Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 16 Careful Planning: The Specific Process of Turning Desires into Actions

Chapter 16 Careful Planning: The Specific Process of Turning Desires into Actions (1)
A coward who quits never succeeds, and a coward who succeeds is never a coward who quits.

You may have understood that everything created or obtained by human beings originates from some kind of desire, and desire is the starting point of this process, from abstract to concrete, and finally enters the formation of imagination. The plan is created, organized, and planned.

In the article, six clear and practical steps have been introduced in detail, and how to transform the strong desire for money into practical equivalents step by step.One of these is the formation of one or more definite practical plans by which desire can be translated into action.The detailed process is as follows:
1. Assemble a group of talents you need as much as possible, and start planning and implementing plans for the purpose of accumulating wealth-use the "think tank" principle described in the next chapter (following this principle is very important, do not ignore this a little).

2. Before forming your own "think tank" alliance, first clarify what benefits and benefits can be provided to each member of the team in return for their cooperation.No one wants to work for free, and no intelligent person asks or expects others to work for him when it is not profitable.Of course, remuneration does not have to be in the form of money.

3. Arrange meetings with members of the "think tank" at least twice a week, and if possible, multiple meetings are better.Finally reach an agreement with the members of the "Think Tank" to complete the necessary plans or plans to accumulate wealth.

4. Let yourself maintain an absolutely harmonious relationship with the members of the "think tank". If you can't strictly implement this requirement, it is likely to end in failure.Without absolute harmony, the principle of "think tank" cannot be well applied.

Please keep the following facts in mind:
First, you are doing a very important job, and to ensure success, you must have a flawless plan.

Second, you must draw upon the experience, education, talent, and imagination of others, a method that every successful person who has amassed a fortune has done at one point or another.

No one can acquire sufficient experience, education, natural talents, and expertise of every kind without the help and cooperation of others.In your endeavor to accumulate wealth, the plan you adopt should be the result of your joint efforts to create it with other members of your "brain trust."All or part of the content of the plan may be drawn up by yourself, but those plans must be checked and agreed by other members of the "think tank" before they can be implemented.

If the first plan you adopt is not successful, then draw up a new one, and if this new one also fails, try another one, and so on, until at last you find one that works.This is the point where most people fail because they lack the perseverance and perseverance to replace old plans with new ones.

No savvy person can succeed in amassing wealth, let alone accomplishing anything else, without a practical and effective plan.When your plans fail, it's important to remember that temporary setbacks are not permanent failures.It may simply mean that your planning is not perfect.Then create a new plan and start over with it.

Thomas A. Edison failed tens of thousands of times before inventing the light bulb, which means that he failed tens of thousands of times before he succeeded.Temporary setbacks can only mean that there may be a flaw somewhere in your plan.Without a perfect plan to get rich, millions of people live their lives in poverty and misery.

Henry Ford amassed his wealth not because he was brilliant, but because he adopted and followed a well-established plan.Among a thousand people, there are many people with higher education than Ford, but they all live in poverty, mainly because they don't have a correct plan to get rich.

Your accomplishments may not be as plausible as planned.This may seem self-evident, and it is.Samuel Insar (manager of the world's largest utility company) once lost a huge fortune of as much as [-] million US dollars.The wealth goal that Yin Saal longed for was accumulated on some reasonable plans. However, the business depression prompted him to change the plan, and the lack of rationality of the new plan led to a temporary failure.Now that Mr. Insar is an old man, he may have admitted his "failure" rather than "suffering a temporary setback".However, if his experience proves to be a failure in the end, it is also because he lacks the perseverance and perseverance to re-plan.

No one is forced to quit halfway until they decide to quit.The list goes on and on of how easy it is for people to think they are defeated the first time they encounter a failure signal.James Hill suffered temporary setbacks in his initial efforts to finance the construction of a railroad linking East and West.However, he later turned the tables on a new plan.

Henry Ford not only encountered failure at the beginning of his involvement in the automobile industry, but also encountered temporary setbacks when his career was almost at its peak.He formulated a new and practical plan, and thus continued his march towards victory.

