Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 27 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physi

Chapter 27 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physical Balance (2)
You can also continue this list yourself based on biographical information.If possible, try to find, throughout the history of civilization, a single man who was outstanding in a particular profession but who was not adept at using sex appeal.If you don't want to refer to previous biographies, make a list of the contemporaries you know and see if you can spot one of them who is not good at using sex appeal.

Sexual energy is the creative energy of all geniuses.There has never been, nor will anyone be a great leader, architect, or artist without being sexually attractive.

Of course, no one will mistakenly understand that all people who are good at using sexual charm are geniuses.It is only through the creativity of the imagination that it stimulates the human mind to draw all its powers, that we become geniuses.Of all the stimuli that stimulate the human brain to produce high-speed shock waves, sexual energy is the most important.But mere possession of this energy is not enough to produce genius.It is only after you transform this energy from the desire for physical contact to other forms of desire and action that it will lift you to the genius level.

However, instead of becoming geniuses because of strong sexual desire, most people degrade themselves into lower animals because they misunderstand this truth and abuse this strong power.

Why it is not easy to succeed before the age of 40

Through the analysis of 25000 people, I found that very few people can achieve success before the age of 40, and most of them only achieve achievements and status after the age of 50.This fact was surprising, so I took a closer look at why.

The results of the research show that the main reason why most people cannot achieve success before the age of 50 or 50 is that they indulge in expressing sexual passion through the body, which consumes energy.Most people will never understand that sexual desire has potential in other ways, far more important than physical manifestation.People who understand this usually waste a precious period of the highest sexual energy before the age of [-], and then wake up.Only after realizing this did they begin to achieve remarkable results.

Many people are in their forties, or even in their forties, and they are still wasting energy and doing nothing.They could actually channel these energies through other, more beneficial channels.Those periods of high energy and sharp minds were squandered by myself.This habit of men has given rise to the description "young debauchery."

Sexual desire is the strongest and most motivating of all human emotions, and because of this, if this force is controlled and channeled to express itself through channels other than the physical, a person can achieve self-improvement and greatness cause.

A very able businessman in America admits that he owes most of his plans to his charming secretary.He also admitted that the appearance of the female secretary raised his thinking to the height of creative imagination, a feeling he could not experience under any other stimulation.

One of America's most successful men also credits his success to a very attractive young woman who has been his inspiration for 12 years.Everyone knows that this man has references, but they don't understand why he has achieved extraordinary achievements.

History records no shortage of people who used alcohol and narcotics as inspirational stimuli to elevate themselves to the level of genius.Edgar Allan Poe once wrote the poem "The Raven" under the stimulation of alcohol, because he "dreamed dreams that mortals have never had."James Whitmore Riley also produced some of his best work under the influence of alcohol.Perhaps it was then that he saw "the ideal union between reality and dream, the mill on the river, the mist on the stream".Robert Burns could only write a good line when he was very drunk, "For the good old days, my dear, let's have a drink, for the good old days."

However, we must not forget that there are still many people who have gone to destruction because of this.Nature is fully prepared to let people indulge in external stimuli to generate all kinds of whimsical thought shock waves, but no one knows where these ideas come from!Nothing has yet replaced the stimuli and satisfaction of nature.

Psychologists are well aware that there is a close connection between sexual desire and mental impulses of thought, and this accounts for a relatively common primitive type - a particularly dissolute and eccentric person known as a religious "resurrection" .

Human emotion rules the world and determines the fate of civilized society.People's behavior is influenced by reason, but more at the mercy of "emotion".Creativity relies entirely on emotion to give it action, not on cold reason.Sexual passion is the most powerful of all human emotions.Of course, there are other psychological stimuli (some of which have already been listed), but none of them, or even the sum of them, can match the drive that sex produces.Any influence that temporarily or permanently increases the intensity of thought is a psychological stimulant.The 10 primary stimuli listed above are some of the stimuli most commonly used by people.Through these sources of power, each has at will access to his own or another's subconscious treasure-house, and this is what produces genius.

A teacher who has trained more than [-] salespeople was surprised to find that especially sexy salesmen are often the most effective, on the grounds that the personality factor called "personal charisma" is actually sexual power.Highly sexy people always have infinite charm.Relationships can be powerfully advanced by cultivating and understanding this powerful force.The medium through which this power is conveyed is as follows:
1. Shake hands.The touch of a hand can instantly reveal whether a person is attractive or not.

2. Voice and intonation.Charisma and sexual power can soften a person's voice and make it more attractive.

3. Posture and demeanor.Highly erotic people move with ease and with grace and ease.

4. Thought fluctuations.Very sexy people are able to incorporate sexual passion into their own minds and freely and freely influence others around them.

