Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 14 Imagination: Human Wisdom Factory

Chapter 14 Imagination: Human Wisdom Factory (1)
The imagination is like a factory from which all the plans of human creation are born.It is through the imagination that desire is shaped, molded, and acted upon.

The imagination is like a factory from which all the plans of human creation are born.It is through the imagination that desire is shaped, molded, and acted upon.

As long as people can imagine it, they can certainly create it.

In the various historical periods of the development of human civilization, the current era is the most developed period of human imagination, because everything is in the process of rapid development.No matter from which aspect, you can find the driving force to develop your imagination.

With the help of imagination, human beings have discovered and harnessed natural forces in the past 50 years far more than any previous stage, and it can even be said to exceed the total history.Man has conquered space so completely that not even birds can soar freely in the sky.Human beings have made full use of the medium of the atmosphere to build a communication bridge to all corners of the world.Through imagination, human beings have analyzed and measured the weight of the sun and its material composition hundreds of kilometers away.Humans have also discovered that the human brain is not only a source of information transmission, but also a receiving station for thought shock waves, and is currently studying how to put this discovery into practical applications.Humans have increased the speed of space movement and can currently travel at speeds of more than 300 miles per hour.The time will soon be upon us for breakfast in New York and lunch in San Francisco.

It can be said that the only limitation of human beings is how to develop and use their own imagination.So far, human imagination has not been fully developed and utilized, but we have only discovered that we have imagination and used it in the most basic way.

Two Forms of Imagination
There are two forms of imagination in terms of function, one is called "synthetic imagination" and the other is "creative imagination".

Synthetic Imagination - This is the ability to synthesize old concepts, ideas, and plans from the past to form new combinations.It does not create something new, it only works on the material of past experience, education and observation.Inventors use this ability most often, with the exception of some very creatively imaginative inventors who use creative imagination when they cannot solve problems through synthetic imagination.

Creative Imagination - Through creative imagination, the finite human mind communicates directly with infinite intelligence.This is the ability to obtain "sixth sense" and "inspiration".It is through this faculty that human beings generate all basic or new ideas.It is also under this ability that we can receive other people's thought fluctuation information, receive other people's subconscious thinking or communicate with them.We will later describe in detail how the creative imagination functions autonomously.This ability comes into play only when the conscious mind is running at high speed, such as when the conscious mind is stimulated by a strong emotion of desire.

The more creative power is used, the more sensitive and receptive it becomes.This perspective is significant!Before continuing, please ponder this sentence again and again.

Just keep in mind as you follow these principles that no one story about turning desire into money can be summed up in one word.The story will only be complete when people grasp, assimilate, and begin to apply all of these principles.Leaders in business and finance, as well as elite figures such as artists, poets, and writers, became great because of the creative imagination developed.

Synthetic imagination and creative imagination both become more sensitive with use, just like a certain muscle or organ in the body becomes flexible through repeated use.

Desire is only a thought, an impulse, vague and ephemeral.Before becoming a practical physical embodiment, it has no value and is completely abstract.Synthetic imagination is most often used by people. In the process of converting desire into money, one must be aware of this fact. You may also face situations and atmospheres that require the use of creative imagination.

If you don't use it often, your imagination will be weak; if you use it often, it will be revived and sharpened.If neglected, the imagination will be silenced, but it will never disappear.For the time being, we should concentrate first on developing the synthetic imagination, since it is the imagination that is most often used in converting desires into monetary equivalents.

One or more plans are used in the process of transforming the abstract thought impulse of desire into the concrete reality substance of money.These plans can only be formed with the help of imagination, especially synthetic imagination.

After reading the entire book, please come back to this chapter and immediately let your imagination run wild to make one or more practical plans for turning your desires into money.Detailed planning is mentioned in almost every chapter.Then, immediately take action on those instructions that best meet your needs, or if you haven't already done so, reduce your plans and write them down.At the moment of completion, you will be able to experience the vague desire gradually taking concrete shape.Read the previous sentence again, aloud and slowly, and remember that in writing down your desires and your plans for their fulfillment, you have taken an important step toward translating your thoughts into something concrete .

On the earth on which we live, you and other physical forms are the result of evolution. In the process of evolution, subtle substances are organized and planned into new forms in an orderly manner.And, more importantly, this earth, any one of the billions of cells in your body, any one atom that makes up matter, all originate from an invisible energy.

Desire is an impulse of thought!The thought impulse is the manifestation of a certain energy.When you start to form the desire to accumulate money, you are instilling a kind of "thing" in your mind. This is what nature used to create the earth, and it is also what makes up the various physical forms in the universe. It has the function of thought impulse. The human body and brain are also made of this stuff.

As far as science can go, the entire universe really has only two components—matter and energy.The combination of these two creates everything that humans can perceive, from the large floating planets that appear in the night sky, to the small human beings themselves.

You are on a mission to try to make money using natural methods.We sincerely hope that you can adjust your adaptability, cater to this natural law, and strive to transform desire into material wealth, so as to achieve success!
You are sure to succeed!It has been so successful before!With the help of this eternal law, you can accumulate a lot of wealth!However, you must first become familiar with these laws and learn how to use them.Through repeated practice, the author describes these laws in detail from various angles, hoping to reveal the mystery of wealth accumulation for you.As paradoxical and odd as it may seem, "secrets" aren't really secret.In fact, nature itself has already proclaimed it everywhere. The earth we live on, the planets and stars within reach, all the material forms around us, every grassland and every life form we can see, show solved this mystery.

