Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 25 The Power of the Brain Tank: The Law of Doing More with Less

Chapter 25 The Power of the Brain Tank: The Law of Doing More with Less
The Master Mind principle is all about combining the wisdom of others with your own, which is the secret to more energy.

Power is a key factor in successfully accumulating wealth.If there is not enough support, plans alone cannot form actual actions.This chapter focuses on the ways people gain and use their power.Power can be understood as "organized and flexible knowledge".

Power, as the definition is used here, refers to organized efforts sufficient to enable a person to convert desires into their monetary equivalents in reality. "Organized effort" results from the joint cooperation of two or more people who work in a harmonious spirit towards a well-defined goal.

Accumulating wealth requires strength!After gaining wealth, it takes strength to keep it!Let's explore together how to gain strength.If power is "organized knowledge", let's examine the sources of knowledge:

1. Infinite wisdom.With the help of creative imagination, this access to knowledge can be accessed using the steps described in this article.

2. Accumulated experience.The accumulated experience of mankind (or organized and recorded parts) can be found in well-equipped public libraries.These accumulated important experiences have been organized and classified, and will be used as teaching materials by various colleges and universities and public schools, and widely publicized.

3. Experience and research.In the field of science and in all walks of life, people collect, classify and organize new events every day.When one cannot acquire knowledge through "accumulated experience", one turns to sources of knowledge.People tend to use their creative imagination in such situations.

From the above channels, people can acquire knowledge.Organized to turn knowledge into definite plans, and when those plans are carried out, knowledge can be transformed into power.

From these three main sources of knowledge, it is not difficult to see that we will encounter great difficulties in collecting knowledge on our own and applying it through a clear plan of action.In general, well-planned plans often require the cooperation of others to give them the necessary force.

Gain strength through the "brain tank"

"Think tank" can be interpreted as: "Two or more people who work together to cooperate intellectually and spiritually to achieve a definite goal."

No one can have great power without the help of a "brain trust".In the previous chapter, we introduced the method of making a plan for turning desire into reality.If you can use these methods consistently and flexibly, and choose the members of the "brain trust" wisely, then you can achieve your goals with less effort.

So, with the right selection of "brain trust" members, you can better understand this invisible potential force that is available to you.We will introduce two salient features of the "think tank" principle, one economic and one spiritual.The economic features are obvious.Anyone can generate economic benefit if they are surrounded by a group of dedicated and cohesive assistants who selflessly advise, offer ideas, and provide personal collaboration.This cooperative alliance is the basis of almost every great fortune.Your understanding of this great truth will determine your economic status.

The spiritual aspect of the Think Tank principle is more abstract and difficult to understand, since it refers to spiritual powers that humanity as a whole has failed to capture.Perhaps you can get an important inspiration from the following sentence - "The combination of the wisdom and thoughts of two people will definitely produce a third kind of thought, and this third kind of thought will definitely have invisible and invisible power."

Remember the fact that the universe is made of only two elements - energy and matter.It is a well-known fact that matter can be broken down into molecules, atoms and electrons.We can isolate these units of matter and analyze them carefully.

Likewise, energy also has units that are broken down.

The human brain is also a form of energy, part of which is spiritual in nature.When the intelligences of two people are in tune, the mental energy parts of each brain form an attraction, forming the "spiritual" dimension of the think tank.

It was Andrew Carnegie who first drew my attention to the think tank principle, or rather its economic dimension, 25 years ago.

The discovery of this principle led to the choice of my life's work.

Mr. Carnegie's brain trust consisted of about 50 people, and the members of the brain trust were always around for the express purpose of manufacturing and selling steel.He attributes all the wealth he has amassed to the collective strength of his "brain tank".

Analyze all people of great wealth or moderate wealth and you will find that they all employ, consciously or not, the principle of the "Master Tank."

Such great power cannot be obtained through any other principle!Energy is the basic unit of nature. Every substance in the universe is made of energy, including every life form such as human beings, animals, and plants.Energy is transformed into matter through a process only nature can fully understand.

Human beings can use the form of energy related to thinking to obtain the constituent units of nature at their fingertips!The human brain can be likened to a battery pack that draws energy from the atmosphere that fills every atom of matter throughout the universe.

We know that a group of batteries provides more power than a single battery.We also know that the power provided by a single battery is directly proportional to the number of cells contained in the battery and the capacity of the batteries.The human brain works in a similar way.This can also explain why some people are smarter, and thus come to the conclusion that the thought energy produced by the cooperation of a group of brains with the same heart is much higher than the energy of one person, just like a set of batteries is stronger than the energy of one person. A single battery can provide more electricity (that is, the old saying goes "three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang").

Through this metaphor, it is not difficult to see that the principle of a think tank is to combine the wisdom of others with one's own wisdom, which is the secret to gaining more energy.

Another statement that follows will give you a better understanding of the spiritual aspect of the principle of the think tank - when the wisdom of a group of people is combined and works together, the high energy created through this cooperation can be used by the think tank. shared by every member of the group.

