Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 9 Faith: Imagine Success and Believe That Dreams Come True

Chapter 9 Faith: Imagine Success and Believe That Dreams Come True (2)
Just as a music master can make beautiful music flow from the strings, you can also awaken the dormant talent in your brain, so as to realize your ideals and achieve long-awaited achievements.

Abraham Lincoln was a loser who achieved nothing until he was 40 years old.He has always been an unknown unknown, but a major life experience has become a turning point in his life, awakening the long-sleeping talent in his heart, and shaping a truly great man for the world.The experience was a mixture of love and grief, caused by the woman he had once really loved, Anne Rutledge.

As we all know, the feeling of "love" is very similar to the state of mind of "faith".Thus, love easily reduces one's thought impulses to their spiritual equivalents.During the research period, the author analyzed the lives and achievements of hundreds of outstanding people and found that almost every one of them had a woman's love behind them.

The emotion of love in the human heart and brain forms a powerful magnetic field, attracting together stronger and better shock waves floating in the atmosphere.If you want to testify to the power of faith, study the achievements of those who have exercised it.

At the top of the list are Christians.Christianity can most affect people's hearts, and its basic teaching is faith.No matter what bad things people have done, no matter whether people have misunderstood this great power, no matter how many dogmas are named in his name, it is impossible to interpret its true teaching.

The achievements and teachings of Christ are regarded as "magic power" by people, and all of its essential content is nothing more than faith.If there is a "miracle" at all, it is nothing more than a well-known belief produced by people!Among the many religious preachers, many claim to be Christians, but they have never understood or experienced the power of faith!
Let's take a look at the power of faith again, for which India's Mahatma Gandhi is famous.He set the most shining example for human civilization and proved the infinite potential of faith.Although Gandhi did not have the traditional tools of power in the usual sense, such as money, battleships, soldiers, and combat resources, he used his potential better than anyone else of his generation.Gandhi had no money, no home, not even decent clothes, but he had a force.What if you get this power?
He developed his own understanding of beliefs, and then through his own ability to convey beliefs to the hearts of two hundred million people.

Under the influence of faith, what the most powerful army on earth could never do even with soldiers and weapons, Gandhi managed to accomplish.He has influenced the minds of [-] million people, closely linked them together, and created a miracle of unity.

Apart from belief, what other force in the world can create such an achievement?Someday, both employers and employees will realize that confidence creates the possibility of success.That day is coming.During the course of the recent economic crisis, the world has witnessed the severe consequences of a decline in confidence.Indeed, civilization has produced countless intelligent people who know how to use the lessons of economic depression to teach the world.During recessions, there is abundant evidence that widespread fear can fatally paralyze business.In addition to this, there will be plenty of leaders in the business world who will use faith to generate profit and wealth as Mahatma Gandhi did, and they will apply the same strategy in business to create the following glorious history.These leaders may come from nobodies in all walks of life, from front-line workers in the steel, coal, and auto industries, or from a person in every city and country in the United States.

There is no doubt that business needs to be reformed!The economic cooperation based on the combination of strength and fear in the past needs to be replaced by a more suitable combination of confidence and cooperation principles.Labor workers will get paid more than they are now, and they will get dividends just like those investors.But first, they have to work harder for their employers, stop haggling with force, and stop sacrificing the public interest.They must fight for the right to the bonus!And, most importantly, they will be led by those who understand and know how to apply the principles of enrichment that were tested by Mahatma Gandhi.Only in this way can leaders receive from their followers the fully cooperative spiritual strength which appears to the leader in its highest and most enduring form.

Today, we live in a huge machine society, and this living environment is grabbing the soul of human beings.Its leaders treat their subjects like cold machines, forced to do the bidding of a bargaining employer, and employees take at all costs rather than give.Obtaining happiness and satisfaction is the future goal of human beings.When people acquire this state of mind, it will produce unprecedented results, far exceeding any previous achievements, enabling employers and employees to achieve unprecedented confidence and a high degree of unity of personal interest, so as to achieve greater development.Since running a business requires confidence and cooperation, we might as well analyze a case, which can help everyone understand more deeply the means and methods of entrepreneurs and business oligarchs to accumulate huge wealth, and understand how they use the truth of "what you give is what you get" of.

