Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 21 Determination: Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination and Laziness

Chapter 21 Determination: Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination and Laziness (1)
Giants in language are often dwarfs in action.If you talk too much and do little, you will lose the opportunity to accumulate useful knowledge, and you will expose your plans and purposes, and be defeated by those who are jealous.

An accurate analysis of more than 25000 men and women who have experienced failure shows that lack of determination ranks first among the 30 leading causes of failure.This is not just a theoretical statement, but a fact that cannot be ignored.

Laziness, as opposed to determination, is an enemy everyone must overcome.

After reading this book, you'll have the opportunity to test your ability to make quick and clear decisions, and you'll be ready to begin applying the principles presented in the book to practice.An analysis of several hundred multimillion-dollar individuals revealed the surprising fact that these individuals have a habit of making decisive decisions and, if necessary, do so slowly.And those who have not made a fortune, without exception, maintain the habit of indecision and change day and night.

One of Henry Ford's outstanding qualities is his ability to make decisions quickly and decisively, and it is not easy to change them.This quality is so evident in Mr. Ford that he has acquired a reputation for inflexibility.It is because of this characteristic that Mr. Ford was able to insist on building the famous Model T (the ugliest car in the world) when all the consultants and many buyers persuaded him to change.

Perhaps Mr. Ford put off making the change too long, but on the other hand, his determination has created a fortune long before he needed to change the model.It can be said without doubt that Mr. Ford's habit of making decisive decisions may be stubborn, but it is better than indecision and change.

Most people who are unable to accumulate enough wealth to meet their needs are usually easily influenced by the opinions of others. They let the "gossip" of newspapers and people around them replace their "thinking". "Opinion" is the least valuable commodity in the world, and everyone has a belly full of opinions that they want to share with those who are willing to accept them.If you are influenced by such people when making decisions, it will be difficult to achieve anything, let alone turn your desires into money.

If you are constantly influenced by the opinions of others, you will end up without your own desires.

As you begin to practically apply the principles stated in this article, insist on making your own decision and implementing it, and don't let others know what you really think.Don't tell anyone, unless it's someone you especially trust, like-minded "brain trust" members.

The “opinions” and sometimes humorous sarcasm of close friends and family often get in the way of our decision-making, albeit unintentionally.Many people linger with inferiority complex all their lives because some well-meaning and ignorant people destroy their self-confidence with "opinions" and ridicule.

You have your own mind, you have to use your own thinking to make decisions.In many situations where you need information or truth from others, you can do so quietly without revealing your intentions.It is a common characteristic of some ignorant people who like to impress others with their knowledge.Such people usually speak eloquently, but are not good at listening.If you want to develop the ability to make decisive decisions, keep your eyes open, your ears pricked up, and your mouth shut.Giants in language are often dwarfs in action.If you talk too much and do little, you will lose the opportunity to accumulate useful knowledge, and you will expose your plans and purposes, and be defeated by those who are jealous.

At the same time, remember that whenever you speak in front of a knowledgeable person, either show your true knowledge, or act like you don't know anything!True wisdom is often revealed with humility and silence!
Remember, everyone around you is looking for opportunities to get rich, just like you.If you speak too freely of your plans, you may end up being surprised to find that others have adopted the plans you inadvertently revealed and got ahead of you.

Therefore, the first decision you should make is to keep silent, and learn to listen and listen carefully.

In order to remind yourself at all times, you may wish to write the following epigram on paper in large fonts and put it where you can see it every day:

Before people know what you've done, do it well.The meaning of this sentence is: "Actions speak louder than words".

Decisions about freedom or death

The value of determination lies in the courage to make decisions.The great decisions that are the foundation of civilization are often made at the risk of life.

When Lincoln decided to deliver the famous Emancipation Proclamation speech that set black Americans free, he was fully aware that his actions would be opposed by thousands of friends and political supporters.He also knew that implementing the manifesto would mean tens of thousands of people dying in battle.In the end, the proclamation cost Lincoln his life.It does take courage.

Socrates would rather take poison than compromise and abandon his beliefs. This is a courageous decision.He moved history forward 1000 years and bequeathed to posterity the right to freedom of thought and speech.

General Robert E. Lee's decision to secede from the Union and fight for the Southern cause was also a courageous one, knowing full well that such a decision would cost him his life and it would surely cost the lives of others.

