Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 32 The Sixth Sense: The Door to Wisdom

Chapter 32 The Sixth Sense: The Door to Wisdom (2)
At one point, Burbank was running late.He came looking very cheerful, and explained that he was late because of an experiment he was doing, by which he hoped to make any tree grow apples.After hearing this, Paine satirized him dismissively and said that the troubles between men and women were all caused by apples.Darwin laughed happily and suggested that Paine should be especially careful of small snakes when he went to the forest to collect apples, because they would also grow into big snakes.Emerson said: "Without snakes, there would be no apples." Napoleon also joined in the fun, saying: "Without apples, there would be no country!"

Lincoln made a habit of being the last to leave after meetings.At one point, he sat with his arms folded on the other side of a conference table and remained motionless for several minutes.I didn't want to disturb him, and eventually he raised his head slowly, got up and walked to the door, then turned back, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, "My child, if you are in the process of pursuing your life goals It takes more courage to persevere. But remember, when trouble comes, the average human being has common sense. Adversity helps us develop that common sense.”

One night, Edison came earlier than everyone else.He came over, took his usual seat on my left, and said, "You are destined to witness the whole process of revealing the mysteries of life. When that day comes, you will see that life is composed of many energies or actual substances that exist every day." Each entity possesses the intelligence one imagines itself to have. These life forms come together like bees flocking to a hive, and remain together until they are disintegrated due to lack of harmony.

There are differences of opinion in these units, as people often have infighting.This format of meeting now is going to be very helpful to you in saving the life units that the cabinet members also have, and these same life units have been serving them.They are eternal and never die!Your own thoughts and desires are like a magnet, attracting these life units from the vast ocean of life outside.You only attract friendly life units—those that are of the same nature as your desire. "

Other cabinet members slowly came in afterward.Edison stood up, walked slowly to his seat and sat down.Edison was still alive when I visualized these symposiums.This incident made the deepest impression on me, so that I went to see him again and told him about the experience.He smiled tolerantly and said, "Dreams are more real than you can imagine." Other than that, he didn't say much.

These meetings were so real, I couldn't help but fear the consequences, and I couldn't think about it for months.These experiences were so bizarre that I worried that if I kept thinking about them, I might forget the real phenomenon. These meetings were just imagined events, not real ones.

About half a year after I stopped visualizing, one day I woke up in the middle of the night, maybe I thought I was awake but I was still dreaming, and I saw Lincoln standing beside my bed.He said: "Soon, the world will need your service. It will go through a period of turmoil, in which people will lose heart and be seriously injured. You should continue to work and study the philosophy of success to the end. This is your life. Mission. If you ignore it, for whatever reason, you will be thrown back to the original starting point and forced to start all over the millennia." Until the next morning, I couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. The situation is still my waking experience.I haven't figured it out since then, but I do know that the dream (let's just pretend it was a dream) has been so vivid in my mind that I decided to start watching again the next night. Think round table.In the ensuing meeting, my cabinet members entered the room collectively and took their seats.Lincoln held up a glass and said, "Gentlemen, let's drink to the rejoined man."

Afterwards, I began to continuously add cabinet members, and now there are more than 50 people. Among them are Jesus, Saint Paul, Galileo, Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Vol. Ty, Bruno, Spinoza, Drummond, Kant, Schopenhauer, Newton, Confucius, Albert Hubbard, Bryan, Ingersoll, Wilson, and William James.This is the first time I have had the courage to bring it up.I have hitherto remained silent on the subject, because, in view of my own attitude towards these matters, it would be likely to be misunderstood if I spoke of such an unusual experience.Now, I have the courage to record these experiences first-hand, because I am no longer as intimidated by "other people's words" as I used to be.One of the benefits of maturity is that it sometimes gives a person greater courage to face the truth, no matter what people say or see.

