Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 24 Perseverance: Persevering Faith to Win

Chapter 24 Perseverance: Persevering Faith to Win (2)
12. Habit of indifference when ideas or opportunities present themselves.

13. Wishes, no actions.

14. Be content with being poor and don't want to work hard to get rich.Generally speaking, there is a lack of ambition, not wanting to be the ideal person, do the ideal thing, or have the ideal thing.

15. Looking for all the shortcuts to get rich, always thinking of getting something for nothing, usually manifested as a habit of opportunistic, always wanting to get rich overnight.

16. Fear of criticism, being influenced by the thoughts, actions, or words of others, rather than making and carrying out plans of one's own.This shortcoming should be at the top of all shortcoming, because it is usually in the subconscious mind, not easy to recognize.

Let's take a look at the specific manifestations of fear of being criticized.Most people are willing to be influenced by relatives, friends, and others, and cannot live the life they want because they are afraid of being judged.

Many people marry the wrong person, quarreling, and living miserable lives because they fear the criticism they will get if they correct the mistake (anyone who has this fear knows what it will do, because It destroys morale, self-reliance, and the desire to succeed).Countless people are reluctant to pursue any further education after school for fear of criticism.

There are countless men, women and children who, out of fear of criticism, allow their relatives and friends to ruin their lives in the name of being responsible. Being responsible does not require anyone to destroy their ambitions and the right to live their own way.

Those who refuse to take a business opportunity for fear of being criticized if they fail.In this case, the fear of criticism was stronger than the desire for success.

Most people are unwilling to set high goals for themselves, or even care about what career they choose, because they are afraid that their relatives and friends will say, "Don't aim too high, and people will laugh at you."

When Andrew Carnegie suggested that I spend 20 years summarizing the philosophy of Personal Success, my initial reaction was to worry about what others would think of me.His advice set me a lofty goal, far out of proportion to my previous achievements.All of a sudden, my brain started looking for all kinds of excuses and excuses, all because of the fear of being criticized.It was as if a voice inside me was saying, "You can't do this, it's too much work, it's going to take too long. And what's your family going to think? How are you going to make a living? No one has ever summed it up like that." Philosophy of success, why do you believe you can do it? Who are you to be so arrogant? Don't forget what you do, what philosophy do you know? People will think you are crazy (and you are). Why have you never Has anyone ever done something like this?"

These questions, along with other thoughts that come to my mind, require careful consideration.At this time, it seemed that the whole world was watching me and laughing at me, trying to make me want to give up Mr. Carnegie's suggestion.

At the time, there was every chance I could kill my ambition before it completely took hold of me.Later in life, after analyzing the experiences of thousands of people, I found that most people's ideas are not alive at all when they are first formed, and must be breathed with life through definite plans and immediate actions.It's best to start nurturing the idea as soon as it takes shape.Every minute of its existence should be carefully protected.Fear of criticism is the root cause of most ideas being shattered, so ideas are never developed to the stage of planning and action.

Many people believe that material success is the result of good luck.There is some basis for this view, but people who completely "depend on chance" will always be disappointed.Because they ignore another important factor that people must have before they can be successful, which is the necessary knowledge to customize opportunities.

During the Great Depression, comedian WC Fields lost all his money and had no job, no income, and the means by which he used to live.At that time, he was over sixty years old, and he was already an old man in the eyes of many people.Eager to make a comeback, he offered to volunteer in a new field (the film industry).His career was struggling, and not only that, but he broke his neck.For many, it was time to give up, but Fields persevered.He knew that if he persisted, opportunities would come to him sooner or later.

In her sixtieth year, Mary Dressler found that she had no money and no job, and she looked destitute.She also looked for opportunities, and got them.It was perseverance that led to her very astounding success in later life, and she is generally believed to have been far ahead of most ambitious men, women, and children.