On the minds of every American, the greatest decision in history was made in Philadelphia on July 1776, 7.At that time, 4 people signed their names on a document. They knew that this document would bring freedom to all Americans, otherwise these 56 people would be hanged.

Perhaps you are familiar with this famous document, but perhaps you have not grasped from it, it conveys very clearly the important truth of how to achieve personal achievement.

We all remember the date that important document was signed, but few realize how much courage it took to make that decision.The history we can recall is like what is recorded in books.We can remember dates, we can remember the names of those who fought for freedom, we can remember Valley Forge and Yorktown, we can remember George Washington and Lord Cornwallis.But we rarely know the true forces behind these people, times and places.Still less did we know of the invisible force that had kept the people free long before Washington's troops reached Yorktown.

We have all read the history of the American Revolutionary War and think of George Washington as the founding father of the United States, who won freedom for Americans.In fact, Washington only played an auxiliary role in this matter. Long before Baron Cornwallis surrendered, the army led by Washington had already ensured the victory of the war.I say this not to belittle the honor and aura that General Washington deserves, but to serve as a further reminder of the astonishing force that is the source of true victory.

The writers of history do not mention this force at all, but it was this force that created and brought freedom to this nation that would set a new model of independence for the whole world.This is a tragedy of history. The reason I say this is that everyone must use this power to overcome all kinds of difficulties and obstacles in life and get the rewards they deserve.

Let's briefly review the true history of creating this power!The story begins with the Boston incident on March 1770, 3.British soldiers patrolled the streets, openly terrorizing the local population.The inhabitants of these colonies hated demonstrations against them by heavily armed soldiers.They began to vent their anger outwardly, throwing stones at the soldiers and insulting them.Finally, the commander ordered: "Bayonet on, start attacking!"

The battle broke out, resulting in heavy casualties.The incident aroused public outrage, and the local council (made up of the best citizens of the colonial jurisdiction) met to take forceful action.John Hancock and Samuel Adams were two members of Parliament.They justly declared that action must be taken to drive all British soldiers out of Boston.

Remember, this was a decision, made in two hearts, that gave all Americans the freedom we enjoy today.Also remember that their decision requires confidence and courage, because it is a dangerous decision.

Before the conference was over, Samuel Adams was sent to visit the local governor, Hutcheson, to ask him to withdraw the British troops.

His request was granted, and British troops withdrew from Boston, but the events did not end there.The response to this event was destined to change the entire course of human civilization.Is it not surprising that great changes, such as the American Revolutionary War and the World Wars, often arose out of small, insignificant events?And, strangely enough, these major changes are often the result of decisive decisions made in the minds of a few people involved.Few of us know much about American history, let alone John Hancock, Samuel Adams, and Richard Henry Lee (Governor of Virginia) were the true "Fathers of America."

Richard Henry Lee played a pivotal role in the whole affair, for he and Samuel Adams had a very frequent exchange of letters, and they always exchanged messages without reservation, sharing their concern for the well-being of the people of their respective regions worries and hopes.From this, Samuel Adams came up with an idea that communication between the 13 colonies might lead to cooperation among them, and such cooperation could help solve the common difficulties they were facing. In March 1772, the year after the Boston incident where clashes between colonists and British soldiers occurred, Adams presented this proposal to Parliament in the form of a proposal to establish a committee of correspondence among the colonies, with each colony responsible for Appointment of correspondents "for the purpose of promoting communication and co-operation among the British American colonies".

Don't underestimate this offer!For the first time in history, the power to bring freedom to the American people was organized. A "smart group" had been organized, consisting of Adams, Henry Lee, and Hancock.

The Communication Cooperation Committee has also been established!Note that this major action provides a way to increase the power of the "Master Mind", as council members come from each colony.Also note that this course of action was the first orchestrated by the various colonies.

unity is strength!The American people in the colonies have been rebelling against the British soldiers through struggles similar to the Boston incident in an unorganized manner, without any effective results.Their individual rages are not concentrated due to the lack of overall intelligent leadership.Before Adams, Henry Lee, and Hancock formed a united front alliance, no individual mind, will, and strength worked toward a set goal to form a decisive decision to resolve the conflict with the British colonists.

Meanwhile, the British colonists were not idle.They are also taking advantage of both the money they have and the organized military they have to develop their own plans and form their own think tanks.

(End of this chapter)

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