Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 7 Desire: The Starting Point of Everything

Chapter 7 Desire: The Beginning of Everything (3)
In his first life practice, the mother saw a child without ears risking his life to run to the streets to earn money.But I saw a brave, enterprising, self-reliant small businessman, he was full of 100% confidence in himself, because he used his pioneering spirit to learn to do business, and he succeeded!He delighted me because I knew he had proven resourcefulness and it would stay with him for life.A subsequent incident further confirmed my thoughts.If his brother wanted something, he would lie on the floor crying and fussing, kicking his feet in the air until he finally got his wish.When this little boy with a birth defect wanted something, he would first make a plan to earn money and then go and buy it himself.He has been sticking to his plan!
In all fairness, my son taught me that physical imperfections can be turned into springboards to climb upwards and achieve higher goals, as long as they are not used as barriers and used as an excuse to accept failure.

Unable to hear the teacher's lecture (unless speaking loudly at close range), the earless toddler successfully completed primary, secondary and university studies.He never went to a school for the deaf, and we didn't let him learn sign language. We insisted on cultivating the various skills that a normal person needs, so that he can live a normal life and interact with normal children.We have stood by this decision, although we have often had heated debates with the teachers in the school.

When he was in high school, I tried him on an electronic hearing aid, and it didn't work.We know it in our own hearts, because Dr. J. Gordon Wilson of Chicago proved it when his son was 6 years old.When he was operating on one side of the child's head, he found that there was no natural hearing organ to hear the sound.

In the last week before my son graduated from college (18 years since that surgery), an event happened by chance that became the most important turning point in his life.By pure chance, he started trying out another hearing aid, which had been given to him.Disappointed with the device, he casually began experimenting.Finally, inadvertently, he picked up the hearing aid, put it on his head, and switched it on.As a result, a miracle happened!As if by magic, his lifelong desire to have normal hearing finally came true!For the first time in his life, he heard a clear voice like any normal person. "God has created a miracle, and his dream has finally come true!"

He was so ecstatic about the new world the hearing aid opened up that he immediately found a phone and called his mother, on which he heard her voice clearly.The next day, he wore this hearing aid to class, and for the first time in his life, he could hear the teacher's voice clearly in class.Before that, he could only hear a little sound if the other party shouted loudly.He can hear the broadcast on the radio, and he can also hear the dialogue between the characters.For the first time in his life, he was able to talk freely to someone without the other person shouting.Yes, he already has a whole new world.

We have refused to accept the error of nature, but through persistent desire and pursuit, we have called on nature to correct this error, and we have achieved this purpose only with the practical tools readily available at hand.

Desire has begun to pay off, but the victory is not complete enough.The child still needs to figure out clear, practical ways to convert this deficiency into an equivalent asset.

At that time, my son did not realize the practical significance of hearing aids, but was excitedly intoxicated in the new sound world, and his heart was full of great joy.He wrote a letter to the manufacturer of the hearing aid, describing his experience with passion.Perhaps it was some content in the letter, or the emotion revealed between the lines, that made the manufacturer invite him to visit New York.After arriving in New York, the son was surrounded by the entire factory.While chatting with the chief engineer, he described to him the whole new world he discovered after wearing the hearing aid.At this time, a premonition, or an idea, an inspiration—whatever you want, suddenly flashed into his mind.It was this impulse of thought that quickly turned his misfortune into an asset, destined to be reciprocated—material wealth and the happiness of thousands of people.

The essence of that thought impulse was—he was thinking that it might be of some help to the millions of deaf people who have not benefited from such hearing aids if he could tell them what he experienced.So he decided to devote the rest of his life to developing effective assistive devices for the hearing impaired.

For a whole month, he conducted in-depth and detailed research.During this period, he analyzed the marketing system of the entire hearing aid manufacturer, and came up with channels and ways to communicate with hearing-impaired people all over the world, so that they could share the new world he discovered.After this work was complete, he began to develop a two-year plan based on his findings.When he presented his plans to the company, he was immediately offered a position that would fulfill his aspirations.

Little did he know when he started working that he was destined to bring hope and real relief to thousands of hearing-impaired people.Without his help, those people will live in a silent world all their lives.

Not long after he started working at that factory, he invited me to attend a training session the company was running to teach the deaf to listen and speak.I had never heard of this form of education, so I went there, but with trepidation, hoping I wouldn't waste my time.There, I saw the company's product presentation.I have paid a lot to wake up my son's normal hearing and plant the desire of a normal person in his heart, but this time, I have a deeper understanding of what I have done in the past.I saw demonstrators teaching deaf people how to listen and how to speak using the exact same principles that I used with my son over 20 years ago.

And so, after a miraculous turn of fortune, my son Blair and I were destined to reach out to those who were born deaf and help them overcome their deaf-mute handicap.As far as I know, our father and son are the only living people who can prove this fact. We can prove that people who are born deaf and dumb can also return to normal life through correction.Now that my son has been able to return to a normal life, others can too.