To understand this fact, one thing goes back to 1900 when the U.S. Steel Corporation was first established.Keep these basic facts in mind as you read this story, and you'll understand how ideas can turn into great fortunes.

First of all, the industrial giant U.S. Steel Corporation was originally born as an idea in the mind of Charles M. Schwab, and it was an idea entirely of his imagination!Second, he fully integrated his faith with his own mind.Third, he devises a plan for quickly turning ideas into reality.Fourth, he immediately proceeded to implement the plan, beginning with a speech at a college club.Fifth, he gradually put thought into action with persistent effort and unwavering determination.Sixth, he prepares himself for imminent success by means of his inner burning desire for success.

If you are curious about how to accumulate huge wealth, then the story of how the U.S. Steel Group turned out to be will give you profound inspiration.If you still doubt that human beings can get rich by thinking, then this story will definitely help you dispel doubts.Because in this story, you can clearly see that all the 13 principles described in the book were applied.

I repeat, with the approval of Mr. John Lowell of World Telecom, New York, who has vividly described the amazing power of thought.

$10 billion after-dinner speech
On the evening of December 1900, 12, about 12 members of the American financial elite gathered at the University Club restaurant on Fifth Avenue to welcome a young man from the far west.Little did anyone realize at the time that they were about to witness one of the most significant moments in American industrial history.

J. Edward Simmons and Charles Stuart Smith, who were warmly entertained by Charles Schwab during their visit to Pittsburgh, arranged a special dinner to introduce the Eastern Banking community. He was a 38-year-old, young and promising steel giant.But they didn't want to scare the young man away.In fact, they warned him that this group of snobby New Yorkers wasn't interested in speaking.And, if he doesn't want to piss off Steelman, Harriman, and Vanderbilt, he'd better keep his speech to 1520 minutes and just a few good words.

Even John Pierpont Morgan, who was seated to Schwab's right at the time as a show of respect, had originally intended to stop only briefly for fun.From the point of view of the public and the media, there was nothing special about the whole incident, so there were no special reports in the newspapers the next day.

The two hosts and distinguished guests used up seven or eight courses as usual.During the banquet, people seldom talked, and even if someone spoke softly, it was just a small talk.Only a handful of bankers and brokers had seen Schwab, and while his career had flourished along the Monogara River, few knew him.However, before the end of the dinner, when the guests, including the world's richest man Morgan, were about to leave, a newborn worth 10 billion US dollars-US Steel Group was about to emerge.

Perhaps a historical mistake, it is unfortunate that not a single word of Schwab's wonderful speech was left that night!However, at a subsequent similar meeting of Chicago bankers, Schwab repeated parts of his previous speech.Later, when the government sued over the steel trust, Schwab repeated something similar from the witness stand, and it was these words that prompted Morgan's eager financial moves.

Although his speech was full of wit and punchlines, it was just a "commonplace" and even somewhat ungrammatical (Schwab never bothered to organize language and was not good at rhetoric).However, his words had the power and effect of touching an electric current on those guests with a fortune of as much as 50 billion U.S. dollars.After Schwab spoke, everyone present was fascinated.Although he had spoken for a full 90 minutes, Mr. Morgan took it to the window again, and the two sat in an uncomfortable high chair with their legs dangling, and talked for nearly an hour.

Schwabsen showed his unique charm in life, but more important and far-reaching is his complete and clear plan for US Steel Group.There were many who wanted to entice Morgan to quickly incorporate a steel trust after mergers in biscuits, cables, sugar, rubber, whiskey, oil, or chewing gum.Speculator John W. Gates encouraged it, but Morgan didn't trust him.The Moore brothers, Bill and Jim, Chicago stockbrokers, had failed in the merger of a match trust and a biscuit company.The disingenuous country lawyer Albert Garry also wants to facilitate this, but he doesn't carry enough weight to attract attention.In the end, Schwab's eloquent speeches won over J. P. Morgan and showed him that even the most risky financial careers have solid foundations.The plan was seen as the wild dream of money dreamers.

(End of this chapter)

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