Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 30 The Brain: The Broadcasting and Receiving Station of Thought

Chapter 30 The Brain: The Broadcasting and Receiving Station of Thought
The subconscious mind is the "transmitting station" of the brain through which thought shocks are sent.The creative imagination, on the other hand, is the "receiver" that receives the thought energy from the atmosphere.

More than 20 years ago, the author, along with the late Dr. Alexander Graham Bell and Dr. Elmer R. Gates, discovered that each individual brain is both a broadcasting station and a receiving station for thought shocks.

Through the medium of the atmosphere, everyone's brain can receive the thought shock waves released by other people's brains, which is very similar to the principle of radio broadcasting.

Based on the previous content, compare and think about the creative imagination described in the chapter "Imagination".The creative imagination is the "receiving device" of the brain, which can receive the thoughts released in other people's brains.It is a communication tool between the conscious or rational mind and the four sources from which it receives thought stimuli.

When the stimulation or shock wave is accelerated to a higher frequency, it is easier for the heart to receive thoughts from the outside through the atmosphere.This acceleration process is accomplished through positive or negative emotions.Thought shocks can be accelerated by emotion.Only those shock waves that are picked out by the atmosphere and transmitted are accelerated to a certain high frequency and can be transmitted from one brain to another.

Thought is a kind of energy, which moves at a very high vibration frequency.Thoughts affected or "speeded up" by a primary emotion (whether positive or negative) vibrate at a higher frequency than the original thought.It is this kind of thought that is transmitted from one brain to another, and the principle of its activity is the "radio broadcast principle" of the human brain.

Considered both in intensity and drive, sexual passion is the emotion that tops all human emotions.The brain works much faster when it is sexually stimulated than when it is emotionally stable or absent.

The result of the transformation of sexual desire will increase the vibration frequency of thoughts, enough to make the creative imagination very easy to receive the ideas and viewpoints conveyed in the atmosphere.On the other hand, when the brain works fast, it is not only able to absorb from the atmosphere the thoughts and ideas released by other people's brains, but also produces a feeling in its own thoughts and ideas, and this feeling is that the ideas are received by the subconscious mind. and is required before it can take effect.

So you'll see that the principle of broadcasting is an important factor.Through it, you can mix feelings or emotions in your thoughts and pass them on to your subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the "transmitting station" of the brain through which thought shocks are sent.The creative imagination, on the other hand, is the "receiver" that receives the thought energy from the atmosphere.

In addition to the important elements of the subconscious mind and the function of the creative imagination, which constitute the transmitter and receiver of the brain's broadcasting apparatus, consider the principle of "autosuggestion," which is the instrument by which the "broadcasting station" functions.

Through the instructions presented in the chapter on autosuggestion, you have clearly seen the method of transforming desire into its monetary equivalent.

The operation and application of the brain thinking "broadcasting station" is a fairly simple process.There are only three principles you need to memorize and apply when using Radio Station—subconscious mind, creative imagination, and autosuggestion.I have detailed the stimuli that put these three principles into action, and it all starts with desire.

Great forces are often invisible and the Great Depression brought the world to the forefront of understanding invisible and abstract forces.In the past few years, people have relied too much on their physical senses, thus limiting the scope of knowledge to only the objective substances that can be seen, touched, have weight, and have volume.

We are currently entering the most amazing of times, and the world will teach us about the invisible forces that relate to ourselves.As this era comes to an end, we should know that "others" are stronger and more powerful than the "self" we see in the mirror.

Sometimes, we seldom talk about invisible things because we cannot perceive them through our five senses, but never forget that we are all controlled by abstract invisible forces.

The entire human race is powerless to deal with or control invisible forces like the rolling waves of the sea.Why does gravity, an invisible force, make the earth we live on suspended in space and prevent people from falling.People have been unable to comprehend this power, let alone master the ability to control it.Everyone can only completely succumb to the power carried by the storm, and they are also helpless and pitiful in the face of the invisible force of electricity.In fact, people don't even understand what electricity is, where it comes from, and what is its purpose?
Our ignorance of unseen, invisible forces goes beyond that.What we don't understand is the invisible power and wisdom that lies in the soil, and it is this power that provides for our survival - every morsel we can eat, every garment we can wear, every penny we can spend!

amazing brain

Last but not least, even people with extensive cultural knowledge and education background have little or no understanding of the invisible power of thought (which is the greatest invisible force).People also know very little about the physical brain they have and the vast network they use to convert thoughts into their physical equivalents.But now humanity is entering a new age of enlightened thought.Scientists have begun to turn their attention to this amazing object called the "brain", and although research is still in its infancy, scientists have discovered enough to prove that the number of wires connecting brain cells in the central configurator of the human brain It is equal to the number 1 followed by 1500 "0".

