Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 26 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physi

Chapter 26 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physical Balance (1)
Love, romance, and sex are all factors that propel a person to the pinnacle of success.Love acts as a safety valve, ensuring balance, calm, peace, and constructive effort.If these three are organically combined, they can elevate a person to the level of genius.

Simply put, the word "conversion" means "to change one element or form of energy into another element or form of energy".

Sexual passion can be transformed into a state of mind.Out of ignorance of the subject, people usually associate this mental state with a physical one, and because most people are wrongly influenced in acquiring sexual knowledge, thinking it is purely physical, without knowing that it is actually It is also closely related to the spirit.

There are three potentially constructive forces in sexual passion, namely:
1. The power of human reproduction.

2. The power to maintain good health (is an incomparable means of healing).

3. Turn mediocrities into geniuses by transforming sexual power.The transformation of sexual desire is very simple and relatively easy to explain.It is a transformation of mentality, and its process is to transform the ideas expressed through physiology into other ideas.

Sexual desire is one of the strongest human desires.When driven by this desire, people develop a strong imagination, courage, willpower, perseverance, and creativity that they do not have at other times.The desire for sexual contact is so intense and impulsive that a person is often addicted to it, willing to risk life and reputation.If controlled and directed in other directions, this stimulating force retains its strong imagination and courage, and becomes a force applied to astronomy, art, and other professions or jobs (including, of course, accumulating wealth). Powerful creativity.

Sexual energy conversion certainly requires practice and willpower, but the rewards are worth it.The expression of sexual desire is innate and natural.This desire cannot and should not be buried or obliterated, but it should be vented by enriching human body, mind and spirit.If it cannot find outlet through transformation, it seeks outlet through purely physical means.

We can build dikes and control the flow of the river for a while, but eventually it needs to be released.The same is true of sexual desire, which can be repressed for a while, but its nature is to constantly find ways to express it.If it is not channeled in a creative way, it will vent in worthless ways.

In fact, some people are lucky enough to know how to express their sexual urges in some creative way.Because of this discovery, they elevated themselves to the heights of genius.

Scientific research has revealed several important facts:
1. High-achieving people usually have a strong sexual drive, and they all know how to transform this sexual drive.

2. The millionaires and those who have achieved extensive achievements and praises in various industries such as literature, art, and architecture all have the influence and encouragement of a certain woman behind them.

These conclusions are drawn from a study of biographies of great men and more than 2000 years of history, where there is ample evidence that men and women of great achievement are highly sexually attractive.

Sexual passion is an "irresistible force", even if it binds the whole body, it cannot control its birth or death.Driven by this emotion, people will have an inner power of action.When you understand this truth, you will appreciate the significance of the statement that sexual desire conversion can make a person reach the level of genius.Sexual passion also contains the secret of creativity.The destruction of the gonads, whether in man or animal, removes the main source of action.To demonstrate this, let us observe what happens to animals after they have been castrated.Castrated bulls become as docile as cows.Castration can make male animals (whether human or animal) demoralized, and removing the ovaries of female animals has the same effect.

10 Psychological Stimulants

The human psyche responds to stimuli that send the brain into high shock waves—so-called passions, creative imaginations, strong desires, and so on.The stimuli most likely to cause the brain to respond are:

1. Desire for sexual expression
2. Love
3. A strong desire for fame, power, financial gain, or money

4. Music
5. Friendship between same-sex or opposite-sex
6. A think tank of two or more like-minded people for spiritual or worldly achievement

7. Shared tragedies, such as persecution

8. Self-suggestion
9. Fear
10. Drugs and Alcohol

The desire for sexual expression is at the top of the above list, it can most effectively "enhance" the fluctuation of thinking and start the "wheel" of practical action.Of these stimuli, eight are natural and constructive, while the other two are destructive.The purpose of this list is to enable you to do a comparative study of the main sources of psychological stimulants.From research it is clear that sexual passion is probably the most powerful of all psychic stimuli.

Some smart-ass once said that a genius is usually someone who "has long hair, eats weird food, lives alone, or is made fun of."In fact, a more appropriate definition of genius should be expressed as follows: "A genius is a person who knows how to improve the depth of thought, because they can obtain knowledge that cannot be obtained by ordinary thinking."

