Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 8 Faith: Imagine Success and Believe That Dreams Come True

Chapter 8 Faith: Imagine Success and Believe That Dreams Come True (1)
Thoughts combined with any emotion create a "magnet" that attracts other similar or related thoughts.This thought, which is attracted to emotion, is like a seed, which takes root in fertile soil, sprouts, grows, and multiplies until the original small seed becomes countless seeds of its kind.

Belief is the main catalyst of thought.When beliefs and thought fluctuations are combined, the subconscious mind will immediately receive the shock waves of their combination, and transform it into a product equivalent to the spirit, and then generate infinite wisdom.

Of all the major positive emotions, faith, love, and sex are the most powerful.When all three are combined, it is possible to add a special "color effect" to the thought impulse, which immediately enters the subconscious level, where it is transformed into an equal spiritual force. This is the only way to generate a response from "Infinite Wisdom".Love and faith are spiritual and communicate with the human heart.Sex is purely biological, having to do with the physical body only.When the three are mixed or merged, a pathway is opened between the finite mind of man and the infinite wisdom of the universe.

how to develop faith
Now, there is a theory that gives us a better understanding of the role that autosuggestion plays in converting desires into material or monetary equivalents—belief is a state of mind that begins Generated by repeated suggestion, that is, self-suggestion can generate or create beliefs.

For example, consider why you are reading this book.Subjectively speaking, your purpose is to obtain an ability to transform the invisible thought impulse generated by desire into material or money.Follow the instructions in the chapters "Autosuggestion" and "The Subconscious Mind", as stated in the summary, and your subconscious mind will believe that you will get what you want.In this way, an interaction is formed between the subconscious mind and the belief, and the subconscious mind will also convey to you a "belief" that produces a clear plan for the realization of all desires.

The way a person develops beliefs from scratch is actually very difficult to describe. In fact, it is like painting red to a blind man who has never seen all colors, and there is no reference at all to compare.Faith is a state of mind, and after mastering the 13 principles, you can rely on it, because it is a state of mind that develops spontaneously through the application of these principles.

The constant reaffirmation of certain instructions to the subconscious mind is the only known form of spontaneous belief formation.Perhaps the meaning is clearer by explaining that people occasionally sin.A famous criminal expert once said: "When a person first comes into contact with criminal behavior, he will feel very disgusted; after a period of contact, he may get used to it and become familiar with it; At a certain point, people will accept and be affected by it.”

In the same way, if any thought impulse is continuously conveyed to the subconscious mind, these thoughts will eventually be accepted, and a response will be generated through the subconscious mind, and then the thought impulse will be turned into reality in the most practical steps.

Having said this, please consider this statement again carefully, all sensual thoughts (given with sensations), if combined with faith, will immediately be converted into material rewards or equivalents equal to them.

Emotion, or the sensual part of thought, is an important factor that gives thought vitality, life, and action.Faith, love, and sex, combined with any thought impulse, are more powerful than any single emotion.In fact, not only thought impulses combined with beliefs, but any thoughts combined with any positive or negative emotions will reach and affect our subconscious mind.

According to the above statement, we can understand that the negative and destructive thought impulses of the subconscious mind, like the positive and constructive thought impulses, will always make the same substantive response as the thought.This is the reason for the strange phenomenon called "unlucky" or "bad luck" experienced by millions of people.Millions of people will believe that they are destined to live a life of poverty and failure because they feel that there is a magical force beyond their control.In fact, they themselves are the culprits of creating "unhappiness", because this negative belief is captured by the subconscious mind and directly transformed into its physical equivalent.

It is necessary to reiterate here that if you keep translating any wish into a desire to achieve an equal material or wealth equivalent, and then communicate it to the subconscious mind, then you can benefit from seeing the desire become a reality.For people do undergo certain changes under the prompting of that strong desire or in a state of conviction.Your confidence, your belief, is a key factor in determining the activity of your subconscious mind.When autosuggestion speaks to the subconscious mind, nothing prevents you from "coaxing" the subconscious mind, as I did with my son's subconscious mind.

To make this kind of "coaxing" more real, when you wake up your subconscious, try to think that you already have the material wealth you dream of.Any command received by the subconscious mind, provided it is communicated with confidence or the support of belief, is carried out in the most immediately practicable manner and transformed into its physical equivalent.

