Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 23 Perseverance: Persevering Faith to Win

Chapter 23 Perseverance: Persevering Faith to Win (1)
The starting point of all achievements is desire, and we must keep this sentence in mind.A feeble desire produces only a small result, just as a feeble fire produces only a feeble heat.

In the process of transforming desires into reality, perseverance and perseverance are essential factors.Willpower is the basic element of perseverance.

Willpower and desire, when properly combined, are irresistible forces.People who aspire to accumulate great wealth are often misunderstood by others as cold-blooded or heartless.They combine their willpower with perseverance and, backed by desire, they work hard to achieve their goals.

Henry Ford is also often regarded as a ruthless person. The reason for this misconception is that Ford has a habit of stubbornly carrying out any plan to the end.

Most people give up on their goals when they encounter setbacks and misfortunes.Only a few people will persevere in all adversity and finally achieve their goals.The likes of Mr. Ford, Mr. Carnegie, Mr. Rockefeller, and Mr. Edison are among the few.

The word "perseverance" has no supernatural connotation, but this quality is as essential to a man's character as carbon is one of the necessary ingredients of steel.

Wealth accumulation typically involves the application of all 13 success principles presented in this book.All those who wish to acquire wealth must understand these principles and persevere in their implementation.

If your intention in reading this book is to apply the knowledge presented in this book, you will encounter your first test of perseverance when you read the six steps in the article.Only 2% of all people are moving towards a clear goal, and they will have a clear plan to achieve the stated goal.If you are not in this group, then after reading these requirements, you will probably live by the steps and not act on them at all.

The author is here to test your perseverance, because lack of perseverance is a major cause of failure.In addition, the author's experience with thousands of people shows that lack of perseverance is a common problem of most people.Through hard work, this shortcoming may be remedied, but whether the bad habit of lack of perseverance can be overcome depends entirely on how strong a person's desire is.

The starting point of all achievements is desire, and we must keep this sentence in mind.A feeble desire produces only a small result, just as a feeble fire produces only a feeble heat.If you find that you lack perseverance, you can light a fire under desire to strengthen it, and in this way the weakness can be remedied.

After reading this book, go back to the text again and immediately start implementing the requirements of the six steps. Whether you are willing to follow these requirements can clearly reflect whether your desire to accumulate wealth is big or small.If you find yourself caring little about accumulating wealth, you can be sure that you haven't yet developed the "money sense" that you must have before you can be sure of getting rich.

Fortunes flow only to those who are ready to "attract" them, just as rivers always flow to the sea.In this book, you'll find the necessary stimuli for those normal thought shocks that make you want.

If you find that your perseverance is weak, then carefully read the content of "power" in the article, and surround yourself with a group of intelligent and talented people to form a think tank. Through the joint efforts of this group of people, you will develop perseverance.In the chapters "Autosuggestion" and "The Subconscious Mind," you'll also find ways to develop perseverance.Follow these methods until you develop the habit of consciously conveying a clear picture of the object of desire to the subconscious mind.Once you do this, you will never again suffer from lack of perseverance.

Whether you are in a dream or in reality, your subconscious mind is always at work.

Applying these principles intermittently or sporadically won't do you much good.To obtain satisfactory results, all principles must be followed until they become fixed habits.This is the only way to develop "money awareness", and it will be futile to use other methods.Those who live in poverty can only remain poor all their lives, and in the same way wealth favors those who are ready to welcome it.Poverty consciousness automatically grabs the minds of those who are not money conscious.A sense of poverty forms itself without habit, but a sense of money must be cultivated, unless one is not born with it.

Fully understanding and appreciating the importance of the previous content, you will understand the important role of perseverance in the process of accumulating wealth.If a person does not have perseverance, he may fail before he starts to act.With perseverance, you are sure to succeed.If you've lived through a nightmare, you know the value of perseverance.Lying in bed, half asleep, you feel like you're suffocating.You cannot roll over or move.You realize that you have to regain control of all the muscles in your body.With the continuous effort of willpower, you can finally move your fingers.You continue to move your fingers, and then you have the strength to control your arm, and then you can actually raise your arm.In the same way, you can also control the movement of the other arm.Next, you're free to move one leg, then the other.In the end, with great perseverance, you completely controlled the muscles of your whole body and "wrecked" from the nightmare. This is how the miracle happened step by step.

