Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 34 Appendix

Chapter 34 Appendix (2)
Unfortunately, the law does not punish people who poison the minds of others through negative suggestion, whether on purpose or not.Such acts of vandalism should be severely punished by the law, because it often destroys people's access to legitimate material wealth.

Edison also encountered negative thinking people who tried to convince him that he could not build a machine that could record and play sound, saying, "Because no one has ever built a machine like it." Edison didn't believe them.He understood that "people can create anything imaginable", it is because of this understanding that Edison's wisdom is higher than ordinary people.

People with negative thoughts also told Woolworth that if he tried to run a grocery store, he would go bankrupt.He didn't believe what people said either.He knows that if he sticks to his plan with confidence, he can do anything.He used his power to eliminate negative cues from the outside world and became a billionaire as a result.

Negative minds told George Washington not to expect victory over the mighty British army, but Washington exercised his divine right.So, when Rod Cornwallis' name was all but forgotten, this book was published under the umbrella of the American flag.

Edison skeptics scoffed at Ford when he tested the original car he built on the streets of Detroit.Some say such a thing will never be practical, others say no one will pay for it.Ford said: "I must make a practical car to go around the earth." He did!His firm belief in his own judgment has allowed him to accumulate a fortune that five generations of children and grandchildren will far not be able to spend.Those who seek great wealth should remember that the only difference between Ford and most workers is that Ford had a mind and could control his mind.Others have thoughts too, but make no effort to control their thoughts.

Henry Ford is mentioned again because his example is very typical, proving that a person with an independent mind and a willingness to control his mind can definitely succeed.His experience overturned the basis of the old saying - "I never had a chance".Ford also never had a chance, but he created one, backed up with tenacity and perseverance, that eventually made him a millionaire.

Thought control is the result of self-discipline and habit.If you don't control your thoughts, they will control you.The two do not compromise with each other.The most practical way to control the mind is to keep it a busy habit, busy with a plan of action for a given goal.Study the experiences of successful people and you will notice that they mastered their minds and additionally applied the ability to control them and direct them to achieve definite goals.Without this ability to control, people cannot be successful.

Famous Excuses - The Trivial "What If"

Unsuccessful people have one remarkable characteristic.They know all the reasons for failure, and they have excuses for failure that they think are invulnerable.Some of these excuses are clever, while others have facts to back them up.But excuses cannot be used as money.The world only wants to know one thing - are you successful?A personality analyst has compiled a list of the most commonly used excuses.Take a look at this list, reflect on yourself, and find out how many items you have taken advantage of.Remember, too, that the philosophy presented in this book will render every excuse untenable.

1. If I have no wife, no home
2. If I have enough ability

3. If I have money

4. If I am well educated

5. If I can find a job
6. If I am healthy

7. If I have time
8. If I catch a good time

9. If others can understand me
10. If the surrounding situation is not like this

11. If I Can Be Reborn

12. If I don't care what "they" say

13. If I had the chance in the past
14. If I had the chance now
15. If others didn't "hold a grudge" against me

16. If nothing can stop me

17. If only I could be younger

18. If only I could do what I want
19. If I were born rich

20. If I could meet a "noble person"

21. If I had someone else's talents
22. If I dare to defend my rights

23. If I seized the opportunity of the past

24. If no one stimulates me

25. If I don't have to do housework and take care of children

26. If only I could save some money
27. If the boss appreciates me

28. If someone can help me

29. If my family can understand me

30. If I lived in a big city
31. If only I could start now

32. If I have free time
33. If I had someone else's personality

34. If I wasn't so fat

35. If others know my talent
36. If I had "luck"

37. If only I could get out of debt
38. If I hadn't failed

39. If only I knew what to do

40. If no one opposes me
41. If I didn't have so many worries
42. If I marry (marry) the right person
43. If only people weren't so stupid
44. If the family is not so extravagant

45. If I have confidence in myself

46. ​​If I hadn't had bad luck

47. If I hadn't been born with bad luck

48. If things should be so so
49. If only I didn't have to work so hard
50. If I hadn't lost money

51. If I lived in another community

52. If I had no "past"

53. If I had my own business

54. If others are willing to listen to me
55. What if this is the most important if of all

If I have the courage to know who I really am, I will find out what is wrong with me, I will correct my mistakes, and then I will have the opportunity to benefit from my mistakes and learn from the experiences of others because I know that I have problems .If I had spent more time analyzing my weaknesses and less time finding excuses to cover them up, I would have reached my personal ideal by now.

Finding excuses to justify your failures is a habit that everyone enjoys.This habit has existed since ancient times, and it is a fatal obstacle to success!

Why do people persist in making excuses?The answer is obvious.They cling to their excuses because they created them!A person's excuses are the products of his imagination, and it is human nature (like protecting one's children) to protect one's own thoughts.

Making excuses is an ingrained human habit.Habits are hard to break, especially when they provide justification for our actions.Plato already understood this truth when he said: "The greatest victory is over self, and being conquered by self is the most shameful and most incurable." Another philosopher also had the same opinion, he said: "I am in It amazes me that most of the ugliness I see in other people is actually my own nature." Albert Hubbard said: "I really don't understand why people spend so much time deliberately creating Fooling yourself with excuses and covering up your shortcomings? If you spend your time elsewhere, you can spend the same time working on your shortcomings, so there is no need for excuses."

Finally, I want to remind you - life is like a game of chess, the opponent is time!If you are indecisive or neglect to change, your pieces will be eaten by time, because time will not tolerate any indecision.

Before, you may have had a valid excuse for not forcing life to give you everything you asked for, but now that excuse is of no use, because you already hold the key to unlocking the wealth of your life.

This is an invisible golden key, but its power is extremely powerful!It is the power to create strong desires in your heart that will enable you to gain certain wealth.There is no penalty for using the key, there is a price for not using it - failure!If you use this key, you will get amazing rewards.The reward is satisfaction, and this satisfaction belongs to those who conquer themselves and ask life for their rewards!

This kind of return is worth your hard work for it, do you believe it?

The immortal Emerson once said: "If there is destiny, we will meet." Finally, let me borrow his thoughts and say: "If there is destiny, we have met through this book."

(End of this chapter)

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