As we all know, Henry Ford started his business in poverty, out of school, and ignorance.We also know that in a mind-bogglingly short 10 years Mr. Ford overcame all three and within 25 years he was among the richest people in America.

Add to this the fact that Mr. Ford's meteoric rise came only after he became a close friend of Thomas Edison's.This makes it easy for us to understand how important the influence of one person is on another.On further reflection, Mr. Ford's most distinguished achievement came after he met Harvey Firestone, John Burrows, and Luther Burbank (who were all brilliant minds), so that it would be confirmed— Through the friendly union of wisdom can come great power.

Few doubted that Henry Ford was the most well-informed man in business, let alone his wealth.If you analyze Mr. Ford's close friends (some of which have been mentioned above), you can fully understand this statement-if you interact with others in a spirit of harmony, people will learn invisibly. The temperament, habit, and power of thought of a friend.Henry Ford overcame the imperfections of poverty, lack of schooling, and ignorance by associating with some equally great men.He absorbed the thinking of these people into his own brain wisdom.Through the contacts with Edison, Burbank, Burrows and Firestone, etc., Mr. Ford added all the wisdom, experience, knowledge and spiritual strength of these people to himself.Not only that, but he has properly applied the Think Tank principle using the steps and methods presented in this book.

You can do the same!We have mentioned Mahatma Gandhi before.Many people have probably heard of Gandhi, and most of them think that he was just a eccentric little man with his own opinions, who walked around in poor clothes and often caused trouble for the British government.

In fact, Gandhi was not eccentric, but the most powerful man (judging by the number of his followers and trust in this leader).Besides, he was the most powerful man alive when this book was finished.His power may seem passive to some, but it is real.

Let's examine the ways in which he gained his amazing powers.We can put it in simple terms, he gained great strength by uniting two hundred million people working together with one heart and one mind for a common and clear purpose.

In short, Gandhi performed a miracle, a miracle of guiding (not compulsively) [-] million people to work together for an infinite period of time.If you don't believe it's a miracle, try guiding the two of you to work together in a spirit of harmony for a while.

Any manager knows how difficult it is to get employees to work together in harmony.

As you have seen in the previous article, Infinite Wisdom ranks first among the main sources of power.When two or more persons are united in a spirit of harmony and striving for a definite goal, through this union they are placed in the vantage point of receiving direct access from the great universe of Infinite Intelligence. Gain power from treasures.This treasury is the inexhaustible source of all power.From this source every genius draws strength, from which every great man draws his strength (this is true whether they realize it or not).

The knowledge and necessities needed to amass power are obtained from the other two main channels, but these are as unreliable as the five senses of man.The senses of the five senses are not always trustworthy, but infinite wisdom has never made any mistakes.

In the following chapters, the easiest way to get in touch with "Infinite Wisdom" will be properly introduced.

This is not a book about religion.None of the basic principles presented in this book are intended to directly or indirectly influence people's religious habits.This book only revolves around one goal, which is to guide readers on how to transform their clear desire to become rich into corresponding money in reality.

When reading this book, please think while reading and think carefully about the content in the book.It won't take long for the whole theme to emerge and you'll see it in perspective.

Money is shy and elusive, and the method of pursuing it and winning it is the same as the method used when pursuing your crush.In addition, more coincidentally, the power required to pursue money and pursue lovers is basically the same, there is no big difference.If you want to get money successfully, you must add confidence, desire, and perseverance to your strength, and you must go through an organized plan, and you must implement this plan in order to use this power well to get money.

When great wealth comes, it flows as easily as mountains and rivers to those who want to accumulate it.There is a powerful invisible force in it, which can be compared to a river.The only difference is that one end of the river carries those who enter it upstream, to the land of wealth, while the other end carries those who unfortunately fall into it and cannot escape in the opposite direction to misery and poverty.

Everyone who has accumulated a huge fortune has recognized the existence of this torrent of life.It consists of the thought process of the individual.Positive thoughts and emotions lead people to the end leading to wealth, while negative thoughts and emotions lead people to flow to the end of poverty and misery.

For those who follow the ideas in this book for the purpose of getting rich, this idea has an extremely important message.

If you are in a current of power going to the poor end, the principles in this book are a paddle with which to propel yourself to the other end.Only through practical application do these principles work.If you just read and comment casually, nothing will work.

Some people have switched back and forth between these two ends of the power flow, left and right.During the Great Crash of Wall Street in 1929, millions of people were blown from the wealth side of the power flow to the poor side.These millions fought, some with desperation and fear, hoping to get back on the wealth side.This book is written especially for these people.

Poverty and wealth change places frequently, and though the world often forgets this lesson, the Great Bankruptcy taught man this truth.Poverty often automatically takes the place of riches, and when riches take the place of poor, it is often only through well-executed planning that the transition can be brought about.And going from rich to poor needs no such plan, nor does it need any assistance, for poverty is bold and reckless, and riches shy and timid.You have to be "attracted" for wealth to appear.

Anyone can aim to be rich, and while most people want to be rich, only a few realize that a definite plan and a strong desire for wealth are the only sure way to get rich.

(End of this chapter)

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