Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 33 Appendix

Chapter 33 Appendix (1)
Self Analysis Questionnaire
Protect yourself from negative influences, whether self-inflicted or negativity around you.Know that you have willpower, and use it regularly until you build a wall of immunity against negative influences in your mind.

Know that you, like everyone else, are by nature lazy, aloof, and receptive to suggestions that coincide with your own weaknesses.Know that you are naturally susceptible to the six basic fears and develop the habit of wanting to fight them.Be aware that negative influences often affect you through your subconscious mind, so it can be difficult to detect.Not only that, but it keeps the heart closed against those who try to beat or bruise you in any way.

Clean out your medicine cabinet, ditch those pill bottles, and stop thinking about colds, aches, discomforts, and imaginary illnesses.Deliberately seek out and associate with those who influence you to think and act for yourself.Don't expect troubles and difficulties, because they often do not disappoint you.

Undoubtedly, the most common human shortcoming is the habit of being open to the negative influence of others.This weakness is dangerous because most people don't feel hurt, and many who feel it ignore or refuse to correct the problem until it becomes an uncontrollable part of daily habits.

To help those who wish to know who they really are, I have prepared a questionnaire.Read the questions and then say the answers out loud so you can hear your own voice.This will make it easier to trust yourself.

Self Analysis Questionnaire
1. Do you often complain about "discomfort"?If yes, what is the reason?
2. Do you blame others for small things?

3. Do you often make mistakes at work?If yes, why?
4. Are your words harsh and hurtful?

5. Do you deliberately avoid socializing with people?If yes, why?
6. Do you often have indigestion?If yes, what is the reason?
7. Do you think life is boring and there is no hope for the future?If yes, what is the reason?
8. Do you like your job?If not, why?
9. Do you often feel sorry for yourself?If yes, why?
10. Do you envy those who are better than yourself?
11. Do you spend more time thinking about success or failure?
12. The older you get, the more confident or less confident you are?
13. Have you learned valuable lessons from your mistakes?
14. Have you worried a relative or acquaintance?If yes, why?
15. Are you sometimes "absent-minded", and sometimes fall into the abyss of frustration?

16. Who inspires you the most?what is the reason?
17. Can you tolerate negative influences that could have been avoided?

18. Do you not care about your personal appearance?If yes, when and why did you not care?

19. Have you learned to use busyness to "eliminate worry and worry" and get rid of its interference?

20. Would you consider yourself a "spineless coward" if you let someone else do your thinking for you?
21. Have you not paid attention to the purification of your mind, causing yourself to be poisoned and become irritable and irritable?
22. How many preventable interruptions bothered you?Why tolerate it?

23. Do you use alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes to "calm down"?If so, why not try using willpower?
24. Is someone "nagging" in your ear?If so, why?
25. Do you have a clear main goal?If yes, what is it?What plan are you going to use to make it happen?
26. Do you have any of the six fears?If yes, what is it?
27. Do you have ways to protect yourself against negative influences from others?

28. Is there any intentional use of autosuggestion to stimulate a positive attitude?
29. What do you value most, material possessions, or the power to control your thoughts?
30. Are you easily influenced by others to violate your own judgment?

31. Did you add anything of value to your knowledge bank or state of mind today?
32. Do you choose to face the unpleasant situation objectively, or do you choose to avoid responsibility?

33. Do you benefit from carefully analyzing all mistakes and failures, or do you like to pass the buck?

34. Can you name your three greatest weaknesses?What steps are you taking to remedy it?
35. Do you infect yourself with worry by empathizing with others?

36. Do you pick out lessons or influences from your daily experiences that contribute to your personal progress?
37. In general, does your performance usually have a negative impact on others?

38. What habit do you hate most in others?
39. Do you have your own opinions, or are you influenced by others?
40. Have you learned to create a mindset to resist all discouraging influences?
41. Does your work inspire confidence and hope in yourself?

42. Do you realize that you have enough mental strength to keep your mind free from all forms of fear?
43. Does your faith help you stay positive?

44. Do you feel it is your responsibility to share the worries of others?If yes, why?
45. Do you believe that "birds of a feather flock together and people form groups"?What do you learn about yourself by analyzing your friends?

46. ​​Is there a connection between the people you associate with closely and the happiness you experience?If yes, what is the connection?
47. Are there any people you consider friends who may actually be your worst enemies because they have a negative influence on you?

48. What principles do you use to judge who is helpful to you and who is harmful to you?

49. Psychologically speaking, is your closest colleague slightly above you or below you?
50. In 24 hours a day, how much time did you spend on the following things?

(1) work

(2) sleep

(3) Entertainment and leisure

(4) Obtain useful knowledge

(5) doing nothing
51. Among your friends, who are

(1) Give you the most encouragement

(2) Give you the most warnings

(3) Give you the most obstacles

(4) Help you the most in other ways

52. What are you most worried about?Why would it be tolerated?
53. When someone offered advice, would you accept it without question, or would you first analyze its motives?
54. What is your greatest desire?Are you going to get it?Are you willing to suppress other desires for it?How much time do you put in each day to get it?
55. Do you often change your mind?If yes, why?
56. Do you usually start well and finish well?
57. Are you easily attracted to other people's careers or professional titles, degrees, or wealth?
58. Will other people's evaluation of you easily affect you?
59. Do you pander to others because of their socioeconomic status?
60. Who do you think is the greatest person living today?In what ways is this person better than you?

61. How much time did you spend researching and answering these questions? (Analyzing and answering all questions should take at least a day)
If you answered all of the above questions truthfully, you know yourself better than most.We must carefully analyze the above questions, review them every week, and persist in this way for several months.As long as you answer the above questions sincerely, you will be amazed at the invaluable deep self-knowledge that can be gained in such a simple way.If the answers to some of these questions are ambiguous, ask people who know you well, especially those who don't need to flatter you, and look at yourself in their eyes.It was another surprising experience.

The only thing you have absolute control over is your thoughts.It is the most meaningful and inspiring of all things known to man, and it reflects the divine privileges enjoyed by man.This divine privilege is the only way you can control your own destiny.If you can't control your thoughts, you can't control anything else either.

If you must not care about what belongs to you, then only care about material things.Thoughts are your spiritual wealth!Carefully guard and use this wealth wisely.For this, you are also endowed with willpower!
(End of this chapter)

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