You may find that the same process is required to "break free" from mental inertia.Start slowly, then gradually increase the speed until you have full control of your will.No matter how slow your progress is when you first start out, keep working on it relentlessly.As long as you have perseverance, you will be able to succeed.

When you carefully select your "brain trust" members, there must be someone who can help you develop firm perseverance.Some people who become rich develop grit in this way because they feel it is necessary to do so.The reason why they can develop the habit of tenacity is because they are forced by circumstances to have perseverance and perseverance.

Nothing can replace perseverance!You can't replace it with another quality!If you can remember this from the start, you will be encouraged in the face of difficulties and obstacles.

Those who work hard to develop good habits of resilience seem to have insurance on failure. No matter how many times they fail, they can always achieve their ideals and climb to the top of success.Sometimes, it seems that there is a hidden mentor in the dark, and its task is to test whether a person can withstand the test of setbacks.Those who fall down and get up and keep going will eventually reach their destination, and the whole world will cheer for them: "Great, I knew you could do it!" But the level of perseverance, this invisible guide will not Easily let anyone enjoy the joy of success.If you can't stand this test, you are doomed to fail.

Those who can withstand the test of perseverance will be richly rewarded.Whatever the goal pursued, they always achieve it, and this is their compensation.But that's not all, they get something more than material compensation - they learn that "every failure has a seed of equal benefit".

There are exceptions to this rule, and many people have learned the importance of perseverance from their own experience.For them, failure is only temporary, and they firmly believe that failure will turn into victory, and this desire and pursuit is always firm in their hearts.From the perspective of a bystander, we will find that most people who fall into the abyss of failure will almost never recover.We also saw that only a few of them used the penalty of failure as a strong motivator.The good news, though, is that these people never resign themselves to life's adversities.What we don't understand, however, is the silent and irresistible force that sustains people in the face of setbacks, and even many people have doubts about it.When we talk about this kind of strength, we call it perseverance.We all know that if a person does not have perseverance, then no matter what he does, he will not achieve remarkable results.As I write this, I lift my head and stare straight ahead.Within one block, is the mystical Broadway, the "graveyard of dashed hopes," and the "stage of chance creation."People flock to Broadway from all over the world in search of fame, fortune, status and love, or whatever else people see as a sign of success.Occasionally a brilliant talent emerges from the crowd of dreamers, and the world hears of a man who has made it off Broadway.But conquering Broadway won't be easy.It welcomes talent everywhere, and it recognizes who's a genius, and rewards them handsomely, as long as people work hard!

Next, we all know he has learned the secret to conquering Broadway.In fact, the secret is closely related to the general meaning of the word "perseverance"!

Fanny Hearst's personal struggle history clearly reveals this secret. Her perseverance and perseverance conquered this white road.She came to New York in 1915, hoping to make a fortune with her writing.Although the progress was not fast, the goal was finally achieved.It took Hirst four years to understand the real life of New Yorkers from personal experience.She writes by day and dreams of hope at night.When the odds were slim, she didn't admit defeat: "Well, Broadway, you win!" Instead, she said, "Broadway, you can beat other people, but you can't beat me. One day, I will let you give up of!"

A publisher ("The Saturday Evening Post") rejected her manuscript 36 times, but in the end she managed to break through the ice and let her words meet readers.The average writer, like the average person in any other profession, might walk away from the job at the first rejection.But because she always believed in her heart that she would succeed, she struggled for 4 years under the rejection of the publisher.

Then, the rewards came.That spell has been broken, and Fanny Hearst has stood the test of the "invisible teacher."Since then, publishers have come to invite manuscripts in an endless stream.Money just keeps rolling in.Before long, filmmakers found her, and a flood of fortunes followed.Her recently completed novel, "Laughing," sold for $[-], said to be the highest offer ever made before the book was published.The royalties she received from the sale of the book were far more than that.

