Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 17 Careful Planning: The Specific Process of Turning Desires into Actions

Chapter 17 Careful Planning: The Specific Process of Turning Desires into Actions (2)
10. Value titles.Effective leaders don't need titles to earn the respect of their followers.People who pay too much attention to titles usually do so because they have no other specialties.The offices of real leaders are always open, informal and unpretentious.

These are common causes of leader failure, and deficiencies in any one of them can lead to overall failure.If you aspire to be a real leader, study the above to make sure you don't make similar mistakes.

Areas in need of a “new style of leadership”
Before concluding this chapter, I would like to draw your attention to the following areas where the need for a new style of leadership exists.Among them, the traditional leadership style is declining day by day, while the new type of leader is highly sought after.

First, there will always be a need for new types of leaders in politics, and an urgent one.On the face of it, most politicians are high-level legitimate fraudsters.They raised taxes and let industry and commerce go astray until the burden was unbearable for the people.

Second, the banking industry is in the process of reform.Leaders in this field have almost completely lost public confidence.Bankers, too, feel the need for reform, and they have acted on it.

Third, the industry needs new leadership.The old-style leader thinks and acts with dividends instead of thinking and acting with personal bias.Future industry leaders who want to maintain long-term leadership must see themselves as quasi-public servants whose job it is to run the business without compromising individual or group interests.Workforce development is a thing of the past, let those who aspire to leadership positions in business and industry remember that.

Fourth, future religious leaders will be forced to pay more attention to the temporary needs of their followers. When solving their current personal and economic problems, they should not dwell on the past or the future.

Fifth, there is a greater need for new leaders in the fields of law, medicine, and education.To some extent, new leaders must emerge, especially in education.Tomorrow's educational leaders must find effective ways to teach people how to "apply" what they learn in school, and they must place more emphasis on practice and less on theory.

Sixth, the press also needs new leaders.For the newspaper industry of the future to be successfully managed, it must break away from the existing "privilege" and stop relying on advertising revenue to subsidize its management costs.They must cease their function of promoting billboards.Those newspapers that publish scandalous and obscene pictures will at last repeat the same mistakes of the forces that have corrupted mankind.

These are just some of the areas where opportunities for a new type of leader or new style of leadership are presently emerging.The world is changing rapidly, which shows that the medium that changes human habits must adapt to improve.The media mentioned here determine the development trend of civilization more than other factors.

When and how to apply for a position
The information conveyed here is a guide of experience that has benefited many people over the years who have helped them sell themselves successfully.Therefore, people can trust and rely on these practical and sound guidance.

Experience has shown that the following mediums are the most direct and effective channels for getting both buyers and sellers of personal services what they want.

1. Employment agencies.Reputable employment agencies with high client satisfaction records must be carefully selected, but there are not many of them.

2. Advertisements in newspapers, business periodicals, magazines, radio.Those applying for clerical or general positions can find satisfactory results through classified ads.People who are looking for executive-level jobs are suitable for large and eye-catching advertisements to attract the attention of employers.This kind of advertisement should be designed by experts, because they know how to add enough selling points in the advertisement to cause effect.

3. Personal cover letter.This type of letter is usually addressed to a specific company or individual who is most likely to need your services.You should neatly type out such a cover letter and include your autograph and full resume or description.Both your cover letter and your resume need expert guidance (see "Information You Should Provide in a Written Resume.")
4. Recommended by acquaintances.In some cases, it may be most effective to ask acquaintances to refer prospective employers, if possible.This way of applying is especially beneficial to those who want to find a supervisory position but don't want to "sell" themselves.

5. Self-recommendation.Sometimes, it may be more effective if a job seeker volunteers and offers to provide the desired service to a prospective employer.At this time, a complete written resume should be handed in, because employers usually like to discuss job applicants with other working partners.

Information provided in a written resume

This resume should be carefully planned and prepared, just like a lawyer prepares the paperwork of an upcoming court case.Unless job seekers themselves have rich resume writing experience, they should consult professionals in this field and use their services to achieve the purpose of having a beautiful resume.Successful businessmen employ those who understand the art and psychology of advertising to sell the advantages of their products.Likewise, a person wishing to provide sales services should do the same.The information to include in your resume is as follows:
1. Education background.Concisely outline the schools attended, majors and reasons for choosing this major.

