Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 22 Determination: Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination and Laziness

Chapter 22 Determination: Overcoming the Habit of Procrastination and Laziness (2)
The royal family appointed Gage to succeed Hutcheson as governor of Massachusetts.One of the first moves the new governor took after taking office was to send envoys to visit Samuel Adams in an attempt to intimidate him from rebelling.

We can understand the situation at that time through the dialogue between Fenton (the messenger sent by Gage) and Adams.The content of the conversation is as follows:
Colonel Fenton: "Mr. Adams, Governor Gage ordered me to assure you that if you can stop confronting the government, the Governor will give you a satisfactory reward (trying to bribe Adams). The Governor advises you not to mess with His Majesty again. I am happy. Your behavior has violated the "Henry VIII Act". According to this Act, the Governor-General has the right to decide to send you to England for trial of state crimes or for trial of cover-up crimes. However, if you can change yourself If you choose the political line, you can not only get considerable benefits, but also ensure peace with the King of England."

Samuel Adams faced two choices.He can stop fighting and accept personal benefits; he can also continue to fight, but at the risk of being imprisoned!
It was clear that Adams had to make an immediate, personal decision.As most of us know, this is a difficult choice.Under such circumstances, most people would give the other party an excuse to save their own lives first, but Adams would not do that!Adams insisted on Colonel Fenton's assurance that his reply would be conveyed unaltered to the Governor.

Adams replied: "In that case, you can tell Governor Gage, I believe that I will maintain a good relationship with His Majesty the King as always. However, no personal interests can make me give up the just cause. And, please also tell Governor Gage , which was given to him by Samuel Adams, to stop insulting an already angry nation."

Commenting on this person's personality seems a bit redundant.It is evident to all who read this astonishing utterance that those who uttered it must have had the highest allegiance.This is very important (power brokers and dishonest politicians trample on that honor, but the likes of Adams can die for it.)
Governor Gage, enraged by Adams's vehement reply, signed a proclamation which read: "In the name only of Your Majesty, I graciously forgive those who would lay down their arms and return to law-abiding citizenship. , but only Samuel Adams and John Hancock will not be forgiven, because they are heinous and deserve to be punished.”

In popular parlance, one might think that Adams and Hancock were "doomed."Government anger and intimidation forced them into another, equally dangerous decision.They quickly summoned those loyal supporters for secret talks (the brain trust came into play).After the meeting began, Adams locked the door and put the key in his pocket.All those present were then told that the immediate task was to form a Congress of Colonial Representatives, and that no one could leave the room until it had been decided to form a Parliament.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.Some worry about the consequences of this radical move, and some question the wisdom of the decision to confront the royal family.In that locked room, there were two fearless men, Samuel Adams and John Hancock.Under their influence, the others finally agreed to convey, through the Committee of Correspondence, the first Congress of the American Continental at Philadelphia on September 1774, 9.

Everyone should remember this date, it is more important than July 1776, 7.Without the decision to convene the Continental Congress, there would have been no signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Before the first meeting of the Continental Congress, another city on the North American continent was struggling to publish a Survey of Rights in British America.He was Thomas Jefferson of Virginia, and his relationship with Lord More (representative of the British Crown in Virginia) was as tense as Adams, Hancock, and Governor Gage.

Not long after publishing his famous "Survey of Rights," Jefferson learned that he would be persecuted for betraying the royal regime.Faced with this threat, one of Jefferson's colleagues, Patrick Henry, spoke out boldly, concluding with the age-old saying—"If this is treason, so be it treason!"

It is precisely such people who have neither a position of power nor military power and funds, but they can seriously consider the future and destiny of the colonial people.It lasted for two years from the first Continental Congress until June 1776, 6. Richard Henry Lee stood up and made the following proposal to Mr. Chairman and the astonished participants:

"Gentlemen, I propose that these united American colonies should be free and independent states, freed from all loyalists to the King, and completely cut off from all political ties with Great Britain."

The attendees had a long and heated discussion about Lee's astonishing proposal, and eventually Lee began to lose his patience.After several days of debate, he stood up again and announced in a clear and firm voice: "Mr. Chairman, we have been discussing this issue for several days. This is the only way out we can choose. So, gentlemen, why should we continue to discuss this issue again?" Delay? Why hesitate? Let us on this happy day create the United States of America! Let this country rise, not to destroy and suppress peace and law, but to restore peace and law to rule."