Eddie Kantor lost all his money in the stock market crash of 1929, but he still had grit and grit.With these and a pair of good eyesight, he earned himself an income of [-] US dollars a week!Indeed, if a person has perseverance, even if he has no other qualities, he can do well.

The only opportunities anyone can trust and rely on are those of their own making.Opportunity comes from perseverance, and its starting point is a clear purpose.

Randomly ask the first 100 people you meet and ask them what they want most in life, 98% of them will not be able to tell what they want.If you ask further, some might say "safety," some might say "money," some might say "happiness," some might say "fame and power," and still others To "social awareness, easy life, good at singing and dancing, good at writing" and so on.But no one has been able to articulate these claims, or outline a plan to realize these vague aspirations.There is only desire, and there will be no response from wealth.Through persistent perseverance, with the help of strong desire and definite plan, wealth can be answered.

how to develop perseverance
To develop grit, you need to go through four simple steps.These steps do not require profound knowledge and superhuman intelligence, nor special education, nor much time and effort.These key steps are as follows:
1. A definite purpose, supported by a strong desire to achieve it.

2. A clear plan, gradually manifested with practical actions.

3. Free from the influence of negative and lazy thoughts, including the negative thoughts of relatives, friends and acquaintances.

4. Make one or more people who can encourage you to carry out your plans and wishes.

These four key steps can help you succeed in all areas of your life. The entire purpose of the 13 Philosophical Principles of Success is to help you implement these four steps as a habit.

Follow these four steps and you can take control of your financial destiny.By following these four steps, you can achieve intellectual freedom and independence.Follow these four steps, and you'll build wealth, more or less.Follow these four steps and you'll be on your way to power, fame, and recognition.

Follow these four steps, and you're guaranteed a heaven-sent opportunity.Follow these four steps and you can achieve your dreams.By following these four steps, you can conquer fear, depression, and apathy.

Those who can follow these four steps are sure to reap great rewards.It puts one in charge of one's own destiny and makes life provide everything we want.

Although there is no way of knowing the truth, I would venture to guess that Mrs Wallis Simpson's great love affair with a man was by no means accidental, much less the result of luck.It is precisely because of a strong desire and earnest search every step of the long road that she has achieved the right result.Her first duty is to give her love.What is the greatest thing in the world?The masters call it love - not man-made rules, criticism, pain or political "marriage", but real love.

She knew what she really wanted, long before she met the Prince of Wales.Despite failing twice before finding true love, she mustered up the courage to continue her search as always. "Believe that you are right, it will come, just like the day after the night, you can no longer be false to anyone."

The process of her escape from the dark world is progressing slowly, little by little, and continuously, indeed!She triumphed over incredible disparities and whoever you were, whatever you thought of Mrs Wallis Simpson, the man who gave up his throne for her love, she was a paragon of perseverance , an instructor in the application of autonomous rules, from whom people all over the world can gain a beneficial education.When you think of Wallis Simpson, a man who knew what he wanted, you can see why he would shake up the greatest empire on earth to get it.Some women complain all day long that this is a world dominated by men, and that women do not get a fair chance to compete. They should really study how this unusual woman captured her at an age that most people regard as "old people". The love of the bachelor that everyone in the world wants.

So what about King Edward?What can we learn from this most romantic love legend in the 20th century?Did he pay too high a price to marry the woman he loved so much?
No one can give the correct answer except the person concerned.We can only rely on our own guesses to answer.All we know is that the king did not come of his own free will, nor was he required to be born rich.He was always looking for a happy marriage, and politicians and statesmen all over Europe brought many princesses and ladies to him.By virtue of being the eldest son, he was to inherit the throne, which he had not sought, and perhaps did not desire.For nearly 40 years, he was not a free man, unable to live his own life, had little privacy of his own, and ultimately he believed that the responsibility of taking the throne would hurt himself.

Some might say, "He should find peace of mind and contentment, and a joyful life, out of all these blessings."