2. Work experience.If you have had a similar experience to the position you are currently applying for, you should fully describe the name and address of your former employer.Remember to clearly write about any special experience that qualifies you for the position.

3. Recommendation letter.In fact, every company is eager to know about the employees who may be hired to take on job responsibilities, including all past records, experiences, etc. data.Copies of letters of recommendation written by professionals such as previous employers, teachers who have taught you, and well-known people whose judgment is trustworthy should also be attached to the resume.

4. Personal photo.Attach a recent bareheaded photo of yourself.

5. Clearly apply for the position.Don't just say you're applying for a job without clearly stating which specific position you're applying for.Never ask for "any position is fine" because that shows your lack of professional qualifications.

6. State your qualifications for a position.Detailing why you think you would be a good fit for that particular position is the most important detail on your application, and more than anything, will determine how much you are valued.

7. Offer to accept trial.If you are sure to apply for a position, if you can offer to work for free for a week, a month or a specific period of time, then the employer can observe and judge whether you are qualified for the job without paying anything. This is the most effective way .This advice might be a bit extreme, but experience has proven that it can earn you at least one chance.If you firmly believe that you are qualified for the job, then the opportunity to try is your only requirement.By the way, such an offer shows that you believe you are fully qualified for the job, which is the most convincing point.If your offer is accepted and you do a great job living up to expectations, the effect goes far beyond the "pay" you get during the trial period.Make sure your proposal is based on the following:
(1) Self-confidence can meet the job requirements;

(2) Believe that the prospective employer will be able to hire you after the probationary period;

(3) Determination to get this position.

8. Know your prospective employer's business.Before applying for a job, you should fully research the knowledge related to this job, make yourself thoroughly familiar with this business, and describe your existing knowledge of this industry in your resume.Such preparation is impressive and shows that you have imagination and a genuine interest in the position.

Remember, the lawyer who wins the case is not the one who knows the law best, but the one who is well prepared for the case.If you're well-prepared and justified, you're off to a good start.

Don't make your resume too long. Employers put as much thought into finding the right candidate as you do getting the job.In fact, most of the most successful employers are successful in picking the right employees because of their ability to pick the right people, and of course they want all the relevant information.

Also keep in mind that a clean and pleasing resume is enough to show that you are a hard worker.I've helped several clients prepare resumes that landed candidates with great resumes without having to go through an interview.

After completing your resumes, neatly bind them and write or print them in the following format:


Applicant: Robert Smith
Proposed position: Personal secretary to the president of Blank Company
Remember to change the corresponding name every time you submit your resume.

This way of applying with a clear personal need is sure to get people's attention.Print your resume neatly and clearly on good paper, use hard paper as the cover of your resume, and if you apply for several companies at the same time, remember to change the corresponding name on the cover, and remember to paste the photo in your resume.Strictly follow these requirements, and further enrich the resume content according to your imagination.

Successful salespeople know how to groom themselves, and they understand the importance of making a first impression.Your résumé is your self-salesman, and by dressing it in a nice suit, it can make a stronger impression on prospective employers than anyone else when applying for a job.If the job you're looking for is worth having, go after it with all your heart.Also, if you impress an employer with your personal traits when you sell yourself to an employer, you may earn a higher salary, often more than the initial salary you would get with a typical job search.

If you're applying through an ad or a career agency, asking the agency to sell you with a copy of your resume will give the agent and prospective employer a better idea of ​​you.

How to Get Your Dream Job
Everyone likes to work on the job that suits them best.Painters love to paint, artisans love to work with their hands, and writers love to write.Those who lack these gifts are devoted to business and industry.If Americans can do anything well, the range of occupations is vast, from farming and soil work to manufacturing and marketing.

The first step is to figure out what kind of work you want to do.If the class doesn't exist yet, perhaps you can create one yourself.

The second step is to choose a company or a person you want to work for.

The third step is to research the policies, personnel and promotion opportunities of the future employer.

