Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 13 Expertise: Personal Experience and Insights

Chapter 13 Expertise: Personal Experience and Insights (2)
Stuart Austin Will became a construction engineer as he wished, but during the economic depression, due to the limited market, he could not get the original remuneration, so he faced the problem of changing careers.After fully considering his own conditions, he decided to become a lawyer, so he returned to school to receive professional course training to prepare for becoming a partner of a law firm in the future.Although the Great Depression did not end, he successfully passed the bar exam after completing his studies and soon opened a lucrative law firm in Dallas, Texas.In fact, he just dismissed the client casually.

Maybe someone will say, "I have a family to support, and I can't go back to school for further education." Maybe someone will say, "I'm too old." Here, I think it is necessary to add some information, When Mr. Will went back to school to study law, he had already passed his forties, and he also had a wife and children.In addition, after careful selection, Mr. Will chose highly specialized courses that have been taught in various colleges and universities, so it took only two years to complete the studies that most law students need to complete in four years.How to acquire knowledge is indeed worthy of people's scrutiny!

A person who stops learning just because he has finished his studies is doomed to be inactive for life, no matter what job he takes up.The process of success is the process of continuous pursuit of new knowledge.

Let's look at a special concrete example.During the recession, a grocery store salesman suddenly lost his job.

With previous experience in bookkeeping, he took professional courses in accounting, mastered the latest bookkeeping and office knowledge, and then started running his own business.He started with a former grocer, and later signed bookkeeping contracts with more than 100 small merchants, serving them at a very low monthly rate.His idea was more practical, and he soon found it necessary to rent a pickup truck, build a "mobile office", and equip it with advanced office facilities.Today, he already has a large number of mobile office teams "on wheels" and employs a large number of assistants, allowing those small businessmen to spend the least money to obtain the most convenient bookkeeping services.

Expertise, combined with imagination, are the winning ingredients of this unique and successful business.Last year, the business owner paid ten times his salary in income tax that year before he was fired.Facts have proved that the temporary disaster caused by unemployment has become a good thing to celebrate.

A successful business originates from an idea!Since I was lucky enough to give that idea to this unemployed salesman, I now think that if I were lucky enough to come up with another idea, it might make even greater fortunes!And it also has the potential to help many more people who desperately need the service.

This suggestion was made by a man who gave up a career in sales to go into the bulk bookkeeping business.When this advice was offered to the man facing unemployment, he immediately explained: "I like the idea, but I don't know how to implement it." In other words, he was complaining about not knowing how to apply and sell what he had learned. account knowledge.

Then, another problem to be solved appeared again.With the help of a young female typist who was very good at collecting the materials at hand and piecing together the stories, he organized his thoughts and produced an attractive booklet introducing the details of the new accounting system. advantage.Each page is neatly printed and pasted inside a regular scrapbook.It is like a silent promoter, introducing the content of this new business in detail, so that the owner received a lot of business at once.

Thousands of people across the United States need the services of merchandising specialists who can create elegant brochures that facilitate the marketing of personal services.Annual revenue from this service could exceed the combined earnings of the largest employment agency in the United States in one year.For users, the benefits brought by this service far exceed any benefits obtained from employment agencies.

The ideas presented here arose out of a pressing need, and it didn't just stop at the level of serving one individual.The lady who created this idea has a very rich imagination.Among the fruits of her brainpower, she sees a nascent career emerging—providing valuable services to thousands of people who need to sell their personal services and need practical guidance.Encouraged by the first success of "crafting a plan to sell personal services," this energetic woman turned to solving similar problems for her own son.He had just graduated from college and had absolutely no idea how to market himself.The plan she came up with for her son was totally unexpected and the best example of self-promotion I've ever seen.

The final proposal was about 50 pages long, complete in content and neat in typesetting, and introduced her son's gifts and talents, education level, personal experience, and various other information in detail.The plan also comprehensively introduced the position that his son wanted, and described in beautiful writing the plan he would take to be qualified for this position.

Preparing this prospectus probably took several weeks of labor, during which time the author sent his son to the library almost every day to find practical resources for effectively marketing his personal services.She also sent her son to all the competitors of the future employer to collect business-related intelligence, which would be of great value to the content of his proposals for his ideal position in the future.The finalized prospectus contains information and advice that would be very helpful to future employers (advice that companies can take advantage of.)
One might ask, "Why is it such a hassle to find a job?" The answer is not only to the point, but also impressive because it touches on something that will inspire the millions of people who make a living by providing personal services.

The answer is: "Do one thing well and never be afraid of trouble!" The plan carefully prepared by this lady to benefit her son helped him get his dream job based on his ideal salary during the first interview.

In addition, it is very important-this position does not require him to start from the bottom.From the beginning, he was paid more than his peers as a junior executive.

You will also ask: "Why do you have to do so much trouble to find a job?" Yes, this young man organized self-introduction in a planned way to get a job, which saved him at least 10 years of time to start from the bottom and develop step by step .

The idea of ​​starting at the bottom and working your way up sounds reasonable too.The reason for opposing this approach is mainly because countless people who start from the bottom will never make it to the top, and they will always stay at the bottom.One should also remember that looking at things from the bottom is often bleak and discouraging, and it kills people's ambitions.We call it "rogue," which means resignation, because we've formed a habit that becomes so ingrained that we no longer want to make the effort to let it go.This is yet another reason for us to start across the bottom.In this way, we form the habit of paying attention to the things around us, so we will observe how others are improving, and when we see an opportunity, we will immediately seize it without hesitation.