In order not to be misunderstood, I wish to emphasize here that I have always maintained that Cabinet meetings are purely imaginary.But I need to say that although the cabinet members are purely fictional and the meetings only exist in my imagination, they have led me on glorious and enterprising roads, rekindled my yearning for great things, and inspired me. It strengthened my creativity and gave me the courage to express my true thoughts.Somewhere in the cellular structure of the brain is an organ dedicated to receiving thought shocks commonly known as "hunches."So far, science has not discovered where exactly this organ that produces a sixth sense is located, but that is irrelevant.It is true that humans can receive accurate knowledge through sources other than the physical senses.Usually, extraordinary information is received when the brain is stimulated in an unusual way.Any emergency that arouses emotion and raises the heartbeat activates the sixth sense.Anyone who has ever been nearly involved in a car accident while driving knows that in such situations, a sixth sense is always there to save people from accidents.

I would like to illustrate one point through the above facts. When the cabinet meeting is held, I find that the brain is most likely to receive thoughts, ideas and knowledge conveyed by the sixth sense.It can be said with sincerity that I am grateful to the members who attended the Cabinet meetings for these thoughts, ideas, facts or knowledge received through "inspiration".During my many emergencies (some of which were life-threatening), I have miraculously survived them under the guidance of the "Invisible Cabinet".

The original intention of visualizing the meeting of characters is simply to use the principle of autosuggestion to deepen the impression of the subconscious mind and obtain the desired personality traits as soon as possible.In recent years, my experiments have taken a completely different approach.Now I will ask the Virtual Advisor about the difficult problems that bother me and the client.Although I don't rely entirely on this type of counseling, it often works wonders for me.You must have found that the content of this chapter is beyond the scope of familiar knowledge.The subject of a sixth sense can be of great interest and benefit to those who aim at accumulating great wealth, but it will not attract the attention of those who are less eager to become rich.

Undoubtedly, Henry Ford knew a sixth sense and knew how to use it.Given his distinguished career in business and finance, it is imperative that he understand and apply this principle.Thomas A. Edison also understood and mastered the use of the sixth sense in the process of completing various inventions and creations, especially in the absence of any direct experience or sufficient professional knowledge to guide his invention prototypes all rely on the sixth sense resulting in inventions such as the phonograph and film machinery.

The sixth sense is not optional for everyone, and the ability to use this powerful force is acquired gradually by learning to apply the other principles introduced in this book.Few people have a working knowledge of a sixth sense before the age of 40.Most of the time, people do not acquire this knowledge until after the age of 50, because it can only be obtained through years of meditation, introspection and careful thinking.

Whoever you are, and whatever your purpose in reading this book, you can benefit from it even if you don't understand what this chapter contains.This is especially true if the accumulation of wealth or other material possessions is your chief purpose.

The reason why the content of the sixth sense is introduced is entirely because this book aims to provide a complete philosophy of success, so that everyone can get everything they pursue in life through its correct guidance.Any achievement begins with an initial desire.The ultimate goal is to seek knowledge—to know oneself, to know others, to know the laws of nature, to know and understand happiness.

This awareness can only be perfected by understanding and applying the principles of the sixth sense.Therefore, I had to incorporate this principle as part of my philosophy of success for the benefit of those who aspire to get rich.

In reading this chapter, you may have found yourself elevated to a higher level of mental stimulation.Great!Come back here and read it again in a month from now to see if your mind will soar to a higher level again.You'd better revisit this experience often, no matter how much you learned at the time, and you will eventually find that you have the power to let go of frustration, discouragement, and depression, to master fear, to overcome procrastination, And use your imagination freely.Afterwards, you will feel yourself touching that unknown "something" that has always been the driving force of every truly great thinker, great leader, brilliant artist, musician, writer, and statesman.At that point, you can turn your desires into their real-world economic equivalents as easily as you can give up when you encounter setbacks.

When you are deeply influenced by the philosophy of success, get ready to experience life changes that will not only lead you to harmony and deeper understanding, but also allow you to accumulate riches.

(End of this chapter)

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