The fourth step is to identify what you can do by analyzing yourself, analyzing your talents and abilities, and trying to demonstrate the personal strengths, services and ideas that you think you can successfully provide.

The fifth step, don't just think about having a "job", don't think about whether there is an opportunity, and don't hold the inertial thinking of "Can you give me a job?"Instead, focus on what you can do.

The sixth step, once you have a plan in mind, immediately ask an experienced writer to implement it in a clear and detailed manner on clean paper.

The seventh step is to leave the plan to an authoritative person, and he will help you with the rest.Every company wants to get valuable talents, whether it is people who come up with ideas, think ideas, provide exact services, or just deal with "relationships", as long as they are talents, they will be favored.Any company will be willing to accept those talents who have a clear plan of action to benefit the company.

This process may take a few days or weeks of extra time on your part, but the different income, opportunities for advancement and recognition you get will save you years of hard work for a meager paycheck.This approach has many advantages, the main one being that it can save you 1 to 5 years of time in achieving a specific goal.

Anyone who does it in the first place or starts it "halfway" will get twice the result with half the effort after careful consideration and planning (except, of course, the "crown prince" kind of person).

Working relationships are now partnerships
The best future self-promoters must recognize the changing relationship between employer and employee.

The future relationship between employer and employee will be more like a natural partnership, including:
1. Employer;

2. Employees;

3. The customers they serve together.

This method of personal selling is called novel for a number of reasons.First, prospective employers and employees can be viewed as collaborators who together provide effective services to the public.In the past, employers and employees have always been tit-for-tat, and both sides have tried their best to bargain, but they have not considered that in the final analysis, the victim of their disagreement is a third party-the object they both serve.

Those clamoring for their personal advantages and interests trampled on the rights of the public in all aspects, and the Great Depression in the United States came from the strong protest of these injured publics.When the wreckage of the depression wears off, commerce will recover and balance will be restored, and both buyers and sellers will realize that they no longer have the privilege of haggling with third parties for common services.The real employers of the future will be the masses, and everyone who is looking to effectively sell their services should keep this supreme truth in mind.Almost every railroad line in the United States is experiencing financial difficulties.If a resident, unable to remember the train's departure date, went to the ticket office to inquire about the departure time, would he be told to look at a sign instead of being politely greeted for full information?

Tram companies, too, have been through times of change.Not so long ago, conductors on trams proudly argued with passengers.Many tram routes have now been rerouted, with passengers taking buses instead, and bus drivers are the "most polite" people around.

Tram lines across the country are rusting from being abandoned or simply being replaced.On the route where the tram is still running, passengers no longer have to fight for seats. Even if someone stands in the middle of the block to hail the car, the driver will happily go to pick up the passengers.How times have changed!This is exactly what I am trying to emphasize.Times are changing!This change reflects not only changes in railway ticket offices and trams, but in every aspect of life.The policy of humiliating the public is now completely obsolete, replaced by a "Sir, I'll be at your service" policy.

Bankers may know a little bit about the dramatic changes that have taken place over the past few years.Modern bank officials or clerks are not as rude as they were a decade ago.Over the past few years, some bankers (not all, of course) have enforced a harsh hospitality policy that sends a shudder down the spine of anyone who tries to borrow from a bank.The failure of thousands of banks during the recession prompted bankers who had closed their own doors in the past to open their expensive mahogany doors.They now sit behind open desks and receive anyone who comes in, whether they want to make a deposit or just want to come and meet and chat.The atmosphere in the bank has also now become more cordial and considerate.

In the past, customers have been accustomed to waiting in the corner, waiting for the bank staff to finish meeting with friends, waiting for the operator to finish the deposit business, and then go to the queue.The lack of automatic shoe-shine machines for customers, despite the lack of automatic shoe-shine machines for customers, has pushed the antiquated merchant into the background, run by courteous men who value service first.Time flies, never look back!
"Courtesy" and "service" are buzzwords in sales today, and they apply more directly to those who are selling personal services than to those employers.Because at the end of the day, both employers and employees serve the public.If they can't provide good service, then they will pay the price of losing priority service.

(End of this chapter)

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