Dan Halpin's example best illustrates what I mean.In college, he was manager of the famous 1930 national championship football team Notre Dame, coached by the late football coach Nout Rockney.Perhaps he was encouraged by this coach to set higher goals, so that he would not mistake setbacks for failures, just like the great Andrew Carnegie encouraged young assistants to set lofty goals.In any case, Halpin finished college in a bad economy.The Great Depression made it difficult to find a job, so after a stint in investment banking and movie manufacturing, he finally found something promising—selling electronic hearing aids to This is in exchange for a commission return.Halpin knew that anyone could do such a job, but for him, it was an opportunity to open the door to success.For two years, he has been working in a job he doesn't like, and if he doesn't do anything to change his dissatisfaction, he will never move beyond that job.First of all, he set a goal for himself - the position of assistant sales manager of the company.After taking that step as he wanted, he was in a better position than the average person to see more opportunities.Moreover, this position did allow opportunity to favor him.

Halpin had such a stellar record selling hearing aids that Mr Andrews, the chairman of a rival company, wondered what it was that allowed Halpin to steal the big business from him.He invited Harpin, and after the meeting, Harpin became the new sales manager of the company's hearing aid product department.Later, in order to test Halpin's ability, Mr. Andrews left the company and stayed in Florida for 3 months, allowing him to play freely.He didn't fall!Nute Rockney, whose spirit of "the world favors winners and has no time for losers" inspired him to devote himself to his work and was elected vice president of the company, as well as hearing aids and silent General Manager of the Radio Division.This position is an honor that most people can only earn after 10 years of hard work, but Halpin achieved it in only six months.

It is indeed difficult to say whether Mr. Andrews and Halpin deserve our credit, since both men have shown an imagination that most people lack.Mr. Andrews saw an "aggressive" quality in the young Halpin.Halpin, on the other hand, refused to compromise with life, was willing to accept and persist in a job he didn't like, and thus got a chance to succeed. In the same place, it is all caused by the environment around you. If you are very eager to master the environment, you will definitely be able to do it.

I also want to emphasize another point of view, whether success or failure, to a large extent, it is the result of "habit"!I never doubted the closeness between Dan Halpin and Nutt, the greatest football coach in American history. "It's the same desire to build a world-class team.It is true that hero worship can improve people, but the heroes we worship must be victors.

Halpin told me that Rockney is the best leader in the world in human history.

In my opinion, the relationship between business partners is a very important factor whether it fails or succeeds.This theory was borne out when my sons, Blair and Dan Halpin, were figuring out their careers.Mr. Halpin paid him modestly, half what his rival company paid him.I put pressure on him and encouraged him to take up the opportunity offered by Mr. Dan Halpin.Because I believe that being in close contact with someone who doesn't bow to adversity is a treasure that can never be measured in money.

Grassroots work is the most tedious and unprofitable job for anyone.This is why I emphasize avoiding low starting points through sound planning.At the same time, this is why I have used so many words to describe this new career.The creator of this new career was a woman who created this career in search of a new job because she wanted her son to have a satisfying breakthrough.

In the transitional period of the global economic downturn, people need to create new and better ways to sell themselves.Given that personal services are paid far more than other purposes, it's hard to see why no one had seen this huge need before.The total amount of money paid to those who live wages and salaries is very large, running into the hundreds of millions of dollars each month, and the total amount of wages distributed annually is in the billions.Some may find that the ideas presented here are at the heart of people's desire to get rich!A view that is not too advantageous may also be a seedling that is about to bring wealth!For example, the humble idea of ​​Woolworth's 5/10 store has amassed a fortune for its founder.

Those searching for potential opportunities in such prompts will find valuable content in the chapter "Organizing a Plan."Incidentally, men and women who are looking for a better market can benefit from the services of an able salesman of personal services who can always spot a latent growing need.With the help of the "brain tank" principle, a few individuals with considerable talent and expertise can form an alliance that can quickly lead to a lucrative business.One of them needs to be good at writing, especially in advertising; another is good at typing and shorthand;If there is one person who possesses all the above qualities, then he can start a business on his own, and it will eventually prosper.

The woman who prepared the "self-promotion plan" for her son is now receiving requests from all over the country asking her to help create a career promotion plan for herself that will make more money.She assembled a team of professionals including typists, artists, and talented writers to help clients effectively embellish their resumes and pitches for higher-paying jobs.Full of confidence, she accepted a percentage of the client's higher revenue as the main fee.

Don't think that the proposals she made are just fancy self-promotion, she also helped those clients earn higher returns with the same labor as in the past.In fact, she can also take into account the interests of clients and employers at the same time, ensuring that the extra salary paid by the employer can be rewarded accordingly.She achieved success in her career by following her own code of ethics, never divulging client information to anyone but her own.

If you're imaginative and want to better sell yourself and find a better way out, then this tip might be just the motivation you've been looking for.The paychecks generated by this view far exceed those of doctors, lawyers, and engineers with years of college education.This idea is perfect for those who are looking for a new job, as well as those looking to jump ship and improve their income, virtually any position that requires administrative skills.

A good idea is of inestimable value!What supports this idea is precisely the expertise.

Unfortunately for those who still haven't found their fortune, it's not so easy to come up with a good idea with more expertise.Because of this, people who have the ability to help others sell themselves and earn more in return will always have more and more business opportunities and encounter more needs to sell themselves.Ability is imagination, which can combine professional knowledge and entrepreneurial ideas to form plans for getting rich and organizing.

If you have a rich imagination, this chapter may provide you with an idea that can be used as a starting point for pursuing the wealth you desire.Remember, ideas are what count!Expertise may be readily available, but good ideas are hard to find!
(End of this chapter)

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