Nature reveals this mystery with the phenomenon of life. Cells that are countless times smaller than the tip of a needle can actually make up the people who are reading these words.Of course, it would not be a miracle to transform desire into an equivalent material form!

Don't be disheartened if you don't understand all of the above.Unless you have worked on the human brain for a long time, you will not be able to understand all of this chapter on first reading.

But, with time, you're bound to make progress!

The principles outlined below will help you open the door to a deeper understanding of imagination.The first time you learn about a philosophy of success, digest only what you understand. When you learn it again, you will find that you have a deeper understanding of its meaning, and thus a broader understanding of the overall content.To sum up, don’t give up halfway. You must read this book at least three times. Before that, don’t hesitate to continue studying. After reading it three times, you will be unable to stop.

How to practically use your imagination

Ideas, ideas are the starting point of all wealth formation and the product of imagination.Let's take a look at a few well-known ideas that have produced huge fortunes, in the hope that these examples will convey a clear message about how imagination can be used to amass wealth.

magic pot

Fifty years ago, an old country doctor drove a horse-drawn carriage to the city. When he arrived at the destination, he tied up his horse and quietly entered the pharmacy through the back door, and began to "bargain" with the young clerk.

His mission was destined to bring wealth to the many, to bring the broadest and longest-lasting benefits to the American South since the Civil War.

The old doctor and the clerk chatted quietly behind the prescription counter for about an hour, and then the doctor went out, returned to the carriage, and took out an oversized old-fashioned kettle and a thick wooden stick (used to stir the contents of the kettle) ), came to the pharmacy again from the back door.The clerk took a serious look at the kettle, took out a stack of banknotes from his underwear pocket, and handed it to the old doctor.There are $500 in this wad of bills, the entire savings of the clerk!The doctor handed him another slip of paper with a secret formula written on it.The words on the piece of paper are worth a lot, enough to buy an Empire State Building, but this wealth does not belong to the doctor!Bring the contents of the pot to a boil, as the magic writing on the slip of paper requires.Neither the doctor nor the clerk expected that an unbelievably huge amount of wealth would flow out of this boiling pot continuously.

The old doctor happily sold the set for a whopping $500.The money was enough for him to pay off his debts and be free to do things.The clerk took a huge risk and exchanged all his life savings for a small piece of paper and a set of old kettles!It never occurred to him that this investment would cause wealth to roll out of the kettle, more unbelievably than the performance of the magical Aladdin's magic lamp!

In fact, what the clerk really bought was just an idea!Old jugs and sticks, and secret recipes on scraps of paper are accessories.

When the new owner mixed an ingredient that the old doctor didn't understand into it according to the requirements of the secret recipe, the old kettle began to perform magical performances!

Read this story carefully and put your imagination to the test!See if you spot what that young clerk added to the secret recipe to make the jug overflow with fortune.As you read, don't forget that this is not a story from The Arabian Nights.The story told here, more astonishing than fiction, began as a mere idea.

Let's look again at the enormous wealth that this idea generated.It has, and continues to, bring wealth to millions of people, all over the world, who benefit from the wealth that flows from the jug.

The old kettle has now developed into the largest sugar consumer in the world, providing permanent employment opportunities for many people engaged in sugarcane planting, sugar processing and sales.

This old kettle consumes millions of glass bottles every year, thus providing employment opportunities for a large number of glass bottle manufacturing workers.

Old jugs also provided jobs for shop assistants, stenographers, copywriters and advertisers across the United States, and made dozens of artists famous and wealthy for creating beautiful images describing product features.

This old kettle turned a small city into the commercial capital of the American South, and today every merchant and every resident in that city benefits directly or indirectly.

Now, the reach of this idea has spread throughout the civilized nations of the world, and it has created a steady stream of wealth for those who have touched it.

The fortunes that flowed from the jug started and sustained one of the most prestigious institutions in the American South, where thousands of young people received the vital training needed to set them on the path to success.

The old kettle did some other wonders.Factories, banks and shops have shut their doors during the global recession and thousands of workers have lost their jobs.However, the owner of this magic pot has continued to provide employment opportunities for workers around the world and bring wealth to those who believed in this belief long ago.

If the products produced by that old kettle could speak, it would surely tell the romantic myth of its prosperity in various languages.The romance of love, the romance of business, the romance of professional men and women who are inspired every day, are all in the legend.

The author is sure of at least one of the romances, because it was a personal experience, not far from the pharmacy where the staff bought used jugs.There, the author met his wife, who first told him the story of the magic kettle.They were drinking the produce from their water jug ​​as he pleaded with his wife to accept himself "for better or worse".

Now that you know that the magic jug contains a drink that is famous all over the world, the author may as well say frankly that it was the hometown of that drink that brought him a wife, and it was also the drink that stimulated his mind to make him Generate inspiration that leads to fresh thinking for good work.

Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your profession, just remember that in the future every time you see the words "Coca-Cola" don't forget it - the wealth and influence it creates It all started with a simple idea, and the ingredient that pharmacy clerk Asa Chandler added to the secret recipe was just that—imagination!

Pause for a moment and think about it.The thirteen steps to getting rich described in this book is a medium through which Coca-Cola's influence spreads to every corner of the world.Any idea you create will be as reasonable and laudable as Coca-Cola, and it is possible to create an amazing record that has swept the world again.

Indeed, the human mind is material, and the sphere of thought covers the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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