I firmly believe that if his mother and I hadn't worked so hard to reshape the spiritual world of my son, he would also be living a deaf and dumb life now.The doctor who delivered him told us with great confidence that the child would never hear or speak.A few weeks earlier, when he had been thoroughly examined by Dr. Irving Ursesis, well known in the academic field, he was astonished to find that Blair had normal hearing and articulate speech, and added that from the results of the examination, "theoretically, Analyzing it, the child should not have heard anything at all."Although x-rays showed no openings in the skull where ears should have grown, and no other evidence of hearing, the lad was able to hear.

When I rooted in his heart the desire to listen, to speak, and to live like a normal person, that impulse had a wonderful effect, prompting God to build a convenient bridge for him, across his heart and outside A gulf between worlds in a way that even the most authoritative experts cannot explain.It seems to me blasphemous to speculate on how nature has wrought this miracle.It would be inexcusable for me not to share with the public my personal experience of this strange experience.It is both my duty and my honor to say that I have reason to believe that desires backed by strong convictions can make anything anyone wants come true.

Indeed, it is necessary to go through some twists and turns in order to turn the hot and strong desire into reality.Blair longed for normal hearing, and now he has it!Born with disabilities, it is very likely that a weak-willed person can easily walk on the streets.Now, however, he has used his disability to provide beneficial assistance to thousands of hearing-impaired patients, and has found financially supportive employment with proper compensation for the rest of his life.

The little white lie I planted in him as a child to believe his misfortune would turn into fortune has now been borne out.Faith coupled with strong desire makes anything in the world possible.These principles can be easily obtained without people paying much.

In all my dealings with troubled men and women, I have never come across anything that compares to the validation of the power of desire.Writers sometimes make the mistake of writing about subjects they don't know much about, and I've been lucky enough to see through my son's suffering and personal experience that the power of desire is so amazing.Perhaps it was a call from heaven, when the power of desire needed to be tested, and no one was more ready than my son to take on the challenge.If natural forces yield to human desire and will, is it logical to infer that human beings can also overcome burning desires?How powerful and inestimable is the spiritual power of human beings!We don't understand how, in every environment, in every person, every objective thing transforms desire into objective material reality?Perhaps this is a mystery that even science cannot answer.

I planted the seed of desire in my son that he must be able to listen and speak like a normal person, making him yearn to listen and speak like a normal person, and this desire has now become a reality.I also planted in his mind the seed of desire that would surely transform his handicap into wealth, and it has now come true.It is difficult to describe in words the methods employed to achieve such an astonishing goal.This process involved three very definite objective facts: first, I passed on to my son my belief and desire to have normal hearing; second, I persistently instilled these desires in him in every possible way , persisted for many years; third, he trusts me very much!
Towards the end of this chapter comes the news of the death of Schumann Heinke.A short report about her reveals the secret of this outstanding woman becoming a famous singer.I quote this text because it is "desire" that is emphasized in the article.

Early in her career Miss Schumann-Heynke visited the conductor of the Vienna Court Opera and asked him to test her voice.However, the conductor did not conduct the test.He just looked at the poorly dressed girl, and said to her dismissively: "You have an ordinary appearance and no special features. How can you expect to succeed in the opera world? Good boy, give up this dream! Go home Buy a sewing machine and get a job. You'll never be a singer."

Forever is a long time indeed!The conductor of the Vienna Court Opera does know a lot of singing skills, but he doesn't know much about the power of desire. If a person's desire becomes the only belief in his heart, then he will explode with invincible power.Had he understood this power a little, he would not have missed a genius and condemned him to death without giving him a chance.

A few years ago, one of my business partners became ill.His condition worsened day by day and he had to be sent to the hospital for surgery.Before he was wheeled into the operating room, I took one look at him and wondered how such a thin and haggard man could successfully undergo such a major operation.Doctors warned me that he might not have much chance of survival.However, that is only the opinion of the doctor, not the patient himself.Just before being pushed away, he whispered weakly in my ear, "Don't listen to him, man, I'll be out of the hospital in a few days." The accompanying nurse looked at me sympathetically, with a regretful expression on his face.However, the patient did survive the dangerous period after surgery.Afterwards, his attending doctor said: "It was his own desire to survive that saved him. If he hadn't refused to accept death, he might not have survived."

I believe in lust backed by faith, for I have seen it propel the lowborn to power and wealth; I have seen it wrest life from death; Even after hundreds of different setbacks and setbacks, I can still triumph. I have also seen that even though the creator made my son live in a world without ears, he still gave him a normal, happy and successful life.

How to harness and use the power of desire?In this chapter and the following chapters, there will be detailed answers.This article was born at the end of the longest and perhaps most devastating economic depression the American people have ever known.My guess is that this article might get the attention of some of the people who were hurt the most by the Great Depression, who may have lost a lot of money, who may have been out of office, but most of whom believed they were coming back.I wish to convey to these men the idea that all achievement, whatever its nature or purpose, must begin with a burning desire for something definite.The Creator never exhibits the miraculous and powerful character of the will, it hides "something" under the impulse of burning desire, it never admits the words "impossible", and never accepts the fact of failure.

(End of this chapter)

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