Before finally voting on his proposal, Lee returned to Virginia as his family became seriously ill.But before he left, he turned his affairs over to his friend Thomas Jefferson.Jefferson promised to work on it until action was taken that would help the cause.Soon, Hancock, the chairman of the meeting, decided to set up a committee and appoint Jefferson as chairman to draft the Declaration of Independence.

After long hours of hard work, the committee drafted a document.If the Continental Congress passed this document, it would mean that every delegate there knew that once the colonial peoples had lost their struggle with the British Empire (which was bound to happen next), everyone who had signed the document They will all face a dead end.

The document was drawn up, and the first draft was read to the public on June 6.In the next few days, after discussion among the representatives, the final draft was finally produced. Standing before the convention delegates on July 28, 1776, Thomas Jefferson fearlessly read the most momentous written decision ever.

"In the course of human history, when it is necessary for a nation to dissolve its political relationship with another nation, and believe that among the many powers granted to people by nature, the laws of nature and God have endowed countries with independent and equal rights, based on the loftiness of this concept With respect, people should declare the real reasons for their independence."

After Jefferson finished reading, 56 delegates began to vote, vote and sign. Everyone who signed his name staked his life on this momentous decision.Through this decision, a nation was born on earth that was destined to give all mankind eternal decision-making power.

Only decisions made under the same belief, and only such decisions, can solve the personal problems they face and win material and spiritual wealth.Let's not forget this!
Analyzing the series of events that led to the Declaration of Independence, we have reason to believe that this country that enjoys power and prestige in the world was born out of the decisions made by a think tank composed of 56 people.We should also pay special attention to the fact that it was their decision that ensured the victory of General Washington's army.Because the spirit of this decision has penetrated into the hearts of every fighter and has become the spiritual motivation for them to win.

Note also (for personal gain) that the power which frees this country is the power which every man who wishes to be masters of his own destiny must wield.This power is made up of the principles presented in this book.In the story of the Declaration of Independence, it is not difficult to see at least six principles applied—desire, determination, confidence, perseverance, mastermind, and careful planning.

With this philosophy, we can understand that thought, supported by strong desires, has a tendency to transform desires into reality.Before going any further, I would like to leave you with this advice--the method of bringing about a surprising shift in thought is described in detail in the above story, as well as in the story of the formation of U.S. Steel.

In searching for the secret of the method of success, one must never hope to find miracles, for it is a waste of effort.You can only discover the immortal laws of nature.These laws apply to all who have the confidence and courage to accept them.These laws can bring freedom to a country, and can also allow people to accumulate great wealth.It costs you nothing to recognize and use them.

Those who can make quick and decisive decisions know what they want and get what they want.Leaders in all walks of life make decisions quickly and decisively, which is what makes them leaders.Those who express a clear purpose and direction in their words and deeds will always find their place in the world.

Indecision is usually a habit developed at a young age.This habit can take a person aimlessly through elementary school, middle school, high school, and even college.And the main flaw with the education system is that it neither teaches nor encourages students to develop the habit of decisive decision-making.

Colleges would do well not to admit incoming freshmen if they cannot articulate what their primary purpose is in attending school.It would be even better if the habit of decisive decision-making could be instilled in students from primary school, and forced to pass satisfactory decision-making tests before progressing to higher education.

The habit of indecision will also be brought into the occupation that people choose (of course, if he really chooses the occupation he likes), generally speaking, students who have just left school will do what they can find .Unable to shake off his habit of indecision, he would take the first job he found.Today, 98% of people who are looking for a job for their living are engaged in the current job because they cannot make up their minds to plan a definite position for themselves, and they don't know how to choose their own boss.

It often takes courage, sometimes a great deal, to make decisive decisions.The 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence risked their lives with great courage on the decision to sign this document.Those who have made a definite decision to look for a job, hoping to get what they want out of life, have staked their decision not on their lives, but on their economic freedom.Financial independence, wealth, aspirational career, and professional status do not favor those who ignore or reject these things, often without expectations, plans, and needs.If you have the spirit of desire for wealth and pursuit of wealth, like Samuel Adams longed for the restoration of freedom to the colonies, then you will surely realize your dreams.

In the "Carefully Curated" chapter, you'll find complete instructions for marketing your personal services.You'll also find detailed information on "how to find the boss you want", "how to find the special job you're looking for" and more.These guidelines will only play their value and function when you make up your mind to plan your actions.

(End of this chapter)

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