Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 29 The Subconscious Mind: Gateway to Infinite Wisdom

Chapter 29 The Subconscious Mind: Gateway to Infinite Wisdom

The subconscious mind is the medium that converts one's prayers into a language recognizable by Infinite Intelligence.Prayer presents information and then finds the answer with a definite plan or clear thought for the fulfillment of the prayer.

The subconscious mind also includes a conscious realm where every thought impulse that reaches consciousness through the five senses is categorized, recorded, organized and then ready to be awakened or extracted at any time like a file in a filing cabinet consciousness.

Any sensory impression or thought, regardless of its nature, is picked up and categorized by the subconscious mind.Any plan, thought or purpose that resides in your subconscious mind that desires to be transformed into a physical or monetary equivalent can be automatically incorporated into the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind first responds to dominant desires combined with emotion, such as that generated by confidence.

When thinking about this question, consider the content of the instruction request and other content together.Then you can understand how important the thoughts we transmit to our subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind works continuously day and night.The subconscious mind often automatically transforms human desires into equivalents in reality with the help of practical media and the power of "infinite wisdom" in a way that humans do not understand.

You don't have complete control over your subconscious mind, but you can communicate to it specific plans, desires, or ideas you wish to switch if you wish.Please read again the instructions and requirements for using the subconscious mind in the chapter on autosuggestion.

It is well-documented that the subconscious mind is the link between the finite mind and the "infinite intelligence".Through this link, one can harness the power of "Infinite Wisdom" at any time.The bond itself implies the secret process by which psychic impulses are tuned and transformed into their spiritual counterparts; it is at the same time the medium through which the content of the prayer is transmitted to the responding party.

The creative potential of connecting with the subconscious mind is amazing and immeasurable.It inspires awe in us.Whenever I talk about the subconscious mind, I always feel small and humble, and maybe this is the real reason why humans don't understand it.The fact that the subconscious mind is the communication medium between the finite human mind and the "infinite intelligence" alone is enough to unravel people's sanity.

After accepting the fact that the subconscious mind exists, and understanding that it can be a medium for translating desires into real or monetary equivalents, you can understand what the chapter on "desires" is all about.You'll also see why you need to keep reminding yourself that you must be clear about your desires and why you put them into words.You will of course also understand the necessity of perseverance to carry out these instructions.

These 13 principles are the stimuli by which you can gain power, access and influence your subconscious mind.Don't be discouraged if your first attempt fails.Remember that the subconscious mind can be directed by will only through habit, as indicated in the chapter on beliefs.You may not have built up your confidence yet, but with patience and perseverance, you will definitely be able to develop it.

In order to facilitate your understanding of the subconscious mind, many of the statements in the chapters "Confidence" and "Autosuggestion" will be restated here.Remember, your subconscious mind will work automatically whether you try to influence or not.Obviously, this also hints at you that thoughts of fear and poverty, and all negativity, can also serve as subconscious stimuli.Unless you can fully master these impulses and provide more suitable nutrients to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is never idle!If, through inadvertence, you do not bury desires in your subconscious mind, it will accept whatever thoughts it leads to.We have already explained that the thought impulses, whether negative or positive, are constantly conveyed to the subconscious mind through four channels, which can be referred to in the text.

Now, it is enough to remember that you are daily swayed by thought impulses which are constantly conveyed to the subconscious mind without your knowing it.Some thought impulses are negative and others are positive.You now work on suppressing negative thought impulses and strengthening the subconscious mind through positive desire impulses.If you can do this, you have the key to the door of your subconscious mind.Moreover, you have complete freedom to control this door so that meaningless thoughts do not affect the subconscious mind.

Everything humans create starts with an idea.People can't create anything without generating any ideas.With the help of imagination, thought impulses can generate plans.A controlled imagination that can be used to create plans or purposes that lead individuals to success in their chosen career.

All impulses of thought, rooted in the subconscious mind, intended to transform their actual counterparts, must be combined with belief through the work of the imagination.In other words, the process of combining confidence with a plan or goal and then communicating it to the subconscious mind can only be done through imagination.

From the above explanations, you have learned that the conscious application of the subconscious mind requires the coordinated application of all the principles.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox once articulated her awareness of the power of the subconscious mind in verse.She wrote:

You can never know whether a thought brings hate or love -- because it exists objectively too, and its light wings are quicker than a homing pigeon.They also follow the laws of nature - if you plant beans, you will reap beans, and if you sow melons, you will reap melons. No matter what thoughts flow out, they will eventually return to the original point after going through the circular trajectory.

Miss Wilcox understood that what flows out of someone's head becomes buried deep in his or her subconscious, acting like a magnet, a pattern or a blueprint, transforming thoughts into In the process of becoming the equivalent of reality, the subconscious mind is influenced by these thoughts.Thoughts are also real matter because every kind of matter begins with some form of thought energy before it is formed.

Thought impulses combined with moods or emotions affect the subconscious mind more readily than thought impulses produced by reason alone.In fact, evidence abounds for the theory that "only thought that is endowed with emotion can have an actionable influence on the subconscious mind."It is well known that the actions of most people are governed by emotions or emotions.If it is true that the subconscious mind responds more quickly to thought impulses fused with emotions and is more susceptible to them, then it is necessary to understand these important emotions.There are seven main positive emotions and seven negative emotions.Negative emotions will automatically seep into the thought impulses, and that is the way to ensure access to the subconscious mind.Positive emotion must be injected into the thought impulse that is expected to be transmitted to the subconscious mind by means of autosuggestion.