We have seen many people who have made a fortune, but they often only pay attention to their success, ignoring the difficulties and setbacks they have overcome before they succeed.

No one who follows a philosophy of success expects to accumulate wealth without experiencing any temporary setbacks.

When failure comes, just treat it as a signal that the plan is unreasonable and imperfect, and then formulate a new plan and continue sailing towards the goal you desire.If you choose to give up before you have achieved your goal, then you are a "halfway coward".

A coward who quits never succeeds, and a coward who succeeds is never a coward who quits.

Use this sentence as a slogan, write it in large letters on a piece of paper and hang it where you can see it before going to bed and when you wake up.When you start selecting the members of your "brain trust," try to pick people who are not easily defeated.

Some people foolishly think that only money can make more wealth, which is wrong!Transforming the desire for money into its practical equivalent through the principles presented in this book is a channel to wealth.Money itself is not an active substance, it can neither move, think, nor speak, but it can hear such voices when people strongly desire and call upon it!

plan how to sell yourself
The remainder of this chapter will focus on the ways and means of how to sell yourself.The useful information presented here will be helpful to any aspirant who needs to sell personal services, but it will be invaluable to those who wish to advance into leadership positions in their chosen career field.

For anyone who wants to successfully accumulate wealth, careful planning is an important factor in success.The specific guidance presented below will apply to those who have accumulated wealth through the sale of personal services.

In fact, you should know that all the people who have amassed a huge fortune started by selling personal services or selling ideas to make their first money.And, for a man without property, what else is there to do to get rich but selling ideas and personal services?
Broadly speaking, there are two kinds of people in the world: those who are leaders and those who are followers.You have to decide whether you want to be a leader or a follower in the chosen industry.The pay gap between the two is huge.Followers can't hope for the monetary rewards leaders get, and yet many people make this mistake.

There is no shame in being a follower.On the other hand, being a follower forever is less commendable.Most great leaders also start out as a follower, and it is because they are a smart follower that they develop into a great leader.With very few exceptions, people who fail to follow great leaders intelligently hardly ever become good leaders.And those who can effectively follow their leaders are usually able to quickly develop their leadership potential.A smart follower has many advantages, one of which is being good at acquiring knowledge from the leader.

Key Characteristics of a Leader
Important factors to be a leader are as follows:
1. Unwavering courage born of knowledge of oneself and one's profession.No one wants to follow a leader who lacks confidence and courage.Smart followers will not be dominated by such a leader for long.

2. Self-control ability.Those who cannot control themselves will never be able to control others.Better self-control sets an example for followers, and wise people strive to emulate.

3. A strong sense of justice.Without a sense of justice and fairness, leaders cannot command the respect of followers.

4. Decisive decision-making.Indecisive decision makers often appear to lack the confidence to lead others successfully.

5. Have a clear plan.Successful leaders must be good at planning and good at implementing plans.A leader who acts on unrealistic speculation without a clear and practical plan is like a ship without a rudder, which will run aground on the rocks sooner or later.

6. Unpaid work habits.One of the costs a leader must pay is that he must lead by example and be willing to do more work than those under him.

7. Pleasant and easy-going personality.No one who is lazy and careless can be a good leader.Leaders need to be respected, and leaders who do not focus on developing an agreeable personality will not be respected by followers.

8. Compassion and understanding.A good leader must have sympathy for his subordinates. In addition, he must understand and consider the difficulties of his subordinates.

9. Master the details.Successful leaders master the nuances of a leadership position.

10. Willing to take full responsibility.A good leader must be willing to take full responsibility for the mistakes and mistakes made by his subordinates.If he tries to shirk responsibility, then the position of the leader must be lost.If a subordinate makes a mistake and proves himself incapable of doing the job, the leader must first admit his mistake.

11. Collaborate.Successful leaders must understand and apply the principles of teamwork and lead their followers to do the same.Leaders need power, and power requires collaboration.

There are two types of leadership.The most effective one is the leadership that can arouse the emotional resonance and recognition of subordinates; the second is the leadership that forces subordinates to obey through high pressure, but cannot obtain the satisfaction and resonance of subordinates.