5. Apparel.Highly sexualized people are usually very conscious of their appearance and clothing.The clothing styles they choose are generally more suitable for their own personality, figure and skin color.

When hiring salespeople, savvy sales managers look for charisma and make it a top priority in selecting the right talent.A person who lacks sex appeal will never be able to have enough enthusiasm to stimulate others, and enthusiasm is one of the important qualities that a salesperson must possess. No matter what product you are selling, enthusiasm is an indispensable factor.

If a public speaker, debater, lawyer, or salesman lacks sexual magnetism, it is a major "flaw" in terms of his ability to influence others.Combine this with the fact that most people are affected by emotions, and you can see that sexual attractiveness is an important competency for salespeople.The reason why good salesmen can succeed is because they consciously or unconsciously turn sexual attraction into sales enthusiasm!The real meaning of transformation of sexual desire may be a true reflection from this statement!
Salespeople who know how to shift their minds from sexual themes to sell with passion and determination have, whether they realize it or not, guided their sales efforts, and have acquired the art of sexual transformation.Most successful salespeople who convert their sexuality don't know what they're doing or how they're doing it.

Sexual conversion requires a willpower that goes beyond the average person's willingness to put in the effort for this purpose.If you find it difficult to muster enough willpower to switch your sexuality, you can develop this ability gradually.Although this also requires the help of willpower, the rewards far outweigh the effort.

When it comes to sex, most people display inexcusable ignorance.Sex drive is also largely misunderstood, slandered and satirized by ignorant and wicked people.Those who are regarded by the public as the darlings of God usually have this kind of sexual charm, and they are more conspicuous.In reality, however, they have been more criticized than admired.

Even in this age of openness, there are still thousands of people who mistakenly believe that the sexual instinct is a cause, and develop an inferiority complex.Nor should these praises of sexual energy be interpreted as a defense of debauchery, of course.Sexual passion can be a virtue only when done wisely and with discernment.Moreover, it can often be misused, and as a result, instead of enriching the mind and body, it can be demeaning.Instructing you in the proper use of this power is the focus of this chapter.

Even more meaningful to the author is the fact that, in analyzing a number of great male leaders, they were largely inspired by a woman to achieve great things.In many cases, the "heroine in question" is usually a humble, self-sacrificing wife who is content to remain in the background, out of the limelight.Only in a few instances has the source of inspiration been traced to "other women".Perhaps you have never heard of such an example.

Habits of sexual indulgence are as injurious as those of drunkenness and overeating.We live in an era, probably beginning with the First World War, when the habit of sexual indulgence became common.This licentiousness may be regarded as the fault of great men.No one can effectively use the creative imagination while indulging in sex.Man is the only creature on earth that acts against the laws of nature.All other living beings use the sexual instinct in moderation, and all use it in harmony with nature.Any creature other than man responds to sexual calls only in the "appropriate season", while human beings do whatever they want regardless of the "season".

Any intelligent person knows that overstimulation such as alcohol and drug abuse is an indulgence that can damage every vital organ in the body and even the brain.However, not everyone is aware that overindulgence in sex can become a habit that, like drugs and alcohol, destroys and impairs human creative labor.

There is really no difference between a person who gets carried away with sex and a person who is addicted to drugs!They both lost their grip on reason and willpower.Excessive obsession with sex not only destroys reasoning and willpower, but can cause temporary or long-term insanity.Many people with delusional disorder (a disease of fantasy) develop bad habits because they do not understand the true function of sex.

From these references it can be seen that ignorance of the transmutation of sexual desires, on the one hand, severely punishes the ignorant, and on the other hand, deprives them of rich benefits.

The widespread ignorance of sexuality is due to the fact that the subject has been surrounded in mystery and avoidance.This mystery and avoidance has the same psychological effect on young people as the psychological state produced by prohibition.As a result, it has stimulated the curiosity of young people and the desire for in-depth understanding.However, all legislators and psychologists should be ashamed that although they are trained and best qualified to educate young people, they still don't know where to get this knowledge.

Very few people start highly creative work before the age of 40.The average person will reach the most creative stage between the ages of 4060 and 40. This is the conclusion drawn after careful observation and analysis of thousands of men and women.Those who don't succeed before the age of 40, those who are around 4060 and are afraid of "getting old", should be encouraged.In fact, between the ages of [-] and [-] is the age when human beings can achieve the most brilliant achievements.Approaching this age, there should be no fear and apprehension, but rather eager anticipation and engagement with hope.

(End of this chapter)

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