, they just close the door to prevent the door from being blown open by the wind.

Soochow University was established in Suzhou in [-] as a church school.The school's school-running philosophy and teaching ideas were very progressive at that time. The school not only attached importance to the teaching of students' knowledge and culture, but also attached great importance to the physical exercise of students.Although Yang Jiang is usually quiet and quiet, she is also interested in sports, but there were very few girls in the school at that time.She also played on the women's volleyball team and competed as her volleyball skills improved.

In the first game, the opponent was a team from a neighboring school, and the venue was the playground of Soochow University.The scene that day was very spectacular, a large group of male students followed to cheer, and all the students and old friends who watched the game were from the school.It was Yang Jiang's turn to serve, and she hit the ball with her fists clenched with all her strength.The ball that came out of his hand seemed to have infinite power, and after hitting it, it fell to the ground with a bang, and was not hit back by the opponent.

Immediately, the entire arena was boiling, and the students who supported Yang Jiang's team cheered loudly, clapping their hands, and shouting with joy.Yang Jiang won a point for his team, and in the end, Yang Jiang's team won.

Until many years later, Yang Jiang was still elated when she mentioned this incident.Whenever she sees a volleyball game on TV, and thinks of the key shot she played in college, she can't help but say to people: "I also have to score a point."
When she first entered the university campus, Yang Jiang was very popular with everyone. Her roommate at the time commented on her while she was sleeping: "Yang Jikang has five conditions for a boy to pursue a girl: ([-]) Good looks; ([-]) Young ([-]) good homework; ([-]) good health; ([-]) good family background." Yang Jiang on the side didn't sleep well, but when he heard everyone talking about this, he was so embarrassed that he could only continue to pretend to sleep.

In fact, what everyone said is very reasonable.Yang Jiang is a very lovable girl, her skin is fair like her mother's, and she is rosy. When she was a baby, Mrs. Suzhou praised her when she saw her: "Oh, the color is so good. You have someone." Introduce her to someone else!
At that time, Yang Jiang was extremely shy, because she had been studying in a girls' school before, and she rarely had contact with male classmates, and she was already embarrassed before she opened her mouth.Someone wrote a poem about her: "The most important thing is to see sister Jun Yishu, her temples are messy and her cheeks are red." The sister Shu in the poem is Yang Jiang's roommate, who is two years older than her, and the two always appear together , and there is the scene mentioned above.

But she didn't think she was a beauty, and she seldom cared about her appearance. Many years later, when someone wanted to write a biography for Qian Zhong, she wrote a letter stating: "I am by no means a beauty. I am a middle-aged woman. Xia Zhiqing has met me." If you don’t believe me, ask him. It’s another matter in the eyes of the beholder.” Although she said so, everyone who met her couldn’t help but praise the girl for being pretty.

Everyone said that there were many people chasing this young and outstanding girl, and there were many love letters, and there were as many as "72" Confucian disciples, but Yang Jiang said that this was not the case. Even if there were letters, it probably meant that , you are still young, when reading, don't care about words like making friends.

She recalled: "Some female classmates went to the reading room to meet their boyfriends at night and crowded together to chat. I often sat alone in a corner at night, and no one came to disturb me. Only once, a classmate friend pretended to be drunk, so he was drunk. Send me a letter. I say, "You're drunk, drunk? ──The letter is returned to you, lest you regret it tomorrow. "This is my third year in Soochow, and I am very experienced. This person met me the next day, apologized to me, and thanked me. We will continue to communicate as friends in the future. During the entire time I went to school in Soochow, I did not receive any A love letter."
In the past few years, Yang Jiang has been so addicted to studying alone, avoiding talking about her children's personal affairs, maybe waiting for someone to appear.

College age is like a gorgeous flower that blooms enchantingly when you are young.Although the flowering period is short, it will leave a lifetime of fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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