Historical precedent proves that no coercive leadership style can survive for long.The decline and demise of feudal emperors and dictators is the most obvious example, which shows that people will not blindly follow the leadership of the iron bowl.

The world today has entered a new era of improved relationships between leaders and followers.Undoubtedly, people are calling for the emergence of new leaders, especially a new leadership relationship in the business world.Those old-fashioned leaders who advocate leading subordinates through power must recognize the new leadership relationship (cooperative relationship) and learn to integrate with subordinates.For them, there is no other way.

The employment relationship, or the relationship between the leader and the led, should be a mutual assistance and cooperation relationship based on equal business interests in the future.In the future, the relationship between bosses and employees will be more like a partnership than in the past.

Napoleon, the ruler of Germany Wilson, the Russian tsar, and the king of Spain are all typical examples of the rule of power.This style of leadership is outdated.Among those leaders in the American business, financial, and labor circles who have long been deposed or criticized and reprimanded, people can easily discover the original colors of the former leaders mentioned above.The leadership style that is recognized by subordinates is the only lasting!
People may temporarily follow those powerful leaders, but not willingly.

The new leader will embrace the 11 elements of leadership described above, as well as a number of other important principles.Those who build leadership on this foundation find a wealth of leadership opportunities in any industry.Because the world lacks this new type of leader, business depression is still widespread.When the recession is over, there will be a shortage of leaders who can apply a new style of leadership.Some old-fashioned leaders will also adapt their leadership style to adapt to the new leadership relationship.But all in all, the world is looking for a new type of leadership talent, and this is your opportunity!
Top [-] Reasons Why Leadership Fails

Let’s now discuss the major mistakes that lead to failure as a leader. Knowing what you should do is as important as what you should not do.

1. Inability to organize details.Effective leadership requires organization and the ability to control details, and a true leader is never "too busy" to do his job.Whether as a leader or as a follower, anyone who admits that he is "too busy" to change his plans or pay attention to any emergencies is tantamount to admitting his own incompetence.Successful leaders must be able to master all the details associated with the position.Of course, this also shows that he must develop the habit of subdividing work among competent middle-level cadres.

2. Reluctance to engage in menial affairs.A truly great leader will do some kind of physical labor that he has asked his subordinates to do, when the need arises. "The greatest leaders are true servants of all people" is a truth that all talented leaders observe and respect.

3. Expecting to be rewarded by one's own "knowledge" rather than "action" of using knowledge.The world doesn't pay you for what you know, only for your actions or for inducing others to act in a certain way.

4. Fear that subordinates will surpass themselves.A leader who fears that a subordinate might take his place will actually turn that fear into reality sooner or later.Competent leaders groom their successors and are happy to entrust him with every detail of the position.Only then can a leader juggle multiple responsibilities, be ready to fill any position, and juggle many things at once.It is an eternal truth that capable people who know how to let others share their work are often rewarded more than those who do everything themselves.Effective leaders use their business knowledge and charisma to improve the work efficiency of others, and guide others to provide better and more effective services than they can do alone.

5. Lack of imagination.Without imagination, leaders lack the ability to deal with emergencies, let alone formulate effective plans to guide subordinates to work.

6. Selfishness.A leader who appropriates the work honor of his subordinates is bound to incur resentment.Truly great leaders never take credit for themselves.He is happy to give any credit to his subordinates because he understands that most people would rather work for appreciation and recognition than for money alone.

7. Overindulging.Subordinates generally will not respect an overindulgent leader.Moreover, overindulgence of any kind can damage the endurance and vitality of the indulger.

8. Disloyalty.Perhaps this should have come first.Leaders who are disloyal to the company and to their colleagues tend not to maintain lasting subordinate-subordinate relationships.The unfaithful man is bound to be scorned, and his deeds belittled.Lack of loyalty is the number one cause of failure in all walks of life.

9. Emphasize leadership "authority."Effective leaders often encourage subordinates rather than intimidate and intimidate them to achieve their goals.Leaders who try to establish "authority" in the hearts of their subordinates are often people who make good use of power.A true leader does not need to project his authority in any way, but only needs to show his compassion, understanding, fairness and professional skills.

(End of this chapter)

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