In short, you've learned that grit is what gets you.Fanny Hearst was not alone.No matter where people get wealth, they must first have perseverance and perseverance!Broadway will hand out a cup of coffee and a sandwich to any beggar, but for those who pursue big dreams, perseverance must be demanded.

Kate Smith would certainly feel the same way if she read this.For years, she sang non-stop in front of any mic she got the chance for, and for nothing.Broadway said to her: "If you can seize the opportunity to make money, come and get it." Finally, that happy day came, and Broadway said to her wearily: "What's the use of giving it to you? You don't even know what you are If you fail at the time, then quickly determine the price you can pay, and then work hard!" Miss Smith reported her worth, which was quite a high price.Her weekly salary has far exceeded what ordinary people earn through hard work for a year.

Yes, this is the reward for perseverance!It's an encouraging statement, with a significant suggestion - thousands of singers better than her have shuttled back and forth to Broadway, trying to find a breakthrough and succeed, and failing!Countless people came and went, many of them very good singers, but because they didn't have the courage to keep going, they were blocked from success, and Broadway finally got tired and sent them away.

Perseverance is also a state of mind, so it can be cultivated.As with all mindsets, grit is based on well-defined reasons, including:

1. Clarify the purpose.Knowing what people want in the first place is the first, and perhaps the most important, step in developing grit.Strong motivation will drive people to overcome any difficulty.

2. Desire.It may be easier to develop and maintain perseverance if you have a strong desire for the goal you are pursuing.

3. Self-reliance.Believing in one's own ability to carry out the plan motivates one to persevere in its execution (The habit of self-reliance can be cultivated through the principles described in "Autosuggestion.")
4. Have a clear plan.A well-organized plan, even if it is not so thorough and even a little unrealistic, can encourage people to follow through.

5. Know yourself exactly.Knowing that one's plans are sound and reliable, based on one's own experience and everyday observations, encourages perseverance.Conversely, "guessing" in place of "knowing" can undermine perseverance.

6. Cooperation.Consideration, understanding and harmonious cooperation with others can promote the generation of perseverance.

7. Willpower.The habit of concentrating on creating a plan to achieve a definite goal produces perseverance.

8. Get used to it.Perseverance is a direct product of habit.The brain takes in the experiences that are fed to it on a daily basis and impresses you as a part of it.Forcing yourself to repeat acts of bravery can effectively heal fear and defeat man's greatest natural enemy.Everyone who has witnessed the course of the war knows this.

Before leaving the subject of grit, it may be helpful to assess yourself, if you lack this quality, to what extent.Have the courage to examine yourself bit by bit to see which of the above eight elements you lack.Analyzing the results will allow you to rediscover yourself.

lack of perseverance

In this section, you'll find your real enemies that stand in the way of greatness.Here, you can find not only the "symptoms" that reflect the lack of perseverance, but also the subconscious reasons behind this weakness.If you really want to know who you are and what you are capable of, you should carefully analyze and study the following list.All those who wish to gain wealth must overcome the following weaknesses:

1. Inability to recognize and determine what one really wants.

2. Whether there is a reason or not, he always procrastinates (often with a lot of excuses or excuses).

3. Lack of interest in acquiring professional knowledge.

4. Indecisive, unable to face up to problems, and always get used to prevarication (there are also many excuses).

5. When problems arise, they are used to shirking responsibility instead of actively seeking solutions.

6. Complacency.This disease is basically difficult to overcome, and complacent people are often hopeless.

7. Lack of enthusiasm.The usual reaction is that it is easy to compromise in any situation, rather than actively facing adversity and fighting it.

8. The habit of passing on one's own mistakes to others and accepting unfavorable situations as inevitable.

9. Lack of desire due to ignorance of the motives that select the behavior that elicits it.

10. Impatient to give up at the first sign of setbacks (caused by one or more of the six fears).

11. Lack of careful planning, failure to implement the plan on paper for detailed analysis.

(End of this chapter)

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