People who are good at thinking will inevitably have some doubts about this definition of genius.The first question might be "How does one gain access to knowledge that is not accessible to the ordinary mind?" The second might be "Do sources of knowledge, unknown to all but geniuses, exist, and if so, are they What is it? How on earth can I get them?"

We will provide some reasonable evidence to support some of the important claims made in this book.At least, we will provide some evidence that you can verify through your own experiments as an answer to the above two questions.

"Genius" is cultivated through the sixth sense. The existence of the sixth sense has been accepted by the public, and it is the creative imagination.Most people never use it in their lives, and if they do, it's only an accident.Relatively few people use the creative imagination intentionally and purposefully.Those who can use it according to their own wishes and use it under the premise of understanding its function are geniuses.

Creative imagination can directly connect the limited thinking of human beings with "infinite wisdom".The so-called "divine revelation" mentioned in the religious world and all the basic or latest principles in the inventive world are discovered through the creative imagination.When thoughts or ideas enter the brain through what is often called a "hunch," they usually come from one or more of the following sources:

1. Infinite wisdom.

2. Subconscious thinking, where every sensory impression from the five sense organs and the thought impulses generated by the brain are stored.

3. The mind of another, expressing one's own idea, conception, or conception through conscious thought.

4. The subconscious treasure trove of other people.

Other than that, there are no other sources of "hunches" or "inspiration" in humans.

The creative imagination works best when the brain vibrates at a very high frequency in response to some mental stimulus.That is, imagination works best when the brain is operating at a vibrational frequency higher than normal thoughts produce.

When one or more of the 10 stimuli activate the action of the brain, it can elevate the individual's level of thought beyond normal levels, enabling a person to imagine depths of thought, vistas and qualities one can see Beyond the reach of ordinary lower-level thought.This is a realm that cannot be reached by individuals' thinking ability when solving problems in their careers and professional affairs.

When one's thoughts are elevated to such a high level through some kind of mental stimulation, it is like sitting on a plane in the air, with a wider view.After flying to a certain height, he can see things beyond the horizon that are usually difficult to see on the ground.Moreover, the field of vision that is usually limited by stimuli when struggling for the three basic needs of life, clothing, food, and housing, will release all shackles once it reaches an extraordinary level of thought.In the state of mind that a person is currently in, ordinary dull thoughts have been effectively eliminated, just as those hills and other types of visual obstacles will be clearly seen when the plane rises to a certain altitude.

At this height of thought, the creative functions of the brain are freed, the sixth sense is unimpeded, and the individual is able to receive ideas that would not be available in other circumstances. The "sixth sense" is actually an ability to distinguish geniuses from ordinary people.

Creativity is more sensitive to and receptive to motive forces generated outside the "personal subconscious mind", and the more often this ability is used, the more people will rely on it and need it to generate thought impulses.Only through regular use can this ability be better cultivated and developed.

The well-known "conscience and consciousness" work entirely through the sixth sense.

Great artists, writers, musicians, and poets are great because they are accustomed to relying on those deepest "tiniest voices" produced by the creative imagination.Anyone with a deep and sharp imagination knows that the best ideas often come from what's known as an "inspiration."

There is a great orator who begins his speech with nothing special until he closes his eyes and begins to rely entirely on his creative imagination, and people are not inspired by his speech.When asked why he closes his eyes before the climax of his speech, he replied: "When I do this, I can speak from the deepest thoughts in my heart."

One of the most successful and famous financiers in the United States also has the habit of closing his eyes for two or three minutes before making a decision.When asked why he closed his eyes, he replied: "When I close my eyes, I can better exert the power of wisdom."

The late Dr. Elmer R. Gates of Maryland invented more than 200 useful patented products, many of which were invented by shaping and using the creative imagination.What he does is important to any aspiring genius, and it goes without saying that Dr. Gates is one of them, one of the few truly great scientists in the world who isn't quite famous.

In his laboratory, there is a "personal communication room".The room is almost completely soundproofed and protected from outside light.Inside was a small table with a stack of papers on it.On the wall in front of the desk is a switch that controls the light.When Dr. Gates wanted to use his creative imagination, he would enter this room, sit at his desk, turn off the lights, and focus on the invention he was working on.He sat quietly like this until the unknown factors related to the invention suddenly "flashed" into his mind.