Dr. C. Judson Herrick of the University of Chicago said: "This number is amazing. Compared with the astronomical numbers dealing with hundreds of millions of light-years, it is insignificant. It is estimated that there are 100 billion to 140 billion in the human cerebral cortex. billions of nerve cells, and we all know that these cells are arranged in a certain way. These arrangements are not generated randomly, but in order. Recently developed electrophysiological methods, from precisely positioned cells, or with microelectrodes By removing its active current from the fiber and boosting it with radio tubes, potential differences of one millionth of a volt were recorded."

It is unbelievable that the continuation of physical growth and maintenance of physical function is the sole purpose of this intricate web.If this system can provide billions of brain cells with channels to communicate with each other, why can't it provide us with other invisible forces?
After the book was finished, but before the manuscript was ready for publication, the New York Times published an editorial.It shows that at least one well-known university and one bright mind studying psychic phenomena is conducting an organized study leading to conclusions similar to those in this and the next chapter.The editorial also briefly analyzes the work Dr. Lane and colleagues at Duke University have done—"What is telepathy?"

A month ago, in the same place in this edition, we cited the excellent research by Professor Lane and that colleague at Duke University, after more than 10 tests, to confirm 'telepathy' and 'eye of God' The presence. These conclusions are summarized in two previous articles in Harper's Magazine.In the article which has just been published, the author E. H. Wright attempts to summarize all the findings or some plausible explanations concerning these "supersensory powers".

Today, based on Dr. Lane's research, some scientists believe that telepathy and divine eyes do exist.In experiments, a number of ESPs were asked to try their best to name a specific deck of cards without seeing or feeling the cards.It was found that about 20 people could correctly name a lot of cards, and the number made the experimenters draw the conclusion: "It is impossible for them to rely solely on luck or coincidence to have such amazing performance."

But how exactly do they do it?It is assumed that these forces do exist, but they do not seem to be felt.It is impossible for the existing senses to perceive them.The results were the same whether the participants were hundreds of miles away or in the same room.According to Mr. Reid, these facts also show that some people try to explain telepathy and extrasensory perception through the theory of physical radiation.All known forms of radiant energy diminish with distance, but this is not the case for telepathy and ESP.

Like other mental powers we possess, they change according to our practical goals.Contrary to popular belief, this phenomenon does not improve when people with extrasensory perception are asleep or half asleep, and the opposite is true when people are awake or alert.Lane also found that there was no doubt that anesthetics would reduce the abilities of ESPs, while stimulants would enhance them.Even the most reliable subjects cannot perform well without giving it their all.

Wright confidently came to the conclusion that telepathy and extrasensory perception are actually one, the same talent.That is, the ability to "see" a face-down card appears to be the same force as the ability to "read" the mind's thoughts.There are some reasons to believe this.For example, both talents have been found in people with either of the abilities mentioned above.

And, by now, the two are almost exactly equally active in everyone.Barriers, walls, and distances are ineffective against either force.Building on this conclusion, Wright further suggests that other extrasensory experiences, premonition dreams, premonitions of disaster, and the like, which he proposes to be purely "premonitions," may in fact be the same faculty.We don't ask readers to accept either conclusion unless they think it is necessary, but the evidence Lane has assembled is impressive.

Dr. Lane claims that the human brain responds to so-called "extrasensory" modes in certain situations.With his remarks in hand, I now have the honor to announce one thing to complement his evidence.My colleagues and I have discovered that under ideal conditions, the brain can be stimulated so that the "sixth sense" described in the next chapter can function in practical ways.

The circumstances I describe involve my close cooperation with two colleagues.Through experimentation and practice, we discovered ways to generate wisdom (by applying the "invisible advisor" principle in the next chapter).Therefore, by combining the wisdom of three people into one, we can find solutions to various problems that our customers ask.

The process is very simple, we sit down at a conference table, explain the nature of the problem we are facing, and then start a discussion.Everyone expresses their ideas as much as possible.What makes this way of stimulating brain intelligence unique is that it allows each participant to learn about unknown sources of knowledge beyond their own experience.

If you understand the principles in the chapter on “The Think Tank,” you can of course see that the roundtable procedure we describe here is how a think tank actually works.

The way in which three people harmoniously discuss a given issue to stimulate wisdom is the simplest and most practical example of the application of a think tank.

By adopting and following a similar program, anyone who learns this principle can have the Carnegie secret presented in "Introduction."If you're not feeling this right now, mark this page and come back and read it again when you've finished the book.

The Great Depression was a blessing in disguise for us.It slows down the progress of the world and gives everyone new opportunities for development.

(End of this chapter)

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