Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 28 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physi

Chapter 28 The Mystery of the Transformation of Physiological Desires: The Law of Physical and Physical Balance (3)
If you need to find evidence that most people achieve great things after the age of 40, you might as well study the successful people that Americans are familiar with.Henry Ford didn't start his success until he was 40; Andrew Carnegie didn't start reaping results until his 40s; Started to gradually reach the pinnacle of career.Evidence abounds in the biographies of American entrepreneurs that the years between the ages of 40 and 4060 are when people are most productive.

Between the ages of 30 and 40, people begin to understand the art of sexual transformation.This discovery is usually accidental and often involuntary.Around the age of 35 to 40, people may notice an increase in their ability to understand, but most of the time, people do not know the reason for this change.Between the ages of 30 and 40, people's emotional and sexual passions begin to harmonize naturally, so that powerful forces can be combined and become a force that motivates behavior.

Sex itself is a powerful motivator to action, but like a hurricane, it often gets out of hand.When the emotion of love and the passion of sex gradually mix, the result is single-mindedness of purpose, stability of mind, sound judgment, and balance of mind and body.After a person reaches the age of 40, if he still cannot realize these things and confirm them with his own experience, it will be the greatest misfortune.

If driven by this desire merely to please a woman, a man may be capable enough to achieve greatness, but his behavior may be disorganized, distorted, and even self-destructive.With purely sexual motives, a man may steal, cheat, and even kill to please a woman.But when the emotion of love is mixed with sexual passion, the same person will be wiser and calmer, and will guide his actions accordingly.

Criminologists have discovered that even the toughest criminals can be reformed by a woman's love.However, there is no record that a criminal was reformed by purely sexual influence.These phenomena are very common, but their causes are not obvious.

Transformation comes from the heart or from human emotion, not from head to toe or otherwise.Transformation and improvement mean "change of heart", not "change of head".For some reason, a person may make some personal behavioral change to avoid bad influence, but real reformation requires genuine repentance—a desire to change.

Love, romance, and sex are all factors that drive people to the pinnacle of success.Love acts as a safety valve, ensuring balance, calm, peace, and constructive effort.These three, if combined organically, can elevate a person to the level of a genius.Some geniuses, however, know nothing about the emotion of love.If you observe carefully, you will find that most of them have some kind of destructive behavior, at least their behavior is not based on fairness and fairness to others.If it didn't hurt, I could find a dozen of these geniuses in business and finance.These people ruthlessly trample on the rights of others and appear to have no conscience at all.

Emotion is also a state of mind.Nature has endowed human beings with a "psychological catalyst", whose working principle is similar to the chemical change principle of matter.It is well known that, through chemical reactions, chemists can create deadly poisons by combining several components, none of which would be harmless in isolation.Emotions, too, can coalesce in this way to create deadly poisons.Sexual passion and jealousy, when combined, can turn a man into a beast without reason.

When one or more destructive emotions are present in a person, the chemical changes in the mind create a toxin that undermines one's sense of justice.After having the ability to develop, control and use the three emotions of "sex, love and romance", it will lead to the road of genius smoothly.In short, the whole process is roughly as follows.Encourage these emotions as the dominant thought in your mind and suppress any destructive emotions.The psyche is a product of habit, and it thrives on the dominant thought instilled in it.It is not difficult to control the mind through the function of willpower.Control comes from perseverance and habit, the secret of control is to understand the process of transformation.Any negative emotion that arises can be transformed into a positive or constructive emotion through the simple process of changing one's thoughts.

There is no other path to success than self-effort!Perhaps a person may achieve financial or professional heights solely under the urge of sex, but history shows that such a person usually has certain character traits that deprive him of the ability to enjoy or keep his wealth.This point deserves analysis and contemplation, because it reflects a fact that is helpful for women as well as for men.It is precisely because they were not previously aware of this fact that thousands of people lose their right to happiness in the state of wealth.

Eros and sexuality leave a lasting impression and are so visible that anyone can see them.Those who are driven by passion based on sexuality clearly reflect this to the world through their eyes and the expression on their faces.When the emotion of love is mixed with sexual desire, it can make the facial expressions soft and beautiful.You don't need the help of any personality analyst, you can learn this by observing yourself.

Love can bring artistic beauty to people and continue to develop this beauty.It leaves an imprint deep in people's hearts, and even when the fire of love is slowly extinguished by the passage of time and the change of circumstances, this imprint can be clearly seen.

The memory of love never fades away, and even after the stimulus has worn off, it remains lingering and guiding.This is nothing new, and everyone who has ever been touched by true love knows that it leaves a lasting mark on the heart.The effects of love live on because the nature of love is a natural phenomenon of the spirit.Those who are not motivated by true love cannot climb to the top of their careers. Such people have no hope at all, they are like walking dead.

Even the mere memory of love can elevate a person to a highly creative plane.The main force of love may fade, like a fire that burns itself and eventually dies, but it leaves a memory that will never fade.Its departure usually prepares people and opens their hearts to a greater love.