Once, the inspiration came so fast that he had to sit and write for nearly 3 hours.When these ideas stopped pouring out like a fountain, he unexpectedly found in his notes that some principles were described in detail, and those principles were things that the scientific community could not find any records.

Also, the answers to the questions have been subtly presented in the notes.In this way, Dr. Gates completed more than 200 patented inventions.Those "immature" minds opened the doors of invention, but failed to complete them.A lot of evidence can be found from the US Patent Office to prove the truth of the above statement.

Dr. Gates has benefited himself and his company by "sit and think".Some large companies in the United States even pay by the hour, asking him to "sit there and think."

Reasoning is often erroneous because it is largely swayed by the accumulated experience of the individual.Not all personal knowledge gained from experience is correct, and ideas generated through creativity may be more reliable because their sources are more reliable than those of reasoning.

The biggest difference between a genius and a fanatic inventor is that the genius works through the gift of creative imagination, while the fanatic inventor is completely ignorant of this faculty.Inventors in science often use both synthetic and creative imaginations, such as Edison and Dr. Gates.

For example, scientific inventors use the ability to synthesize (reason), organize and combine existing knowledge or principles gained from experience to invent.If he finds that the accumulated knowledge is not enough to complete the invention, he will acquire the source of knowledge through creative ability.How this is done will vary from person to person, but here are a few of the musts:

1. They can use one or more of the 10 psychological stimuli, or choose other stimuli to motivate themselves, so that it can function above the normal level.

2. He will concentrate on the known elements (completed parts) of the invented object, and form a perfect image of its unknown elements (unfinished parts) in his mind.He will keep this image in his mind until it is taken over by the subconscious mind, and then clear all distracting thoughts in his mind, waiting for the answer to "flash" in his mind.

Sometimes the results come quickly and clearly; sometimes not, it's all about sixth sense or creativity.

It took Mr. Edison to try more than 1 different combinations of ideas through synthetic imagination before he got the answer to perfect the incandescent light bulb.The same process happened with the invention of the phonograph.

Solid evidence for the existence of a creative imagination abounds.Evidence for this can be found by careful analysis of the phenomenon that many people without special education become the desired leaders.Lincoln was a great leader who also became great through the discovery and use of his creative imagination.The reason why he discovered and began to use this ability was due to the stimulation of love he experienced after meeting Anne Rutledge, which is also an important fact related to the study of the source of genius.

The annals of history are full of stories of great men who attained excellence directly by being influenced by women who, through the stimuli of their sexuality, awakened the creative forces in their minds.Napoleon Bonaparte was also one of them.Inspired by his first wife, Josephine, he is invincible.When judgment or reason led him to abandon Josephine, he began to go downhill.After losing the war, he was exiled to St. Helena.

With the permission of people of good taste, we could easily name dozens of household names in the United States, all of whom were inspired by their wives to reach the pinnacle of success.However, when money and power came to them, they began to love the new and dislike the old, and then began to walk on the road to disillusionment.Napoleon was not alone in realizing that sex is more powerful than any substitute that reason can create.

The human brain responds to external stimuli!Of all stimuli, the sexual drive is the most powerful.If controlled and channeled properly, this dynamic can elevate the individual to the higher realms of thought, enabling one to take charge of the sources of anxiety and distress at the lower levels.

Unfortunately, only geniuses understand this.Others embrace the experience of the sexual drive without realizing one of its great potentialities—that it produces so many "mediocrites" compared with a very limited number of "geniuses."

In order to deepen the impression, we got the relevant facts through the biographies of some people.Here are some names of high achievers who were recognized as having a high degree of sexual attractiveness.Their caliber undoubtedly found its source of strength in the erotic drive, and these included:

George Washington Napoleon Bonaparte
William Shakespeare Abraham Lincoln
Ralph W. EmersonRobert Burns
Thomas Jefferson Albert Hubbard
Albert Gary Oscar Wilder
Woodrow Wilson John Paterson

Andrew Jackson Enrique Caruso
(End of this chapter)

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