Of course, I have said a lot, and I hope you can be prepared to use your own experience or actual actions to acquire the ability to combine beliefs with instructions conveyed to the subconscious mind.Real knowledge comes from practice, and simply reading the guidance method is still useless.If a person can become a criminal because of his frequent exposure to criminal behavior (and this is a well-known fact), it can also be considered that a person can develop beliefs by actively suggesting "I have confidence" to the subconscious mind.In the end, the subconscious mind will have a corresponding influence due to the dominant thoughts.Once you understand this, you'll understand why it's so important to encourage positive emotions to dominate your brain, while preventing negative emotions from taking hold.

A spirit dominated by positive emotions is most conducive to producing this confident state of mind.The spirit dominated in this way can give orders to the subconscious mind at will, and the subconscious mind will immediately accept and take action.

Faith is a state of mind, born of autosuggestion
For many years, religiousists have been teaching people who are struggling in suffering to have full confidence in everything, and they have also taught the public various canons and creeds, but they have not been able to tell people how to have confidence.They do not explicitly state that "confidence is a state of mind and is produced by autosuggestion."

We will present, in a language accessible to all, an awareness of the principles through which people may develop confidence that they may not yet have.

Please be sure to believe in yourself, belief lies in infinite wisdom.Before you begin, remind yourself again: Faith is the "Eternal Elixir" that gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!The following sentence should be read at least two, three, four times a day, and it should be recited aloud!

Faith is the starting point of wealth accumulation!

Faith is the basis of all miracles and mysteries that cannot be explained by scientific principles.

Faith is the only cure for failure.

Faith is an element that can produce a "chemical reaction" when combined with prayer, allowing human thinking to reach infinite wisdom.

Faith is an element that can transform the ordinary thought shock waves created by the limited human brain power into an equivalent spiritual force.

Faith is the only medium to develop and use "Infinite Wisdom"!

Everyone who has been profiled before can testify to this!The proof is simple and clear, and it is hidden in the principle of autosuggestion.Therefore, we might as well focus on the topic of autosuggestion to see what it is and what it can bring.

We all know that if a person keeps repeating the same thing to themselves, then eventually we will believe it whether it is true or not.If a person repeats a lie a thousand times, eventually he will accept the lie as the truth.And, he believed that must be the truth.

Everyone behaves differently because people's behavior is dictated by their thoughts.A thought is intentionally implanted in the mind, which, combined with one or more emotions, creates a powerful motivating force which directs and controls all one's actions, manifestations, and manners.The following sentence is a very important truth:

Thoughts combined with any emotion create a "magnet" that attracts other similar or related thoughts.This thought, which is attracted to emotion, is like a seed, which takes root in fertile soil, sprouts, grows, and multiplies until the original small seed becomes countless seeds of its kind.

The atmosphere is a cosmic substance of great eternal force, forever vibrating.The vibrations are both destructive and constructive.At any time, it can carry not only the vibrations of fear, poverty, disease, failure, misfortune, but also the vibrations of wealth, health, success, and happiness, just as the music played by an orchestra and the music of millions of people are transmitted to the public through the media. Like the human voice, all of these voices retain their own characteristics and ways of distinguishing them.

The human brain is constantly attracting vibrations that are in harmony with the inner thoughts.Any thought, concept, plan or purpose remaining in the human brain will attract many similar shock waves from the atmosphere, add to its own power, and thus form the master that controls and triggers personal motivation.

Now, let's go back to the beginning in order to understand how to plant the original seed of an idea, plan or goal in the mind.Messaging is very simple: the original seed of an idea, plan or goal is planted in the mind by repeated repetition of the same thought process.Therefore, I ask everyone to write down their main purpose or clear primary goal. In order to keep it in their hearts, they must read it out loud repeatedly every day until these voices can be fully integrated into the subconscious mind.

We remain the same because, through our daily environmental stimuli, we pick out and register some thought vibrations that are relevant to the present.

We must try our best to get rid of the influence of all adversities and rebuild an orderly life.Take stock of your inner assets and debts, and you will find that your greatest weakness is lack of self-confidence.With the help of the principle of autosuggestion, this psychological obstacle can be overcome, and cowardice can be turned into courage.One can apply this important principle through a simple process of writing down a positive thought impulse and reciting it until it becomes so familiar that it becomes a subconscious part of the mind.