These moods, or emotional impulses, are like the baking powder in bread, and they constitute the element of action which transforms the impulse of thought from passive to active.It is not difficult, therefore, to understand why impulses of thought combined with emotion are more likely to function than impulses of thought produced in a "cool and rational" state.Right now, you are preparing to influence and control the "inner audience" of your subconscious mind so that you can communicate that desire for money to your subconscious mind, and then hopefully translate it into its real-world equivalent.Therefore, it is even more important that you understand how to approach your "inner audience".You must speak its language, or it will not heed your call.It knows the language of emotions or emotions best, so let's list the seven main positive emotions and the seven main negative emotions here.In this way, you can use positive emotions and avoid negative emotions when giving orders to your subconscious mind.

seven positive emotions
1. Lust, 2. Confidence, 3. Love, 4. Sex, 5. Passion, 6. Romance, 7. Hope.

There are many other emotions, of course, but these seven are the most powerful and the most common and widely used in creative work.They can only be mastered by use, and when you have mastered and controlled these seven emotions, the others will be available to you when you need them.So remember, the book you are reading will fill you with positive emotions and help you develop "money awareness."If the mind is filled with negative emotions, "money awareness" will not be developed.

Seven Negative Emotions
1. Fear, 2. Jealousy, 3. Resentment, 4. Revenge, 5. Greed, 6. Superstition, 7. Anger.

Positive and negative emotions do not exist in the mind at the same time, only one must predominate.It is your responsibility to allow positive emotions to be the dominant force within you. The "Law of Habit" can help you -- get into the habit of applying and harnessing your positive emotions so that they will eventually dominate your mind and keep the negative emotions at bay.The power to master the subconscious mind can only be attained through deliberate adherence to these instructions.Just one negative emotion is enough to destroy all constructive opportunities from the subconscious mind.

If you are an observant person, you must have noticed this phenomenon: most people only turn to prayer after they fail!Otherwise, for them, prayer is nothing more than a meaningless ritual.Also, since most people only pray after failure, prayers are filled with fear and doubt, and the subconscious mind acts on these emotions and passes them on to Infinite Wisdom.Likewise, Infinite Intelligence receives them and acts on them.

If you pray with doubt and worry about something you won't get, or fear that Infinite Wisdom won't make your prayers act, then your prayers won't do anything.

Sometimes prayers do make the desires of the heart come true.If you have ever had what you prayed for, recall your state of mind so that you can be sure that the theory described here is more than just a theory.

Schools and educational institutions should teach students about the "science of prayer", and I believe that day will come.And prayer may become a science too.As long as people are ready for it and urgently need it, it will definitely appear. No one will touch "Infinite Wisdom" when they are afraid, because there will be no such emotion as fear in the world at that time.Ignorance, superstition, and incorrect teachings will disappear, and people will eventually gain access to their true nature with infinite wisdom.Some people already have this blessing.If you think such language is far-fetched, just look at the course of human history.About 200 years ago, people generally believed that the appearance of lightning was a manifestation of God's wrath, and they were frightened by it.And now, thanks to the power of faith, lightning is effectively harnessed to power industry.

Decades ago, the space between the planets was thought to be nothing more than a vast void of darkness, ethereal and dead.Now, again thanks to the power of faith, people are beginning to understand that the space between the planets is neither empty nor dead, but rather alive, possibly the highest form of vibration other than thought vibrations.We also know that this energy is constantly at work, passing through every atom of matter and filling every corner of space, connecting everyone's brain with everyone else's mind.

What makes people believe that the same energy cannot connect the human brain with infinite intelligence?Between the finite human mind and infinite intelligence, there is no barrier.This connection and exchange cost you nothing but patience, confidence, perseverance, and an understanding and genuine desire to communicate.Moreover, this wisdom can only be approached through self-effort.Costly prayers are worthless. "Infinite Intelligence" does not need any proxy servers, and humans either communicate with it directly or cannot communicate with it.

You may buy many prayer books, and read them over and over again, with no avail.The infinite wisdom you wish to access must go through a transformation process, and this process can only be achieved through the subconscious mind.

The method of communicating with Infinite Intelligence is very similar to the method of transmitting sound waves in radio communication.If you understand how radios, televisions, and mobile phones work, of course you understand that if you don't "up-frequency", or if you don't convert audio and video into shock waves that can be received by human ears and eyes, then the information attached to them will be Cannot be transmitted through the atmosphere.Transmitters select and identify human voices by multiplying the frequency by millions of times.Only in this way can sound vibrations be transmitted through the atmosphere.After this conversion, the atmosphere "recognizes" the radio energy and carries it to the receiving station, where the listening device "drops" it back to its original frequency before we can hear or see it .

The subconscious mind is the medium that converts one's prayers into a language recognizable by Infinite Intelligence.Prayer presents information and then finds the answer with a definite plan or clear thought for the fulfillment of the prayer.Once you understand this truth, you will understand why it is impossible and never will connect human thinking with "infinite wisdom" just by reading prayers.

It may have been transformed from a primitive thought shock into some form of spiritual shock before the prayer was tapped to access Infinity Wisdom.Faith is the only agent we currently know of that can give thought a spiritual substance.Faith and fear are incompatible, and as long as the one exists, the other must have no place.

(End of this chapter)

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