Look back and let the mind immerse itself in fond memories of past love.It will alleviate the immediate worries and anguish, and allow you to temporarily escape all kinds of unhappiness in reality. Perhaps during the short time of returning to the fantasy world in your memory, ideas and plans to change your economic or spiritual conditions will arise in your mind.Who knows?
If you think that you are so unfortunate that you have loved and lost, then you must abandon this thought.A person who has truly loved will never completely lose true love.Love is capricious, its very nature is ephemeral, ephemeral.It comes and goes as it says, without any warning.When it appears, hold on to it and enjoy it, but don't worry about whether it will go away, because worrying is useless.

At the same time, don't have the idea that true love comes only once.Love goes and comes again, there is no certain amount, but there has never been a precedent for two love experiences affecting people in exactly the same way.Usually, a certain love experience will leave a deep memory in my heart.But all love is good, unless one becomes cynical when one loses it.

If people understood the difference between love and sex, they would not be disappointed in love.The main difference between the two is that love is spiritual while sex is physical.The experience of touching one's heart with psychic power does not produce harm unless it is done out of ignorance or envy.

There is no doubt that love is the greatest experience in life.It can lead people to touch infinite wisdom.When romance and sex merge, it leads to a high level of creative expression.The three emotions of love, sex and romance are the three elements that constitute genius. Like the three vertices of a triangle, they play a strong supporting role.Nature can only use this power to produce genius.

The emotion of love is multifaceted and colorful.Love for a parent or love for a child is very different from love for a sweetheart.The latter is love fused with sex, while the former is not.

The love you feel from a true friendship is nothing like the love you get from a sweetheart, from a parent, from a child, from any form of love.

Of course, there is also love for inanimate things, such as all things created by nature.Of all these different kinds of love, however, the strongest and most intense is the love experienced when the two emotions, love and sex, are fused together.In a real marriage, without the harmonious feelings that come from a proper blend of love and sex, neither partner will be happy, and such a marriage will not last.Love alone, or sex alone, cannot bring happiness to both parties in a marriage.Only when these two beautiful emotions merge with each other, marriage can bring people a state of mind that is closest to the ideal spiritual realm pursued by the world.

When romance is added to the fusion of love and sex, the barrier between the finite human mind and the "infinite intelligence" is removed.Thus, a genius was born!
It is destined to be different for those who often do not have a correct understanding of sexual emotion.This account of emotion takes us beyond the ordinary, and makes us the clay in the hands of God to be molded into all that is good and inspiring.When this is properly understood, many marriages can go from chaos to harmony.Nagging complaints, and the resulting dissonance, are often attributed to a lack of understanding of sexual issues.If the function of the combination of love, sexual passion and romance is properly understood, there will be no discordant notes in marriage.

Husbands are lucky if wives truly understand the true relationship between love, sexual passion, and romance.No labor of any kind can be a burden when inspired by the divine union of these three, for even the simplest labor has a mission of love.

As the old saying goes: "A wife can make or break a husband." But people don't understand why. "Success" and "failure" actually depend on whether the wife really understands the three emotions of "love", "sex" and "romantic".Although it is common for a man to intercourse with multiple women, it is their biological heritage, only his wife is the one who can really have a great influence on him, unless he marries a woman who is completely out of his nature.When a woman turns her husband off in favor of another woman, it's usually because of her ignorance or disregard for sex, love, and romance.The premise is that there was once a true love between husband and wife.The same goes for the man who makes his wife lose interest in him.Married people often quarrel over various trivial matters. If the analysis is accurate, the real cause of conflicts is ignorance or indifference to these aspects.

The most powerful motivator in a man is the desire to please a woman!Before the emergence of civilization, hunters in prehistoric times showed brave, tall and glorious images just out of the desire to please women.In this respect, the nature of man has not changed till now.Today's "hunters" no longer please women with the fur of wild animals, but instead use cars, fine clothes and money to win the favor of beauties.Modern men also have the same desire to please women as prehistoric men, the only thing that has changed is the way.Men want to accumulate more wealth, gain higher status and reputation, all in order to satisfy the desire to please women.

If there is no woman in life, no amount of wealth is meaningful to a man.What empowers women to make or break men is the very innate desire of men to please women.

A woman who understands a man's nature and deftly caters to his needs need not fear competition from other women.Men may display tenacious willpower when they associate with other men, but they are helpless with the women of their choice.

Most men refuse to admit that they are vulnerable to the woman they love, because the male animal naturally likes to be seen as the stronger of the species.Besides, smart women identify with this masculinity and would be wise not to argue with it.

Some men understand that they are vulnerable to women (wives, mothers, or sisters), but they do not overly resist this influence.Because they are smart enough to know that without the right woman to exert the right influence, they may not be happy.The man who doesn't realize this, loses the strongest strength he needs to achieve.

(End of this chapter)

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