Dancing Youth: Evil and Rebellious Girl

Chapter 115 How can you not make good use of it?

Chapter 115 How can you not make good use of it?
Standing in front of the safe, Zuo Zhe pressed the six-digit combination lock with his black-gloved fingers.

This is also the credit of Yan Xiaozhu.

The results of a VAN killer's investigation operation for three nights are comparable to the results of their ten bodyguards in Baihutang for ten nights.

Tell me, how could Zuo Zhe not make good use of it?
He gently opened the cabinet door, and immediately saw a mountain of red RMB and a large bag of white powdery objects inside.

This is the drug that Zhongyitang will sell this month.

Other than that, there is nothing else in the safe.

After confirmation, Zuo Zhe closed the safe again.

He took out a miniature bomb from his backpack, adjusted the explosion time, and pasted it on the back of the safe.

After the two exited the study, they joined the four bodyguards, then rushed up to the fourth and fifth floors, installing two small bombs on each floor.

All of these things are done under the eyes of Zhongyitang.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Soon there were several explosions, and monk Peng Xiongjin and the bodyguards in the study rushed out one after another.

"Go and see what happened." Peng Xiong shouted angrily, pointing at the innermost room with a pale face.

"It's a small bomb. It blew up the entire safe, and the cash and drugs inside... were scattered all over the floor." The bodyguard stayed on the spot, and the study room was in a mess.

"Where's upstairs?" Shang Jin called other bodyguards to check: "Quickly, seal off the whole building to find suspicious persons."

There was thick gunpowder smoke in the air, and the lights in the building flickered because of the explosion.

"Don't look for it, we are here." Zuo Zhe and his party walked down the stairs from the third floor.

"You? Who are you? How dare you trespass into the Loyalty Hall?" Shang Jin's face turned black.

Zuo Zhe stared at the black box in his hand: "Give me what you have in your hand."

Peng Xiong suddenly realized: "Are you from Baihutang?"

"Stop talking nonsense." Zuo Zhe pressed one hand on the handrail of the stairs, jumped down the corridor on the second floor, and attacked the black box in Shang Jin's hand.

Shang Jin hurriedly took a few steps back, and waved to the security guards: "Come here, take them all down for me."

Immediately he was surrounded by bodyguards and security personnel from Zhongyi Hall, and in the next second Zuo Zhe's personal bodyguard joined them.

The personnel from the upstairs rushed down the Loyalty Hall one after another, Ye Ziye had no choice but to join in the melee.

Soon the reinforcements led by Qin Jun rushed in, subduing Peng Xiong and the others with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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