In fact, behind the rights to the throne, money, reputation, status, and the power to inherit King Edward, there are hidden emotional gaps that only love can fill.

His burning desire is born for love.Long before he met Wallis Simpson, he had no doubt that this great omnipotent emotion struck a chord in his heart, awoke in his soul, ready to speak.

When he meets that fellow-spirit who desperately needs to express this divine right, he accepts it, opens his heart and embraces it without concern or apology.All the scandal-making vendors in the world can't destroy the beauty of this international union. Two people who really love each other dare to face any criticism and give up everything to pursue a sacred relationship.

When Edward VIII made up his mind that he would rather not be king but marry a divorced American woman, Simpson, he mustered up his courage.This decision also requires a price, but who has the right to evaluate the price?He certainly didn't say something like this: "He has no crimes like you, so let him be a leader."

Because he longed for love, because he professed his love for Wallis Simpson, because he gave up his succession, the Duke of Windsor was maliciously attacked by some people, a piece of advice to these malicious people, we should remember Living public statements is not that important.He could adopt the centuries-old custom of secret dating in Europe, without giving up either the throne or the woman of his choice.In this case, neither the church nor the common people will complain.But there was a stronger resolve in this unusual man.His love is aboveboard, pure and untainted, both deep and serious.At least it shows that he desires love far more than anything else.Therefore, he acted according to his wishes, and paid the due price.

If the rulers of Europe had the same honest character and loving heart as the former King Edward VIII, the unfortunate situation of the past centuries, full of greed, hatred, lust, political indulgence and threat of war, would be different. There should be a A brighter future is right.Among them, love should be the master, not hate.

A few words from Stuart Austin Weir lead us to raise our glasses to the former King Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson:

"Blessed is the man who has begun to understand the idea that silence is golden."

"Blessed is the man who sees the dawn of love out of the deep darkness, who sings 'My love for you is sweeter than all words'."

In words like this, we bless those two people who loved each other deeply, with more respect than anyone in modern society.These two men were the victims and masochists of public opinion for discovering the greatest riches in life and making them public.Mrs. Simpson has seen and endorsed this analysis.

Most people in the world applaud the Duke of Windsor and Mrs. Simpson because they have the perseverance to find true love, and finally get what they deserve.All can benefit from following their example and following their example in finding what is needed in life.What kind of mysterious power endows people with the perseverance to overcome difficulties?Is it persistent and effective perseverance that creates some form of spirit, thought, or chemical reaction in people that brings them into contact with supernatural forces?Does Infinite Wisdom favor those who rise up and fight when the battle is lost, even if the whole world is against them?

After observing Henry Ford et al., many questions like this have sprung from my mind.Henry Ford built a vast industrial empire from nothing but perseverance.Thomas Edison, who received less than three months of school education, became the world's top inventor by virtue of his perseverance. His inventions are countless. The phonograph, movie player and light bulb are household names, not to mention other 50 kinds that are useful to human beings. invented.

I am delighted to have been privileged to analyze Mr. Edison and Mr. Ford, to have been privileged to study them up close.Through my analysis, I found that, apart from perseverance, there were no other qualities and advantages associated with great achievements in either of them.

When you do an unbiased study of a prophet, philosopher, "wonder man" and religious leader from the past, the inevitable conclusion is that perseverance, focus and purpose were the main reasons for their achievement source.

As an example, let's explore the wonderful and fascinating story of Muhammad.Analyze his life, compare it with other people who have made great achievements in contemporary industry, commerce and finance, and observe whether they have one outstanding characteristic in common——perseverance!
If you're particularly interested in studying this strange force that empowers perseverance, read Muhammad, especially the one by Assad Bey.The book's overview, written by Thomas Sagrew and published in the Herald Tribune, provides an overview of the protagonist's invaluable qualities and provides backup information for those who take the time to read the entire book, which Tells of the most astonishing examples of the exercise of perseverance in civilized society.

(End of this chapter)

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