The secret to self-confidence
One, I know that I have the ability to achieve specific goals in life.Therefore, I ask myself to persevere to the end and not give up until I reach my goal. I swear here that I must use practical actions to prove myself.

Second, I know that the dominant thoughts in my heart will definitely be expressed in an external and practical form, and will gradually be transformed into tangible facts.

So I spend 30 minutes a day focusing on imagining myself in the future so that I can form a clear picture in my mind.

Thirdly, I know that through the principle of "autosuggestion" I will at last express long-held desires in some practical way that will achieve the goal.Therefore, I asked myself to insist on spending 10 minutes a day to develop self-confidence.

Fourth, I have clearly written down my major life goals, and I will work tirelessly to develop enough self-confidence to achieve them.

Fifth, I fully understand that wealth and position are only durable if they are based on truth and justice.Therefore, I will never do things that harm the interests of others.I succeed by developing my strengths and working with others.Because I love to serve others, others will love to serve me.I will give up hatred, jealousy, selfishness and sarcasm, and I will give my love to others, because I know that if I treat others negatively, I will never succeed.I will trust others and trust myself in exchange for their trust in me.

I'm going to sign this self-confidence secret and take it to heart and recite it once a day.I firmly believe that it will gradually affect my thinking and behavior, making me a confident and successful person.

Underpinning this secret is a law of nature that man has yet to explain, which has captivated scientists of all ages.Psychologists call this law the "self-suggestion" law, and it is still in use today.It doesn't matter how the secret is named, what matters is that if it is applied constructively, it will bring glory and achievement to people.Conversely, if applied destructively, it can have devastating consequences at any time.There is a profound truth contained in this sentence-anyone who falls down in difficulties and setbacks, anyone who spends his life in poverty, misfortune and suffering, the reason why they cannot change the status quo is because they passively apply The principle of autosuggestion.The reason is that all human thought impulses will have practical manifestations.

In a chemical experiment all thought impulses are fused together, ready to be transformed into objective reality.The subconscious mind has no ability to distinguish constructive thought impulses from destructive thought impulses.It accomplishes its work by targeting the thinking consciousness instilled in us through human thought activities.The subconscious mind can turn thoughts driven by courage or confidence into reality just as easily as thoughts driven by fear.

Cases of "suggestive suicide" can be seen everywhere in the history books of medicine.A person may commit suicide by negative suggestion, as well as by other means.In a city in the Midwest of the United States, a bank official named Joseph Grant "borrowed" a large sum of money from the bank without the president's consent, and then squandered it in a casino.One afternoon, the bank's prosecutors came to check the accounts.Grant left the bank and took a room at a local hotel.When they finally found him three days later, he was lying in bed crying and muttering, "My God, this is going to kill me, I can't afford to lose this man!" Nature died.The doctor declared that this was a typical case of "spiritual suicide".

Electricity turns the wheels of industry, and when used constructively, it can do good; if it is misused, it can take human life.In the same way, if people understand and apply the principle of autosuggestion properly, they will lead you to a peaceful and prosperous life; if they are not used properly, they will bring you misfortune and lead you to death and failure.If you are filled with fear, doubt, and distrust when you use the power of Infinite Intelligence, the law of autosuggestion accepts this message of distrust as a mode of subconscious translation into reality.The deep meaning hidden in this sentence is as unquestionable as 2+2=4!
The wind can make one ship go east and another one go west, the law of autosuggestion can push you up or down, it all depends on how you manipulate yourself The "thought sail" of the.The law of autosuggestion can enable anyone to achieve great achievements beyond imagination. The following sentence fully embodies this principle:

If you think you will be defeated, you are already defeated. If you think you are afraid to do it, you will definitely not act. If you like winning but think you cannot win, then you almost certainly cannot win.

If you think you will lose, you have already lost it. Looking at the world, we found that success starts with a wish-everything is related to mentality.

If you think you are the best, and you are, and you have high ambitions, and you are confident, then victory is at hand.

In the arena of life, faster and stronger battles are not always called, but the final winner must be the one who believes that he can succeed!

Carefully observe the emphasized words in the poem, and you will be able to fully understand the deep intention of the author.

Somewhere in your body (perhaps in the cells of your brain) lies the seed of success that has been dormant for a long time.These seeds, once awakened and allowed to thrive, will surely take you to heights you never thought possible in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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